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Data di iscrizione : 29.09.21

Rayman: Barbara's Adventure Empty Rayman: Barbara's Adventure

Lun Mag 27, 2024 3:37 am
The game Rayman: Barbara's Adventure is like Rayman 2 and 3 with a visitable environment, with enemies to defeat and with cages with Vikings to find, one of which belongs to a Viking princess or the king or the queen or Assassin Ray or of Sir Rayelot or of Sir Glabrax. The game is in a time when Barbara and her sisters are 8 years old and they are the protagonists of the story and the game. The game has 20 levels (of which the last 9 only have cages with Vikings) and the player has 3 lives. There are no lums for lives and the usable and unlockable characters are: Barbara, Elysia, Sir Rayelot and Sir Glabrax, Olympia, Sibylla, Holly, Swifterella, Hellen, Candice, Assassin Ray, Avelina and Estelia. The enemies are the hunters, the spirits of fire (they launch themselves, sometimes being able to burn vines or cause heat in switches and only Holly's freezing ax can defeat them); the Platforms (moving platforms with an eye that can be hit until it is destroyed, making the platforms inanimate and still); large spiders (large spiders that if destroyed leave one or more platforms); platform eaters (monsters that eat platforms or platformed monsters); the cut platforms (these platforms have cuts that if hit with a downward blow divide the platform which can be divided several times based on the number of lines). The bosses are Mr. Dark, Rayman Clone, Raydoom, The Fire Witch and Hellen. Some extras are Musa Dei Poeti, Sognabolle, barbarian rulers, Mr. dark, rayman and globox clone, first king, great minimum and sons of the great minimum, André.
The princesses in the cages are all those from Rayman from legends, mini to adventures except Barbara.
The levels of this game are based on 5 kingdoms of which the last one is the Viking one invaded by the flames and destruction brought by Hellen while the penultimate kingdom is the Kingdom of Sweets in which there will be Mr.Dark as a boss and in one level he will appear Globox Clone with a similar function to that of Raymesis in Rayman Legend. The last kingdom, the Viking one, has 6 levels set: the first in Olympus; the second in the Kingdom of Spies; the third in fiesta de los muertos (in which there are barbed snakes that come out of the ground and some of them follow the character but if he is near a cake wall and jumps when the distance is short the barbed snake will eat the wall and will no longer follow the character); the fourth in the Plant Kingdom; the fifth in the Viking village and the sixth inside the castle for the battle against Hellen. The third to last kingdom is that of poetry whose boss is Rayman Clone and named after a poetry recital that takes place in the place periodically.
Although they will not be enemies or characters, Musa Dei Poeti will appear in the story (like a nymph with long blonde hair and as bright as the light of the lums), Bubble Dreamers, barbarian rulers, Mr. Dark, Rayman and Globox clone, brotherhood of assassins, First King , Grande Minimo and sons, André and Raydoom.
In some levels there will be water and within a certain time you will have to touch a blue lum to avoid drowning; in others there are tubes that throw color which if attached from above throw another color and if attached from where the color comes out they dirty the ax with the colour, switches which must be dirty with one or more colors to activate something and switches which if attacked with a dirty ax of a certain color or with dirty axes of certain colors activate something; in still others the platforms will have to be defeated at a certain point to allow passage; in other levels there is a colored trail that if hit with a colored ax of the same color becomes a platform from which color falls and begins to disappear and switches that are activated with one or more colors falling from certain platforms generated by the trails ; in other levels you have to use Holly and hit a switch several times with the ax that throws cold wind (Holly's ax ability unlockable) or use the ax with this ability to put out flames; in other levels there may be barbed snakes of which some follow the character and stop following him if he leaves their vision, jumping as soon as they are a short distance away, they can be used to open paths in cake walls; in others there are air generators that are charged when the princesses turn their ax upwards and which activate the power generator while receiving air but you have to stop charging it with air after it reaches a certain quantity so that have enough to leave the air generator on until he arrives.

The Bubble Dreamer, with a bag of lum in his hand, went to the two Viking rulers who had asked him to have a new child. He opened the bag and, with his powers, transferred the lums into the Viking queen's belly, and she became pregnant with him.

When the time came for the birth, the teen doctors took the queen to the hospital. After a demanding labor, a baby girl with gray skin, fiery eyes and a single orange hair was born from the queen's womb. Despite their fear, the teen doctors cut the umbilical cord and, congratulating them, handed the newborn over to the queen.

The queen, despite the little girl's unusual appearance, held her in her arms with love, commenting that she was a special child but that this did not make her inferior to the others. The Viking king was also happy with her new daughter and, smiling at her, kissed her head. He asked the queen what they would name her newborn baby and the queen replied that her name would be Hellen.

The teen doctors, feeling guilty for their initial fear, refused to accept money for the service and presented garlands of flowers to the queen and princess. The newborn was brought to the castle, but she aroused terror at the sight of the maids, who refused to be near her. The queen, seeing people's reactions to her creation, decided not to show Hellen publicly until she became a child, certain that that day her daughter would be able to demonstrate that she was normal like the others and had nothing unusual. frightening.

The little girl grew up together with her sisters, establishing a good relationship with them, but she lived isolated by her parents' wishes. They repeatedly explained to her that because of her differences, her people would not understand her. Furthermore, on the rare occasions when Hellen met her maids, she observed their fearful reactions, reinforcing what her parents said.

