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Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa A Free Life Empty Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa A Free Life

Dom Ago 04, 2024 10:54 pm
The story had the introduction intentionally cut due to the lack of tact in its writing that requires a change to show more empathy towards the theme. This does not take away the readability of the story and the understanding of the events it represents.

Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa A Free Life

Part 1: The Energics Village

In a city of the Glade lives an eighteen-year-old girl named Mariana Taibi, who attends the fourth year of high school. Mariana has two blue eyes like the sky and long blond hair like the sunlight, part of which covers her right eye. Her childhood was happy thanks to the love of her father, despite the fact that her mother was more focused on herself than on the needs of her daughter. At school, Mariana had many friends who were also fascinated by her nature as a Sýrmata Pupa, a fact that she told without problems, unlike others of her species present in the Glade. At the age of seven, her father taught her to use her powers through due training. However, at the age of nine, her life changed radically with the death of her father, an event that devastated her deeply. In addition, her mother, not knowing how to handle problems without the help of her husband, became more oppressive towards Mariana to prevent the presence of any problem so as not to have to deal with it.

During a birthday party, the mother of the classmate who was celebrating her birthday, entering her daughter's bedroom, found Virimperio's corpse with his head immersed in a pool of blood and let out a scream that resounded throughout the house. She called the station of the common knights present and shortly after, four teen knights arrived who, having observed the situation, began to question those present. They discovered that Mariana had gone up to the room with Virimperio, but then had run down, feigning indifference. When Mariana learned of what had happened, she felt guilty and, crying, confessed to the teens that Virimperio had tried to abuse her, and that she had used her powers at different times to hit him and escape, emphasizing that she did not mean to kill him and that she did not know he was dead. A classmate of Mariana, supported by her friends, told the teens that Mariana was lying and that Virimperio was sad and wanted to apologize for past actions, adding that Mariana only wants to criminalize the victim. The teen knights responded to Mariana that her behavior was not justifiable and that there were other less violent ways to follow, then inviting her to follow them. Mariana was taken to prison and, in the following days, in court a teen judge decided that she had to serve two years in prison. Despite this, she was allowed to continue studying. During her detention, she could do nothing but think about her action, crying every time she remembered it.

When she got out of prison, it wasn't easy for her. People looked at her with suspicion and her mother had promised her that when she turned eighteen, she would be kicked out of her house for dishonoring the family. To attend high school, she chose a high school far from the city, hoping that no one would know about her past. At first, she avoided making friends, preferring to isolate herself and trying not to attract attention. However, on the first day of school, a boy with short brown hair named Eleftero Liber, a Translenergic, noticed her during recess. With eyes glowing with brown light, he was trying to locate Sýrmata Pupa to train with and saw her playing with energy threads. Approaching her, he introduced himself and revealed that he was a Translenergic and that he had noticed that she was a Sýrmata Pupa. She also introduced herself and confirmed that she was a Sýrmata Pupa. The boy then asked her if he could train during recess to use his powers, and she agreed. Thus, he was able to train with the powers of the Sýrmata Pupa during recess. As the years passed, they became closer and closer to each other and, once Elefthero's training was over, they began to dedicate recess to games.

She is now in her fourth year of high school and, despite having made many friends, she cannot forget her crime, dreaming about it every night. On the last day of school, during recess, she and Eleftero decided to play a game with strings, taking turns drawing pictures that Eleftero made visible through his eyes, allowing his classmates to watch the show. However, the teacher caught them and ordered them to stop and destroy the strings. Mariana, confused, took the strings back and asked what they had done wrong. The teacher explained that using strings was dangerous, as one could take control of someone by mistake or in a moment of anger, stressing that controlling any creature, even for a second, was illegal. Mariana, sorry, lowered her head and apologized. Eleftero objected that they were not doing anything wrong and that the possibility of abuse should not prevent the harmless use of strings. The teacher retorted that the strings were not toys, but energy tools meant to dominate others, and that it was necessary to be responsible and not play with them. Eleftero protested, saying that it was not fair, but the teacher concluded that it was just the way it was. At the end of school, Eleftero confided in Mariana that he hated the fact that their species always had to be careful about dreams, expressing a desire for more freedom. He then told her that, now that school was over, they could play with the strings on their own. Mariana recognized the teacher's reasonableness and admitted that she preferred to use the strings only when she was alone. Eleftero, trying to reassure her, told her that he would not report her if, by mistake or in a moment of anger, she were to dominate him or hurt her. Mariana responded that she had no intention of using the strings in dangerous situations.

Eleftero told Mariana that it was fine and suggested that she go for a ride with him and his uncle at six in the afternoon. She accepted and they said goodbye to each other and went home. Since she was kicked out of her house on her birthday without even a party, which she hasn't seen since the fateful day, Mariana has been living in an abandoned house that she cleaned and fixed with some pieces of wood, making it habitable. Mariana doesn't have a job and her family gave her enough money for a year; however, to save money, she feeds herself with the fruit of some trees in a nearby forest at the foot of the mountain, which she picks every three days. After eating, she changes and sits on the bed, reflecting on her species, the Sýrmata Pupa, and why they have such a dangerous power. Then, she dedicates herself to the exercises of a summer book to review the school year that has just ended, making good use of the time waiting for six o'clock.

At six o'clock, Mariana hears the doorbell and, upon opening the door, finds Eleftero with a stout, bearded, and half-bald man. Eleftero introduces her to his uncle, Provolí Sui, who jokes that he was named that way because his favorite food is provoletta. Mariana invites the guests to sit down while she gets ready, then they begin their walk. Mariana asks Eleftero if he has a destination in mind or if they will walk aimlessly. Eleftero informs her that a new amusement park has opened in the city and suggests that they go see it. Eleftero's uncle informs her that the amusement park is currently closed, but a friend of his has gotten him the keys for an exclusive visit and Mariana agrees to the destination. Upon reaching the amusement park, Mariana looks at her surroundings with sadness, seeing a public place usually dedicated to entertainment and full of happy people in a state of closure with no one. Mariana asks if it makes sense to visit an empty amusement park. Provolí responds that it makes sense if it allows you to preview what the park will be like once it opens, and adds that he has the keys that allow you to try any of the attractions and rides. He also emphasizes that before the opening, all the stall owners and the owner of the amusement park will arrive, offering him the opportunity to meet the latter.

