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Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa A Free Life Ep. 2 Empty Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa A Free Life Ep. 2

Lun Ago 12, 2024 1:36 pm
Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa A Free Life

Part 2: The Mysterious Crime

In the morning, Mariana and her roommates have just woken up when Icey receives a phone call: it's her older sister, Anney. Anney tells her that she's at home, but adds that their mother told her that Icey is on vacation with friends, so she asks her where she is. With her usual cold tone, Icey answers that she's in a village built in the meadow after the forest, adding that Teen Ship knows where the village is because she's already accompanied someone there. Anney tells her that she's about to join her and asks her if there are any places suitable for tourists. Icey says no, telling her that she'll have to bring the essentials with her. Anney thanks her for the information, and the two sisters say goodbye.

Afterwards, Icey asks the other roommates how much space each one has. Eleftero answers that each one has the space occupied by their bed, plus half of the spaces that separate their bed from the ones next to them. However, for those who are in the corners, with a wall on one side and a single space on the other, you could consider three-quarters of the distance between your bed and the one next to you. Icey then announces that her sister is about to arrive and asks if she can use her space to make room for her. Eleftero agrees, specifying that, even if more space would have been necessary, the area available to each person could have been reduced.

Misofova's new friend, a girl with long black hair with pink streaks met in the previous episode, who slept with Misofova thanks to the latter, who by joining her bed with that of her boyfriend made room for him, asks Icey how much she hates her sister to speak to her in that tone. Icey replies that she can't know how she really feels about her sister. The girl scolds her, pointing out that it is rude to address her sister in that way while she is coming to visit her. Icey replies that that is her normal tone of voice. Misofova, intervening, asks her friend to stop, explaining that she doesn't understand what is happening. The friend complains, claiming that Icey hasn't been respectful towards her sister, who is coming to the village especially for her. Misofova, trying to calm her down, promises to explain everything later.

The boys, having taken their boxes, leave the hut and accompany Misofova's friend to hers to retrieve her box. Then, each of them takes a wheelbarrow from the warehouse built by Provolí and Servubtus for the villagers, places their boxes in it and heads towards the river to fill them with water. Back at the hut, they take turns washing their faces and stomachs in the only bathroom available. Icey decides to wash last and, when her turn comes, warns that it will take a while because she wants to wash herself completely. The others agree and Eleftero suggests that they organize something together for the arrival of Icey's sister, suggesting that they talk to her about it as soon as she has finished washing herself.

Misofova's friend, who after washing her face and stomach has returned to her, expresses doubt that Icey is not interested in surprising her sister. Misofova contradicts her, claiming that this is not true. However, her friend reminds her of the tone in which Icey spoke to her sister, pointing out that while it is acceptable to behave this way with strangers who do not care about you, it is disrespectful to do so with someone who comes especially for you without showing any joy, adding that treating your own friends this way is also inappropriate, as they seem to bother her. Misofova says that Icey used to be more affectionate with everyone and recalls that they too, at first, struggled to understand the change that had occurred during Icey's middle school years. However, after talking to her sister, they learned that Icey had been bullied since the winter of her first year of elementary school, a situation that, over the course of eleven years, had created tensions in the family in which the stress of school and the pressure exerted by the family had become unbearable for her. She says that Icey's sister Anney confided that she had distanced herself from her parents to defend her sister, managing to make them give up their demands to some extent, even though they sometimes continued to insist with Icey on certain issues. Misofova emphasizes the deep bond between Icey and Anney, despite Icey's harsh tones, and explains that, although she doesn't express it in words, Icey is very affectionate towards her sister. She says that she has observed Icey with Anney in the others and has never perceived any hostility in her.

Mariana reflects on how similar she feels to Icey, remembering that she was also bullied at school by her classmates who spread falsehoods about her and a classmate who repeatedly caused her discomfort over time. She thinks that she unintentionally killed her classmate in an attempt to defend herself from his inappropriate acts. However, she considers that Icey has never committed such an act and looks down. Eleftero asks her if something is wrong, but Mariana, looking up at him, replies that everything is fine. Misofova's friend, checking the schedule, announces that she has to meet up with some other friends and asks Misofova if they will see each other later. Misofova replies to her friend in the affirmative, adding that, after saying goodbye to Icey's sister and spending some time with her and the group, she will go to her.

After half an hour in the bathroom, Icey emerges wearing new clothes, including a red mountain jacket with white fur. Elefthero tells her his idea to prepare something for her sister's arrival. Icey agrees, and Elefthero suggests that they all go for a walk with her sister, scattering petals along the way. Icey also suggests that they go to the river to explore what's there by following the path in the direction of the river. Elefthero, excited, says that would be great and asks her if she's up for the idea, and Icey says yes.

Mariana, worried, asks if they should pick the petals off the flowers, fearing that it will ruin the atmosphere of the meadow. Elefthero reassures her, revealing that he has artificial petals in his backpack. Mariana feels relieved knowing that real petals won't be used. Elefthero, hugging her, assures her that he would never do such a thing. He then takes the bag of petals from his backpack and invites the others to start scattering the path.

Leaving the hut, Mariana and the others notice to their left some men dressed in black who are training with their powers. Mariana, although worried, decides not to say anything to avoid problems with Misofova. However, Eleftero notices her anxiety and, remembering the conversation from the previous day, asks her if those men are the same ones she was talking about. Mariana nods, and Eleftero turns to the old man with a mustache, dressed as a soldier, who is in front of the men in black, asking if he can talk to him. The old man agrees. Eleftero declares that it is time to stop any attempt to enhance their powers, clarifying that this is not the reason why he led them to that place. The old man, leader of the "double z" group, replies that he and his boys are not doing anything wrong and that, in fact, by enhancing their powers they could be of great help in the event of an invasion of the Glade. Eleftero, however, is adamant: he says he does not allow further discussion and understands their good intentions, but that for the safety of the Glade such practices cannot be tolerated. The elder, with a nod of understanding, accepts the directives and tells his boys that, by order of the village chief, they will no longer be able to train. Eleftero, however, corrects him, stating that he is not the village chief. Ignoring this clarification, the leader of the "double z" orders his boys to follow him on a reconnaissance. The young men line up and begin to march behind him, who takes the lead.

