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Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa: A Free Life Ep.6 Empty Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa: A Free Life Ep.6

Lun Ott 07, 2024 7:13 pm
Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa: A Free Life

Part 6: Dark Souls in Puppets

In the Double Z base, the leader, addressing the members of the group, proudly announces that, since the Cosmo sisters arrived in town, the village has seen an increase of hundreds of new citizens. He also informs that Attonitonus has managed to recruit fifty new members among them, eliciting applause from those present. Among the Double Z, a slender young man with short, neat black hair climbs onto the stage where the leader is and approaches him. He introduces himself as Maioregradu, declaring himself a new member of the group. With enthusiasm, he expresses his gratitude for having been welcomed and proposes a strategy that, in his opinion, could be advantageous. In fact, he argues that, in order to avoid unnecessary risks in recruitment or other operations, it would be better not to directly expose the members of the group, but to exploit their strings to manipulate other individuals, making them perform the necessary actions. The leader of the Double Z, initially skeptical, points out that the wires could be perceived by the Energies, but Maioregradu reassures him. He explains that if the wires were kept low until the moment of action, and then raised their tip towards the victim's solar plexus, the visible portion would be minimal and difficult to detect. He also points out that the wires are almost imperceptible to the Energies, since they are invisible to the naked eye, recognizable only through a slight distortion of the reality visible through them, and only if one pays close attention, the small part of the wires at the top makes the plan even more efficient. Furthermore, he highlights that it is important not to charge the wires with energy, so as to avoid the risk of someone tripping over them. Impressed by the brilliance of the idea, the leader compliments Maioregradu. The young man, smiling, offers to actively participate in every future mission, confirming his willingness to demonstrate the effectiveness of the plan. Attonitonus, relieved, enthusiastically asks if this means that he will no longer have to deal with recruitment and missions. The leader, addressing Maioregradu again, praises his initiative and promises to involve him as soon as there is a mission for him. Maioregradu, satisfied, returns to the members under the stage, reflecting on the fact that, having already gained the leader's trust, he will be able to advance through the ranks of the group, until he becomes his right-hand man. Since the leader is old, the young man sees the possibility of rising to power once he is no longer able to lead the Double Z.

Among the members of Double Z, five newcomers watched the scene without much enthusiasm, simply studying the leader and paying attention to the information being shared. Among them, a tall, powerful creature stands out, with a prominent nose similar to that of teenagers, brown skin, two canines protruding from its mouth, and eight thin dreadlocks of scalp hair, part of a long, straight mane. Inside the straight locks, a gray airy fluid can be seen rising to their roots, revealing that these locks are formed by hairified smoke. The individual, in the center of the other four, orders them to follow him. Wordlessly, they leave the Double Z base, exit the hut, and head into the woods. Arriving at a point where a tree has been cut in half and the top stuck into the ground, they dig slightly until they reveal a trapdoor. They open it and lower themselves inside, sliding down to a corridor. The leader of the group, heading towards the throne in the center of the hall, located after the corridor in a room in the center of four stairs that lead to other floors of the base, tells the four members of his group that Double Z is not a threat. He states that infiltrating them was far too easy and notes that, without the new boy, Double Z would not even have a strategy of action, thus proving incapable of invading the Glade, something that their group is confident they can do.

Having reached the throne, he sits down and dismisses three of his henchmen. To the fourth, a boy with black-blue hair, he says that they need to talk. He reminds him that he has passed the loyalty tests and tells him that, to officially become a member of the group, he will have to complete a mission. Then, taking a bottle near his throne, he pours a small amount of deer's blood into his chalice, drinking calmly before turning back to the boy. He begins to tell, his voice low but firm, of his origins: born into a family of four brothers and three sisters, his father was a Sýrmata Pupa Oscuro, while his mother, in addition to being a Sýrmata Pupa Oscuro, was also a vampire. He continues by explaining that he and his seventh brother, due to a rare genetic mutation, saw their bat forms merge with the dark energy monster that lived inside them. This fusion has created a unique ability in them, like every Sýrmata Pupa Oscuro in fact they can leave their physical body to the monster, but, unlike the others, they have the ability to freely decide whether to exercise control over it once it leaves or leave it full control of the body. He adds that the Sýrmata Pupa Oscuri Vampires are extremely rare, and that besides him and his brother, he has learned that only three others exist. This peculiarity has allowed him to inherit from his father a precious family heirloom: an ancient piece of wood, on which a living map is engraved. Intangible, almost virtual pawns move freely on this map, and can be reached by touching a symbol in the center, located to the south of the map. However, these pawns actually hide the souls of sleeping nightmares, and to awaken them it is necessary to obtain a black crystal within the world of the pawns, to be placed on a stone in the center of their kingdom. In order to obtain that crystal and use it, he says, it was essential that Corrumpesimia, as a direct descendant of the crystal's creator, give it to him. However, for this to happen, the hero first had to be elected king by the pawns so he could have the crystal, which he then had to convince him to give up. The leader says that he and his generals tried to convince him, but Corrumpesimia initially refused, declaring that she wanted to live without the responsibility of the kingdom. Then, through a clever strategy of corruption, the leader says that he and his generals began to destabilize the kingdom, making the rulers incompetent and causing increasingly serious problems. The story continues by explaining that the corruption plan had the desired results and Corrumpesimia ran for the crown, driven by the desire to save the kingdom, and managed to win the elections. He says that, in order to make Corrumpesimia corruptible, he and his generals had planned to let him taste the good life for free. With cunning,slowly turned him into a slave to those ephemeral joys, almost convincing him to promote policies that benefit their own wealth and interests. He states that, in reality, he and the generals did not care about the wealth itself, but the goal was to understand if he had been conquered enough to ask him, at a later time, for the black crystal. However, with growing anger, the leader remembers that another hero, while Corrumpesimia was outside the map, had sealed their opponent with an amulet melted inside a black stone, trapping him in a stone statuette that depicted him. Addressing the boy in a firm tone, he explains that his task is to find the piece of wood with the map, currently in the village of the Energici, the one where they bought a hut with three other members. He states that after centuries of research, he discovered that the Sýrmata Pupa who found the piece of wood moved into that very village. He continues by informing the young man that, in the meantime, he will continue the search in the woods. He states that it is the area where the hero was sealed, and that in it is the statuette and the amulet with which Corrumpesimia was imprisoned, the only object that has the power to break the seal. The boy replies that it will be done. He states that he will commit to carrying out the mission without fail, so that he can finally become a full-fledged member of that he can finally become a full-fledged member of that he can finally become a full-fledged member of Tenebrisautomata.

