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Rayman: The Return of Rayacula Empty Rayman: The Return of Rayacula

Dom Giu 09, 2024 10:22 pm
Rayman: The Return of Rayacula

The game "Rayman: The Return of Rayacula" is a 3D platformer in which the characters have a blood bar as their life indicator, while the enemies are various types of vampires. The most common types of vampires can only attack by biting and turning their victims into vampires, while others can also attack from a distance, but do not hesitate to bite if they are close. If Rayman is bitten, he automatically loses the game within five seconds, becoming a vampire, regardless of his blood bar level. Ranged attacks, however, do not transform you into a vampire, and can be suffered until your blood bar runs out.

The game begins:
In an imposing castle live hundreds of thousands of descendants of Rayacula, the first vampire to arrive in the Glade, who brought the world under his dominion twice, being defeated by the heroes on both occasions, and his wife Wifacula. Here life flows peacefully: the adult vampires and the mother work to obtain the food necessary to satisfy the family's needs, while the younger vampires follow their studies by attending evening school due to their problems with the sun. After the defeat of Rayacula, the family vowed to give up blood-based nutrition and began to eat normal food, although occasionally some animals that pass near the castle are deprived of their blood before being eaten. However, the family's fate is about to change: Rayacula, having escaped from the Cave of Bad Dreams, returns home during the night. He is greeted by his wife, who expresses joy at his return and asks him how he managed to escape from the Cavern of Bad Dreams. Rayacula replies that they will talk about it later, expressing his desire to say goodbye to his entire family after so many years of imprisonment. Wifacula proposes to surprise everyone by not showing up before the speech and invites him to go to the corridor above the hall for the speech, and then sends a message to all her children to gather in the hall for a special event.
All of Rayacula's numerous descendants gather in the vast hall. Rayacula, transformed into a bat, flies over the assembly and, when he notices that no one is coming anymore, he lands on the central corridor above the hall, returning to his original form. This gesture provokes voices of admiration and amazement among all those present. Rayacula begins to speak, silencing the voices. He exclaims that for a long time he was imprisoned in the Cave of Bad Dreams, unable to restore to his family the role of leader of the world that they had conquered with great effort and which had been taken away from them. He goes on to say that the time has come for vampires to once again dominate the world, taking blood from any creature they desire without having to ask anyone's permission. The audience explodes with joy and begins to applaud. Rayacula says he is happy to be able to embrace his family again and promises to do everything he can to guide them towards the role from which they had been excluded. However, unlike the enthusiastic mass of vampires, the five youngest, with a human age of ten years but a vampire age of a full thousand years, are troubled by the speech. Gentlanine, a child with neatly combed black hair, says he doesn't understand his brothers and sisters' eagerness to risk being sent to the Cave of Bad Dreams. Wheet, a little girl with white bob hair with two side braids in the center of her straight hair and with a braid covering the entire forehead, made up of longer locks, unique among the younger vampires in having skin as white as milk, says that they could continue to live normally, pointing out that in the end nothing changes, both on the throne and as normal citizens, adding that, furthermore, they find blood disgusting. Peacanine, a boy with messy brown hair, suggests talking to Rayacula about it. Firstooth, the 19-year-old older brother, with perfectly combed blond hair and powerful muscles, hears his younger brothers passing by and asks if they are ready for the great battle to bring glory to the family, stating that, in his opinion, they are not they will succeed while instead he will be the best on the battlefield and then he will propose to Rayacula to be his right-hand man. Goodanine, a little girl with long brown hair, says they don't want to fight. Firstooth counters that even if they die, they are not exempt from fighting and that, being part of the family, they must participate even if it costs their lives. Gentlanine, showing acceptance of Peacanine's proposal, says that they will talk to Rayacula to propose that he continue to live normally. Firstooth, disgusted by his brother's statement, tells the brothers that they are cowards, that they have been spoiled too much and that if it were up to him, he would set them straight, pointing out that Rayacula would never accept such a foolish proposal.Gentlanine admits that she doesn't want to end up in the Cave of Bad Dreams but says that, if it were for better reasons, she would, underlining that even as normal citizens and without blood one can live happily. Firstooth reminds the brothers that when there were toys or gifts to be had, they were there, and now that the family needs them, they stand back. Goodanine, nervous, says that they did not force anyone to give them gifts and that their mother decided to accept their requests, pointing out that he too sometimes requested things from his parent. Firstooth admits that it is true that he too has asked their mother for items and made her spend money, but that now he is first in line to help the family. Wheet intervenes by saying that one can live peacefully among other creatures without the need for domination. Firstooth, shocked, says he understands and claims that they are traitors. Peacanine replies that they did not betray their family and that it is not treason to want to live in peace with the other creatures, perhaps spending time with their father now that he has returned. Firstooth admits that they are right but reiterates that only those who are afraid would make such reasoning to hide their cowardice. Goodanine suggests going to Rayacula and Firstooth says she will follow them to see when Rayacula gets mad at them. The young vampires, followed by Firstooth, transform into bats and head towards their parents' room, then returning to their original form and knocking until they get permission to enter.Goodanine suggests going to Rayacula and Firstooth says he will follow them to see when Rayacula gets mad at them. The young vampires, followed by Firstooth, transform into bats and head towards their parents' room, then returning to their original form and knocking until they get permission to enter.Goodanine suggests going to Rayacula and Firstooth says he will follow them to see when Rayacula gets mad at them. The young vampires, followed by Firstooth, transform into bats and head towards their parents' room, then returning to their original form and knocking until they get permission to enter.