Mariana, grateful, thanks Eleftero, who responds with a smile, saying that it is not necessary to thank him, since stopping a potentially dangerous situation, as she herself had intuited, was inevitable. Meanwhile, Sibilla announces to the others that she will not participate in the preparations and that she will greet Anney privately upon her arrival, then she leaves with her sister, heading towards her grandfather. Eleftero follows her and stops her, reminding her that what happened with Elenchumilia is now a memory of the past and that Mariana and Introvertefila are different from her. Sibilla, however, admits that she cannot overcome her resentment towards the Sýrmata Pupa. Eleftero reassures her, telling her that it is understandable, but urges her not to isolate herself for this reason and to stay with the group, stressing that their friendship is long-standing and it is not worth ruining it just because she does not want to be in the company of the Sýrmata. The Grand Master invites Sibilla to listen to the boy, and she in turn warns Eleftero that the Sýrmata might be offended by his attitude, or that she herself might say something inappropriate, creating tension. Eleftero responds lightly, stating that it would not be a problem: conflicts, after all, help us grow, understand each other better and overcome prejudices by discovering something in the other that goes beyond them, since even what offends us reveals something about ourselves. Sibilla decides to join them and asks her grandfather if he wants to come to prepare the route to take with Icey's sister, who will arrive soon. The Grand Master, however, prefers to spend the day sitting in the sun, enjoying some vitamin D.

Sibilla and Filofilia then join Eleftero, heading towards the group, where Misofova asks them if they have changed their minds. Sibilla says that, by continuing to stay away, she would risk getting used to it, but she does not intend to leave them. Igneusapillo praises Sibilla for her response, while Misofova ironically asks if they are so unbearable that those around them feel the need for a break. Sibilla smiles and replies that it could be, causing general hilarity.

Meanwhile, Icey, while observing the flowers that color the meadow, thinks of picking some to give to her sister. She stops, carefully choosing flowers of different colors; Mariana, noticing her gesture, asks if they are meant for her sister. Icey nods, adding that she doesn't know what to tie them with. Mariana then offers to help her, telling her that she has some string and an old newspaper that she could use to make a bouquet. They return together to the cabin, where Mariana provides her with what she needs. Icey ties the flowers with the string and, after emptying a bottle of water that she had filled the day before at the river, she places the flowers in the box and puts the newspaper in her backpack, ready to use it to wrap the bouquet as soon as her sister arrives. She thanks Mariana, then takes the bottle to refill it at the river, returning with Mariana to the others.

Together they head towards the river, scattering petals along the way. Once there, Eleftero continues along the pre-arranged path, but Icey stops him, asking if they can head directly to the new place once his sister has arrived, fearing that it might take a long time and that the exact time of her arrival is unknown. Eleftero agrees without problems and decides to go back. Mariana, curious, asks Icey why her sister did not accompany her to the village. Icey explains that, since she started university, her sister has moved in with her aunt and uncle who live nearby and that she can only see her during the summer or on some holidays, if her studies allow it. Mariana expresses her disappointment and asks her what their relationship is. Icey responds that she has a good bond with her sister. Mariana states that she has never had a sister and asks Icey if, in her opinion, having a sister is better than being an only child. Icey responds that for her it makes no difference. At that point, Eleftero asks the others if they want to stay in the river or if they can go back, and they all agree to go back. During the return, Eleftero hears someone shouting that they have just acquired a new power. Intrigued, he and the others head behind a hut, where they find the members of Double Z. Eleftero makes the threads visible between their fingers and asks what this new power is. One of the members of Double Z, with the threads melted in his fist, replies that he will show them right away: by hitting a rock with his fist, he shatters it without suffering any injuries. Eleftero congratulates the member of Double Z, but reminds him that in the village it is not allowed to innovate powers. The leader of Double Z responds by saying that they are Sýrmata Pupa and that, for every magical creature, it is natural to develop their powers, just as a normal creature develops their abilities. Eleftero replies by saying that it is in the nature of magical beings to use their powers, but without developing them in dangerous ways. The Double Z leader makes it clear that those methods are dangerous only for those evil-minded people who wish to invade the Glade. Elefthero firmly replies that this is not possible and that, just as he invited them to come, he can just as easily invite them to leave. The Double Z leader, understanding the message, orders his men to retreat, marching with them towards his hut.

Igneusapillo turns to Eleftero and suggests that he give the village a name, so that it can be easily recognized and allows the inhabitants to connect their experiences to the place, infusing a part of themselves into it. Eleftero, in agreement, gathers the others in the center of the village, while Igneusapillo attracts everyone's attention by making strange sounds. As soon as everyone looks at Igneusapillo, he stops making sounds and Eleftero takes the floor, announcing that, after three days of stay, it is time to name the village. The name chosen is Vivindustria. The inhabitants explode in enthusiastic applause. Suddenly, a flying lifeboat led by Teen Ship descends from the sky, carrying a young girl. The villagers, surprised, wonder if something new has happened and if the girl is another heroine who has come with a warning.

As soon as the lifeboat touches the ground, the girl gets off while Teen Ship leaves again. Elefthero and his friends run to meet the new arrival and Icey, as soon as she recognizes her sister, hugs her warmly. Elefthero introduces Anney and Mariana. Anney, a girl with long black hair and a diamond-shaped face, turns to Mariana, asking her if she is new to the group. Mariana confirms, explaining that she only knew Elefthero, from school, and that it was thanks to the village that she was able to get to know the others. Anney wishes her to get along well with them, emphasizing that, although each has their own peculiarities, they are all people of value. Then, turning to Icey, she confesses how much she has missed her, adding that she has a gift for her. Delicately, she takes out a metal bracelet from her bag, decorated with a sun and a snowflake that meet in the middle. Icey, without showing any emotional signs, puts it on, and Anney shows her her bracelet, revealing how the two suns and two snowflakes complement each other perfectly when placed next to each other.

Icey announces that she also has a gift for Anney, and the group follows her inside the cabin, where she begins to make a bouquet of flowers by wrapping it in the newspaper, a gift from Mariana, which she takes from her backpack. Anney, surprised by the size of the cabin, asks the boys if they built it. Provolí, who passes by at that moment with Servubtus under his arm, replies that he and his friend built it. Icey, finishing preparing the bouquet, hands it to Anney, explaining that, although the meadow is full of flowers, the ones picked could remind her of her presence while she is at university. Anney, grateful, thanks Icey, saying that the gesture is appreciated, but assures her that she will always think of her, even without the flowers, and that, if it had been possible, she would have gladly stayed home with her. Icey hugs Anney again. Eleftero intervenes to inform Anney that they have all decided to show her a panoramic view of the place.