As the Cervelli sisters and the Grand Master set out for a morning hike in the forest, Sibilla expresses her joy at finally being back hiking in the forest after a long time. The Grand Master reflects that, being on the other side of the forest, they might find different animals and plants than they were used to seeing near Severpoli. Filofilia points out that, even if they don't find anything different, it's still nice to walk together. The Grand Master agrees and adds that, one day, he might take them both to a zoo, where there are many more animals to see. The idea makes the two sisters happy. During the walk, Filofilia looks around and notices a strange black stone at the foot of a tree. Driven by curiosity, she approaches and, without meaning to, kicks it. The stone rolls away further and Filofilia, following it, moves away from the group a little. As she approaches it and examines it more closely, she sees that it is engraved with a gold-colored symbol: a circle divided by internal lines and another circle in the center of the first. Surprised, she bends down to pick it up and gets up again, continuing to observe it. Suddenly, a sinister snort breaks the silence. Looking up, Filofilia sees a creature as long as an elephant, with bat-like wings, a head that resembles a goat with long horns coming out of the sides of the head, and bright red eyes. The body is muscular and humanoid in appearance, but instead of fingers, it has sharp claws on its hands, and instead of feet, it has long legs with small claws. The creature is completely black, with dark, shiny fur like a bat. Filofilia, terrified, cannot understand if she is seeing an animal, a nightmare, or a dream. Looking frightened, Filofilia remembers the words her grandfather always told her: when you come across a wild animal in the forest, it is best to stay calm, walk away slowly, and not lose sight of it. She reflects that it would be wise to follow that advice in this situation too, so she begins to back away slowly, without taking her eyes off the creature. However, the monster lets out a terrifying cry. When it opens its mouth, Filofilia notices long, bat-like canines between its teeth. In an instant, the creature grabs her by the face with one hand, covering her mouth and scratching her face with its claws. The pain is sharp as it lifts her off the ground. With its free arm, it grabs her under the legs and carries her away. Filofilia tries to scream, desperately trying to make herself heard by her sister and grandfather, but the creature's palm prevents her from making any loud, clear sound.

Sibilla, no longer seeing Filofilia, turns to her grandfather to ask if he knows where she has ended up. The Grand Master replies that he thought she was still with them. Worried, Sibilla calls her sister repeatedly, but gets no answer and begins to fear that something may have happened to her, perhaps an encounter with wild beasts. The Grand Master tries to reassure her, noting that there were no screams and remembering that Filofilia was attentive when he had remembered how to behave in the event of an encounter with predators in the forest. Sibilla then wonders if her sister may have gotten lost in the thick of the forest. Her grandfather points out that, since they have not moved far from the village, it would be enough to go back, and hypothesizes that Filofilia may have forgotten something in the village. However, he emphasizes that it would still be prudent to look for it to be safe.

Sibilla contacts Eleftero, and as soon as he answers, she asks him if his sister is in the village. Eleftero, who was having breakfast on a picnic with Mariana under a tree, gets up. Mariana, curious, asks him what is happening, and he explains the situation to her. Together they decide to search the village, also asking the members of their group of friends that they meet during the search, who join them. After having searched the village without finding any traces of Filofilia, they also check their hut, but in vain. Eleftero reports to Sibilla, who thanks him melancholically before saying goodbye. Eleftero asks her what exactly happened, and Sibilla explains that Filofilia disappeared during an excursion in the forest with their grandfather and that she is going to look for her. Eleftero understands and, after a final exchange, they say goodbye. After that, Eleftero informs his friends of Filofilia's disappearance, and everyone, except Icey, is shocked by the news, unable to accept that one of their friends could have disappeared so suddenly. At this point, Mariana has an idea and shares it with the group, suggesting that they consult the river to get a quick answer on what may have happened to Filofilia, remembering how the river, in the past, has often provided her with answers to the village's problems. The friends accept the idea and head to the river together.

Once at the river, Mariana approaches the water and after caressing the rare fish of the river she creates the threads, ties them to a tree and dives into the water. She remains submerged for a while, but nothing happens. Resurfacing, she informs the others with regret, but Eleftero reassures her, telling her that she did her best and proposing to continue the search in the forest. Mariana, however, asks him to wait a little longer, assuming that perhaps she would have to pass out to obtain a vision. With determination, she dives again, while Eleftero, worried about her intentions, approaches the river observing the point where she resurfaced. Despite her fear, Mariana decides to let her breath go underwater, hoping that this may reveal something that will help find Filofilia and perhaps save her from imminent danger. She begins to drown, letting the water invade her. When Eleftero sees the bubbles rising to the surface, he quickly pulls the threads to bring her back to the surface, with the support of his friends who rush to his aid. As soon as Mariana is out of the water, Eleftero gives her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation until she regains consciousness. With relief and a certain severity, Eleftero tells her never to repeat such a recklessness again, holding her in a tight embrace. Mariana, with a contrite voice, says she is sorry for having made him worry and tells her friends that, unfortunately, she has not received any vision. Eleftero, reassuring her, tells her that the vision is not important and that, by searching in the forest, they will surely find Filofilia. He adds, in a firm tone, that it is not worth risking someone's life to find her, holding her even tighter. Mariana nods to Eleftero, while confessing her perplexity as to why the river no longer offers her visions to face the difficulties. Misofova suggests that perhaps the river has "broken". Eleftero, however, rejects this idea, arguing that a river cannot break like a simple object. Perhaps, he speculates, the river acts only in particular circumstances that are unknown to them. He advises them not to seek answers with rash actions, reiterating that one day they will understand the true mechanism of the river, through the occasions in which it offers its help, assuming that it is indeed the river that is the source of such help. Icey, with his usual serious tone, observes that, in a certain sense, it is good that the river no longer intervenes: in this way they learn to manage themselves and, if one day the river dries up, they will have no difficulty.