At six years old, the girl was sent to school with her sisters, but her parents ordered that she be kept away from the parents of other children to avoid discomfort. At school, Hellen was unable to make friends due to her shyness, due to the fear of provoking terrified reactions in her classmates who, seeing her isolate herself, thought that she did not like her company. Her sisters, on the other hand, made many friends, but this did not compromise their relationship with Hellen. She didn't feel envious of them, on the contrary, she was happy that they had what she couldn't have.

One day, at the castle, there was a party. Hellen's parents had warned her to stay away from the salon. However, when the party began, Hellen, hearing the music and people's voices, wished to participate, thinking that perhaps only some people were afraid of her appearance. After all, her family wasn't afraid of her, so there could be other people who weren't.

Nobles and common citizens were present at the party to celebrate the queen's birthday, bringing gifts for the royals and food to add to what was already present.

During the party, everyone had fun with music, dancing and banquets. But when Hellen arrived, the atmosphere changed abruptly. Screams of terror and phrases of hatred towards the little girl pervaded the room. The crowd, unable to overcome their prejudices, showed fear and rejection.

Hellen, deeply hurt, burst into tears. Her parents, seeing their daughter's suffering, quickly took her to her room. The queen, heartbroken, said softly to her, "My love, I warned you that, for now, it was best to avoid showing yourself in public, except in obligatory places like school. People are still afraid of what they don't know." , but one day they will understand your good heart."

The king, embracing Hellen, added: "You are a child with a heart of gold and you deserve to be loved for who you are. Don't let their fears define you. We love you and will always be by your side."

At seven years old, Hellen and her sisters were joined by two knights, Sir Rayelot and Sir Globrax, who proved to be very friendly and nice. Their presence brought some joy and security to the young princesses. Sir Rayelot, with his shining armor and noble demeanor, taught them the art of chivalry, while Sir GloBrax, with his cheerful spirit and infectious laughter, encouraged them to see the bright side of life.

As time passed, however, Hellen began to feel the weight of the isolation becoming increasingly burdensome. The days spent in the castle, far from the outside world, seemed endless to her. Seeing herself limited in many things, sadness and anger at her exclusion grew within her. The princess's parents, noticing the increasingly dark emotions of her penultimate daughter, decided to act.

They invited various subjects to the castle and told them about Hellen, describing her kind nature and the pain she felt due to their exclusion. Then they asked the subjects if they could accept it. The room filled with murmurs and whispers. Some subjects stood up and made their speeches. A peasant said: "The princess, after all, she is an ordinary girl. She only has gray skin." Another subject, a young woman, added: "She is not so scary."

These words began to change the atmosphere in the room. Other subjects joined the chorus, expressing their support for Hellen.

The following day, the rulers informed their daughters that they would each give a speech for their subjects. Hellen, scared of being left out again, didn't want to do it. Her parents tried to comfort her and encourage her to accept her challenge, reminding her how important it was to show her true self to her kingdom.

That day was also Hellen's birthday, and in the afternoon she celebrated with her family. She received gifts that her parents had purchased and that her sisters had created with what they owned or found lying around. Hellen spent a happy day, having fun with her sisters and her parents. The castle was filled with laughter and joy, and she Hellen was able to be with the only people who accepted and loved her.

In the evening, after her sisters finished their talks, it was Hellen's turn. She wore her usual helmet that accentuated her particular appearance, with fiery eyes and a sharp smile. When she appeared before the crowd, people were frightened, not remembering how peculiar her appearance was. The screams returned, and some shouted that Hellen had been created by Jano, a feared and legendary entity.

Hellen, overwhelmed by pain and disappointment, relived the trauma of exclusion and burst into tears like the first time, and then ran towards her room. The king, furious and desperate, ordered all his subjects to leave the castle immediately. Then, together with her queen, he headed towards Hellen's room to console her.

They found Hellen curled up on her bed, sobbing. The queen took her into her arms, stroking her hair. "My darling, we are so sorry for what happened," she said in a soft voice. "Your father and I had talked to the subjects and we thought they understood that it's not the physical differences that count. Apparently, however, they are still afraid. But we must not give up, we will find other solutions."

The king knelt beside them. "Hellen, you are a child like any other, and the world just needs time to understand that. We love you for who you are and will do everything we can to protect you and show you our support."

Hellen looked up, her eyes still filled with tears. "But why do they have to be so afraid of me? I don't want to be seen as a monster."

The queen wiped away her tears. "You are not a monster, Hellen. You are our beloved and precious daughter. It will take time, but one day people will see your heart and not just your appearance. Until then, we will stand by you, always."

That night, Hellen was nervous about yet another exclusion from her and, with her voice shaking, she asked her parents to leave her alone. "Please, I need some time alone," she said through tears.

Her parents, though heavy-hearted, understood Hellen's need for time to reflect and calm down. "Of course, darling," the queen said gently, kissing her forehead. “If you need us, we'll be out here.”

The king nodded, adding, "We are always here for you, Hellen. Never forget that."

Left alone, Hellen sat on the edge of the bed, watching the reflection of fire in her eyes in the mirror. She felt confused, sad and angry. Why did she have to be so different? Why did her appearance inspire so much fear? She felt overwhelmed by the weight of her emotions.

As the night wore on, Hellen became immersed in her thoughts. She felt confused and angry about her appearance. She approached the window of her room and looked at the starry sky, seeking comfort in the twinkling stars.