Thus, the group begins to follow a path strewn with petals. During the walk, Anney observes the trail of petals, the flowery meadow and the trees, expressing her admiration for the beauty of the place and complimenting them for their excellent choice. Igneusapillo, proudly, reveals that he found the place during his explorations, receiving compliments from Anney. When they reach the river, Anney observes the fish and is fascinated by their bright colors. Then, observing the end of the trail of petals, she asks if they know the origin of the petals and why they stopped there. Eleftero explains that the petals were added by them to mark the path, but specifies that Icey preferred not to continue along the river with the petals because he wanted to do that part of the path for the first time with her. Misofova observes that it was senseless to leave the path halfway, with some parts covered with petals and others not. Anney, however, reassures her, saying that it doesn't matter, and thanks the boys for their gift, particularly appreciating Icey's desire to share with her the first exploration along the path that follows the course of the river.

They all start walking towards the established path, and Icey asks her sister how she did at university. Anney says she passed all her first year exams with excellent grades, and in turn asks her if she got good grades at school. Icey confirms. Anney then asks Icey why they came to the village. Icey explains that she came to get away from their mother, while Eleftero, Misofova and Igneusapillo explain that they came because they wanted the freedom to use their powers. Introvertefila and the Cervelli sisters say they were attracted by the possibility of living this new experience, and finally Mariana expresses her desire to personally observe the events in this new reality. Anney asks if there is a special permit to use their powers publicly in the place, but Eleftero says no, but stresses that there is no one around and that he always tries to manage situations to prevent the powers from being used in a dangerous way. Anney reminds him that, if they were discovered, they would risk prison. Elefthero replies that they are not doing anything wrong, but Anney, while agreeing, warns that the law does not consider their intentions. Finally, she expresses the hope that, if the heroes discover the existence of a village created specifically to break the law, they will not send them directly to the Cave of Bad Dreams. Elefthero states that they are not dangerous and that there is no reason to send them to the Cave of Bad Dreams. He believes, at most, that controls could be introduced within the village. He then asks if she also wants to stay with them, pointing out that they could feed themselves by hunting in the forest without having to spend anything. Anney, however, expresses the desire to complete the next four years of university and realize her projects.

As they walk, they come across the Double Zs again, intent on training. When they see them coming, they get scared and try to justify themselves, claiming that they are not doing anything. Eleftero makes their threads visible, which the Double Zs destroy immediately after. Eleftero warns them for the last time that they must not train to enhance their powers, neither in his presence nor in his absence, threatening that, in the event of a new violation, he will make them return to the city. The Double Zs react with a sigh of disappointment, and their leader leads them back to the village. Continuing along the path that runs alongside the river, the group comes across a steep descent. Filofilia, worried about the slippery ground and scattered rocks, points out how dangerous it is to cross it. Eleftero agrees with her and suggests that they return to the village for safety. Jokingly, Igneusapillo suggests throwing themselves into the river, but Misofova reminds him that going back up would be impossible. Igneusapillo laughs and reassures her, specifying that he was only joking.

Meanwhile, in an underground cellar, inside the Double Z's hut, the leader of the group, standing on a stage in front of the followers, addresses them. In the background, the group's symbol - a vertical Z that slowly transforms into a horizontal Z in the center - lights up, giving a mysterious aura to the environment. The leader speaks with determination, explaining that, since they want to prevent them from developing their powers, they will train there, in their secret refuge. He promises that they will enslave the dreams, considered guilty of their oppression, and punish the traitors who supported them. The members of the group rejoice, but suddenly the leader hears a noise: a pebble with a line that pirouettes upwards towards the tip of the rock rolls down the stairs of the entrance hatch.

Meanwhile, Mariana, Anney and the other kids return to the village. Anney informs everyone that she brought some sandwiches to organize a picnic outside. The group thanks her and, after choosing a tree to sit under, Icey moves some stones, creating a dome that envelops the tree and encloses them inside. Anney praises the idea, saying that it makes the place even more pleasant. During the picnic, Anney asks Sibilla and Filofilia where their grandfather is, knowing that he is usually always with them. Sibilla answers that her grandfather preferred to stay and sunbathe and did not want to join them. Introverted, curious, she asks Anney if she has had the chance to meet Sibilla and Filofilia. Anney answers that she has seen them several times in her sister's group of friends. Introvertefila says that she never got to know Sibilla and Filofilia, because the rare times she went out with her cousin and his friends, Sibilla always had commitments that didn't allow her to stay and Filofilia helped her with them. Turning to the Cervelli sisters, she suggests that, with more opportunities to meet, they could become friends. Sibilla, with a touch of disdain, responds sarcastically, while Filofilia appears enthusiastic about the idea. Introvertefila, curious, asks the Cervelli sisters how they spent the previous days. Filofilia responds that they listened to the lessons, stories and reflections of their wise grandfather. Introvertefila expresses the desire to have a grandfather like that, from whom she can learn and reflect, while stating that she would never replace her own, who, although not particularly wise, is very funny and is tied to him by a deep affection. She concludes by saying that perhaps she would just like to have someone wise to learn from, rather than change her grandfather. Filofilia says that if their grandfather is present in the next few days, she will be able to listen to him too. Introvertefila says that she would be happy.

Suddenly, a woman's scream is heard; the boys, interrupting their picnic, run to see what is happening and find a woman crying desperately over her son's corpse. Some members of the village, who arrived shortly after, ask her what happened, and the woman says that she found her son on the ground, initially thinking that he was sleeping because he had no visible wounds. After several attempts to wake him, she realized that his heart had stopped beating. Suddenly, the Double Zs arrive and their leader bends over the corpse, crying and declaring that he was a dear friend of his, wondering why such a fate had been inflicted on him. The victim's mother, visibly agitated, threatens to call the Heroes so that whoever committed that act pays the consequences. The Double Z leader, still in tears,states that the culprit should be sentenced to spend the rest of his life in the Cave of Bad Dreams.

Mariana, looking at the lifeless body, reflects on her crime against Virimperio Impiusemina, remembering that she killed him. As she observes the pain of the victim's mother, she thinks about how Virimperio's family must have also suffered for his loss. She considers that she deprived Virimperio of the opportunity to grow, learn from his mistakes and see his parents. She reflects on the pain she inflicted on those parents, taking their son away from them, and these reflections push her to cry. Eleftero, noticing Mariana's tears, hugs her gently, reassuring her and taking her away from the place. Mariana finds comfort in Eleftero's arms, while Sibilla watches her in silence, immersed in her thoughts. She would never have expected that Mariana, a Sýrmata Pupa, could cry for someone she didn't know and with whom she had never had a significant bond. She wonders if Mariana is trying to appear more sensitive than others or if her tears are sincere, the result of a true sadness for that person. When Mariana stops crying, she leaves Eleftero's arms and dries her eyes with her hands.