Once in the forest, Eleftero wonders how he can find Sibilla and her grandfather without interrupting their search by returning to the village to meet up. Mariana, with an idea in mind, creates her threads, that Eleftero makes visible, fills them with energy and by expanding them creates a little man, to whom she places her cell phone in his hands. After opening the music player application, she selects a song and moves the man's hand until he is near the volume button. Then, she extends the threads towards the sky and, once the man is high enough, she increases the volume of the music through his little hand until it becomes deafening. Eleftero praises her, saying that her intuition is excellent, because then they could be heard by Filofilia, if she is nearby. Mariana, however, covers her ears. At the sight of this, Eleftero asks her why, and she replies that the volume is too high. Misofova intervenes, saying that there is no point in covering one's ears, since the music is not perceived loudly through them, but through the wires. Mariana justifies herself, explaining that it came naturally to her, since the ears are the hearing organ. Eleftero then explains to her that she can decide not to listen through the wires, simply by distracting herself from the sound they transmit. He gives her the example of a Sýrmata Pupa, who, when it has too many wires, would hear chaos if it listened to all of them at the same time, and therefore chooses which ones to listen to. Misofova, however, retorts that, when they transfer the soul into many creatures, the Sýrmata Pupa hear the sounds with all of the creatures simultaneously. Eleftero clarifies that, in that case, listening occurs through the various copies of the soul, making the perception different. Mariana follows Eleftero's advice, focusing on distracting herself from the deafening noise. She begins to feel better and thanks Eleftero for his help. Eleftero, with a kind smile, replies to Mariana that it's all right, then asks her if her parents never taught her how to do it. Mariana, a little embarrassed, replies that maybe her father has forgotten, and curiously asks him how he can do it, considering that he is not a Sýrmata Pupa, but a Translenergic. Eleftero, with a calm voice, explains that even for a Translenergic it is essential to learn it, especially when he finds himself controlling the wires of a Sýrmata Pupa. He adds that it was a friend of his who taught him. Then, looking up at Mariana's phone and reflecting, he states that, although the music is at maximum volume, he doubts that it can be heard throughout the forest. He then suggests that they move, so that if Sibilla, the Grand Master or Filofilia are out of range of the music, they might hear them.

As they walk through the thick of the forest, Sibilla, at a certain distance, hears the music and, thinking that Filofilia is listening to it, lights up with joy. She turns to the Grand Master and urges him to go and check it out. Following the sound, they finally reach Eleftero and his group. Sibilla is disappointed not to have found Filofilia, but still greets her friends. Curiously, she asks them why Mariana created a puppet with strings, on which they placed a telephone that plays music at full volume, and why they placed it so high. Eleftero explains the reasons behind this choice. Sibilla, reflecting for a moment, says that it was a great idea and that it could also prove useful to track Filofilia down more easily. However, Sibilla's grandfather contradicts her, pointing out that, if Filofilia is not in the village and got lost in the forest without making a noise, she could have fallen and lost consciousness. In a serious voice, he adds that he hopes to find her before the wild animals do. With some urgency, Sibilla exclaims that they must find her as soon as possible. Eleftero, looking for a solution, asks if they had tried to call her, but Sibilla, shaking her head, explains that Filofilia had a dead phone and left it in her backpack, inside the hut. Eleftero, thoughtful, concludes that the only solution is to contact Teen Ship and ask him to notify Translenergic Teen, so that he can come to the village. Sibilla nods, while Misofova, in a plaintive tone, worries about the fact that there will be heroes in the village again and will have to limit their powers again, adding that something always has to happen in the village. Eleftero, without wasting time, calls Teen Ship and explains the situation to him. Teen Ship, promptly, agrees to take care of the request and the two say goodbye. Eleftero, turning to the others, says that, while they wait for Translenergic Teen to arrive, they could continue their search for Filofilia in the forest for at least another hour. The group nods in agreement and prepares to resume their search.

Continuing their search in the forest, they come to a macabre area, where numerous deer lie dead with a hole in their necks, similar to a vampire's bite, from which blood flows. The disturbing vision deeply affects Sibilla, evoking an almost forgotten memory of her childhood. At eleven years old, on a school day in fifth grade, she had proposed to her best friend to go on a hike in the forest right after school, before returning home. Her friend, enthusiastic, had accepted the idea without hesitation. After school, Sibilla's younger cousin, seeing them heading towards the forest, had asked to join them. Sibilla had said no, explaining that the forest could be dangerous, but she had secretly followed them. When they had realized, now too far ahead to go back, they had let her stay with them. At a certain point, for no apparent reason, Jessica had disappeared. Sibilla and her friend had begun to search for her desperately, until they came across a disturbing scene: dead deer with holes in their necks that were still dripping blood, just like the ones Sibilla had just seen again. Going into the trees, Sibilla and her friend had seen a monstrous creature, the same one Filofilia had recently encountered, which was holding Jessica in its hands and sucking blood from her neck. When the monster stopped sucking to free its mouth from the too much blood it had sucked, some drops fell on her cousin's glittery fuchsia hair. She and her friend were paralyzed with fear, unable to react. When the creature had finished, it threw Jessica's pale and lifeless body on the ground and headed towards them. But, hearing voices approaching, it ran away into the forest, leaving them in shock.