The five vampires enter while Firstooth stands in front of the door.
Wifacula turns to his children, asking if they have come to say goodbye to their father. Addressing Rayacula, she points out that without him everything was bad, forcing her and her older children to work while the younger ones had to attend school. She expresses sadness for Weeth, Peacanine, Goodanine, Gentlanine, and Melodeeth, regretting that they had to spend their childhoods in a school and in the company of the creatures of the Glade. Rayacula, taking her wife's hands, reassures her that she will no longer have to struggle once they regain control of the Glade.
Firstooth expresses his joy at his father's return and pledges to be the best in the battle to conquer the Glade. Rayacula affirms his trust in the maximum commitment of all family members and, addressing his younger children, expresses regret for not having been able to witness their growth, promising to make up for the time lost after the conquest of the Clearing. Gentlanine tells Rayacula that he and his four brothers wanted to tell him something about conquering the Glade, prompting Firstooth to giggle. Rayacula invites Gentlanine to express herself freely. Gentlanine tells Rayacula that since he has just returned, he doesn't think he should start trying to invade the Glade again. He specifies that he risks ending up back in the Cave of Bad Dreams, preventing him from spending time with his family, who in turn could suffer worse retaliation in the event of a new defeat. He adds that many family members could end up in the Cave of Bad Dreams. Rayacula reassures him, stating that he will not be captured again and that those who end up in the Cave of Bad Dreams will do so for a greater cause: to return the family to its rightful place. He points out that by turning other creatures into vampires, there will be more allies and less risk to family members. Gentlanine reiterates that it is still a risk to end up in the Cave of Bad Dreams, but Rayacula replies that it is a necessary risk. Melodeeth, a little girl with fuchsia hair in a wavy bob, tells Rayacula that she has always wanted to spend time with him as father and daughter, asking if it is possible to live in harmony with other creatures, like a normal family. Wheet supports Melodeeth, stating that other creatures can be nice and do not necessarily have to be submissive. Rayacula, in a firm tone, declares that they will invade the Glade and orders his younger children not to make a fuss. Peacanine asks if they can be excused from the battle, saying they don't want to harm any other creatures. Firstooth bursts out laughing, but composes himself after apologizing. Rayacula states that every member of the family will participate in the invasion and that he will watch over the five of them to make sure they do their duty perfectly. He emphasizes that it is better to fulfill this task to avoid consequences, finally highlighting that one should not have compassion for the enemies of the family, since the family comes first and above all before strangers. The five vampires lower their heads, accepting their fate. Firstooth tells Rayacula that he knew his brothers' intentions and tried to change his mind to avoid punishment. Rayacula replies that as long as the little ones do what they have to, there will be no need for punishment.Firstooth points out that what his brothers said is serious and that punishment would be necessary for even thinking of opposing a vital decision for the family. Rayacula reassures that the little ones have understood and will do what is right for the family. Rayacula hugs the five youngest children and, together with Firstooth, orders them to leave the room, wanting to talk to their mother. Melodeeth greets her parents in a low voice, followed by the other siblings in the same tone, while Firstooth greets them cheerfully. Rayacula, accompanying his children out of the room, reassures them that they don't have to worry about having had a wrong thought; the important thing is to talk about it and understand what is right. He kisses his children and encourages them to smile for what the future holds for the family. Firstooth comes out of his parents' room and confides to Rayacula his eagerness to taste the blood of dreams, underlining how much time has passed since he last tasted it. Rayacula agreed, saying the next day would be a big binge. Then he goes back into his room with his wife and before closing the door he says that he would be happy to resolve any further doubts that may arise.
The next evening, all of Rayacula's children gather in front of the castle, with Rayacula and Wifacula at their head. Goodanine confides to his four brothers the same age that he doesn't like the idea of ​​harming dreams. Melodeeth replies that they have no other choice, and that this is the least worst, since they don't know what their father could do to them if they rebelled. Rayacula proclaims that the time has come to remind the world who owns him, receiving applause, and then orders his children to go and vampirize every dream they encounter. The vampires transform into bats, but Peacanine, after flying for a while with her companions until they reach an area full of dreams, runs towards a tree followed by her brothers of the same age. Melodeeth asks Peacanine where she is going, and Peacanine replies that, being in bat form, her father will not know that he has wandered off. Goodanine approves the idea, and as they land on the tree, Melodeeth states that, fortunately, Peacanine had this intuition, otherwise they would have had to participate in the cruelties. As they watch from the top of the tree as vampires turn dreams into vampires, they hear a noise. A bat in a nearby tree watches them and, as soon as they turn towards him, with a stern look, beckons them to join the battle. The vampires understand that the bat is Rayacula and, with tears in their eyes, fly away from the tree to attack the dreams, returning to their vampire form and sucking their blood to transform them into vampires. Wheet, while sucking the blood of a dream, reflects on the fact that now, having bitten someone, she and her brothers can no longer go back, since they will now be seen as enemies by the dreams. The vampires bite several creatures, vampirizing them, until heroes arrive to confront them. Many vampires are killed with stakes, including Goodanine, Melodeeth, Peacanine, and Gentlanine. Meanwhile, Rayman is sleeping in a meadow when Ly arrives and wakes him up, informing him that vampires are wreaking havoc on the Glade. He gives him the silver lum, explaining that it is one of the few things that can kill a vampire. Ly warns Rayman to be careful of vampires and avoid being bitten, lest he become one, as has happened to many others.