Meanwhile, Mr. Dark, Rayman Clone and Globox Clone were walking around the Viking kingdom, eating some wild berries. Rayman Clone, still resentful of the defeat suffered by Rayman, lamented: "Because of him we have to hide, otherwise they would destroy us permanently. One day I will take revenge."

Mr. Dark, who was walking in front of them, suddenly stopped and sniffed the air. "Do you smell this too?" he asked, interrupting Rayman Clone's mumbling.

Rayman Clone grimaced and replied, "What smell? I don't smell anything. Maybe it's just the bad smell of Globox Clone." He sneered, adding, "That Glombrox I saw in the clearing smelled better, too."

Globox Clone, offended, turned to Rayman Clone. “How dare you talk about me like that!”

Mr. Dark raised a hand, imposing silence. "Enough arguing. Let's follow this scent."

The smell, a mixture of negative emotions, guided them towards the royal castle. Mr. Dark, with a mischievous smile, teleported inside, leaving the clones of him outside to guard. He silently approached Hellen's room, finding her crying in front of the window.

Hellen, surprised, whirled around. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice cracking from her crying.

Mr. Dark bowed slightly, with an air of false politeness. "I am someone who wants to help you, princess. I have felt your pain and I am here to offer you a solution."

Hellen, still wary, rubbed her eyes. "Help me? How can you help me?"

Mr. Dark approached slowly, speaking in a soothing voice. "Tell me what your problem is, and I'll see what I can do for you."

Hellen, after a moment's hesitation, began to speak. "People fear me because of the way I look. I have gray skin, fiery eyes and an appearance that scares anyone who sees me. Even today, during my speech, they shouted and called me a monster. I feel so alone and isolated. I just want to be accepted and loved like other people."

Mr. Dark nodded, listening intently. "Hellen, there is a solution to your problem," she said. "I can help you. You just need to have a little patience. As soon as I get back,I'll take you to a place that will solve everything."

Hellen stopped crying and thanked the dark lord for his kindness and willingness to help her. She then asked Mr. Dark if it would improve her appearance, but he replied that it would not be necessary to change her to help her and teleported away. Mr. Dark returned to the two clones announcing that they would soon take revenge on the clearing and, wrapping them under the cloak, teleported with them into an underground lake.

Mr. Dark returned to the two clones announcing that they would soon take revenge on the clearing and, wrapping them under the cloak, teleported with them to an underground lake. Mr. Dark disappeared again and reappeared with blue mosquitoes, using magic to remove their venom and throw it into the lake, dyeing it blue. Clone Rayman asked what he was doing, and Mr. Dark replied that he had to scare a lum. He partially immersed a stone in the lake, watching it turn blue. With a spell, he made the water in the lake and the water in the stone transparent, then dipped his hand, verifying that it worked. Dark Globox asked how a scared lum could allow them to take revenge. Mr. Dark said he would see it and went to get Hellen to take her to the lake along with a red lum they had collected together.

Here, Mr. Dark asked Hellen to cover her face with her arms because otherwise the magic wouldn't work. After Hellen complied, he dipped the lum into the pond. Once outside, the lum said he didn't feel anything different. Mr. Dark placed it in front of Hellen and ordered her to observe.

When Hellen removed her arms from her face, the red lum became frightened and transformed into a dark lum. Hellen, crying, asked the lum the reason for his sudden fear of her. Mr. Dark, took a cage of red lums, transferred some of André's dark essence into the caged lums, making them dark lums as well. Subsequently, he opened the cage and with a spell brought all the dark lums into Hellen, intensifying her negative emotions. Feeling powerful, Hellen's anger and sadness drove her to think about revenge against the Vikings for excluding her.

Mr. Dark claims to have given her power to her, pointing out that with it alone she could not defeat the Viking Kingdom. He promises to help her along with her nightmares in exchange for his help in invading the Glade of Dreams. Hellen accepts the deal and asks to be teleported to the Viking Kingdom. Mr. Dark carries her along with her two clones and then he and the clones disappear, promising to return with her nightmares.

Arrived at the Viking Kingdom, including the Viking Village (teens in trouble in Rayman Legends); the Plant Kingdom (croaking story in Rayman Legends); Fiesta De Los Muertos; the Kingdom of Spies (20,000 lums under the sea) and Olympus, Hellen rushes into the castle destroying the wall with her flaming axe. Sir Rayelot, seeing the Viking princess enter destroying the wall, asked what was happening. Hellen said that from now on she would no longer hide and that if they saw her as a monster, she would act accordingly, then she slammed the ax on the ground, destroying the castle in half and then set it on fire, causing fire to come out. from her ax of her. Meanwhile, Mr. Dark sent his nightmares to aid in the invasion of the kingdom, capturing all of the Viking subjects, royals, and princesses. During the journey to the prison, Princess Barbara's cage fell and broke, freeing her. Murfy arrived and explained the situation to her, telling her that she needed her help to save the world. Barbara accepted the mission and began the first level.


In the first level, after destroying Elysia's cage, an animation appears:
Elysia greets Barbara, asking her how she managed to gain her freedom. Barbara responds that her prison has fallen, shattering, and she now wishes to liberate their kingdom. Elysia thanks her sister for freeing her, declaring that it would be pleasant to live an adventure and adding that she has no intention of leaving her all the glory for the liberation of her kingdom, thus deciding to take part in the enterprise. Finally, Elysia informs Barbara that she has unlocked her minigame and asks her if she has already had a chance to try her own.