Sibilla, recovered from the memory, is even more worried about Filofilia and tells the others that they need to find her as soon as possible. She thinks that if Filofilia was knocked out, she might have awakened, and perhaps by stretching energy threads into the forest, she could take control of it, giving a sign of her presence. Mariana acknowledges that the plan might be energy-intensive, but she believes it can work, so she creates the threads, which Sibilla makes visible, and extends them rapidly, trying to cover as much of the forest as possible in the shortest amount of time. Time passes as Mariana continues to stretch the threads, listening to the sounds she perceives through their tips to understand when the forest ends. The threads pass through every corner of the forest, but they do not receive any signal from Filofilia. Finally, Mariana informs the others. Eleftero suggests going to the village to see if the teen has arrived, and Mariana destroys the threads and then heads with the others towards the village.

Upon their return to the village, they find Translenergic Teen talking to the villagers, looking for information about the missing girl. However, no one seems to know anything about what happened. Mariana and her friends approach and greet him. Among them, Eleftero takes the floor, explaining that the missing girl is Sibilla's sister. Translenergic Teen reflects for a moment and admits that he noticed a certain lack in the group, then asks them to describe the girl's appearance. At that point, Sibilla intervenes, describing her sister's long brown hair and the peculiar earrings with two bears hugging each other. To give a more complete picture of her sister, she takes her phone and shows a photo of her and her sister together. Translenergic Teen asks her to send him the image and asks how long Filofilia has been missing. Sibilla responds that she has only been missing for a few hours. Translenergic Teen notes that it is usually necessary to wait 24 hours before a person can be declared officially missing, and adds that the girl may have headed towards Severpoli. Sibilla shakes her head and explains that Filofilia disappeared while she was with her and her grandfather in the forest. At that point, Translenergic Teen states that the situation is different if the disappearance occurred in the woods, not excluding the possibility that the girl could already be dead. She points out, in fact, that many people disappear or die in the forest of Severpoli. Sibilla, resolutely, declares that until there is certain proof, she will never believe in her sister's death. Translenergic Teen states that she will contact the Teen Knights of Severpoli to ask for their help, and in the meantime announces that she will inspect the forest alone until they arrive, and then join them in the search. Just at that moment, Angelica passes by and greets the boys. Having heard the conversation, she reminds them of how they tried to help her find her friend when he disappeared, although unfortunately there was nothing they could do because he was already dead. With an expression of gratitude, she explains that now it is her turn to return that act of solidarity, offering her help. She says she knows a friend who can find anyone in the forest, emphasizing how he has already helped many lost people. She therefore suggests that they turn to him to look for Filofilia. Sibilla, full of hope, asks her to lead them to this friend. Angelica nods and invites them to follow her. Without hesitation, the group sets off after her, being led to the hut of Angelica's friend.

They enter the hut and find themselves in an environment full of mystery: tribal masks on the walls and smoke rising from wooden pots, where sticks are burning in the center of a pile of stones. Angelica's friend is there, a tall, rectangular creature, with dreadlocks and long arms and legs, also rectangular, with square fingers. Only the face, with eyes, nose and mouth, appears to be of common shapes. He greets Angelica and then, turning to the boys, asks if they are his friends. He introduces himself as Loquianimalibu. Eleftero answers affirmatively and tells that Filofilia, Sibilla's sister, pointing to the latter, has disappeared in the forest, and that Angelica suggested asking for his help. Loquianimalibu assures that he will find the girl without difficulty. The boys thank him, and Sibilla adds, that she is deeply grateful to him. Meanwhile, Mariana, intrigued by the objects in the hut, notices a piece of wood engraved with a living map, on which pawns move autonomously. Looking at it, she asks Loquianimalibu if it is a sort of telephone with a wooden cover. He approaches and, taking the object in his hands, answers her negatively, explaining that it is the object itself that has the map drawn on it and the pieces that move by themselves, as if animated by magic. Just at that moment, from a window of the hut, a boy with black-blue hair hears them and enters. He says his name is Novu and asks how much money Loquianimalibu wants for that artifact, explaining that he is passionate about archaeology and that in September he will start university in this field. He emphasizes that the object reminds him of chess, which has something classic and ancient, which is why he collects them with passion. Loquianimalibu reiterates that nothing is for sale, since all the objects present are his personal souvenirs. Novu insists, telling Loquianimalibu that for him those objects are simple souvenirs, while for him they are real collector's items. He points out that the living map, with its pieces that move by themselves, would be the perfect element to complete his collection, already rich in ancient chessboards. He adds that for this reason, it is essential that he be able to have it. Loquianimalibu expresses regret for not being able to please Novu and explains that he has no intention of selling the object, since he is fond of all his souvenirs, even if they do not form a collection. Novu, with a forced smile, replies that it is not a problem and walks away from the hut, thinking to himself that he will use an alternative way to appropriate the artifact.

Novu, before completing his mission using his own methods, decides to head to the Tenebrisautomata base. There he intends to inform the leader of the first success achieved, also taking the opportunity to tell him of a hero who came to the village in search of the young girl kidnapped in the forest. With respect, he asks why the girl has not been eliminated yet. The leader explains that the young girl is indispensable to him. To break the seal, the blood of the owner of the stone is needed, and, since the creator of the seal died three centuries ago, already a century after his death, whoever had collected the stone with the intention of possessing it would become the new owner. He points out that the girl, from the way she looked at the stone, seemed to have precisely that intention, and even if he is not entirely sure, he prefers not to risk it. Novu, with a shadow of doubt, asks him if over the centuries someone else could have collected the stone before her. The chief shakes his head, saying that he does not think this is possible, since the stone was found still inside the forest, apparently intact. In a firm voice, he then orders Novu to get the map, while he will take care of the hero. Novu agrees and walks away. From the shadows behind a staircase, the chief's seventh brother emerges, also a tall creature, with a prominent nose similar to that of the teens and two canines protruding from his mouth. However, unlike him, his complexion is milky white, and his hair, white as frost, falls to his neck. Most of that hair seems to have a cold wind inside it that rises to the roots, leaving only eight thin strands composed of scalp. Moving forward, he addresses his brother by name, Tenebrisesse, and notes that finally everything is going well. Tenebrisesse, however, contradicts him, saying that he prefers not to celebrate yet since the necessary artifacts to complete the ritual of breaking the seal are missing and emphasizes, in a serious tone, that the statuette is also unknown where it is. Immediately after, his body begins to mutate, slowly letting his monster come out.