After this scene, he starts playing.

After the first level, in an animation, Rayacula, talking to his wife, discovers that Rayman is hindering his plans. Opening a package containing a syringe filled with liquid APTX4869, Rayacula states that this substance will weaken Rayman, destroying him in what he holds dear. Rayacula has heard that Rayman, before the invasion, had decided to marry Betilla after many years of waiting, and concludes by saying that he will make the marriage impossible, depriving Rayman of the morale needed to save the world.

After the second level, in an animation while Rayman continues to look for vampires to defeat, a hidden vampire from afar throws the syringe with APTX4869 at him, hitting him with impeccable aim. Rayman is knocked unconscious and, while he is unconscious, the vampire attempts to attack him. Globox intervenes, throwing a log at the vampire and carrying Rayman away. When Rayman awakens, Globox tells him that he has finally recovered. Rayman asks what happened, explaining that he suddenly felt sick and blacked out. Globox hands him a mirror, suggesting that he may have spilled some water from the Fountain of Youth. Rayman looks at himself in the mirror and, worried about his marriage, reflects on the fact that, now being a child, he will no longer be able to marry Betilla or be engaged to her, fearing that Betilla might find a new partner as soon as he discovers the situation. Globox tries to reassure him, telling him that Betilla loves him and he will surely wait for him to grow up again without replacing him. Rayman, in a panic, states that it will take many years and that he doesn't know if Betilla can wait that long, so he throws himself to the ground dejectedly. Globox tries to comfort him, saying that everything will work out. Rayman asks how, and Globox replies that by trying they will find a way to fix it. Rayman declares that, for now, he must save the Glade and asks Globox not to reveal anything to Betilla about her condition, stating that he will try for the next eighteen years to prevent Betilla from finding out that he has become a child.

In one of the first levels of the game, the player arrives at a vampire camp where he finds three circles with splinters of wood embedded in them. At this point an animation starts: Globox tries to open a can and, when he succeeds, an orange light comes out. Globox asks Rayman if it isn't a Hoodlum contraption, and Rayman confirms, walking through the orange light and transforming into Rocket Rayman. Rayman will only be able to return to his normal form after launching the rocket and after it has exploded.
Rayman with the rocket ability must go around each circle three times, avoiding the wooden splinters. Once the task is completed, Rayman will return without the Rocket Rayman skin and the circles will light up, opening a natural passage.

In a certain level following the previous animation, an unlock animation starts:
Rayman finds a blue can and transforms into Rayman Trisma. Murfy arrives and explains that he can now use the hook to grab objects placed high or far away and to attack. Murfy warns Rayman that the transformation will only last for a limited amount of time.