At the end of the level there is an animation with a blue creature with a big nose that has enormous eyes above it, a long neck, claws and a reptilian thing and that walks upright:
The creature tells Barbara that Mr. Dark, together with his nightmares and a Viking, he conquered the place, imprisoning the entire population and founding the Kingdom of the Deep Forest, ruled by the Fire Witch and filled with nightmares.

In level 2, after destroying Aurora's cage, an animation starts:
Aurora hugs Barbara and Elysia and expresses her joy at having been freed, remembering how sometimes the witches shook the cage with such vehemence that she was forced to hold on tightly so as not to collide. against the bars. Finally, she announces that her minigame has been unlocked.

In the interlude of level 2 an animation starts:
Murfy arrives and clarifies the nature of the platformers, illustrating that to defeat them it is necessary to hit the eye three times and describing their potential usefulness.

At the end of level 2 an animation starts:
A creature tells the noble Viking princesses that Mr. Dark, after having devastated the Viking Kingdom, began to conquer various regions of the Glade, dividing them with his companions and founding various kingdoms. Later, he managed to reconquer the Candy Kingdom. However, as soon as he learned that the princesses were causing unrest in his domains, he suspended his campaigns and sent the army he was busy conquering in search of them.

In level 3, after the destruction of the cage with Twila, an animation starts:
Twila thanks her sisters and says that the cage was so narrow that it only allowed her to remain immobile, without any possibility of movement. He also points out that if she hadn't kept moving her legs up and down, they would have gone numb.
Finally Twila announces the unlocking of her minigame.

At the end of level 3 an animation starts:
A Viking, tormented by nightmares before her defeat, expresses gratitude to the princesses and states that she always knew that Princess Hellen was dangerous, underlining that her inhospitable appearance with orange eyes shining like fire , teeth as sharp as those of wild beasts and skin as gray as corpses clearly revealed his nature. The princesses are angry with the Viking, and Barbara declares that it is precisely because everyone considered her a monster that Hellen became one, adding that Hellen is not an evil person and that she will be able to make her return to the sweet little girl she was. once.

In level 4, after the destruction of the cage with Estelia, an animation starts:
Estelia informs the sisters that the cage was completely gray, devoid of any color, and declares with determination her desire to fight for the salvation of the kingdom. Barbara and Elysia, sharing the same intent, confirm their commitment to the fight for the kingdom and welcome Estelia into their group. Finally, Estelia announces that her minigame has been unlocked.

At the end of level 4 an animation starts:
Barbara destroys the door of a cage that contains her classmates. A classmate remarks that he didn't expect Hellen to be a bad person, noting that she seemed like a good girl. He goes on to state that she Hellen was always alone and would glare at anyone who approached, hypothesizing that she Hellen did this to hide her evil nature. Another companion declares that he has fallen in love with Hellen both for her appearance and for her enigmatic character, but after what she has done, he no longer feels love for her. Another comrade reports that many people in prison were afraid of Hellen and felt justified in not being able to repress the fear she inspired. He adds that this led him to reflect, concluding that perhaps he and the other companions did not understand Helen, mistakenly believing that she wanted to be alone, and left her alone, making her feel marginalized by them, who, in reality, they had nothing against her and causing the situation to escalate. Elysia, looking down at her, confesses that, despite being her sister, she did not try to help her find friends, fearing that others would be afraid of Hellen and that, by getting close to her, they would hurt her feelings. she. Barbara sadly states that they were terrible sisters, but Estelia urges them not to lose heart, since the past cannot be changed but the future is still to be written.

In level 5, after the destruction of the cage with Selena, an animation starts:
Selena thanks her sisters for freeing her, saying that the previous night an explorer threw stones into her cage, preventing her from sleeping, and enraged she declares that she will go look for him to take revenge. Finally, Selena advises that her minigame has been unlocked.

At the beginning of level 5 an animation starts:
The Fire Witch reveals to the princesses that she knows that they are the ones who are sowing discord in her kingdom and promises to make them pay dearly for their visit to her.

At the end of level 5 after the battle with the Fire Witch she falls into a pot full of fire spirits (little spirits with a hat), burning her butt and running away.

In level 6, after the destruction of the cage with Ursula, an animation starts:
Ursula reveals that she was almost about to release the lock of the cage with her paperclip, but their timely intervention prevented us from seeing the outcome of her daring attempt her. Finally, Ursula announces the release of her minigame.

At the end of level 6 an animation starts:
A creature says that when the nightmares subjugated this portion of the Glade, they decided to fashion a figure to reign there. Hellen, wanting the fire power of her ax to be used, allowed the fire witch to use the fire of her blade to forge Raydoom. The creature continues by saying that the Fire Witch used the fire of Hellen's ax and volcanic stones to shape Raydoom, a fire golem resembling a clone of Rayman, destined to reign over the Kingdom of Secrets. Finally, the creature explains that Raydoom shows no particular interest in administering the kingdom and prefers to leave decisions to his hunter collaborators, while he spends his time partying with friends and charming damsels of the kingdom.