Walking through the amusement park, Eleftero and his uncle focus on the rides, attractions and stalls, especially from the point of view of the services offered, while Mariana observes them in their entirety, noting that each ride and attraction they see features images of Rayman's adventures and that the products in the stalls are about Rayman and other heroes. Mariana asks Provolí if the amusement park is dedicated to Rayman, and he confirms, explaining that the owner, a friend of his, wanted to create an amusement park in the city inspired by a hero much loved by young people, and Rayman was the most suitable for this project. Passing by a large pool with marine fences that form a labyrinth, boats and maps available at the entrance, Eleftero suggests going there, and Mariana and her uncle agree. Getting on the boat, Provolí, who has taken the map, indicates the direction to Mariana and Eleftero, who begin to row. Mariana, observing the water from the boat, remembers when she used to fish with her father. She had a lot of fun learning the different fishing techniques, and her father helped her catch the big fish. Once home, they ate the fish they had caught with her mother, and her father told her all the details of the day of fishing, not leaving out the funniest moments. She wonders what her father would think of her after what she did and if he had learned about her criminal act from the Land of the Livid Dead. Suddenly, Eleftero calls her several times. Mariana, recovering from her thoughts, asks what is happening. Eleftero tells her that they have to turn, and she apologizes, saying that she didn't understand. Eleftero, curious, asks her what she was thinking, and she replies that it was nothing important, changing direction with the oars, to complete the route.

After retracing their steps to exit the attraction, they continue their tour of the amusement park and are attracted by a carousel where you slide on a boat. To access it, they climb up high, then, once on board and putting on the protections, they cross an environment full of vegetation, facing some descents until they stop at the end of the attraction. At that moment, the ticket clerks and the owner of the amusement park arrive, who is talking to two people. Provolí goes to greet the owner, followed by Eleftero and Mariana. He introduces him to the latter, reminding them that it is thanks to him that they were able to have a free visit. Mariana and Eleftero thank the owner, while Provolí recognizes his sister, Eleftero's mother, and her husband, greeting them warmly. Eleftero greets his parents and introduces them to Mariana, who reciprocates the introductions. Eleftero's mother asks her son if he liked the preview of the amusement park and he responds that he hasn't seen the last part yet, asking what she and his father are doing there. The mother explains that they have business to discuss with the owner of the amusement park. Provolí invites Eleftero and Mariana to continue the visit while Eleftero's parents return to their conversation with the owner.

The two boys continue the visit until they reach the roller coaster, which is shaped like a Ferris wheel with a seat for two at each hook. Provolí explains that this roller coaster is so fast that it makes three turns per minute. Eleftero asks Mariana if she wants to try it with him. She, worried about the speed and height, finds it a little dangerous. Eleftero reassures her by saying that many have already tried it without incident and promises to be by her side. Mariana agrees and prepares to try the roller coaster for the first time with Eleftero. After they fasten their seat belts, Provolí starts the ride. During the turns, Mariana feels the strong wind and the height scares her a little. She remembers when she was little and her father hugged her to reassure her; caught up in the memory, she closes her eyes and hugs Eleftero. He, who was previously screaming with excitement, hugs her in silence. When the wheel stops, Eleftero warns Mariana, who apologizes for the hug, explaining that she was remembering something and got carried away. Eleftero says that it's not a problem and asks her if she wants to go for another spin, but she says no, explaining that she's not very enthusiastic about it.

Provolí decides to try the roller coaster himself, having a great time and screaming like crazy, to the point of expressing his intention to take another ride with his cape. Eleftero takes the cape from his uncle's backpack and asks Mariana to create the strings, taking control of them to bring the backpack to his uncle. Eleftero shouts to his uncle that he is bringing him the backpack and his uncle, seeing the backpack rise, tells him not to do it. As the backpack rises and his uncle approaches, Eleftero quickly extends the strings towards him, but misses. The strings are hit by an arm of the roller coaster and, getting stuck in it, begin to tangle. Mariana, being pulled, is scared and quickly extends the strings to avoid being pulled towards the roller coaster. The roller coaster wheel begins to slow down until it stops. Mariana, calming down, remembers that she can destroy the strings. Usually, the minimal explosion of the threads causes a slight gust of wind, but the great length of the threads tangled in the wheel creates an intense explosion of air that destroys the arms of the wheel. Provolí falls and Eleftero is frightened. Provolí ties himself with his own threads and pushes himself upwards, generating a force opposite to that of gravity that slows the fall.

Eleftero hugs his uncle, while his parents, who have witnessed the whole scene from afar, stop talking to the owner and, approaching with them the relatives and Mariana, ask the latter what she did, with Eleftero's mother specifying that she saw her pushed by something before the accident. Mariana, apologizing for the damage caused by her threads, explains that she did not mean to cause harm, and expressing her understanding that she should have destroyed the threads before they got tangled in the carousel. Eleftero, stating that it is not Mariana's fault, tells the whole story of what happened, apologizing for his action. His father tells Eleftero that energy threads should not be used, especially if they belong to others. Eleftero replies that it was an accident and that he cannot stop him from using his powers for this. His father explains that, even though it was an accident, it could have had serious consequences. Eleftero assures that he understands and promises not to repeat the mistake, but maintains that he cannot be limited in his powers, recalling that in private the Sýrmata Pupa use the threads for training. His father replies that, in addition to damaging things, the threads can dominate people. He says that in private there are not many dreams and there is no risk that the threads, when they are not full of energy, could accidentally attach themselves to creatures without them being able to see them, being invisible and untouchable.

Eleftero downplays the frequency of such incidents and believes it is unfair that his nature as a user of the Sýrmata Pupa's threads is repressed for such rare eventualities. His father claims that creating threads is illegal and that it risks compromising the criminal records of the Sýrmata Pupa to whom he proposes this prospect, as well as his own since controlling the threads of a Sýrmata Pupa is the same as controlling a part of another creature's body, violating the law that prohibits any form of control over other creatures. Eleftero argues that laws that are too general and out of context are unfair and reports that his teacher at school, after seeing him and Mariana use the threads, said that it is illegal to dominate people, but said nothing about using the threads. His father invites him to get more information, since the situation is not as described by the teacher. Eleftero concludes that, since the threads are invisible, if they do not cause problems no one will notice and it does not put anyone's criminal record at risk. The father claims that dreams are always at risk with those threads and that, at a certain distance from inhabited places, there is always a hero capable of recognizing the Translenergics and the Sýrmata Pupa, even being able to perceive if their energy is inside or outside. He also specifies that where there are Translenergics or Sýrmata Pupa, known as such, these heroes are present in the place itself. Eleftero objects that it is not fair, since if they do nothing wrong, they should not be limited, adding that if by mistake a Sýrmata Pupa with their threads or a Translenergic with the threads of the former control someone, it is simple to remove them. The father responds that it is not mandatory to use the threads and that since they only serve as a control tool there is no justification for their use.