An animation starts at a given level subsequent to the level of the previous animation:
Rayman receives a call from Betilla and sadly says that Betilla has called him many times, but he can't answer otherwise it would be discovered that he has become a child. Globox suggests that he tell Betilla everything, trusting that if she really loves him, she will understand the situation.

In one of the levels of the game in an animation during a vampire night party, Rayacula, with Wheet close to her, meets her brother Globacula. Globacula, a dark red globox vampire with a cape similar to Rayacula's, with a glass of blood in his hand, congratulates Rayacula on his third escape from the Cave of Bad Dreams and invasion of the Glade, proposing a cheers to the vampires. After toasting with his brother, Rayacula declares that this time the vampires' dominion will be eternal. Globacula assures his support, as always. Suddenly Rayman arrives, marking the beginning of the level where he must face various vampires and Globacula as a boss.
At the end of the level, in an animation, the surviving vampires and Rayacula transform into bats and fly towards an abandoned house, except for one who runs away.

Subsequently, in a level set in the abandoned house where the vampires had taken refuge after the party inaugurated by Rayacula, in an animation Rayman enters a room full of cobwebs. Wheet, hidden on a beam, watches him with anxiety of being discovered, but at the same time she is enchanted by Rayman's beauty. Rayman, observing the room, notices Wheet who, frightened, transforms into a bat and hides in a box. Rayman asks her who she is, specifying that he means her no harm. Approaching the box, he finds Wheet who comes out and resumes her original form. She asks if the will not to hurt her still holds, even though she is a vampire. Rayman says yes, adding that what matters to him is that she doesn't want to hurt others either. Wheet assures her that she means no harm to anyone and that she would, if she could, stay away from both vampires and dreams. Rayman asks her why she wants to isolate herself. Wheet replies that she doesn't want to isolate herself, but she would rather stay out of conflicts than take sides. Rayman asks her name, and she tells him, then asks him her name. Rayman answers and Wheet comes closer to her, caressing his face and saying that he is very cute. Rayman thanks her, walking away from her. Wheet approaches again, placing his hands on her shoulders and stating that she has never met a creature that made her heart skip a beat. Rayman tells her he's not her type, and as Wheet tries to bite him in the temporal lobe of her head, he walks away without noticing, only to end up being hugged by Wheet. Wheet confides in Rayman that he thinks they could be a perfect match, as she expands her embrace to lightly caress the lower part of her floating head. Rayman replies that it's not possible, and when Wheet tries to bite him, Rayman pulls away from the embrace, unknowingly escaping the bite and walking away. Wheet approaches him again, lightly touches his collarbone and states that nothing is stopping him, attempting to bite him again. Rayman pulls back again, avoiding the bite, and says that he is an adult while she is a child. Wheet returns to him, gently touching the base of his neck, and claims that it's not true, that he's a child too. Rayman moves again to avoid another bite attempt and explains that he, in fact, is not the age he shows but is an adult. Wheet, hugging Rayman again, whispers in his ear that she isn't as old as she seems either, but she is a thousand years old, and that one non-vampire year is equivalent to one hundred vampire years, pointing out that, in non-vampire terms, she would be more older than him. She then carefully observes Rayman's temporal lobe and tries to bite him, this time attracted by the temptation to taste his blood. Rayman continues to push her away, telling her that, in vampire years, she is still a child, while he, in non-vampire years, is an adult,therefore their union is impossible. Wheet approaches him again, lightly touching the skin of his face, declaring that she doesn't care, that she loves him and that right now he is physically a child like her, regardless of her age, once again attempting to bite him to vampirize him. Rayman moves away again, avoiding a new bite attempt from Wheet, and tells her that he is right about her, but that since he is actually an adult, he will use the first opportunity to become one again. Wheet, hugging him and taking his hands, replies that she is fine with staying with him until she becomes an adult again, specifying that in her opinion it is impossible for her to become one again without waiting the necessary years. She tries to bite him again, but Rayman distances himself further, stating that he is already engaged and does not want to leave his girlfriend for anything in the world. Wheet, coming up behind Rayman, rests her head on him and whispers that if he was an adult, then her girlfriend will be an adult, and therefore she is too old for him. She then raises her head and tries to bite him again. Rayman, troubled by Wheet's statement which reminded him of her fears, escapes from Wheet saving himself from her bite and, looking into her eyes, kindly tells her that, even if he will have to wait to grow back, her heart will remain tied to her girlfriend. Wheet approaches her, staring into her eyes, and tells him that the same doesn't necessarily apply to her girlfriend. She then kisses him on the cheek and tries to bite him as he walks away again, saying that for now Betilla hasn't said anything about it. Wheet approaches Rayman again and whispers in his ear that if his fiancée leaves him, she remains available, attempting another bite. At that moment Globox arrives and, opening the door, notices Wheet about to bite Rayman and warns his friend. Rayman turns towards Wheet and, seeing his fangs ready to bite him, is frightened. Meanwhile, Globox opens the window curtains, letting in sunlight that hits Wheet. The latter, painful from the sun's rays, immediately transforms into a white bat and throws herself towards a window to escape from the heroes. Rayman and Globox, looking out the broken window, notice Wheet in white bat form getting up from the fall and flying away. Globox points out to Rayman how critical the situation had been. Rayman, still surprised that the vampire had tricked him into biting him