In level 7, after the destruction of the cage with Emma, ​​an animation starts:
Emma says that she almost took the key to the cage from a hunter, but failed because he and the other hunters had to prepare for the arrival of intruders who hindered the Nightmares. She adds that she would be happy if the heroes defeated the Nightmares, but she fears that they would harm Hellen. Estelia reassures Emma, ​​telling her that they met the heroes and got a promise that they would help their sister without harming her. Emma asks what the heroes were like, but Estelia tells her that they have to hide and there is no time for her details, advising her to find a hiding place for herself too. Emma asks to hide with them, but Estelia replies that their hiding place is already full. Emma understands, says goodbye to her sisters and runs to find shelter. Finally, Emma reports that her minigame has been unlocked.

At the end of level 7 an animation starts:
A creature claims to have heard Hellen confide to Raydoom that he is the least unworthy of the rulers of nightmares, as he has granted freedom to people and his decisions have little influence on their lives, and unlike her, she hasn't caused any destruction.

In level 8 after the destruction of the cage with Sir Rayelot an animation starts:
Sir Rayelot thanks the princesses for saving him and urges them to go to safety while he sets out to save the kingdom. Barbara replies that they also wish to save the kingdom. Sir Rayelot replies that it is dangerous and that, being still young, they are vulnerable and fragile. Barbara replies that Rayman is also a child and despite this he saved the Glade of Dreams a few months earlier from Mr. Dark. Sir Rayelot emphasizes the importance of their survival as princesses. Barbara states that if he tries to stop them from saving the kingdom, they will do it anyway, but without him they would be in greater danger. Sir Rayelot agrees to allow them to participate in the salvation of the kingdom, as long as they promise to be prudent. The princesses promise. Finally, Sir Rayelot advises that his minigame has been unlocked.

At the end of level 8 an animation starts:
A creature narrates that, a few days ago, Raydoom refused to order his men to search for the missing prisoners. During a fight, Hellen threw him under a color tube and the color extinguished the fire burning in him, diminishing his energy. After cleaning himself up, he was recharged by Hellen's ax fire.

In level 9, after the destruction of the cage with Olympia, an animation starts:
Olympia expresses gratitude for having been saved, showing her joy at seeing them in good health. She goes on to say that she will leave to save her kingdom, pointing out that she has partially inherited her grandfather's divine nature, despite not yet knowing her identity. His grandmother describes him as "the mysterious man from Mount Olympus". Finally, Olympia advises that her minigame has been unlocked.

At the end of level 9 an animation starts:
The son of the magician of Rayman 1, Ales Mansai, with his father nearby, creates a show in which a panel appears with lights of various colors turned off. He indicates the order in which to pull the levers inside the curtained changing rooms, managing to correctly guess all the colors.

In level 10, after the destruction of the cage with Sibylla, an animation starts:
Sybilla, happy to be free, hugs her sisters and Rayelot. She says she was in that cage abandoned by nightmares for many days, without feeling a living soul, hearing only the voice of her own thoughts. This experience made her understand what Hellen felt, and for this reason she wants to help her find a solution to her problem and overcome the anger she feels. Finally, Sybilla announces that her minigame has been unlocked.

At the end of level 10 an animation starts:
During a party, Raydoom is informed by his collaborators that it would be more appropriate to increase the men in search of the heroes who approach his home, rather than chase the escaped prisoners to indulge a vengeful little girl. Frightened, Raydoom orders to gather all the nightmares destined to search for the prisoners to protect his home.

In level 11 after the destruction of the cage with Amazonia part of her animation:
Amazonia thanks her sisters for freeing her, explaining that her wild and freedom-loving nature could not have been held back a second longer. Finally, she informs that her minigame has been unlocked.

At the end of level 11 an animation starts:
Raydoom wonders, talking to himself, when his friends and girls will return. His most trusted advisor replies that nightmares have seen them escape into the Kingdom of Poetry. Disappointed, Raydoom expresses amazement at having been abandoned by his friends in his time of need. The hunter reassures him, saying that he and the other hunters are still present, positioned at the windows of the house to provide covering fire for the army deployed outside.

In level 12, after the destruction of the cage with Barr Barr, an animation starts:
Barr Barr thanks the sisters for freeing her and announces that, if the nightmares try to imprison her again, it will be her ice hammer that will be heard. Finally, he informs you that his minigame has been unlocked.

As soon as the player arrives at Raydoom in level 12, an animation plays:
Raydoom states that he does not fear the princesses, as he is hard as rock and his attacks are as hot as fire.

At the end of level 12 an animation starts:
Raydoom, with the body of an almost shattered stone, is hit by Barbara's ax and falls under a pipe from which color comes out which puts out his fire. Barbara is ready to strike another blow, but he begs her to stop, informing that that blow would be fatal. He vows to become good and never follow his witch mother, nor Mr. Dark, nor any other nightmare again.

In level 13, after the destruction of the cage with Avelina, an animation starts:
Avelina thanks her sisters for their liberation and states that she will save the world to demonstrate to the brotherhood of assassins that, despite being just a child, she can be a fearsome assassin . Finally, she announces that her minigame has been unlocked.

At the end of level 13 an animation starts:
A creature observes that, although Rayman Clone has enslaved him and many other people, the carriages now arrive on time thanks to him, showing that Rayman Clone has also done positive things.