In the forest, Mariana and her friends, accompanied by Angelica and Loquianimalibu, set out to search for Filofilia. Loquianimalibu discusses with Mariana her piece of wood with the map and the animated pawns she brought with her, stopping every now and then to question the animals of the forest for clues about Filofilia. At first, no animal knows anything, until a group of birds tell Loquianimalibu that they saw a girl taken away by a monster that usually roams the forest, leading her to an underground base. Loquianimalibu, elated, declares that he has finally found Filofilia and shares the information with the rest of the group. The news, however, brings back memories of the monster that killed her cousin, throwing her into a moment of terror. In the meantime, Loquianimalibu asks the birds to guide them to the base where they saw the girl. But someone is watching them from behind the trees. They begin to hear the sounds of branches breaking, leaves crinkling, and a deep, dull sound, as if a huge creature were running through the trees. The boys freeze, their hearts in their throats, as they feel those heavy footsteps surrounding them, the ground vibrating beneath them. The monster, invisible in the shadows, moves quickly, skirting around them without ever letting itself be seen. Until, with a sudden leap, the monster of Sibilla's memories launches itself out of the trees, landing right in front of Loquianimalibu, its gigantic stature looming menacingly. Sibilla finds herself once again immobilized by fear, terrified just like that day. The monster lets out a bloodcurdling cry and grabs Loquianimalibu, who tries to hit it, but his fists pass through the monster's body without harming it. Realizing that he can't do anything, Loquianimalibu stops and begs the monster not to eat him. The monster responds by saying that it only feeds on what is useful, not on disgusting dreams. Sibilla, trembling, claims that the monster can speak, and the creature, with a scornful tone, confirms the obviousness of the matter. Sibilla accuses it of being the same monster that killed her cousin. The monster, indifferent, claims to have killed many dreams in the forest and does not remember her cousin in particular, nor that he has ever left anyone alive. Then, he asks how long ago it happened. She replies that seven years have passed, when she was still in elementary school. The monster, reflecting, remembers and tells Sibilla that only once have little girls ventured into the forest alone. He happily admits to having fortified himself with a snack, but expresses regret at having had to deprive himself of the precious child blood of the other two girls, one of whom, he intuits, must be her. He claims to have made this sacrifice because the arrival of other people had forced him not to go beyond the first girl, fearing that,discovered his presence in the forest, they would have unleashed a hunt, which would have delayed his plans. Sibilla, trembling, asks him what he has done to her sister. The monster asks her if he means the girl he met a few hours earlier in the forest, and in an indifferent tone adds that she is fine. However, he adds that, at the moment, he has other matters to attend to and that they can talk about them later. Without further hesitation, he throws Loquianimalibu over the trees, before throwing himself on him with fury. Screams echo in the air, and the boys, all except Sibilla, paralyzed by fear, head towards the noises to find out what is happening. Before they get there, the monster returns with the piece of wood in his hand and declares that he will now get rid of them to keep his presence a secret. He launches an attack, but the Sýrmata Pupa of the group react quickly, creating their threads in an attempt to penetrate him with their spikes to control him. The monster, however, skillfully dodges the threads. Then Mariana, without wasting time, infuses the energy threads and hits the monster, telling the others to run away. The others run away, but Sibilla remains still, frozen in terror. However, seeing that Sibilla does not react, she grabs her by the arm and starts running, forcing her to move. Only then does Sibilla seem to recover and starts to run away with her. The monster gets up again and, despite being tempted to follow the boys, decides not to waste time, preferring to deal with it as soon as it has freed the dark souls.The monster gets up again and, although he was tempted to follow the boys, he decides not to waste time, preferring to deal with them as soon as he has freed the dark souls.The monster gets up again and, although he was tempted to follow the boys, he decides not to waste time, preferring to deal with them as soon as he has freed the dark souls.

As they return to the village, Angelica cries over the loss of her friend. Eleftero, saddened, expresses his regret to her. Angelica, with a broken voice, confides that all her friends are dead and that now she is alone. Mariana, trying to comfort her, assures her that she will find new friends and that, when she feels lonely, she can be with them. Angelica thanks her, but admits that anyone who comes near her ends up dying. Misofova intervenes, urging her not to get down, claiming that the deaths of her friends are just a coincidence. Angelica, however, says that it does not seem to be a coincidence. Anney, trying to cheer her up, tells her that she understands her pain, but it is important not to get discouraged, so that, one day, when she goes to visit her friends in the Land of the Livid Dead, she can give them good news, telling them that she is happy. Angelica promises to try.