by surprise, thanks his friend for his help.he will take advantage of the first opportunity to become one again. Wheet, hugging him and taking his hands, replies that she is fine with staying with him until she becomes an adult again, specifying that in her opinion it is impossible for her to become one again without waiting the necessary years. She tries to bite him again, but Rayman distances himself further, stating that he is already engaged and does not want to leave his girlfriend for anything in the world. Wheet, coming up behind Rayman, rests her head on him and whispers that if he was an adult, then her girlfriend will be an adult, and therefore she is too old for him. He then raises his head and tries to bite him again. Rayman, troubled by Wheet's sentence which reminded him of her fears, escapes from Wheet saving himself from the bite and, looking into her eyes, kindly tells her that, even if he will have to wait to grow back, her heart will remain tied to his her girlfriend. Wheet approaches her, staring into her eyes, and tells him that the same doesn't necessarily apply to her girlfriend. Then she kisses him on the cheek and tries to bite him as he walks away again, saying that Betilla hasn't said anything about it yet. Wheet approaches Rayman again and whispers in his ear that if his fiancée leaves him, she remains available, attempting another bite. At that moment Globox arrives and, opening the door, notices Wheet about to bite Rayman and warns his friend. Rayman turns towards Wheet and, seeing his fangs ready to bite him, is frightened. Meanwhile, Globox opens the window curtains, letting in sunlight that hits Wheet. The latter, painful from the sun's rays, immediately transforms into a white bat and throws herself towards a window to escape from the heroes. Rayman and Globox, looking out the broken window, notice Wheet in white bat form getting up from the fall and flying away. Globox points out to Rayman how critical the situation had been. Rayman, still surprised that the vampire had tricked him into biting him by surprise, thanks his friend for his help.he will take advantage of the first opportunity to become one again. Wheet, hugging him and taking his hands, replies that she is fine with staying with him until she becomes an adult again, specifying that in her opinion it is impossible for her to become one again without waiting the necessary years. She tries to bite him again, but Rayman distances himself further, stating that he is already engaged and does not want to leave his girlfriend for anything in the world. Wheet, coming up behind Rayman, rests her head on him and whispers that if he was an adult, then her girlfriend will be an adult, and therefore she is too old for him. He then raises his head and tries to bite him again. Rayman, troubled by Wheet's sentence which reminded him of her fears, escapes from Wheet saving himself from the bite and, looking into her eyes, kindly tells her that, even if he will have to wait to grow back, her heart will remain tied to his her girlfriend. Wheet approaches her, staring into her eyes, and tells him that the same doesn't necessarily apply to her girlfriend. Then she kisses him on the cheek and tries to bite him as he walks away again, saying that Betilla hasn't said anything about it yet. Wheet approaches Rayman again and whispers in his ear that if his fiancée leaves him, she remains available, attempting another bite. At that moment Globox arrives and, opening the door, notices Wheet about to bite Rayman and warns his friend. Rayman turns towards Wheet and, seeing his fangs ready to bite him, becomes frightened. Meanwhile, Globox opens the window curtains, letting in sunlight that hits Wheet. The latter, painful from the sun's rays, immediately transforms into a white bat and throws herself towards a window to escape from the heroes. Rayman and Globox, looking out the broken window, notice Wheet in white bat form getting up from the fall and flying away. Globox points out to Rayman how critical the situation had been. Rayman, still surprised that the vampire had tricked him into biting him by surprise, thanks his friend for his help.his heart will remain tied to his girlfriend. Wheet approaches, staring into his eyes, and tells him that the same doesn't necessarily apply to his girlfriend. Then she kisses him on the cheek and tries to bite him as he walks away again, saying that Betilla hasn't said anything about it yet. Wheet approaches Rayman again and whispers in his ear that if his fiancée leaves him, she remains available, attempting another bite. At that moment Globox arrives and, opening the door, notices Wheet about to bite Rayman and warns his friend. Rayman turns towards Wheet and, seeing his fangs ready to bite him, becomes frightened. Meanwhile, Globox opens the window curtains, letting in sunlight that hits Wheet. The latter, painful from the sun's rays, immediately transforms into a white bat and throws herself towards a window to escape from the heroes. Rayman and Globox, looking out the broken window, notice Wheet in white bat form getting up from the fall and flying away. Globox points out to Rayman how critical the situation had been. Rayman, still surprised that the vampire had tricked him into biting him by surprise, thanks his friend for his help.his heart will remain tied to his girlfriend. Wheet approaches, staring into his eyes, and tells him that the same doesn't necessarily apply to his girlfriend. Then she kisses him on the cheek and tries to bite him as he walks away again, saying that Betilla hasn't said anything about it yet. Wheet approaches Rayman again and whispers in his ear that if his fiancée leaves him, she remains available, attempting another bite. At that moment Globox arrives and, opening the door, notices Wheet about to bite Rayman and warns his friend. Rayman turns towards Wheet and, seeing his fangs ready to bite him, becomes frightened. Meanwhile, Globox opens the window curtains, letting in sunlight that hits Wheet. The latter, painful from the sun's rays, immediately transforms into a white bat and throws herself towards a window to escape from the heroes. Rayman and Globox, looking out the broken window, notice Wheet in white bat form getting up from the fall and flying away. Globox points out to Rayman how critical the situation had been. Rayman, still surprised that the vampire had tricked him into biting him by surprise, thanks his friend for his help.