Provolí agrees with Eleftero, stating that the energetic cannot do anything because dreams are afraid, and that he and the other Sýrmata Pupa cannot even reveal their nature to avoid prejudice due to an invasion that occurred many years ago. Mariana intervenes, saying that, despite declaring herself a Sýrmata Pupa, no one has ever hated her for this specific reason. Provolí replies that it was a coincidence, and that the majority hates the Sýrmata Pupa, a hatred that has certainly increased after Valerio Angere's invasion, which made the fear feel closer. Eleftero's father concludes by saying that, even giving up declaring oneself a Sýrmata Pupa and using powers, one can live very well. Provolí tells Eleftero's father that it is easy to talk when you are a Translenergic, that you can declare your species and even be admired for it. He specifies that, even if the invasion of Agapiata did not generate hatred towards the Translenergics, in the future they too will be hated because their power to control the threads of the Sýrmata is frightening for the dreams. As soon as more situations occur in short distance that confirm this fear, they will be used to marginalize them. Eleftero's father tells his brother-in-law that he understands his discomfort in not being able to declare himself a Sýrmata Pupa, but emphasizes that in the Glade dreams also exist and it is right to protect them. Eleftero says that it would be nice to live far from dreams and his uncle agrees with him, saying goodbye to everyone and announcing his return home. Eleftero's mother tells the owner of the amusement park that she will pay for all the damages and apologizes for her son's gesture. The owner of the amusement park replies that a prank can happen and reassures that he will not ban the boy from the amusement park. Mariana and Eleftero say goodbye and she goes home to sleep, while he reflects that maybe he could really go and live far from dreams. He thinks of going to the king, paying Teen Ship to take him with his flying boat, asking permission to move to a desolate part of the Glade and inviting all his energetic friends to join him. Elefthero imagines that, finally, he and the other energetic could be free to use their powers without compromising the safety of dreams and respecting everyone's nature. After Elefthero's parents finish their talk with the owner of the amusement park, they say goodbye and head home with Elefthero. During the walk, Elefthero is satisfied, happy that the day was not completely ruined by the accident, but instead offered the opportunity to conceive the idea for an ideal future. His mother, seeing him happy, scolds him thinking that he has not understood the mistake he made. Elefthero replies that he is not happy about what happened, but that he was thinking about something else and says that he has understood the mistake,promising not to destroy anything anymore and not to jeopardize the dreams with his friends' threads. His father, with a smile and a pat on the shoulder, tells him that he is a good boy.

The next afternoon, Mariana hears the doorbell ring. When she opens the door, she sees an enthusiastic Elefthero. With a beaming smile, he tells her that they will finally be able to use their powers. That morning, he had spoken to the king, asking for permission to go, together with other Energetics, to an isolated part of the Glade. The king had agreed. In addition, Elefthero had contacted several friends Sýrmata Pupa and Translenergici, discovering that several hours away from their city there is an uninhabited, beautiful and very large place. He concludes his explanation and asks her if she wants to join them. Mariana asks if it isn't a little dangerous. Elefthero, perplexed, asks her why she is so worried. She replies that by moving away from dreams, they could lose the social bond that unites them and, by using their powers frequently, they could forget the rules of coexistence with the dreams themselves. Elefthero reassures her by saying that there are no risks, since they have lived with dreams for a long time. He emphasizes that if she doesn't feel ready to leave, he won't force her. Despite her fear, Mariana prefers to personally verify the consequences of the separation to calm down and tells Eleftero that she will come. Eleftero explains that they will meet in the evening, thus giving time to the other energetic ones, known by his friends and their friends, to arrive. He adds that they will walk a long way to reach the place where they will build the village. Mariana asks where the meeting will be held and Eleftero answers that they will meet near the forest, specifying that he will pick her up first anyway, so they can go together. Mariana agrees to go with Eleftero to the meeting and asks him if he should bring anything. Eleftero answers that, if he wants, he can only bring a floor mattress, since his uncle has promised to build a large hut for him and his friends. After saying goodbye, Eleftero tells her that he must prepare for the trip.

Mariana sees no good in Eleftero's idea and fears possible inconveniences. She spends her time pacing back and forth, biting her nails and sweating with worry. When Eleftero arrives and sees her in that state, he asks her if she has done gymnastics to be so sweaty. She replies that she has walked too much and has not noticed the time passing, so he asks if she has time to take a bath. Eleftero tells her that she has time, since they are still waiting for the others. Mariana goes to wash herself and Eleftero waits for her outside the door. Once she is ready, they set off together to the meeting place, where they find almost a hundred people talking to each other. Eleftero, followed by Mariana, goes to greet his uncle Provolí, who introduces him to his friend Servubtus Castelli, who kindly carries Privolí's luggage. Provolí explains that Servubtus is a Translenergic who is doing an internship in his bar as a waiter and that they have become very good friends. Elefthero shakes hands with Servubtus, telling him that it is a pleasure to meet him. Servubtus thanks Elefthero for the idea of ​​asking the king to find a place where they can use their powers and says that he can't wait to get there. Provolí explains to Elefthero that everyone is excited about the idea of ​​living free to use their powers, but that some, asking for the organizer of the trip, after he had answered that he had not arrived yet, had begun to suspect that it was all a joke and were a little annoyed.

Elefthero thanks his uncle for the information and is joined by his best friend Igneusapillus Ardenticharà, a Translenergic with orange hair and a freckled face, his girlfriend Misofova Chasei, a Translenergic with black bob hair and a round face, and his cousin Introvertefila Infirmaníma, a Sýrmata with long blue hair. Igneusapillo tells his friend that, once in the new village, they will be able to have a lot of fun with their powers. Eleftero confirms, adding that they will be able to give vent to all their creativity since there will be no obstacles or moralists to criminalize trivialities that do not harm anyone. Misofova confides that she feels oppressed living with dreams and can't wait to be able to use her powers without her parents preventing her. Then Sibilla Cervelli, a girl with short brown hair, a lover of green clothes, arrives together with her grandfather mentor, the Gran Maestro, an old bald man with a long white beard, her sister Filofilia Cervelli, with long brown hair and two blue drop earrings with two teddy bears hugging inside, and their friend Icey Cold, with pure white hair in a bob and wearing a blue padded mountain jacket with white fur.