From the sky, Teen Ship quickly arrives, carrying the translenergic team and several white-clad teens. As soon as they land, everyone disembarks, except Teen Ship, who takes off in his flying lifeboat. The translenergic teen steps forward, shouting at the villagers to immediately line up horizontally in front of him. In a short time, all the citizens are neatly lined up. In a serious tone, the teen announces that something extremely serious has happened: a murder has been committed within the village, taking the life of a boy of only twenty years old and tearing the heart of a mother who saw her son being born and now has been cruelly taken from her. Approaching Mariana, the teen asks her if she knows anything. Mariana says she knows nothing and he asks her if she knew the victim. Mariana denies it again, stating that she does not know him. The teen asks her if this time she had had a more heated discussion than the previous ones, such that it went from a simple check to something more serious, referring to the story of her mother who, during the call, had described the body as free of wounds, a sign that the young man could have been killed by a Sýrmata Pupa. Mariana defends herself, declaring that she had done nothing, and is supported by Eleftero, who states that she was with him and the others. The teen, giving Mariana a firm pat on the shoulder, tells her that he hopes so and heads towards the front of the line to check everyone, photographing the Sýrmata Pupa and writing down their names with the help of the two assistants. Once the check is over, the young man informs the village that he will remain there to investigate the incident together with his collaborators, ensuring that he will get to the truth. Finally, he authorizes the inhabitants to dissolve the line.

The line disperses, and Mariana, along with her group of friends, returns to consume the last remnants of the picnic. After finishing eating, they receive an invitation from the deceased's grandmother to attend the funeral. The woman explains that, since the village is sparsely populated, all the inhabitants have been invited, since her grandson had always wanted the community to support each other, especially given the small size of the village. Mariana and the others agree to attend, eager to honor the deceased's wishes during the funeral ceremony. So they follow the woman, watching The Translenergic Teen, along with his assistants, take care of transporting the body, which is placed in a wooden coffin built by Provolí and Servubtus. Before the coffin is closed, the Translenergic Teen asks that his assistants be allowed to inspect the body. The deceased's mother agrees and the teens check the victim's possessions, finding nothing, then, equipped with a magnifying glass, they examine the body carefully. Immediately after, they begin to slap the corpse, jump on it and abuse it, finally concluding their analysis by confirming the young man's death. The translenergic teen, a little perplexed, observes that this was a known conclusion, and wonders if his assistants are really professionals.

The funeral begins and the coffin is carried through the village until a suitable burial site is found. The parents of the deceased take the floor, remembering their son as a lively person, always wanting to do good and be at peace with everyone. While admitting his naivety, they say that he cannot be blamed for it. They talk about their son's great enthusiasm for the village populated exclusively by energetic people, where they could live together, understand each other and use their powers, just as they did in private, without harming anyone. Many of those present are worried about the revelations made in front of the teenager about the use of his powers, but they are reassured by seeing him talking on the phone. They emphasize that the dream could have continued if it hadn't been for an evil person who killed him for no reason. They explain that no one had ever had problems with him, and what happened to him seems inexplicable, the result of madness or cruel fun. Finally, the family gives the floor to the victim's friends. The Double Z leader, with tears in his eyes, says that the deceased was a dear friend of his, who often visited him, bringing him snacks to share with the other members of the gang. He painfully recalls that the boy wanted to join them, but that this murder shattered his dream. He then offers his full support to the young man's mother, reassuring her that her son is now in the Land of the Livid Dead, a place where he will know no more pain and where no one can harm him. The mother, gratefully, thanks him.

During the speeches, Mariana bites her nails, trying not to let her feelings show, while silently shedding tears for the ghosts of her past, remembering her actions with anguish. After the ceremony, she bitterly reflects on how horrible a person she was for her actions, and the guilt overwhelms her even more for having come to the funeral to mourn a murder victim, witnessing the suffering of the family and friends, knowing that she had caused a similar tragedy in the past. Having stopped biting her nails, she begins to sob and runs away to her group's hut, crying. The others follow her and Eleftero reaches her and hugs her, trying to console her, telling her that there is nothing wrong with being sensitive, and that perhaps it would have been better to avoid attending the funeral if she felt so bad. Mariana remains silent, hiding the truth and feeling unworthy of her friends' affection, convinced that she is similar to the monster who killed the boy. Anney tries to comfort her, telling her that everyone, sooner or later, will go to the Land of the Livid Dead, and that, even if sometimes they get there early, that place represents the true reward for those who have lived in goodness. Mariana, however, reflects that her friends do not know that she will never reach that land, since it is not a dream, but a nightmare, guilty of the worst of crimes, and her tears intensify. Elefthero, seeing her pain, offers her some water and asks her if she wants to distract herself by doing a crossword puzzle book with him that he brought from home. Mariana accepts, and slowly begins to calm down.

Night falls, and one by one everyone gets ready to go to sleep. Icey, ready to put on her jacket over her pajamas to face the 18 degrees of a mild summer that, due to her internal conditions, seems harsh to her, is interrupted by her sister, who asks her if she wants to be warmed by her threads. Icey accepts and puts her jacket back in her backpack, then sits on the bed. Anney creates fiery threads, making them visible as her hair begins to catch fire. She gently wraps the burning threads around Icey's abdomen and sits behind her, hugging her. Anney's hair falls, covering Icey from her face to her shoulders. The warmth of the hug, along with that of the threads and her sister's hair, relaxes Icey, who closes her eyes and immediately falls asleep, protected by that hug.