In a certain level following that of the abandoned house, Rayman meets some Teen scientists in a small laboratory intent on examining some vampirized dreams. The scientists greet Rayman, and one of them notices something strange, saying he seems shorter. Rayman replies that it's a long story. The scientist understands that Rayman had become a child, recognizing his more childish voice and is touched by his sweetness. Then, the scientist says that Rayacula had created a trophy building where he had locked up all the heroes of the Glade, and that, if they had been freed, they could have taken care of the vampires scattered in the Glade, while Rayman could have headed towards Rayacula. Furthermore, he adds that he is looking for a cure to devampirize vampirized dreams, hypothesizing that they would find it within 100-200 years. Rayman thanks the scientists and asks for directions to the trophy building. The scientist replies that he does not know where it is, but that he has heard that the youngest descendant of Rayacula, who is in his father's castle, heard from him the place where it was built.

In a certain level following the previous animation, an unlock animation starts which unlocks and introduces a large light gun. A young scientist takes the rifle and shows it to Rayman, explaining that he is capable of reproducing sunlight over a large area, destroying numerous vampires in a single shot. However, the rifle can only be used once per charge, and this recharge occurs through exposure to sunlight.

In a certain level subsequent to the level of the previous animation, after the player defeats some vampires who were bothering a teen, an animation starts:
Teen inventor thanks Rayman, promising to reward him adequately. Rayman replies that it is not necessary, since he did not act expecting gifts. Teen inventor gives him a pair of earphones with microphone, explaining that they allow him to speak with the voices of the Glade's greatest heroes, thinking it might be fun for a child.