After greeting Eleftero along with the others, Sibilla asks where the destination is and how far it is. Eleftero replies that the place is known to his friend Igneusapillo, who informs Sibilla that it is beyond the forest, a few hours' walk away, adding that it will be worth it since the place is beautiful and surrounded by nature. Eleftero introduces Mariana to his friends, explaining that she is a classmate of his and a Sýrmata Pupa. Sibilla, serious, asks if Mariana is really a Sýrmata Pupa, and Mariana confirms. Eleftero's friends happily introduce themselves to Mariana, but Icey speaks the bare minimum among them with his usual cold tone, while Sibilla does not show much happiness. Eleftero tells his friends that he will arrive in a moment and moves away from the crowd of people, standing in front of them. To attract their attention, he plays a trumpet taken from his backpack. Having gained the attention of the public, he introduces himself and says that he has received permission from the sovereign to create a village for only the energetic. He warmly thanks his friend Igneusapillo for his friendship and the help provided, explaining that he has found an unused place not far from the city where they can found the village. Finally, he asks if everyone is present and ready to leave. The energetic, after checking for the presence of friends and relatives, confirm that they are all there. Eleftero then starts the walk, inviting everyone to follow Igneusapillo and returning to his friends to walk with them. Igneusapillo confides in his girlfriend that he is very anxious, knowing that everyone is counting on him to lead them to the goal. He reveals that he is afraid of going the wrong way and making everyone get lost. Misofova consoles him, reminding him that he has already gone and come back without problems and that therefore he can do it again. Igneusapillo thanks his girlfriend, saying that he feels more motivated now.

Mariana, Eleftero and the other energetic ones are led by Igneusapillo towards the place where their village will be built. During the journey, Filofilia asks Mariana if she also comes from Severpoli or if she comes from another city. Mariana answers that, although she lived in another city, she moved to Severpoli a few months ago. Filofilia, curious, asks her if she was not satisfied with her hometown, but Mariana explains that, although she no longer feels comfortable there, this was not the reason for her move. Filofilia continues by asking if she has bought a new house or if she lives in rent, and Mariana reveals that she has found an abandoned house, where she has settled and fixed up. At that point, Misofova intervenes, explaining that the abandoned houses belong to the king and that, if the teen knights found out, they could kick her out or make her pay for all the years she stayed. Filofilia says that she does not believe that the king and the teen knights are so strict. Misofova says that if she owned houses and someone occupied them without permission, she would force them to pay for all the years they spent there, especially for the rude act. Mariana says that when she moved into the house, she didn't know it belonged to the king. Misofova replies that now that she's leaving, it doesn't matter anymore. Filofilia then asks Mariana which university she intends to attend, and Mariana replies that she hasn't decided yet. Misofova says that the university will be of no use living in the village, adding that they can spend their whole lives there having fun without duties. During the walk, Filofilia and Misofova continue to get to know Mariana better, with Introvertefila listening attentively, while Icey reflects to himself. Meanwhile, Sibilla listens to her grandfather's teachings and the other energetic ones discuss future plans for the village, imagining the place they are going to.

After three hours of walking, the energetic ones begin to feel tired and decide to stop for a one-hour break, during which they eat the food they brought from home. While they are eating, they hear noises coming from the trees, from which suddenly a tiger emerges ready to attack them. However, Provolí manages to completely dominate it with his threads and makes it go away, saying that as soon as it is far enough away, he will free it from his control. After the break, they continue on their way and, after another three hours, they finally reach the long-awaited destination: a flowery meadow embellished with several white trees decorated with a purple line that extends in a particular way. Despite the joy of having reached the place, the tiredness due to the six hours of walking at night pushes them to lie down among the flowers and take a well-deserved rest.

The next morning, some of the energetic ones dedicate themselves to gathering wood and tools brought from home to build a hut, others take care of assembling the ready-made huts, and still others use axes to cut down trees from the forest they crossed the previous day. Provolí, with the help of Servubtus, begins to build the hut intended for Eleftero and his friends first. The latter, eager to help, are politely rejected by Provolí, who explains to them that, since it is a gift for them, as a sign of gratitude to Eleftero for having discovered that place, he cannot allow the recipients of the gift to participate in its construction. Eleftero thanks him, but Provolí, laughing, suggests that he not do it right away, since the hut is not finished yet. Meanwhile, Mariana picks a flower and, smelling it, feels momentarily relieved from the worries about the future that have kept her awake all night, starting to think about the possibility of convincing Eleftero to reconsider his project. Eleftero asks her if she likes the place, and she replies that she finds it enchanting, adding that the flowers, together with the niche of trees, create an atmosphere of tranquility and naturalness.

Igneusapillo suggests that Eleftero and his friends have a snack together. Sibilla, however, prefers to move away, saying that she prefers a more intimate moment, and warns the Grand Master that she has some questions to ask him, bringing him to come. Filofilia apologizes and replies that, although she likes the idea of ​​joining them, without the company of her sister she would not find it as fun; so, greeting, she heads towards her. Eleftero, then invites Mariana to join the group, and she agrees. Igneusapillo asks if everyone has brought a snack from home or if it is necessary to return to the forest to hunt something. Everyone confirms that they are equipped with what they need, and they settle under one of the trees, spreading a tablecloth on the ground. Mariana, observing what is happening in the surrounding environment, regretfully comments that it is a shame to ruin the flowers with tents and huts, and reflects on the fact that one could easily sleep directly on the ground. Eleftero agrees, but observes that, for safety, it is still appropriate to have structures that protect them in case wild animals come out of the forest; in this way, they would be safe or at least have time to sense the threat.

Mariana, Eleftero and his friends begin to eat the food they brought. During the snack, Mariana asks Eleftero and the others if they won't miss their families now that they're starting to live in this new village. Eleftero answers that, for now, he prefers to stay a little far away to find some peace and quiet. Misofova adds that he won't miss being constantly told what not to do. Eleftero explains that for this very reason he doesn't feel comfortable with his parents, especially because he can't use his powers. Igneusapillo confides that he will miss them, but that, with the start of university, he would have left anyway, planning to move away permanently after finding a job, saving money and buying a house. Introvertefila adds that she will also miss her parents. Mariana, on the other hand, asks if they won't miss their hometown, suggesting that it would be better, instead of staying in this place forever, to come back sometimes to give vent to their powers, perhaps also bringing non-energetic friends. Misofova says that there is no possibility for her to return home. Eleftero points out that there is no need to do so, since in this place they can live immersed in nature, unlike in the city, and with their powers they can hunt wild animals without running any risks. Mariana notes that in the city they could enjoy better and more varied food. Eleftero responds that this is the price of freedom. Misofova suggests that Mariana return to the city, if she wants to. Mariana clarifies that she only wanted to highlight some problems that could arise. Misofova replies that for them these are not problems at all. Mariana suggests that it would be fun if non-energetic people joined them there to enjoy the environment. Eleftero reminds her that it is precisely because of the non-energetic people that they left the city.