After a while, Misofova's friend enters the cabin, having come to meet Icey's sister. Seeing Anney with her hair and threads on fire on Icey, she is frightened and asks her if she risks burning her. Anney explains that the flames of her threads and hair are shielded by an energy barrier that prevents them from burning anyone they touch, but allows them to transmit heat, thus warming her sister, whose internal temperature is only 27 degrees. Misofova's friend, still curious, asks how her hair doesn't burn despite the flames. Anney replies that her hair is resistant to fire, but adds that the flames have darkened it, specifying that it was once brown. Misofova's friend asks Anney if she is a Translenergic or a Sýrmata Pupa, since she has never seen a Sýrmata Pupa with genetic mutations. Anney replies by saying that she is a Panenergic incendiary. Misofova's friend, however, argues that this is impossible, as the Panenergics became extinct after splitting into Sýrmata Pupa and Translenergics. Anney then explains that her mother is a Sýrmata Pupa and her father is a Translenergic, and that a genetic mutation caused her to be born as a Panenergic. Misofova's friend, curious, asks her how much energy it costs to create the fiery threads. Anney replies that it costs a lot, but since the energy is only used to create the threads and not continuously, unlike her sister's freezing power, and allows her sister to warm up and relax, she doesn't care. She also adds that both she and those near the flames can recover energy through the heat. She also explains that if she holds the threads for a long time, the total energy gained by her and others can exceed the initial energy cost. Finally, she specifies that, without a protective barrier, the flames could set fire to the wood, but if before destroying or withdrawing the threads she lights a bonfire by removing the barrier, she can allow for fire without effort, and the energy recovered by the energetic people nearby would compensate for that expense. At this point, Misofova's friend comments that she now understands why "Icey loves her", suggesting that, by feigning affection, Icey takes advantage of the benefits derived from her burning threads. Anney states that Icey is not an opportunist, recalling an episode of a past winter in which, despite not being able to use her threads to warm her, not feeling very well, Icey had understood her and remained affectionate towards her, despite her physiological problems related to the cold, without ever showing hatred. Misofova's friend states with an ironic tone, that surely Icey in front of her, could have shown her frustration. He then introduces himself as Omnenulla Nisimeabulla and asks Anney her name,claiming to have heard it before but not remembering it well. Anney, revealing her name, asks Omnenulla to refrain from spreading negative and false opinions about her sister. Omnenulla, however, claims that he only wants to warn her, or make her think about a possibility, specifying that he has nothing against Icey.

Suddenly, a Translenergic teen, passing by, asks how a Translenergic can create threads. Anney says she is a Panenergic, but the young man reminds him that using threads is illegal. Anney replies that she is in a private place, but the teen warns him that the law applies in private too. Anney then calls Icey to wake her up, while the teen rushes her by threatening to send her to the Cave of Bad Dreams if she doesn't remove the threads immediately. Anney, worried about Icey's health, explains that her sister has a low body temperature and needs the vest to avoid problems, especially during mild summers. She adds that she can't remove the threads without telling her first, so that she can put on the vest. After waking Icey up by shaking her arm lightly, Anney tells her that she is going to remove the threads. Icey understands and, once the threads are removed, puts on the vest and covers herself with the blankets. Meanwhile, Omnenulla asks Misofova why she didn't join her and her friends, and Misofova, claiming to have forgotten, offers to sleep together again to apologize. Omnenulla accepts the apology and goes to bed with her. Mariana and the others also get under the covers and fall asleep.

At midnight, a Translenergic who was returning from the river with freshly filled bottles of water, sees from afar, despite the darkness, a tall figure with a fiery tip approaching the hut of Eleftero and his friends, and then retreating without the tip. Suddenly, the hut catches fire. The Translenergic runs towards the hut and, entering, wakes everyone up, warning them of the danger. The boys flee with him from the hut and, from outside, watch helplessly as the building is engulfed in flames, collapsing onto the lawn and spreading the fire all around. Frightened by the impending catastrophe, they cry for help. The noise wakes up the whole village, who rushes with bottles of water in an attempt to put out the fire, but their efforts are in vain. It is only the intervention of an aquatic Translenergico that stops the fire, who by asking a Sýrmata Pupa to create the threads, taking control of them to make them watery, and using them against the fire manages to put out the flames, avoiding the worst, even if several houses and flowers have already been hit.

The next day, the Translenergic teen listens to the testimony of the Translenergic who saved part of the village. Reflecting on the long thing with the fiery tip, he begins to suspect Anney. He then decides to go to Provolí's hut, where Eleftero and his group are. Once there, he approaches Anney and accuses her of starting the fire with her threads. Anney states that she was also present inside the house. The Teen reminds her that arson Translenergics have skin that is particularly resistant to fire. Anney accepts this observation, but points out that it would have made no sense to put her sister and her friends in danger. The Teen admits that he does not know the reason for the act, but explains that the matter will be examined in court, in front of a judge, adding that he also has a witness. Anney asks him to believe her, swearing that she is telling the truth and that she is not capable of such a crime. The translenergic teen replies that the judge will decide and, with these words, leaves the cabin, leaving Anney worried about the possible repercussions that could arise due to incorrect interpretations of the facts.

Icey approaches her sister to hug her, and Anney returns the gesture, reflecting on the fact that, if she were to be tried, her mere presence in court could be enough to make her appear guilty in the eyes of some. She also worries about the witness that the translenergic teen claims to have, fearing that he might be believed. Eleftero tries to reassure her, saying that the judge will not condemn her without her having done anything. Anney says that she hopes Eleftero is right, but remembers that the teen mentioned a witness. Provolí, jokingly, observes that perhaps the witness saw her hours before with a match in her hand and concluded that she was the one who set the hut on fire, then laughing at his own joke. Anney smiles weakly. At that moment, the Grand Master, visibly tired, enters the hut and greets everyone, explaining that he had a hard time finding the hut where his nieces stayed. He asks how they are and if anyone was hurt in the fire, but everyone assures them that they are fine. The Grand Master, relieved, comments that fortunately no one got hurt, adding that in life there will always be obstacles, but the important thing is to overcome them or at least not let them overwhelm you, emphasizing that there is a solution for everything, except death. Hearing this last sentence, Mariana lowers her gaze. Elefthero suggests moving the remains of the cabin, to avoid them obstructing the passage. When they arrive at the site, they find the translenergic teen's assistants immersed in the fragments of burnt wood. One of them, tasting a branch, confidently states that everything is clear. The translenergic teen, near the remains, observing his assistants, asks them what discoveries they have made and if their suspicions were founded. The assistant, with the branch still in his mouth, confirms that they were. The teen asks how he is so sure, and the assistant, continuing to lick the branch, replies that the wood does not lie, confirming that the cabin was burned by a fire. The translenergic teen, incredulous, reflects to himself on how obtuse his assistants are. Elefthero then asks the assistant why the twig he is nibbling on is smaller than the large logs the hut was built from, but the assistant admits he doesn't know, adding, however, that it tastes good.