In the Rayacula Castle level, Rayman finds Wheet's journal. When he opens it, an animation plays that tells how Wheet and his brothers, peers, attended a night school for adult dreams. At the beginning, they were indisposed towards dreams, due to the hatred instilled by their mother, but over time they realized that they were respected and treated with particular respect by the dreams themselves, precisely because they were the youngest. This led the vampires to make friends with dreams and abandon hatred. They began to be happy to live in harmony with dreams and to want to meet dreams of their own age to better understand the differences between their childhoods.
In the same level, there is also Rayacula's book which, if opened, activates an animation:
Rayacula was born from a nightmare of the Bubble Dreamer and began to have fun with various girls, deceiving them that they were unique to him and biting them with their consent after a night of passion. Over time, she formed a vast army of vampires in love with him, ready to do anything for him. He thus began the invasion of the Glade, vampirizing various dreams and bringing them under his control, exploiting the numerical superiority of the infatuated vampires and promising blood in abundance to anyone who followed him. During his vampirization, he met a woman unique to him, who became his true wife, today known as Wifacula. With her he lived unforgettable moments and had many children. After gathering a large number of vampires, he ordered his engineers to create and use machines to extract blood from dreams, in order to have reserves of blood that could be refined. Furthermore, he commanded all vampires to bite dreams on parts other than the neck and head, to avoid turning them into vampires. However, his rule lasted only two centuries, and soon the heroes managed to kill him and the various vampires. Rayacula's wife and their countless children took refuge in the vampire lord's castle. When the heroes arrived, Wifacula declared that she had never agreed with her husband's choices and that she had tried in every way to make him understand that they were not right.
In the second chapter, Rayacula escapes from the Cave of Bad Dreams observed by Jano and, once he returns home, spends a century working under a false identity. He secretly vampirizes dreams, locking them up and feeding them with blood extracted from other dreams via a machine, allocating part of it to himself and his family. He enjoys his children to get their support in future choices and continues to have new children with his wife, five of whom were born on the hundredth year of his return. In that year, believing she had gained the necessary respect among his children, Rayacula began a new invasion, taking advantage of his vampirized dreams and large family. The vampires managed to enter the Glade, but within less than a year they were defeated, leaving Rayacula's family reduced to a few hundred thousand members. The heroes arrived at Wifacula, this time aware of his and his sons' full involvement in the invasion. Wifacula begged for mercy, explaining that his children were minors and needed a mother to look after them and guide them in their growth, finally promising to give up any form of blood-based nutrition, opting for a normal diet.
In the same level, upon entering Wheet's room, an animation starts: Rayman saw a white bat flying agitatedly into the room, which was Wheet. Wheet fled the room and Rayman followed her, asking her to wait. Wheet transformed into a vampire and explained that what had happened in the abandoned house was not as it seemed and that she had no intention of harming him. Rayman replied that he knew about it, explaining that he found her diary in the castle and knew that she wasn't evil. He went on to ask Wheet to fulfill her wish for neutrality while remaining under the protection of her dreams, and concluded by saying that, even though he knew she knew the location of her father's trophy building, he would not force her. to reveal it. Wheet burst into tears, confessing that she had lied in the abandoned house, failing to mention that, despite her desire for neutrality, she had actively participated in her father's plan, vampirizing various dreams. Rayman told her that the past could not be changed, but that better choices could be made for the future. Wheet asked Rayman if they really wouldn't force her to betray her family and would allow her to be neutral. Rayman gave her word to her, asking if she trusted him. Wheet hugged Rayman and thanked him.

In a certain level between the levels following that of Rayacula Castle, an animation is activated that unlocks the use of the wooden stake. Murfy steps in to help as Rayman observes new types of vampires, covered in heavy sweaters and scarves over wooden armor and wearing sunglasses. Murfy explains that neither silver lums nor sunguns work for these vampires; therefore, it will be necessary to use a wooden stake and hit them repeatedly until they are defeated.

In a later level, after the stake is unlocked, there is an evening animation where Wheet and Rayman roast marshmallows. Talking to Rayman, Wheet asks if he remembers when they were in the abandoned house. Rayman urges her not to think about it, but Wheet insists and explains that vampires bite for three reasons: hunger, dominance or love. She goes on to say that some vampires are addicted to blood because, during the bite, all the blood was sucked out of them; after becoming vampires, without blood in their veins, they develop an addiction. Those who are not addicted are given a short bite, which is usually used for creatures that vampires are in love with. Finally, Wheet explains that a creature can only be vampirized if bitten on the neck or skull; in other parts of the body, she is not vampirized and, if too much blood is drawn, she can die and end up in the land of the bruised dead.

In the animation of the fourth to last level, Wheet, accompanied by Rayman, is hit by a pebble. Turning, she notices her father and tells Rayman that she needs to step away for a moment. She goes to Rayacula, who praises her for gaining Rayman's trust. Confused, she Wheet thanks him, and Rayacula tells her to tell Rayman how to get to the Trophy Building, so that she can fall into her trap. Wheet agrees and says goodbye to her father, returning to Rayman.

In the animation of the third to last level:
At the end of the level Wheet tells Rayman that since she wanted to know the location of the Trophy Building, she will tell him. After telling her, she adds that her father gave her permission to do so, and points out that there could be a trap. Rayman thanks Wheet and tells her that since the vampires want him to enter the Trophy Building, she won't do it through the front door, but somewhere else. Wheet suggests the air ducts, and Rayman decides to enter from there.