After finishing eating, Introvertefila announces to the others that she has brought a ball to play and asks if they want to join. The others, enthusiastic, happily accept. Despite the absence of a net, the boys decide to play volleyball anyway, imagining an invisible net and not paying attention to the rules about positions. They divide into two teams: one composed of Eleftero, Mariana and the Cervelli sisters, and the other of Misofova, Igneusapillo, Introvertefila and Icey. The first team does not excel particularly in the game; although the others manage to get by, Mariana often fails to catch the ball. However, this does not stop her from having fun. In the other team, however, Misofova stands out, who is distinguished by her powerful spikes and the advice she gives to her teammates, leading them to victory.

After an hour of play, a boy approaches carrying glasses of fresh pear juice, including a large one, explaining that he had plenty and wanted to share it with them. Eleftero and his friends, except Icey, thank him and each receive a normal-sized glass of juice. Provolí, having noticed the glasses the boy had just brought, approaches after finishing the hut and asks for one. The boy, having many, gladly gives it to him. Then, turning to Icey, he offers her the largest glass. She, having already guessed the freshness of the juice from the fogged-up glasses, refuses the offer. The boy insists, saying that he would be offended if she didn't accept it. She reiterates her refusal, but he continues to insist, drinking half of the juice and stating that now, being only half, she can drink it without problems if it seemed too much before, while putting the other glasses down and bringing the glass even closer to Icey. She, in an attempt to move away from the glass, falls to the ground. When he insists that she drink, trying to bring the glass closer to her again, she kicks him in the hand, causing the glass to fall and spill all the juice on the floor. The boy, complaining of pain, leaves.

Provolí informs his nephew and friends that he has just finished building the cabin and invites them to visit, also giving them cookies. While they explore the new construction, they eat the cookies they have received. When they say goodbye, Provolí announces that he is going to read a book on psychology with a beautiful woman, in the hope of finally finding his soul mate after forty years. Eleftero wishes him good luck and, looking at the cabin, comments that the space is abundant and will allow it to be filled with many things. Misofova notes, however, that they must first find something to put in it, and Mariana suggests buying something in the city and having it delivered. Misofova reflects that anyone who comes, seeing the magnificent flowery meadow and trees, might be tempted to stay. Igneusapillo suggests that it is better to furnish the house with objects found in the surroundings, to give a greater sense of belonging. Icey adds that it would be appropriate to divide the spaces to improve coexistence.
Domenico idea
Messaggi : 154
Data di iscrizione : 29.09.21

Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa A Free Life Empty Re: Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa A Free Life

Ven Ago 09, 2024 3:23 pm
Eleftero says that they can do it in the evening, before going to sleep, by all agreeing together, as soon as Sibilla and Filofilia are also present. The boys put down their backpacks and portable floor mattresses, purchased especially for the occasion. Igneusapillo suggests that they go to the river that is beyond the large meadow, eager to show it to his friends. So, they go out again and follow Igneusapillo to the river, admiring the crystalline water and the wonderful fish that swim in it. Mariana, observing a purple diatromo fish with blue eyes and yellow pupils like stars, and with double fins similar to small leaves, says that she once caught a fish of the same species during a fishing trip with her father, emphasizing that it is a rare species. Eleftero observes the fish and, after recognizing its beauty, asks Mariana if she usually goes fishing with her father. She, with a note of sadness, replies that before her father's death, every Sunday they went fishing in the sea, where in addition to common fish, there were also nightmare fish and jellyfish that should not be fished. Eleftero, sorry for the loss of Mariana, hugs her affectionately.

Misofova, trying to lighten the mood, attracts everyone's attention by exclaiming that, in addition to the fish, there is something even more wonderful to see: what she is about to do. After asking Introvertefila to create the threads, the latter creates them. Misofova, climbing a tree, receives compliments from Eleftero for her climbing ability. Then she makes the threads visible, takes control of them, and, creating a mat with them under the tree, she throws herself, destroying the threads that, exploding, release air, cushioning her fall. Mariana, amazed, says that she has never seen the threads used in that way and asks Misofova how she learned this technique. Misofova says that the idea came to her while she was having fun with her boyfriend Igneusapillo. One day, he pointed out to her that the threads, exploding, created air. This made her think of the idea of ​​the mattress that would explode and cushion her fall, but first she had to be sure, so she started experimenting, discovering that her idea worked. However, Introvertefila also claims to know an equally fun way to use them: by tying the strings to the tree from which Misofova had jumped, she shortens them and, seen by others, almost seems to levitate. Then, running, she takes the strings with her free hand and, raising her legs, begins to swing. However, when Misofova makes the strings visible, Introvertefila gets scared, loses concentration and puts her feet back on the ground, risking falling, but the strings support her. Misofova asks her how she could have been scared by simple strings, explaining that she only wanted to make them visible because it seemed strange to see her swinging with invisible strings. Icey, coldly, comments that there is nothing wrong with a strange situation and that it was not necessary to make the strings visible. Misofova justifies herself by saying that she didn't imagine that this would scare Introvertefila.

Mariana, seeing Introvertefila swinging, says that it occurred to her that it is not true that the strings always attach themselves to things, but that they can also touch them without penetrating them. Misofova explains that the strings pass through things and attach themselves to living beings only when they are low in energy, while when they are full of energy, this does not happen. She adds that the hooks of the strings, usually added when they are inside a dominated creature, are enhanced with energy precisely to make them more resistant, hindering attempts to remove them from the victim. and asks him why he thought that the strings always passed through things. Then he asks Mariana why she thought that the strings always passed through things. Mariana replies that she believed it because she had forgotten how it really worked and had heard from some people that the strings are dangerous because they pass through people's bodies and attach themselves to them. Eleftero comments that those are the words of his parents and warns Mariana not to trust adults, as they often say nonsense, receiving Misofova's approval. Mariana observes that it happens to everyone to not know something well, but Eleftero replies that sometimes adults do not speak out of ignorance, but to convince someone, even at the cost of lying.