In level 14, after the destruction of the cage with Sir Globrax, an animation starts:
Sir Globrax expresses his gratitude for having been freed. Afterwards, Rayelot asks him if he would like to join them in the mission to save the world. Globrax, perplexed, asks Rayelot why five princesses accompany them on such a dangerous adventure. Rayelot explains that since the princesses would disobey, he thought it safer to protect them by taking them with him. Finally, Globrax reports that his minigame has been unlocked.

At the end of level 14 an animation starts:
A creature tells how a being similar to Rayman Clone changed his hairstyle some time ago, in an attempt to damage Rayman's reputation. Now, this being appears very similar to Rayman Clone and sometimes gives orders while pretending to be him, as well as canceling some of the real Rayman Clone's orders. The creature adds that this impostor is wanted, but since it is not easy to recognize him, the nightmares sometimes miss the target. When this happens, they are punished by Rayman Clone. Therefore, now, before taking action against someone who might be Rayman Clone, Nightmares always ask if it is him or the impostor.

In level 15, after the destruction of the cage with Swifterella, an animation starts:
As soon as she is freed, Swifterella starts running around her sisters, hugging all five of them. She exclaims with joy that she is finally free, saying that she can no longer tolerate the limited space of the cage. With renewed energy, she announces that she will go find Hellen to talk to her and understand what happened to her, finally adding that her minigame has been unlocked.

Swifterella is the fastest character and with her you can win the running races present in each level by accepting the challenge of a creature with a sticking out tongue with a dinosaur head, dog ears and leopard paws and all-colored skin dark green.

At the end of level 15 an animation starts:
Barbara destroys a cage and frees the five members of the assassin brotherhood, recognizable by their gray hoods and daggers in their hands. Taken by enthusiasm, Avelina shouts that those young people are part of the famous brotherhood of assassins and asks why they were captured. One of them explains that they usually use intermediaries for their business, but Hellen discovered their hideout and offered them money to kill them. However, the offer was too low, and after their refusal, Hellen became enraged and imprisoned them. Rayelot then asks if they want to join them to take revenge and overthrow Hellen's rule, but the young assassin replies that they only work for hire and exclusively to assassinate someone.

In level 16, after the destruction of the cage with Sakura, an animation starts:
Sakura expresses her gratitude to her sisters, announcing that now, free, she will dedicate herself to protecting all the creatures still at large with her lethal umbrella. Finally, she reports that her minigame has been unlocked.

At the end of level 16 an animation starts:
Our heroes, immersed in a large nocturnal crowd, observe a large screen on which the little clone of Rayman appears, enraptured by his extraordinary rap skills, acclaimed for his actual skill.

In level 17, after the destruction of the cage with Candice, an animation starts:
Once free, Candice thanks her sisters by offering them a cake as a sign of gratitude. She adds that she wants to bring a cake to Hellen to awaken her sweet and good soul. Finally, she informs that her minigame has been unlocked and that, from now on, each level will contain cakes that will partially restore her life.

At the end of level 17 she plays an animation:
The princesses and knights find themselves with the First King, the Teen Sovereign and his two sons, called Great and Little, in front of a doorway. The First King, the oldest among those present with a golden crown on his head, introduces himself saying that he is the new guardian of the Great Proton, which he always kept with him before Mr. Dark stole it from him. Subsequently, the Teen Sovereign dons the crown of the First King and introduces himself as the son of the First King, rightful heir to the throne of the Glade of Dreams, whose father was appointed king of the Glade by the Bubble Dreamer himself. One of his sons, the eldest by a month, tries to wear the crown, but it turns out to be too big for his head and the Teen Sovereign recovers it, returning it to his father, explaining to his son that he is still too young to take the crown. crown. Great Minimus states that if one day he becomes king, he will appoint a vice king to assist him in managing the kingdom together with his father and brother. The Teen Sovereign presents his 10-year-old children, both called Great Minimum, indicating the one who had seized the crown as the heir to the throne after him and promising to guarantee a succession to the throne already at the age of 20. Barbara asks about the Great Proton and why he was transported there. The First King explains that the Great Proton is essential to maintaining harmony in the world and that an attack on it, similar to the Bubble Dreamer's nightmares, can spawn monsters. He says that they were heading to visit the rulers of the Viking kingdom, friends of his, but, since it was impossible to leave the Great Proton unattended, they took him with them. Finally he informs the heroes that powerful magic is required to open the door, which requires a specific number of lums and a rusty key obtained in a previous level. Once the necessary items have been collected, magic will be performed to open the door, but the First King warns the heroes to be very careful.

In level 18, after the destruction of the cage with Holly, an animation starts:
Holly thanks her sisters and confesses her concern for what Hellen did, wanting to make her give up before the heroes of the Glade intervene to stop her, risking her ending forever in the cave of bad dreams. Barbara steps in, saying they want to help Hellen too. Finally, Holly reports that her minigame has been unlocked.

As soon as the heroes meet Rayman Clone on level 18, an animation starts:
Rayman Clone declares himself ready to confront the heroes and does not fear either females or two unsuccessful knights.

At the end of the battle with Rayman Clone he shatters like in Rayman 1.

In level 19 after the destruction of the cage with Assassin Ray an animation starts:
Assassin Ray expresses gratitude to the heroes for their help and, when asked who he is, reveals that he is the son of a pirate with dreams of joining the brotherhood of assassins. Avelina claims to share his same desire and invites him to join them on the adventure. Sir Rayelot warns Avelina about the importance of not putting other people in danger and advises the child to find a safe hiding place. Assassin Ray expresses his frustration at being deprived of the chance to fulfill his dream, vowing to face the nightmares and save the world before the heroes. Sir Globrax, concerned for the child, suggests that he should join them for safety. Finally, Assassin Ray notifies that his minigame is now available.