Ultima modifica di Domenico idea il Gio Ago 15, 2024 3:13 pm - modificato 1 volta.
Domenico idea
Messaggi : 154
Data di iscrizione : 29.09.21

Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa A Free Life Ep. 2 Empty Re: Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa A Free Life Ep. 2

Mer Ago 14, 2024 3:22 pm
Judge Teen arrives aboard Teen Ship's flying lifeboat, brandishing a gavel and an iron hoop, and orders the defendants and witnesses to be called. Anney approaches the Teen along with the Translenergic Teen, who accuses her of having been seen setting fire to the village. Anney denies it, but the Translenergic Teen calls the Translenergic who had saved everyone that night as a witness. The Judge asks the witness to tell what he saw, and he, while admitting that he doesn't know what he's testifying about, says he can describe what happened that night. He describes glowing threads with fiery tips heading toward the hut of the village founder. The Translenergic Teen explains that only Translenergic Arsonists, or Panenergic Arsonists, can create flames on the threads and that Anney is the only one who possesses this power. Anney defends herself by saying that she was sleeping that night and that the witness himself can confirm it. The witness, in fact, confirms that Anney was sleeping with her friends, but the Translenergic Teen insists that she could have been faking, claiming that the evidence against her is overwhelming. Anney says that she was not faking and asks the witness if he is sure that the fire came from the wires. Anney retorts, asking the witness if he is sure that the fire came from the wires. The witness admits that he was far away and that he cannot say for sure where the flames came from. Anney states that the evidence is uncertain and that she cannot be falsely accused. The Translenergic Teen accuses her of trying to confuse the witness. At this point, the judge calls everyone to silence and finds Anney guilty of vandalism and attempted murder, sentencing her to six years in prison.

The Translenergic Teen states that, having solved the case of the fire, the only missing piece is to find out who committed the murder that occurred the day before. Then, he orders his assistants to take Anney to the cell that was built in Provolí. The assistants obey and, separating Icey from Anney, grab the latter by the arms. Icey approaches Anney again to hug her, but one of the assistants tries to push her away without success. Only with the help of the other assistant do they manage to separate them definitively. The translenergic teen then orders his assistants to hold Icey while he leads Anney to the prison. The prison is as big as a room and has a door divided in half: one part is wooden and the other barred, inside there is only a bathroom, a sink and a bed. After leading her inside, the teen locks her in. Icey asks to be let go and the two teens, seeing Anney already locked up, leave her.

Icey heads to her sister, accompanied by her friends, and without expressing emotion asks her why they arrested her, since she had been sleeping next to her all night. Anney explains that there was a misunderstanding and that they came to believe that she was the one to blame for the fire. Icey asks Anney if she accepts being imprisoned even though she is innocent. Anney replies that, as long as the verdict declares her guilty, she will accept imprisonment. Elefthero, determined, reassures her, saying that they will find the real culprit and that she will soon be free again. Anney thanks him, but expresses her skepticism, convinced that there is no way to counteract a web of events that, although erroneous, seems logical and supports the idea that she was the one who burned the cabin. Elefthero reiterates that the truth is stronger than lies and that, by looking for it, it will come out. Anney smiles, admiring his determination. Meanwhile, Mariana notices the translenergic teen and decides to approach him to talk to him, followed by the others.

Mariana tells him that Anney's incarceration is unjust, since the evidence is insufficient. The teen responds that the judge has decided and Anney has been found guilty, since, although little, the evidence is clear. Mariana objects that the judge was wrong, arguing that the evidence is ambiguous, since the witness did not see clearly. The teen retorts that Anney did not choose her as a lawyer and that, if he had chosen one, he certainly would not have chosen her, given her record. Mariana lowers her head and falls silent. Eleftero, seeing Mariana's sad face, urges her not to listen to that crazy teen, pointing out that he lives in a world of his own, where he has already decided who is guilty based only on what he heard first. Then, noticing the witness of the trial nearby, he suggests to Mariana that they could talk to him, and Mariana nods.

Together with the group, they approach the witness and ask him if on the day of the fire he noticed anything else, other than what he declared in court, that could be useful in finding the real culprit. Eleftero apologizes, stating that he saw nothing else. Eleftero asks the Translenergic if by chance he had seen anyone else outside that night, but he answers in the negative. Eleftero then asks where the wires they had noticed came from, but the witness is not sure they were actually wires, and assumes that they came from behind the hut located to their left. Eleftero thanks him and suggests that the group return to the ruins of their hut.

Once there, he observes the remains of the hut on the left and begins to look for something that could connect it to the owner. However, finding nothing useful, he tells the group that they could free up space by removing the rubble of their hut. At that point, Provolí arrives, who warns them not to do so, explaining that he will take the wood to build other objects, promising to rebuild their hut in exchange. Provolí explains that he has already reached a similar agreement with the other people who lost their homes, to avoid wasting wood. Eleftero agrees, then asks his uncle who owned the hut to the left of theirs. Provolí responds that it belongs to a girl named Angelica, the same age as the group, who lived alone. Looking around, Provolí spots her and points her out to Eleftero, who, together with his friends, runs towards her.

While running, Mariana accidentally bumps into a member of the Double Z group, making him drop a rock he was holding. Embarrassed, she apologizes, picks up the stone and gives it back, explaining that she didn't mean to drop him, or her stone. The boy reassures her not to worry. Mariana, looking at the stone, notices a line that spirals up and, curious, asks where he found it. The member of Double Z responds that he found it by chance in the meadow, assuming that someone lost it. Mariana enthusiastically states that the stone is magnificent and considers the boy lucky to have found such a unique object.

After saying goodbye to the Double Z member, she runs off towards the others. Eleftero asks her if she was meeting new people, and Mariana tells him what happened. Eleftero explains that they didn't notice her fall, otherwise they would have gone back. He adds that, as soon as he and the others arrived at the girl, they introduced themselves, and when they didn't see her, they got worried. Looking around, they saw her talking to a boy and thought she was making new friends, but Mariana denies it. Eleftero then questions Angelica, asking her if there was anyone in her cabin the night of the fire. The girl answers that she was alone. Eleftero asks her if she noticed anything strange outside the cabin, but Angelica says she doesn't know, since she didn't look outside before going to bed, and when she went out she didn't see anything unusual. When Eleftero asks who could have started the fire and why they were behind her house, Angelica replies that she doesn't know, adding that maybe they should know, since their house was burned down first, hypothesizing that it could have been someone who hates them. Mariana, instinctively, names Misofova, but then regrets it, stating that it couldn't have been her, since she was with them. Misofova, feeling implicated, firmly denies it, stating that she's not so crazy as to set fire to a hut while she was inside, and says that she thought the matter between them was over. Mariana apologizes, explaining that when Angelica hypothesized that the perpetrator of the crime could be someone who hates them, she immediately thought of her, since she was the only one who hated her. Misofova corrects her, clarifying that Angelica was referring to a person who hated all of them, not just her. He then points out that, after having resolved their problems, he no longer hates her, and that his thought was inappropriate. Mariana, mortified, apologizes again, explaining that it was an impulse of the moment and that she did not mean to accuse her. Misofova forgives her, but warns her to be more careful with her words, reminding her that it was precisely because of rash statements that Anney was unjustly imprisoned. Mariana apologizes again, saying that she has realized her mistake.