At this point, Introvertefila warns that it is 6:00 PM and asks if they can return to the camp, confessing that she is a little hungry. Igneusapillo suggests that they hunt an animal to eat, but Introvertefila admits that she would be sorry to kill an animal. Igneusapillo replies that, living in the village, the time will inevitably come when it will be necessary to hunt. Introvertefila concludes by saying that she believes that, if she asked her parents for something to eat, they would have it brought to her. Misofova asks Introvertefila why, now that she lives here and has the possibility of being independent, she continues to want to be supported by her parents. Introvertefila replies that she still has a year of high school left and that she will have to go back home anyway. Misofova suggests that she not worry about school, as she can live in the village without needing a diploma or degree, feeding on natural things. Introvertefila insists on the importance of knowledge. Misofova admits that knowledge is important, but points out that sometimes, in order to gain freedom, you have to give up something. Introvertefila replies that she feels free at home too. Misofova reminds her that she can't use her powers in the city, but Introvertefila explains that she uses them in private or in the presence of her mother, stressing that she never uses them to harm anyone. Misofova concludes by saying that, if Introvertefila is happy like this, she won't try to change her mind, and everyone returns to the beginning of the meadow to eat.

After the meal, Mariana walks away from the group and sits on the ground, looking thoughtfully at the forest. Elefthero approaches her, noticing her sadness, and asks what is wrong. Mariana expresses concern that the new generations of Energetics, aware of the power of their powers, might see the non-Energistic as inferior, as soon as they meet them they will see that they do not have the same powers, and consider the idea of ​​an invasion. Elefthero reassures her, saying that they will teach the Energetics the existence of non-Energistic dreams and the importance of respecting them. Mariana, however, fears that, since the non-Energistic are far away, the Energetics might give little importance to these teachings. Elefthero replies that, if well educated, the Energetics will understand the importance of the teachings. Mariana expresses concern that the teachings might be forgotten, since the Energetics will not see the non-Energistic dreams on a daily basis and, as a result, might lose their connection with these admonitions. Elefthero replies that they will have them do numerous exercises and simulations so that those principles remain imprinted. Mariana reflects on the fact that, as generations pass, it might even be decided to stop teaching the energetic how to behave with the non-energetic; the latter, seeing them as distant and having no ties to them, might consider it superfluous to learn how to interact with them.

Provolí, hearing the conversation from afar, cheerfully exclaims to Mariana that he read in a psychology book that narcissists are controlling. Mariana, annoyed, denies being controlling and points out that those who came to the village did so to use their powers, which is illegal, even in the absence of non-energetic dreams. Eleftero tries to reassure her, arguing that those violations do not harm anyone, but Mariana retorts that if they are illegal, there must be a reason. Noticing that Mariana now seems reluctant to provide sensible explanations, Eleftero, in a calm tone, suggests that they discuss the matter the following day, as he believes that she is too emotionally involved at that moment. Mariana, suspecting that Eleftero is lying to avoid the argument, accuses him, but he assures her that he will keep his promise. Mariana then falls silent and heads towards the hut.

Meanwhile, Sibilla, who was watching the scene sitting on the lawn with her sister and grandfather, confides in her sister that she is annoyed by the excessive presence of the Sýrmata Pupa, admitting that she hates them. Filofilia asks Sibilla why she came, despite her contempt for the Sýrmata Pupa. Sibilla replies that she wanted to have a new experience, adding that she believes that all Sýrmata Pupa share a common character trait. When Filofilia asks her what this trait is, Sibilla says that she believes that all Sýrmata have a tendency to control, although it manifests itself in different ways. However, she emphasizes that she is not yet sure and wants to verify it with time. At that point, the Grand Master reminds her that, although she now hates the Sýrmata Pupa, one of them once had an important role in her life. Sibilla replies to her grandfather that that time is now past, emphasizing that he is also aware of it.

In the evening, the others arrive at the hut. Mariana sits on the floor with her legs crossed, reflecting near a bowl with burning wood that provides light. Icey, seeing that everyone is present, asks if it is now possible to divide the spaces, and Eleftero asks her which area she prefers to have. Icey, placing her floor mattress in a corner, expresses her desire to settle there. Mariana, still shaken by the previous discussion, gets up and, placing her mattress in the center of the hut where she was sitting, declares in a low tone that she would like to stay there. Misofova places herself in the center between the far right of the hut and Mariana, with Igneusapillo to her right. Introvertefila says that any area is fine for her, and her cousin suggests that she sit next to him, which she accepts, placing herself to his right. Sibilla places herself to the right of Icey, away from Mariana and Introvertefila, while her sister places herself to her right. Eleftero places his portable bed between Mariana and Filofilia, and asks if he can put out the bowl of burning wood; Mariana agrees. Finally, Eleftero lies down, joining the others in their sleep.

Mariana had spent a sleepless night, tormented by guilt for having become nervous during the argument with Eleftero. The next morning, she wakes up later than the others and notices several wooden boxes with sponges inside, placed near the others' beds. Leaving the hut, she sees Provolí complaining to Servubtus, accusing him of being too slow in cutting the wood and building the boxes, and orders him to speed up the work, putting more effort into it. Servubtus apologizes, saying he is doing his best, but Provolí insists that he must be faster, accusing him of being a slacker, since it takes him an hour to build a single wooden box.

At one point, Mariana notices some Sýrmata Pupa, dressed in black and perfectly erect, intent on using threads, while they say that they need to enhance their powers. Shocked and frightened, she jumps when Eleftero puts a hand on her shoulder. He apologizes and asks if she feels calmer today. Mariana says yes and asks if there is something to wash her face with. Eleftero explains that that morning he distributed some sponges that he had bought in the city, and that he put one for her in a box half filled with water, prepared especially for her while she was sleeping, and placed in the bathroom. He also adds that, if she prefers, she can choose another one from the other package in her backpack. Mariana thanks him, saying that it is not necessary, and then asks if, once she is finished washing herself, she should return the box to her bed. Eleftero confirms, explaining that it is necessary to identify the owner.

After washing, Mariana places the chest next to her bed and notices Eleftero inside the hut, while his friends are arriving. He asks her if she wants to talk about the problem. Mariana expresses her concern, saying that the situation has worsened further since she saw the Sýrmata Pupa training to enhance their powers. She warns that they could become so powerful that it would be impossible for the heroes to stop a potential invasion. Eleftero, trying to reassure her, replies that even if some of the Energies were to become hostile, most of them would oppose such intentions and that there is no reason to fear an invasion. Provolí, passing by, overhears the conversation and complains that Mariana is starting to argue again. Mariana replies to Eleftero, stating that if a considerable number of Energies were to become hostile, the Glade would be in serious danger, and that, if they enhanced their powers, it would be increasingly difficult to defeat them. Elefthero tries to reassure her, promising that he will ask the Sýrmata Pupa to avoid training to strengthen themselves. He then asks Mariana if this would make her feel safer, but she replies that even if they accepted, they could continue in secret. Provolí, annoyed, accuses Mariana of being too controlling and, to punish her, threatens to control her with his threads, throwing them at her. Mariana promptly uses her own threads to block Provolí's, stopping both of them before they can get too close to each other. Elefthero intervenes, urging them to remain calm and reminding them that the threads must not be used for malicious purposes. Misofova scolds Mariana for attacking Provolí with the threads, but Mariana, indignant, retorts that she was only defending herself, acting not against Provolí, but against the threads he was using to attack her. Provolí, in a joking tone, tells Misofova that she should try to mediate to make peace instead of making the situation worse. But Misofova, declaring that she is extremely irritated at that moment, warns him not to joke, threatening to fill his threads with so much energy that she can use them to dominate him. Eleftero admonishes her, reminding her that even Translenergics must not use their powers in a wrong way. Igneusapillo, Misofova's boyfriend, intervenes in her defense, explaining that in a moment of nervousness it is easy to overdo it with words. Mariana tightly tightens Provolí's threads with hers, making them explode, then she withdraws them and leaves the hut.