Continuing their journey, the boys encounter a little elf with curly blonde hair that reaches her neck, wearing a hat, tied to a tree. Her cries for help resonate, but at first they don't understand where they're coming from. However, as soon as Mariana sees her, she frees her without hesitation, receiving her thanks immediately. Immediately after, she asks her why she was tied up. The little elf says that she was checking the objects in her lair, including a statuette. A monster attacked her, stole the statuette and tied her to that tree, with the intention of having her devoured by the wild animals of the forest. She adds that she heard the monster say that now he had everything needed to break a seal and bring back a creature sealed by a hero. Igneusapillo wonders if the monster isn't trying to release a nightmare to invade the Glade. Mariana says that they must stop it. Elefthero, however, points out that if they don't know where the nightmare will be released, they can't do anything. The elf intervenes, saying that she believes she knows where the monster might be acting. She says that six hundred years ago, one of her ancestors obtained the statuette in a place where a hero had sealed a creature, and she suspects that it might be the same creature. She also remembers that her parents often took her to that place. Sibilla intervenes, saying that if they manage to capture the monster, they can force it to reveal where it keeps Filofilia. However, she emphasizes the importance of surprising it and immediately depriving it of the objects necessary to release the nightmare. Elefthero thinks this is a great idea, and the elf invites them to follow her. She leads them to a part of the forest where there is a large round stone embedded in the ground, covered in hieroglyphics, surrounded by stones as large as people, making them hide behind some bushes nearby. They wait there for a long time, but no one comes and hunger and the need to use the bathroom begin to make themselves felt. Misofova, in order not to lose sight of the place, suggests that they satisfy their needs in the nearby bushes, far enough away not to be seen, but without going too far. They take turns walking away and, once everyone is finished, Anney asks Icey if she also needs something. Icey, despite feeling the need, embarrassed by the idea of ​​doing it in the forest, lies saying that she is not in a hurry and everyone starts eating some fruit taken from nearby trees. After a while, Translenergic Teen and five teen knights arrive. The first informs them that there is no sign of their friend. Sibilla tells the heroes what they have discovered and introduces the elf who provided the information. The heroes introduce themselves and join the waiting boys. When evening falls, the monster arrives bringing with him Filofilia, blindfolded, along with ten hooded figures. They arrange themselves in a circle around the round stone,with the monster in the center, on the northern side, holding Filofilia in front of him. The heroes, without hesitation, launch themselves into the attack. Sibilla tries to stop them, but it is too late. The boys follow the heroes, except for Sibilla who is too scared to approach the monster, and Icey, who knows she can't help in the battle against the monster and prefers not to risk losing control of her bladder. The monster, noticing the heroes and the boys, orders his followers to join hands. He quickly throws the statuette to the center of the large round stone and, with a claw, scratches Filofilia's hand, placing the black stone under it on the side of the seal that collects the gushed blood. Then, he invokes the seal to break and release Corrumpesimia, while with a clean blow of the claw he cuts the stone in two, throwing half of it against the hero's statuette. Meanwhile, the heroes and the boys reach the Tenebrisautomata and launch themselves into the fray. From the fragments of the black stone, the seal disappears, and the statuette begins to shatter by itself, radiating light. The Sýrmata Pupa of the group fight with their threads, while the teens use their powers, and the Translenergics stop a short distance away, observing. During the fight, the monster's followers lose their hoods, revealing their true identities. Among them is Novu, whose face is unmasked when Mariana hits him with her energy-charged threads, leaving everyone shocked. Translenergic Teen, after fighting some of the monster's followers, launches himself at the monster, passing through it without managing to hurt it. Surprised, the teen asks what kind of creature it is, but the monster replies that he doesn't need to know. Translenergic Teen, observing the monster's energy structure, states that it is a Sýrmata Pupa. The monster, curious, asks what he is. The teen replies that he is a Translenergic and warns him to let the girl go. The monster, with a sinister grin, promises to do so, but as he raises his claws ready to cut Filofilia's throat, he is suddenly blocked by Anney's threads, which bind his hand and violently push him to the ground. Translenergic Teen quickly approaches, frees Filofilia from the bandage that covered her and makes her move away from the monster. In the meantime, the fragmenting statuette, which until that moment emanated an intense light, darkens. From the slowly fading light emerges Corrumpesimia, a black monkey with metal-covered forehead and fingers, who watches the scene with curiosity and asks what is happening. The monster, turning to his followers, announces that their mission is accomplished and that it is time to retreat. With a quick gesture, he places the piece of wood on which the living map is engraved on the ground, before walking away with his followers. The Sýrmata Pupa, among the boys present, try to hit Corrumpesima with the threads, but he skillfully dodges the attacks and, in a calm voice, asks the reason for such hostility. Translenergic Teen intervenes,ordering the boys to stop, and they obey without hesitation. He then approaches Corrumpesimia, greeting him with respect and calling him "colleague", and then asks him where he had been all that time. Corrumpesimia, with a serious tone, reveals that six hundred years ago he had been sealed by his friend and colleague Ranblu, apparently for no reason. Then, his gaze falls on the piece of wood on the ground with the living map. Noticing a symbol next to the button, he immediately understands that it is his map, the key that led him to a world of fantasy. With his eyes lit up by a feverish light, he picks up the piece of wood, satisfied to have finally recovered it. The boys, watching the scene, wonder perplexed why those nightmares have freed a hero. While they search for answers, Sibilla runs to Filofilia and, hugging her affectionately, tells her that she is immensely happy that she is now safe. While As Icey, in her usual serious tone, asks if they can go back to the village, she doesn't seem particularly agitated, even if she shifts her weight slightly from one foot to the other. Anney, noticing the subtle tension in her sister's movements, suggests, thoughtfully, that if she were in dire need, she could resolve to do it in the forest. Icey, however, firmly rejects the idea and denies having any needs. However, she immediately states that she simply wants to go back to the village, even if her slight shifting of weight continues to betray a certain discomfort. With this decision made, the group says goodbye to the elf and, together with the heroes, sets off towards the village. During the journey, Corrumpesimia entertains everyone by narrating her incredible adventures. Finally arriving at the village, the teen knights announce that they must return to Severpoli. This briefly stops the group, and Translenergic Teen offers to join them, while Corrumpesimia, struck by the discovery of the village beyond the forest, states that he will pay the village a visit. So, after saying goodbye to the heroes, the boys head towards their hut.