Meanwhile, Angelica notices a small strange object on Mariana's arm and asks her what it is. Mariana, surprised, asks where exactly it is, and Angelica takes the object, discovering that it is a tiny bug. She immediately asks Mariana who could have put it there. Mariana remembers that a translenergic teen had touched her on the shoulder some time before, and hypothesizes that it could have been him. Eleftero, after taking the bug and putting it in his pocket, insists that they must immediately go and confront the teen,because it is not lawful to put a bug on someone without their consent in order to spy on them.

The boys search the village and, finally finding the translenergic teen, Eleftero confronts him saying that he had no right to place a bug on Mariana. The translenergic teen justifies himself by saying that he suspects her for the murder of the boy that occurred before his arrival and that he was trying to gather evidence. Eleftero scolds him, pointing out that he cannot suspect Mariana just because she had been reported for using the wires a few days before, without knowing the whole story. The teen, curious, asks what the full story is. Eleftero claims that Mariana only used the wires to defend herself from other wires, without ever using them against the attacker, pointing out that in the end no one took control of anyone and that nothing serious happened. The translenergic teen asks where they put the bug. Eleftero says he has it in his pocket and gives it back to him. Eleftero replies that he has it in his pocket and gives it back. Sibilla asks the teen how he could hear Mariana without the help of headphones or a device connected to the bug. The translenergic teen invites them to follow him and, leading them to his cabin, introduces them to Science Teen, his collaborator, explaining that he is the creator of the bugs. He explains that Science Teen, who had walked there, had been listening in on Mariana's conversations as if they were listening in on him as if they were listening in on him. Icey coldly observes that if the bug had been on Mariana all that time, the teen should know if Anney had a role in the incident, since she was in the same cabin. The teen speculates that Anney could have created the wires and carried out her plan silently. Eleftero adds that they discovered that the wires were coming from behind the cabin to the left of theirs. The Teen suggests that Anney may have created the threads, made them come out of the entrance and then directed them to where she thought most appropriate, dosing the energy so as to give more energy to the end of the threads and less energy to the beginning. Sibilla says that there would be no point in doing all these actions just to burn a hut. The Teen suggests that perhaps the intention was to make it seem like the threads were leading in that direction, so as to appear innocent. Elefthero counters that Anney does not even have a motive to do such a thing. The Translenergic Teen says that the verdict has been passed and says he is willing to intercede with the king to free the Panenergica, provided they provide him with proof of her innocence. Elefthero asks how they could get such proof, and the Translenergic Teen replies that that is a matter for them to resolve. The two assistants of the transleukinic teen, with a solemn but joking tone, state, leaving silence between one word and another, that they have understood that Anney is a person,and then they burst out laughing. Filofilia suggests asking her grandfather for advice, who always knows what's best to do.

So they decide to go to the Grand Master's hut, but once there, they find him tied up and at the mercy of a hooded boy in a black t-shirt. As soon as he sees them, the boy runs away, taking the old man away, and they chase him. During the escape, the boy stretches the invisible threads, coming out of his fingers, from the part of the knot that ties the old man and attaches them to the roof of a hut; then, by reducing their length, he manages to climb up it. With the help of Introvertefila and Mariana, who create the threads, the boys manage to tie themselves together and climb the hut, chasing the kidnapper, who uses the threads as spiderwebs to easily pass from one roof to another, just like Spider-Man.

Running out of huts to attach himself to, the kidnapper gets down to the ground, runs to a large rock, pushes it, moving it, and reveals a hidden hole into which he throws himself. The boys follow him and find themselves in front of five tunnels. Eleftero suggests that they split up, keeping in touch via cell phones, and that they reunite as soon as one of them finds the kidnapper, warning them to avoid descents or risky passages that could compromise their return. He distributes threads of different colors, assigning a color to each tunnel, and suggests choosing a matching bracelet, so that the choice of who goes through each tunnel is random, avoiding discontent. Introvertefila, Mariana, and Sibilla end up in the first tunnel; Eleftero in the second; Misofova in the third; Igneusapillo in the fourth; and Filofilia and Icey in the fifth. Each enters their assigned tunnel.

Sibilla considers herself particularly unlucky for having been paired with two Sýrmata Pupa, while Mariana is scared at the idea of ​​finding herself in an underground tunnel with a kidnapper who could be lurking nearby, ready to surprise them. She anguishedly wonders if they have ended up in his secret base, thus falling into his trap. She thinks it would have been more prudent to let her and Introvertefila's threads run through the tunnels alone, to follow whatever the kidnapper had intercepted, rather than exposing herself personally. She decides to wrap herself in her own threads, leaving the ends sticking out so she can defend herself from every direction, and shares her concerns and the solution she used with the others, offering Sibilla two of her five threads to protect her. Sibilla responds that she doesn't care and that she feels safer this way. Instead, Introvertefila thanks Mariana and decides to follow her example.

The three girls arrive in front of an opening on the right, where they see the kidnapper inside and step back, observing him from behind the wall. The kidnapper mutters to himself, worried that the boys are investigating to find out who is really responsible for the fire and free their friend. He complains to himself that he had planned to capture the grandfather of two members of the group to set a trap for him, but the boys caught him red-handed and followed his tracks to there. However, he calms down, thinking that he can eliminate them, as he did with the boy the other day. The three girls, shocked, realize that they are facing the author of both crimes that have shocked the village. Introvertefila wonders whether it is better to attack immediately as a three or wait for the rest of the group. Sibilla suggests waiting for the others. Suddenly, Introvertefila feels something on her head; bringing her hand to her head, she finds a spider climbing into her hand. When she brings it close to her face and sees it, she becomes frightened and starts screaming, but is quickly silenced by Sibilla and Mariana. The kidnapper, alarmed by the noise, asks who is near the entrance. Mariana removes the spider from Introvertefila as the kidnapper approaches, inviting whoever is there to show themselves. Mariana destroys her threads and, creating new threads, announces that she will attack him by surprise, with Introvertefila creating threads ready to do the same. Sibilla promises to support them with her energy. The three girls burst into the room and Mariana and Introvertefila attack the kidnapper with their threads. But he, cleverly, generates his own threads with which he ties theirs, before throwing them into a room with a large round door with no locks. Afterwards, the kidnapper ties Sibilla up, and as the other two try to escape, he pushes her against them, sending them back inside, closing the door and imprisoning them inside.