Mariana heads towards the river, where she sits petting some salmon swimming in the water. Noticing a blue flower next to her, she wonders what the life of a flower could be like and decides to use her threads on it, transferring a copy of her soul through them and activating total control to observe life from the perspective of a flower. After a few seconds, Mariana destroys the threads, and Eleftero arrives shortly after, asking her what she is doing. She replies that she wanted to experience the life of a flower and that, for a brief moment, she transferred a copy of her soul to the blue flower next to her. Provolí, passing by, criticizes Mariana, claiming that she can control the threads, while if others do it, he considers it wrong. Mariana replies that it was just a plant and that the experience lasted a few seconds. Provolí suggests that she be less hypocritical. Mariana replies that, as children, their parents had them practice with animals, and asks if she should now feel guilty for having dominated for a few seconds a flower, a creature that does not possess the genetic ability to speak or move. Eleftero intervenes, telling Mariana not to pay attention to her uncle and reminding her that irrational creatures, neither belonging to dreams nor nightmares, are born to be used by dreams for their own purposes. He emphasizes that the important thing is not to hurt them or dominate them without a valid reason, such as knowledge, training or the satisfaction of needs. Eleftero then announces that he is returning to the village and says goodbye to Mariana.

Left alone, she, driven by curiosity, wonders if it is possible to unite the threads just as she can unite the tips of her fingers to their energy. She then decides to create the threads and imagines feeling them as if they were one and being able to unite them. Then, eager to model the threads, she focuses on their current shape, visualizes them in the empty space inside the projection of a flower and imagines them expanding in the projection until they completely cover it. As she observes the flower of yellow energy created by the threads flowing from her fingers, Mariana is happy to understand that she can create figures, without having to twist the threads together, which are smooth and perfect. So, she explodes the threads, but, without realizing it, someone pushes her into the river, hitting her head against a rock at the bottom. She loses consciousness and sinks into a state of quiet, lulled by the water that caresses her face. At that moment, a vision of a white rose blooming in a sunlit meadow appears to her, an image that soon fades to make way for a familiar scene: a father cradling a peaceful newborn. Then, the vision of the rose returns, but this time the flower darkens, giving way once again to the image of the family that begins to gradually dissolve into the shadows. Finally, the previous black rose is stationed in a dark meadow under the pouring rain. Suddenly, the rare fish that Mariana had seen the other day arrives and lands on her wound, healing her. The fish grabs her by the arm, and soon other fish join in, carrying her out of the river.

When Mariana wakes up, she wonders if it was all just a dream or if she really fell into the river. To test the reality, she tries to create a flower with the threads and, when she succeeds, she realizes that what she experienced was real. She destroys the threads and, noticing that she is completely soaked, realizes that it is obvious that she really did fall into the river. She wonders who saved her. Shortly after, Misofova, accompanied by a new friend, approaches Mariana and asks her how she survived. She then asks her friend to create some threads. Her friend obeys, and Misofova takes control of the threads, throwing them at Mariana. However, suddenly an unknown force pushes the threads in the opposite direction, triggering an internal energy struggle for control of those threads. Icey makes the threads visible and slowly approaches, while Misofova tells her that she should not interfere. Icey stops a short distance from the threads. Meanwhile, Misofova asks her friend to push the threads towards Icey to help her. At a crucial moment, when Icey has energy control over the wires, she touches them, freezing them to prevent further energy from entering. Misofova, annoyed, warns Icey that she must not interfere, explaining that Mariana wants to bring them back under parental and social oppression, and urges her to leave the wires. However, Icey does not back down and, remaining focused on moving the wires and maintaining their freezing, tells Misofova to stop. Misofova's friend, seeing the situation, asks Icey if she can at least let her destroy the wires. After a moment of reflection, Icey steps away and causes the wires to explode, releasing shards of ice, forcing everyone to shield their faces with their arms.

The four return to the village to eat, and, once the meal is over, Misofova calls the Teen Knights of her city, denouncing Mariana for having attempted to dominate Provolí through the wires, failing only thanks to her intervention and that of the others present. The Teen Knight on the phone answers that they will send a hero to control the situation. Misofova thanks, emphasizing that heroes are the salvation of the Glade during invasions and the maintenance of justice in times of peace. Two hours later, everyone's attention is captured by the arrival of a flying lifeboat. It lands in the village, and a teen with a scar on his face, a pipe between his lips and a brown coat comes out, who orders everyone to gather in front of him. The Teen, passing in front of the people, announces that he received a call informing him that someone tried to use the wires against another person. He reminds everyone that this is an illegal action, and invites anyone who witnesses a violation of the law to immediately contact the heroes of Severpoli, who are also in charge of monitoring this village, as they are the closest. Arriving in front of Mariana, he stops and asks for confirmation if he is talking to a Sýrmata Pupa. Mariana confirms, but curiously asks him how he knows. The Teen replies that he is a Translenergic, and that he has learned to perceive the energetic imprint of each creature, thus being able to easily recognize both Sýrmata Pupa and Translenergic. Then, in a serious tone, he asks her if she has clearly understood his message. Mariana confirms that she has understood perfectly, and the Teen, in an intimidating tone, warns her that he does not want to receive any more complaints against him, specifying that next time there will be no warnings. Mariana understands, and the Teen returns to the lifeboat with the Teen Ship, leaving.