As soon as Rayman arrives in the room of the building where all the heroes are locked up, the animation of the penultimate level starts:
Ales Mansay, making strange gestures near a cloak that hides something, recites: "Porta inanimatum, finge esse aliquem non es et facis quod facit. Rayacula eris." The cloak is removed, revealing Rayacula, who exclaims in surprise, then she informs Wheet that she doesn't understand whose side he's on. She summons a small spy robot bat that she attached to her with a remote control. Wheet complains about her, saying that he didn't expect her father to not trust her. Rayacula explains to her that her spy bat was to see if Rayman revealed anything important and that, although she did what he told her, she revealed that it was all orchestrated, making her not completely trustworthy. Wheet replies that she doesn't want to be on anyone's side. Rayacula tells her that by bringing Rayman there she did what the vampires needed, and now Rayman will be defeated. She then orders the vampires to deal with Rayman.
After Rayman defeats the vampires he will face Ales Mansay.
Once Ales is defeated, an animation starts:
Rayman turns to Rayacula, asking if that was the big trap and stating that now only he is missing. Rayacula, declaring his surrender, reveals to Rayman the location of the button to open the cage and asks him to tie him up. Rayman presses the button and approaches Rayacula, but the latter turns out to be a portal that teleports him to a prison fortress.

After Rayman arrives in the last level on the prison roof an animation plays:
Rayacula tells Rayman that he has been eager to challenge him and that now the time has come for battle between the Glade's greatest hero and the Glade's greatest nightmare, the one who has conquered the Glade three times and ruled the longest , promising an epic battle. Rayman points out that Rayacula imprisoned him by deception, finding the desire to challenge him strange. Rayacula admits that this is true, but explains that he knew that if Rayman could overcome all the obstacles placed in his path, then he would be worthy of his fame and thus the ultimate challenge.

At the end of the game, an animation shows that the world is safe. As Rayman passes through the dreams with Wheet, the dreams demand that Wheet be sent to the Cave of Bad Dreams. Rayman addresses the masses, explaining that Wheet has changed and that she helped save the Glade, but the dreams insist on justice for the vampirized dreams, calling for the imprisonment of Count Rayacula's last descendant. The Bubble Dreamer, in an ironic tone, states that the tickets for the Cave of Bad Dreams are sold out and that if Wheet wants to go there, she will have to wait for the next train.

After the final animation, Rayman is with Wheet when he receives a call from Betilla, who tells him that she heard about his victory over the vampires and his return home. Rayman, using the voice-modifying earphones he received from the Teen Inventor to simulate his adult voice, answers in the affirmative. Betilla expresses the concern she felt for Rayman during the vampire invasion, saying that this apprehension grew as the days passed, each time she tried to contact him without success. Rayman apologizes for making her worry, explaining that he was busy fighting vampires and that's why he couldn't respond. Betilla asks where she is, wanting to spend time with him. Rayman, visibly agitated, replies that he can't at the moment, then adding, more calmly, that after saving the Glade he is tired and wants to rest, as well as having to take a little girl home. Betilla understands and greets Rayman, proposing to see each other the following day. Rayman agrees and says goodbye to Betilla, cutting off the call soon after. Wheet asks Rayman if Betilla knows that she is now a child. Rayman admits he's afraid to tell her. Wheet tells him that he won't be able to hide it for long and suggests that he address the situation now, even if it will hurt him. Then, hugging him and stroking his head, he tells him that, if Betilla no longer wanted to be with him, she could be his girlfriend. Adding that, if he wishes, he could bite him to make him remain a child as long as the vampire age allows, and to guarantee him the eternal youth brought by vampirism, which he knows no seniority beyond adulthood. Rayman replies that in the next few days he will talk to Betilla about the situation and that, even if Betilla tells him that she doesn't want to wait for him to return to his real age to have a boyfriend, he will not get engaged to a little girl and will continue to look for a way to return at his age to win back Betilla, if she was still free. He then specifies that, if Betilla is no longer free, he will accept the situation despite the pain and will never get engaged again. Wheet admits that he can't convince him and then says that he has no family now that her loved ones are in the Cave of Bad Dreams, finally asking if she can stay with him for a few days. Rayman, thinking back to their first meeting and the discomfort he felt, replies that he cannot host her, but he advises her to try to get adopted. Wheet explains that because she is a vampire, everyone in her Glade hates her, adding in a hushed tone that this is also because of what he did with her. Moved with pity for the young vampire, Rayman agrees to host her for a few days, as long as she respects her personal space and looks for a new family, pledging to leave when he finds her. Wheet accepts and hugs Rayman, thanking him for his hospitality. During the hug,Rayman reminds her to respect intimate spaces.
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