Ultima modifica di Domenico idea il Dom Ott 13, 2024 4:13 pm - modificato 7 volte.
Domenico idea
Messaggi : 154
Data di iscrizione : 29.09.21

Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa: A Free Life Ep.6 Empty Re: Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa: A Free Life Ep.6

Gio Ott 10, 2024 12:55 pm
The next day, Corrumpesimia, who spent the night sleeping on the ground leaning against the wall of a hut, decides to wake up and play his wooden game before calmly exploring the village. So he clicks the button and enters the map. The pawns, happy to see him again, run towards him enthusiastically, hugging him and crowding on him. One of them labels him as "the best king in the history of the kingdom". Corrumpesimia kindly frees himself from the pile of pawns and, thanking them for their affection, claims that he simply did his duty. A pawn, reading the law of the Kingdom, announces that, with the return of the old king, the new ruler must return the throne. The new pawn king is disheartened, while the people rejoice for Corrumpesimia. Meanwhile, Tenebrisesse enters the map with three of his generals who are holding on to him. The generals leave Tenebrisesse and, together with him, head towards Corrumpesimia, greeting him warmly and proposing to celebrate his return at the restaurant. Corrumpesimia, however, refuses, reminding them that it was they who tried to convince him to adopt policies harmful to the people. Tenebrisesse, trying to justify himself, states that it was a misunderstanding, and that their proposals were aimed at improving the economy of the kingdom, favoring their activities, and that after some temporary sacrifice, the people would also benefit. He concludes by saying that they should not allow such a misunderstanding to ruin their friendship, and invites Corrumpesimia again to eat at the restaurant with them. Corrumpesimia listens carefully to those words, then turns her gaze towards her right shoulder. There she notices the appearance of a small angel who, with a worried expression, urges him not to trust them. On his left shoulder, however, a small devil appears and, with an enticing tone, suggests that he accept the invitation, justifying the four by saying that they had good intentions. The angel insists, saying that if he accepts, they will drag him into a cycle of binges, until they ask him again to adopt those same policies, making him as corrupt as the old rulers. The devil, with a sly manner, replies that he can participate in a few banquets with them and then stop, before vice takes over. The angel, worried, reminds him that it would not be right, and that Corrumpesimia does not know how many binges would be enough to make him a slave to desire. The devil replies that two or three banquets are few enough not to fall into vice, and invites him to ignore the angel's "party pooper", suggesting that he listen to his stomach instead, concluding everything with a knowing wink. Corrumpesimia, now decided, repeats to the four that he has no intention of participating in their feasts. In response,her devil throws a banana at the angel before disappearing, calling him a "party pooper." The wounded angel disappears as well, calling the devil a "thug." One of the generals, puzzled, turns to Corrumpesimia and asks if he is really willing to break their long friendship over a misunderstanding. Corrumpesimia confirms with a simple yes. The general, a little annoyed, points out that he could have expressed his discomfort earlier, instead of waiting six centuries. Corrumpesimia replies that in the past he could not have done so.

At that point, Tenebrisesse intervenes, inviting the general to let it go. Turning to Corrumpesimia, he reassures him that, should he change his mind, their doors will always remain open. Then, he walks away, signaling his generals to follow him. The general from before, visibly annoyed, states that the situation should not have happened and that now they have no chance of obtaining the Black Crystal. Tenebrisesse, remaining calm, tells him not to panic, assuring him that obtaining the crystal from Corrumpesimia will be a breeze. The general from before, skeptical, asks how they can manage to get it from a monkey who hates them. Tenebrisesse calmly explains to him that he will have a person, unknown to Corrumpesimia, enter to start a relationship based on frequent banquets. Determined, they all head towards the portal from which they came, invisible to the others but not to them, which they pass through to return to the base.

Once there, Tenebrisesse picks up the phone and calls Novu, inviting him to join him in the throne room. Novu accepts and immediately sets out. When Novu arrives, Tenebrisesse tells him that he needs him. He explains that Corrumpesimia is not willing to resume eating with them and emphasizes that, without abundant and frequent meals, Corrumpesimia will never be able to establish a habit that she can depend on, a habit that she would not be able to sustain without their intervention. Consequently, Tenebrisesse reveals to Novu his decision: it will be him, through the funds of Tenebrisesse and his generals, accumulated in the kingdom inside the wood, to have meals at the restaurant with Corrumpesimia, until new developments in the plan emerge. Novu agrees to carry out the mission. Tenebrisesse, turning to his generals and Novu, orders them to stick to him. They obey promptly, and when Tenebrisesse presses the button on his piece of wood, they are all transported inside the map, dragged along with him as they were holding on to him. Tenebrisesse takes a bundle of 1000 fictupecunia notes from his pocket, giving them to Novu, and orders the generals to do the same, who obey. He then turns to Novu and explains that he will have to use the money in a nearby restaurant, indicating it with a nod. He orders him to pretend not to know them or have any relationship with them until further notice. He adds that when it is time to return, he must contact him in secret and they will meet away from prying eyes. Novu agrees. Tenebrisesse continues, ordering him to go to Corrumpesimia, who resides in a palace she indicates. He explains that he will have to pay the pawn guards to gain an audience with Corrumpesimia and offer him a sumptuous banquet to celebrate his return to the kingdom. The order is to order a lot of food, especially fruit, and to show interest in getting to know Corrumpesimia better, pretending to want to continue with more eating. Novu nods and heads towards the building, where the guards' spears block his way. He requests an audience with Corrumpesimia, but the pawns inform him that the king has not set times for public meetings and that he can only meet him when he has left the castle. Without hesitation, Novu takes two banknotes from the deck and offers one to each guard. They, however, reply that they cannot turn a blind eye to such little generosity. Novu then takes twenty banknotes and divides them among them, obtaining permission to pass.