The Energetics wonder who could have reported Mariana. Misofova confesses that it was her, explaining that Mariana is trying to destroy the village's project. Some Energetics scold Misofova, pointing out that they were lucky not to have heroes stationed in the village to keep them under control. Misofova defends herself by saying that she did not imagine that her report would be interpreted as a serious gesture. Mariana, nervous, goes to Misofova to ask for explanations about what she told the heroes about her. Misofova responds that she told the truth, that Mariana had tried to attack Provolí with the wires. Mariana replies that she was only defending herself and explains to Misofova that she could in turn reveal the truth to the heroes, that Misofova had tried to kill her by throwing her into the river and tried to control her with the wires. She then asks her if she really deserved to be reported. Igneusapillo, intervening, asks Misofova if what Mariana says is true, and Misofova admits that she did it because she believes that Mariana is only there to sow chaos and destroy their dream of freedom. Before leaving, Misofova complains that everyone considers those who threaten their freedom as victims and those who tried to protect them as criminals. Igneusapillo, shocked, admits that he cannot believe that his partner could have committed such extreme acts, but begs for forgiveness, asking to find a shared solution. Eleftero promises his friend that he will seek a conciliatory solution between Mariana and Misofova, committing to prevent similar episodes from happening again. He also emphasizes that he will do everything to solve the problems of the village members from the moment they arise. His friend thanks him and, as he leaves, tells him that he will go and call Misofova.

Meanwhile, Sibilla, talking to her grandfather about the Translenergic Teen, asks him how he was able to recognize the Sýrmata Pupa and the Translenergics. The Grand Master explains that each being has a unique internal energetic structure, which, like DNA, varies for each individual. The Sýrmata Pupa, however, share a common energetic structure, characterized by an identical sequence of electrons, neutrinos and protons, with a perfectly homogeneous configuration of quarks and gluons within them. The Grand Master then describes the Translenergics, whose energetic structure is 90% identical to that of the Sýrmata Pupa, but has a 10% variation, which can manifest itself in a different arrangement of quarks, in different types of quarks or gluons, or in a combination of these possibilities. He adds that Translenergics, whose powers are combined with others, show an energetic structure that differs by 15% from that of the Sýrmata Pupa, with a further 5% variation depending on the specific type of Translenergic. He explains that despite this difference, Translenergics are still able to control the threads of the Sýrmata Pupa, since the quarkic energy, often mistakenly called hadronic energy in the most common manuals, that they send comes from the part of their energy structure similar to that of the Sýrmata Pupa. This happens because they cannot transmit that 10% of different energy, being an integral part of their vital energy. The Grand Master then clarifies that Translenergics possess two types of energy: the vital one, essential for their survival, and the supply one, which can be used and is automatically regenerated thanks to sunlight, the heat of fire or similar sources.

Icey intervenes, saying that in his case, energy does not regenerate, and that every time he uses it, it becomes thinner. The Grand Master turns to Icey, expressing compassion for the plight of the Freezing Translenergics, pointing out the many problems that plague this category of Translenergics. He explains that, compared to other humans, those who are also Freezing Translenergics have a body temperature 10 degrees lower, due to their cold internal energy. Furthermore, they possess a power that can even consume body energy. The Grand Master warns Icey that, when he uses his powers, he consumes a large amount of energy. Once the energy needed for his Translenergic and Freezing Translenergic powers is exhausted, body energy begins to be used, namely the energy from food, with a greater use of that produced by carbohydrates, since life energy cannot be used. This process can lead to death. The Grand Master adds that, even if in a parallel world, one could survive without corporeal energy, one would still die since vital energy would be used after the end of corporeal energy, and even a small loss of it would lead to the end of life. He concludes by stating that the books commonly consulted by the Energetics offer little information on these issues, while for a complete understanding it is necessary to study more technical and specific texts. Finally, Sibilla asks her grandfather how the Teen is able to perceive the energetic structure of creatures, but the Grand Master confesses that he does not know the answer.

Igneusapillo returns with Misofova to Eleftero and Mariana. Eleftero states that it is not always possible to get along with everyone, but, since they live in the same village, it is essential to make an effort to achieve this. So, he asks Misofova what the problem is with Mariana. Misofova explains that Mariana is trying to sabotage the village project, repeatedly trying to dissuade him from staying and convince him to return home. Mariana, nervous, replies to Misofova that she is only expressing her concerns. Eleftero invites them both to remain calm and suggests that Mariana avoid trying to convince him to return to the city, pointing out that, as she knows, he is adamant in his decisions. Mariana admits that she is aware of this. Eleftero then warns Misofova to never do dangerous things towards others again, even if he hears Mariana trying to convince him again; he adds that, if anything were to happen to Mariana, she would be the first to be suspected. Misofova accepts the warning, and Eleftero hugs them both before leaving for a walk in the forest.

While exploring the forest, he senses the presence of a tiger and, from around a corner, decides to try to perceive its energetic imprint. He closes his eyes and concentrates his mind, imagining seeing the internal energy of the tiger, subsequently dividing it into its components, reaching all the way down to the quarks. On a physical level, his internal energy generates electromagnetic waves that head towards the tiger, returning with information about it. As he concentrates on the imagined internal energy of the tiger, gradually all parts of this imagined energy align with the reality of the tiger, thanks to the unconscious reading of the information carried by the electromagnetic waves. Eleftero, wondering if, knowing the energetic imprint of the tiger, it is possible to attract its internal energy through his own quarkic energy, approaches the animal. Letting his own quarkic energy flow out, he imagines it coming together in an inverse combination to the energetic structure of the tiger, realizing this process in reality. The internal energy of the tiger is drawn out, but along with it, the soul of the creature also comes out. Elefthero breaks down the quark energy again and, in amazement, takes the tiger's soul in his hand. He did not believe that his powers could attract a soul from a body. He then decides to put it back into the tiger, but without that soul the beast was not able to carry out the vital processes necessary for survival. When Elefthero checks the vital parameters, he realizes that the animal is now dead. The soul, returned to the lifeless body, turns off, adapting to the state of the body itself. To give meaning to the tiger's death, Elefthero decides to take it to the village to cook and eat it. When he arrives at the village, the inhabitants ask him how he killed the beast without hurting it, and he tells them what happened. Mariana comments that that power is dangerous, but Elefthero replies that the danger depends on the use that is made of it, emphasizing that, during the hunt, he can kill the animals without making them suffer.

Information #1
Icey has her own body temperature equal to 27 degrees (10 less than normal humans) due to the internal cold energy in her body. In a normal temperature (20-25) without a jacket she feels the cold that we would feel at 10-15 degrees, and therefore the optimal temperature of her body is 37 degrees, however unlike normal humans her body survives at 36 degrees down to 0 thanks to genetically defined physiological adaptations but undergoes the same non-serious physiological responses that we would have. Below 0 degrees she begins to have hypothermia. The girl is half cold-blooded and half warm-blooded.
P.S. Life energy and the soul are two different things but both are forms of energy with the only difference being that the soul is united energy
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