At the end of level 19 an animation starts:
After saving a creature from the clowns, the heroes are informed by them that they are in the Kingdom of Sweets, ruled by Mr. Dark, a powerful nightmare who, despite having already been defeated by Rayman , he returned to his kingdom.
Domenico idea
Messaggi : 154
Data di iscrizione : 29.09.21

Rayman: Barbara's Adventure Empty Re: Rayman: Barbara's Adventure

Lun Mag 27, 2024 3:38 am
In level 20, after the destruction of the cage with Snowbrina, an animation starts:
Snowbrina expresses her gratitude for having been freed and announces her intention to look for a ski expert to obtain valuable advice.

At the end of level 20 an animation starts:
A creature explains to the heroes that when Mr. Dark acquired the Great Proton, he assumed complete dominion over the Viking Kingdom, asserting his control over Hellen despite her being queen. Hellen fought back, but ultimately, aware of her weakness, she accepted defeat and Mr. Dark's rule over the kingdom.

In level 21, after the destruction of the cage with the Viking king, an animation starts:
The princesses hold their father in a hug, noticing the joy in her eyes at seeing them healthy. However, he announces that their journey has come to an end and pledges to save the kingdom and guide their sister to the right path. Before parting, he orders the knights to watch over his daughters. The latter obey and accompany the princesses in search of refuge, while the king leaves for the kingdom of the Vikings. When evening falls and the knights prepare for the night, the princesses stay awake, tie up the knights and continue on their adventure.

At the end of level 21 an animation starts:
The princesses, exhausted from the evening battle, take refuge in a tray of ice cream and fall asleep inside. When they awaken, a mysterious creature, hidden there before them, reveals that the creator of the world has been spotted walking in a forest of ice cream cones. However, Mr. Dark has sent his nightmares to find him, fearing that he will defeat him and deprive him of his dominion over him.

In level 22, after the destruction of the Viking queen's cage, an animation starts:
The princesses greet their mother and, after she asks them what they are doing in that place, Estelia replies that they are changing hiding places to avoid being found. She adds that their father left to save the kingdom and finally indicates that their refuge is in the place where they tied the two knights, also providing instructions on how to get there. She asks them to wait for her there while they need to reach a person who can help them find a better hiding place before the protection spell they have wears off. Thus, the princesses separate from their mother.

At the end of level 22 an animation starts:
The princesses meet with the Bubble Dreamer, accompanied by Teen Butler, and ask for his help to face Mr. Dark and his nightmares. However, the Bubble Dreamer explains that he does not have enough power to deal with the threat directly, suggesting that they ask Rayman for help in the Dream Forest. Barbara, examining a map, notices that the journey would be long and decides that it is better to continue alone. Subsequently, she asks Bubble Dreamer the question of how she exhausted his energy. The Bubble Dreamer has a flashback where he is with the teen butler while they buy a lucky scratcher. Teen Butler is thrilled to receive a painting from Rayphael, a very talented young painter. Determined to win, the Bubble Dreamer uses all his energy: first to identify the shape of the winning symbol in the real world, a non-numeric symbol, and then to transform all the numbers on the ticket into the winning symbol. When he scratches the ticket, all the winning symbols appear and the two celebrate. As a reward, they receive the chance to be painted. They then pose showing their strength and are portrayed with powerful muscles. Back in reality, the Bubble Dreamer explains that he used all his energy for something of vital importance, but adds that he still has some energy left to offer them a little help.
The princesses thus gain the power to fill a container with wind, turning the axe, which can then expel the wind to another place.

At the end of level 23 an animation starts:
The two knights find the princesses and Estelia states that they won't let them stop them. Sir Rayelot replies that they do not intend to detain them, as he understands that they would find a way to escape anyway. Furthermore, by telling their mother the situation, she agreed to the mission, even though she is trying to get ahead of them.

In level 24 as soon as the player meets Mr. Dark an animation starts:
Mr. Dark declares that he once again finds himself in a challenge to reassert his dominance over the world. He states that since only children and two knights of little skill are opposing him this time, he will have no difficulty in prevailing.

Mr. Dark will have three transformations: the first will see him combine the characteristics of the fire witch and Raydoom; in the second fusion, he will combine the qualities of the fire witch and the Rayman Clone; finally, in the third transformation, he will amalgamate the attributes of all three, also obtaining the ability to attack with both fists. Eventually, he will revert to his original form and attempt to defeat the player by throwing fireballs.

At the end of the battle with Mr. Dark in level 24 an animation starts:
Barbara hits Mr. Dark, who teleports and disappears before the heroes can get close.

In the level there are two cages containing the royal Vikings and after they are destroyed the animation starts:
The Viking king asks his daughters for forgiveness for not having trusted them and agrees to let them fight for the salvation of the world. Despite this, he and their mother will strive to defeat some of the nightmares in the Viking kingdom.

At the end of level 25 an animation starts:
A creature says that, after the defeat of Mr. Dark, Hellen proclaimed herself queen of nightmares and ordered all the nightmares outside the Viking Kingdom to retreat inside to face the present threat.