Arriving before Corrumpesimia, Novu bows and expresses his joy at the sovereign's return to the kingdom, proposing to celebrate the event with a banquet at his own expense. Corrumpesimia, listening to Novu's words, finds herself once again seeing the angel and the devil appear. The angel The angel urges him not to accept, to avoid falling back into the mistakes of the past. The devil, however, encourages him, saying that he has done so much for the kingdom and that, in reality, he is a true hero, one who has protected the Glade with all of himself. He tells him that he deserves a banquet, also to celebrate his return, after being betrayed and imprisoned by a false friend, a false hero, who had unjustly sealed him in limbo. The angel admonishes him, inviting him to recognize his own weaknesses and not to participate in meals with unknown people, as these could lead him into temptation again towards material desire, underlining how it is intrinsically corrupting. With a quick and contemptuous gesture, Corrumpesimia throws the angel away with a simple snap of her fingers and asks the devil a question, asking if he really thinks he deserves to have a meal. The devil, with a smug smile, replies that it is obvious: a great hero like him, who has always done his best to protect the Glade, even risking his life, can only deserve the best. Corrumpesimia enthusiastically accepts Novu's proposal, who, unable to see the entities perceived by the hero, is perplexed to have seen him speak to his shoulder. Corrumpesimia asks where they will have the banquet. Novu, following the directions previously received from Tenebrisesse, leads him to a place, where he orders a large amount of food. While waiting, Novu asks how difficult it is to manage the kingdom. Corrumpesimia, with a hint of vanity, replies that it is a difficult challenge, but that the happiness of his people gives him the strength to carry on. Novu, feigning admiration, observes that he must truly have a deep affection for his people, and Corrumpesimia, puffed up with pride, confirms, boasting of all the deeds he has accomplished for the common good. When the food arrives, Corrumpesimia, ecstatic about all those delicacies, abandons himself to joy, immersing himself in a wild binge. Novu joins him, albeit with less enthusiasm. At the end of the meal, Novu approaches Corrumpesimia and, with a false smile, confides in him how interesting he finds him as a person, especially for his love for the people. He suggests that they continue to meet for more meals together and greets him warmly. Corrumpesimia accepts the invitation, returning the greeting. Having reached the site of the portal, Novu contacts Tenebrisesse, informing him that Corrumpesimia has agreed to participate in more meals. Tenebrisesse praises him,telling him that this is great news and that he must now continue to meet him in the afternoon and evening for a whole week. Only then would he give him further instructions. Novu diligently follows the plan and, at the end of the week, receives new directives from Tenebrisesse: he must tell Corrumpesimia, during the usual time of the morning meal, that he no longer has the funds to finance the eating, since three of his friends had paid for it. Furthermore, he must bring him to him and his three generals after revealing this truth to them. Novu agrees and proceeds as agreed.

When Corrumpesimia is brought before Tenebrisesse and his generals, he begs to be allowed to participate in another feast. Tenebrisesse admonishes him, stressing that friends must behave well and that he has behaved badly. Corrumpesimia, promises to do whatever it takes to make amends. Tenebrisesse asks him to hand over the black crystal entrusted to every royal. However, Corrumpesimia, worried, reveals that he has heard that removing the crystal could bring disaster to the kingdom. Tenebrisesse, with a confident tone, downplays such fears, stating that these are just conspiracy theories and reassures him that nothing bad will happen.

So Corrumpesimia leads them to the crystal room and, with shaking hands, nervously extracts the gem from the case, reassuring herself when nothing strange happens. She offers the crystal to Tenebrisesse as a sign of friendship, and he gratefully accepts it before quickly walking away, followed by his generals, while Corrumpesimia questions them about the meal. Then he heads to the large rock in the center of the kingdom and fits the crystal into the appropriate slot. Immediately, the pawns begin to crumble, their fragments rising into the air. A purple wind envelops the entire kingdom, pushing the fragments towards the sky, where a portal opens, allowing the entry of numerous dark souls. When the storm subsides, no trace of the pawns remains in the kingdom. Tenebrisesse takes the crystal back and, ordering his men to follow him, exits the map. Outside, in the base, several dark souls await them. Showing the black crystal, Tenebrisesse declares himself their liberator and demands their loyalty as a sign of gratitude, inviting them to join him in the imminent invasion of the Glade, a goal they had tried to achieve before their condemnation. Finally, he promises revenge against the one who had imprisoned them. At the sound of his words, the souls acclaim Tenebrisesse, who solemnly announces that, although he is the leader, their general will be the young man next to him, Novu, who will lead them for the invasion. Tenebrisesse's brother, incredulous, approaches him and asks why he, who is much stronger than Novu, was not chosen. Tenebrisesse, with a sly smile, explains that it is not yet time to play his aces and that first they must test the strength of the enemies starting with the weakest. He promises them, however, that his time will come and then he will have the chance to put himself on the line. Then, turning to Novu, he orders him to start the invasion from the village of the Energici. As soon as Novu, accompanied by the dark souls, reaches the village, he begins to sow chaos, trying to imprison all the inhabitants. The citizens, realizing that the threads of the Sýrmata Pupa are ineffective against these entities, flee in terror. Suddenly, All of a sudden, Corrumpesimia emerges from her map and finds herself faced with a disturbing vision: the dark souls and Novu are imprisoning the villagers. As she watches, she reflects on the fact that Novu is the same one who accompanied him on wild eating sprees, then left him to beg for favor from his old friends, who, once they obtained the crystal, disappeared, and when he left the castle, he saw a kingdom now deserted. At that point, Corrumpesimia understands that the events are intertwined, and above all, that it was he himself who triggered everything. He wonders, full of remorse, what he did, muttering to himself that he believed it was just a game, with no repercussions on real life.

[As soon as they are ready, in place of this box you will find the other parts of the story that is still incomplete]

From episode 6 for the first time the enemies will become stable and if they face enemies other than the two main groups they will be engaged or controlled by them; the elements that usually repeat themselves in the series will continue to be there (such as the rare fish and the visions in the river); from this and with this episode the darkness typical of the series will take more moderate proportions.

Furthermore, a hypothetical theme song for the first season could be:

Character Image
This is Filofilia Cervelli:
Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa: A Free Life Ep.6 Screen14
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