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Data di iscrizione : 29.09.21

Rayman: The Disappearing Virus Empty Rayman: The Disappearing Virus

Lun Lug 29, 2024 1:18 am
Rayman: The Disappearing Virus
In the Cave of Bad Dreams, Valeria Zoitenebrarum, a Sýrmata Pupa who arrived there by suicide, sleeps isolated as usual and has a nightmare. In it, she remembers the murder she committed billions of years ago against a bully who wanted to attack her with his henchmen and the crimes perpetrated during the invasion of the Glade. This nightmare wakes her up, and Valeria, shocked, curls up with her head between her legs, crying for the past. That evening, finding a piece of paper and a pen in the Cave, Valeria decides to write a letter to the Bubble Dreamer. In the letter, she confesses that she can no longer bear her existence because of the evil she has committed, which continues to torment and condemn her even after her death. She then asks the Bubble Dreamer if he could make her disappear forever, erasing her physicality and spirituality as if she had never existed. Valeria entrusts the letter to a Minijan, who agrees to deliver it.

Just before going to sleep, Bubble Dreamer receives the letter and, reading Valeria's words, feels deeply sorry for the girl. He thinks that the next day he could use the special amnesty granted by Jano to free her and try to make her feel better. However, that night, Bubble Dreamer is struck by a nightmare in which black spots invade and make the nightmares disappear. The next day, alarmed, he calls the heroes and tells them of his nightmare in which the nightmares become invisible, fearing that they may invade the Glade. The heroes, in a panic, call a general meeting to organize themselves and prepare for the new threat before it's too late. Meanwhile, in the Cave of Bad Dreams, Valeria notices black spots on her arms, but ignores them and continues to brood over her guilt. Bubble Dreamer, spending the whole day terrified and unable to find a solution to the problem together with the heroes, forgets Valeria.

The next day, the stains on Valeria's arms have gotten worse and she begins to cough up blood. Seeing the blood on her hand, she decides to ask Jano for permission to get some air and heads towards the exit of the Cave, coughing and losing more blood along the way. As soon as Jano sees her coming, he accuses her of trying to escape and orders her not to. Valeria explains that she only wants to get some air because she feels sick, and as she coughs she loses more blood, which falls to the ground from her hand. Jano responds that, since she is already dead, she cannot die and forces her to go back into the Cave. Valeria obeys, but sees that her stains have gotten worse since she woke up and begins to cough violently, losing a lot of blood. The stains begin to join together and the areas completely covered by them begin to disappear until she disappears completely.

Mr. Dark, observing the scene from above, holding onto a rock high up in the Cave, observes the scene and looks at his blackened hand from above. So Mr. Dark heads towards the exit of the Cave, where he meets Jano. Approaching him, he explains that there is a virus in the Cave that is killing the nightmares making them return to the energy they were before they were created. Jano speculates that it could be a new rule of the Bubble Dreamer for the Cave of Bad Dreams, but Mr. Dark replies that he does not believe that the Bubble Dreamer wants to make the nightmares disappear, preventing them from serving their eternal sentence in the Cave. Jano, surprised, asks him why he cares about the nightmares, considering that he, having theoretically escaped, can leave the Cave and, thanks to his help, re-enter and succeed until he is defeated again by the heroes. In response, Mr. Dark shows Jano his blackened hand. Jano says he understands and asks Mr. Dark if he knows how he got infected. Mr. Dark replies that he doesn't know and says that he just saw a little girl disappear because of this disease. Jano tells him that he will call some specialized teen doctors to check the nightmares and look for a cure. Mr. Dark asks him if he really trusts the doctors in the Glade, who are often incompetent. Jano replies that they are the only doctors they have available and suggests that Mr. Dark leave the Cave to check if the disease stops or continues outside, asking him to update him in a few hours. Mr. Dark fears infecting dreams too and explains that he doesn't want to risk invading a deserted Glade in the future. Jano suggests staying away from inhabited places. Mr. Dark agrees and leaves, saying that they will see each other later.

Jano begins to wonder if the disease only affects the condemned nightmares or him and his children as well. In the afternoon, Mr. Dark returns and informs him that the stain outside the Cave has not expanded. Jano thanks him and has the minijans call Rayacula. Rayacula arrives, greets his friend, and is informed by him that he will be going to the Bubble Dreamer in two hours, suggesting that he and his family escape at that moment. Rayacula notes that little time has passed since the last time. Jano informs him of a disease present in the Cave, adding that outside of it the disease does not continue its course. Rayacula thanks him for the information, saying that he is comfortable in the Cave thanks to the presence of a trusted friend like him. Jano asks Rayacula to do him the favor of asking his client nightmares if they have anything to offer him to get out of the Cave before his departure. Rayacula agrees to do him the favor and returns to the Cave.