At the end of level 26 an animation starts:
A creature states that in future places a magic capable of visualizing secret poems will be needed, specifying that it can only be found in a hidden place in the Kingdom of Poetry and can be granted by a muse hidden in it.

At the end of the secret level in the Kingdom of Poetry:

The heroes venture to a place inhabited by poets of all sorts, from adolescents to humans and other creatures, where they encounter a muse of extraordinary beauty, whose blonde hair shines like lum. Approaching the muse, they tell her their situation and ask her if she can give them the power to see secret poems. The muse agrees and gives them this gift, explaining that it can be used for 10 seconds and that it recharges every 30 seconds. Furthermore, to assist them in their quest, she gives Holly the power of the frozen axe, capable of releasing an icy wind.

The secret poems are then used to be written in switches where you have to write a complete one which can be written either little by little or all at once through buttons that will appear under a sheet when you click the switch.

At the end of level 27 an animation starts:
A Viking, saved by the heroes, reports to the princesses that throughout the kingdom there is now talk of their return, the fall of Hellen's reign of terror and the cessation of the fire that was devastating the kingdom. He underlines how Hellen, in addition to having destroyed and burned the kingdom, to having been tyrannical with the population, forced the latter to erect numerous statues in her honor. He concludes by saying that, if they hadn't revealed to him that she was the daughter of the sovereigns, she would never have imagined it.

At the end of level 28 an animation starts:
Antonio, a classmate of Hellen, is locked in a cage suspended from the ceiling of the destroyed Viking castle, in the hall where Hellen is also found. Antonio tells her that he knows that she is a good girl and that the Hellen he was in love with, without ever having the courage to confess it to her, still exists. Hellen, unnerved, replies that now that she is in charge, everyone loves and respects her, whereas before her they did not hesitate to isolate her and treat her like a monster. Antonio replies that it is not true, that now the population hates her more than before and speaks badly of her as soon as they are out of sight of her. He continues by telling her that he really loves her, that she is not a monster and that she can still put an end to this situation, taking the first step to bring everything back to normal and try to solve past problems with him. She emphasizes that in this way she is only proving those who feared her right. Hellen, furious, states that this is the new normal and she kicks the cage, causing it to sway.

At the end of level 29 an animation starts:
Barbara destroys a cage containing some Vikings. One of them, now free, proclaims that the entire population has been freed and that many have already begun the fight against the nightmares that have invaded the kingdom.

At the beginning of the battle with Hellen in level 30 an animation starts:
Hellen tells the heroes that they will not stop her from carrying out her revenge. Barbara begs her to stop, telling her that she could go back to having fun with them. Hellen replies that she's already having fun. Sybilla expresses her understanding of Hellen's feelings, but she insists that there is no need to take revenge, as there are other solutions to the situation. Hellen replies that she doesn't care about her and that she will continue on the path she has chosen. Elysia admits that she didn't understand how Hellen felt and didn't try to help her, promising that if she stops, she'll help her find friends. The other princesses also support Elysia's proposal, but Hellen declares that it is now too late and that whoever isolated her will pay. Estelia tells Hellen that by acting that way she will be no better than those who insulted her, but Hellen replies that she wants to be even crueler than her evildoers. Candice offers her a cake, inviting her to taste it to remember the sweetness she has inside, but Hellen lights a fire with the ax and burns the cake, making Candice cry. Antonio urges Hellen to listen to her sisters and try to start over, but Hellen declares that the time for talk is over and begins the battle.

After Hellen is shot for the first time, Murfy arrives and senses a dark energy within her. Murfy points out the presence of four hidden switches, which can be activated by writing secret poems. She explains that these switches open secret passages that contain a glowing shot for the axe. This special shot will cause some of the Dark Lums to pop out, transforming them into Red Lums that recharge your life. Murfy points out that by defeating Hellen with that blow, they will be able to save her without harming her.

At the end of the battle with Hellen at level 30, which only happens if all of Hellen's life has been taken away with light blasts and Antonio's cage has been destroyed, an animation starts:
Hellen is hit by Barbara with a light blast , releasing the last dark Lums that transform into red Lums. Hellen falls to the ground and, getting up, says that Mr. Dark had manipulated a red Lum and, after cursing other Lums, had made them part of her, increasing her sadness and anger to an uncontrollable level and fueling Hellen's desire for revenge. she. Her sisters hug her as Assassin Ray says that now that she has saved the Glade, she has gained the experience needed to join the brotherhood of assassins. Antonio approaches Hellen and asks if she is okay, receiving a nod of confirmation from her.
Afterwards, the Bubble Dreamer repairs all the damage caused by the nightmares. Hellen asks him if he will send her to the Cave of Bad Dreams now, but he laughs and replies that, having been cursed by Mr. Dark, he has no reason to send her there, realizing that she was not herself.
When the royals and princesses return to the castle, a large crowd of Vikings protests, demanding Hellen's immediate arrest. The king, from the balcony of the castle, replies that he will not arrest his daughter and that what happened was the work of a nightmare that had already brought chaos to the Glade in the past. The Vikings shout that Hellen was complicit and she must be arrested. The king states that everyone knows what happened, that Hellen was manipulated and filled with dark Lums by an unscrupulous nightmare, and that he has nothing to add other than asking the populace to look beyond appearances to see people for that who they really are.
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