After two and a half hours, in the Cave, Sirabasko notices black spots on his arms. His group, looking at their arms, finds the same spots. Sirabasko becomes furious with Valeria, accusing his cousin of having infected everyone and claiming that she should have gone into quarantine. Then he incites a revolt in the Cave of Bad Dreams, stating that if they don't find a doctor immediately, they will disappear forever and that, little by little, everyone will be infected. The nightmares respond that they have no intention of challenging Jano. Sirabasko, agitated by the situation, takes control of a nightmare with his threads, then tries to capture another. But at that moment, Balaynaica, a daughter of Jano, short and as tall as a sixth of a human leg, with a ball-shaped head, two teeth in her mouth, six large teeth protruding from her neck and a green humanoid body with arms and hands like the minijans, arrives, breaks Sirabasko's threads and tells him not to try. She announces that during Jano's absence, she has taken control of the Cave and has placed many Minijans at the exit. Sirabasko complains about Balaynaica's arrival, saying that the Translenergics have mixed with everyone and that it was better when they were not in the Cave. Balaynaica replies that they will have to get used to her presence, since after the events of Mr. Valerio Angere it is necessary for there to be a Translenergic to ensure that the Sýrmata Pupa do not try any more stupid things, although now her father will not be fooled by anyone. Sirabasko retorts that it is better to fight endlessly against the Minijans, even losing, rather than waiting to disappear, pointing out that the Minijans are not that strong. The Cave's nightmares, who had previously pondered the possibilities offered by Jano's absence, happily approach Sirabasko, with one of them stating that he is not entirely wrong. Balaynaica warns that if they decide to leave they will not be able to avail themselves of the care of the Glade doctors who are arriving, and points out that Jano will make them all go back to punish their defiant gesture. The nightmares return to their stations and Sirabasko tells Balaynaica that the managers of the Cave are responsible for the illnesses the nightmares have encountered, claiming that they should have foreseen the quarantine for Valeria. Balaynaica replies that Valeria did not contract the virus out of nowhere and assures that the doctors will arrive with masks for everyone.

In the game, Rayman is accompanied by a teen doctor. Rayman will have to be used for battles, while the teen will be useful for medical matters. The graphics and style are Mario Galaxy and the game environment is the Cave of Bad Dreams. At the beginning, the teen doctor will have to study the spots, create a cure with various trials and errors but that will prove to be blocking for the disease without managing to defeat it and send it to the production department that will produce it by sending it to the store. Then during the game, the teen doctor will have to diagnose the patients, understand the type of disease due to the dark spots had, recognizing it from the shape of the spots; understand the severity of the disease reached, administer a specific cure for the disease with medicines or with a syringe that must penetrate the center of the spot with a training speed that decreases as the severity of the disease increases based on the type of treatment needed; he will have to study new cures and send them to the production department; he will have to guide the other teen doctors in certain environments or to buy equipment by giving them money to buy objects whose price he doesn't know and which should preferably exceed it, to call patients for him that he can't find or that he can't go to because he's busy, to note down the patients he has taken care of, to count the available medicines and to make him note down the illnesses found during the day; he will have to observe the experimental cure bought in a certain quantity if it should be stored in the cold or in the heat or at room temperature observing if it has become unusable after having put it in a certain temperature; he will have to write down the appropriate temperature for each experimental cure in the appropriate book; he will have to read the receipt of the experimental cures to know the production time and if it is necessary to buy them in a certain quantity on a certain day by storing them; he will have to see which cure turns out to have unbearable adverse effects for a certain nightmare and whether to use a less effective but more bearable one for that certain nightmare based on the reactions. Instead, Rayman will have to reduce his size at certain times by fighting with the microorganisms present in the Cave, which have unique abilities, and then enter the body of a specific nightmare and fight their internal infections and the viruses that arrive due to the stains that lower their immune defenses. Rayman will also have to clean parts of the Cave to eliminate bacteria and shrink to search for strains of the virus while with the doctor he must order the doctors to clean other parts, collect DNA of the viruses and fight against the nightmares to trap them so that they are taken out of the Cave where the disease does not advance and the teen doctor will visit them out there. The Teen Doctor will also have to send the other teen doctors to look for herbs outside the Cave for his tests and have them rub creams on the nightmares created to decrease the speed of the disease by the Teen Doctor in the same way as other medicines. The teen doctor earns money by creating new cures for the virus, every day for free, and every enemy Rayman defeats.
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