The three girls try to push the door open, but their efforts are in vain. Introvertefila shouts at the kidnapper to let them out, but she gets no response. Mariana suggests warning the others before they fall into the trap, but Sibilla, who had already considered this possibility, explains that the cell phone has no signal in the room. So, Introvertefila creates some wires, enlarges them, gives them more energy and extends them until they form a wall in front of the door, claiming that this way the kidnapper will not be able to lock their friends in. Sibilla makes the wires visible and warns that, if charged with too much energy, they could harden to the point of breaking the bones of their friends if the kidnapper tries to throw them into the room. Introvertefila recognizes that Sibilla is right and takes the wires back. Reflecting, Introvertefila suggests playing hangman while they are locked in the room, using the wires to create dashes and long vertical lines that they will use to separate the dashes. Mariana seems to agree, but Sibilla says no. Then, Introvertefila suggests another game: think of something, draw it with the threads without showing it and then hide it behind your back, so the others can guess. Mariana says that there is no need for the threads and creates a flower with hers, fusing and expanding them. Introvertefila, enthusiastic, asks her to teach her the technique, and Mariana agrees, explaining how to create figures through the threads.

Introvertefila learns quickly and asks Sibilla if she wants to learn the technique too, so she can create figures more easily when she takes control of their strings during the game. Sibilla retreats to a corner on the right, saying that she will learn on her own and that she does not want to play. Introvertefila accepts the decision and sits next to Sibilla, followed by Mariana. Sibilla, slightly annoyed, asks them to move away, saying that she does not want to have two Sýrmata Pupa nearby. Mariana moves to the center of the room, while Introvertefila sits a little to the left, under the clock. At that point, Sibilla takes a small book out of her pants pockets and starts reading it. Mariana asks Sibilla why she hates the Sýrmata Pupa. Sibilla tells her that in middle school she had a best friend, who was a member of the Sýrmata Pupa, and who she was very fond of. She always did her homework when she asked, helped her understand what she didn't understand while studying, and made herself available whenever her friend needed it, without ever expecting anything in return, nor holding anything against her. She also did everything her friend wanted, even accepting her insistence when she didn't feel like doing something and letting herself be convinced to do it. However, in her last year of school, this friend, after discovering that she slept with stuffed animals, decided to reveal it to everyone the day before her exams. She painted her as a child who was afraid of the dark, thus triggering everyone's teasing. Sibilla explains that she later discovered that her friend had always been envious of her slightly higher grades, because she wanted to be top of the class. She concludes by saying that she will never allow something like this to happen again, and that for this reason she will stay away from the Sýrmata Pupa. Mariana tries to dissuade her, saying that not all Sýrmata Pupa are the same. Sibilla, however, takes a small book out of her trouser pocket and replies that she is not interested.

Suddenly, they hear their friends' voices coming from the next room. Mariana and Sibilla call them, warning them that they are trapped in the room. Eleftero hears the two friends and, listening to the two friends through the large circular door, realizes that they are in there, warns the others and asks his friends how they ended up in there and where Introvertefila is. Mariana replies that Introvertefila is with them in the room, but she is sitting. Sibilla asks Eleftero if he can open the door, but he replies that there is neither a handle nor a lock. Meanwhile, Igneusapillo, finding a computer in an opening in the wall, suggests that perhaps the door could be opened using that device. However, by mistakenly clicking on a minimized window, he discovers a one-minute self-destruct timer and screams in fear. Eleftero warns his imprisoned friends and asks if there is anything in the room that can help them get out. Mariana and Sibilla begin to frantically search everywhere, while Introvertefila, who has been looking at the pictures on the wall the whole time, notices a detail in the clock: every quarter of an hour, one of the birds in the walls is depicted next to the number, but she notices that the birds drawn on the arrows of the blocked clock are not close to those with which they are in the walls. She then decides to align the arrows of the clock with the numbers, matching the arrangement of the birds to that on the wall. Suddenly, the door opens. Sibilla and Mariana, seeing the door swing open, understand that it was Introvertefila who unlocked it. Sibilla urges her to get out quickly before the base explodes, but Introvertefila asks, perplexed, what does it mean that the base is about to explode. Mariana grabs her and the three of them run towards the others, who in the meantime, thanks to Misofova, have found the Grand Master tied up in a room, gagged and with rags in his ears. After freeing him, Sibilla and Filofilia hug him and help him escape. Running at breakneck speed, they manage to get out of the underground base that explodes shortly after.

The villagers, noticing the explosion from afar, approach to understand what happened. The Translenergic Teen, observing the scene, concludes that the boys blew up the ground for fun and accuses them of vandalism. The boys try to explain that they were kidnapped because of the same criminal responsible for the murder the day before and the fire in the village. The Translenergic Teen, skeptical, asks them for proof. Elefthero replies that they were about to die in there. The Grand Master takes the boys' defense, confirming that he was kidnapped and that they saved his life. The Translenergic Teen insists, asking the Grand Master how they can know that the kidnapper is the same one who started the fire and committed the murder. The Grand Master claims he doesn't know. At this point, Sibilla, Mariana and Introvertefila claim to have heard the criminal confess, but the Translenergic Teen remains incredulous, arguing that it is unlikely that simple high school girls would use such a serious kidnapping to invent lies in an attempt to save their friend. Sibilla, understanding the teen's stubborn attachment to his false opinions, responds with little interest, telling him that he can think what he wants, but that he is a terrible hero. Introvertefila, calmly, explains that he did not lie and that he would never do so. Mariana, exhausted by the social dynamics, walks away and takes refuge along the river. While observing the water, she notices a stone carried by the river and picks it up, discovering that it has a straight vertical line that crosses it from top to bottom. Shortly after, Angelica arrives at the river and tells her that that type of stone sometimes slides along the current, adding that the boy who died the day before loved to collect them. Angelica also remembers that, half an hour before he was found dead, she had seen him with a stone in his hand, while he told her that he would take it home after meeting some friends. Angelica carefully fills her wooden bottles, carried in a basket, and after saying a cordial goodbye to Mariana, she goes away.

Mariana, left alone, returns to observe the river and, with wonder, notices the arrival of the usual rare fish smiling at it. The fish emerges from the water with its tail and, hitting it out of the water, begins to splash it and then jumps and forcefully re-enters the water. Mariana, confused by the fish's behavior, after having suffered several splashes of water in the face, decides to calm it, holding out her hand to caress it. When she dips her hand, the fish grabs her by a finger, trying to pull her towards it, but slips away due to the lack of teeth. Mariana, perplexed, asks the fish if it wants her to enter the water, but it informs it that it cannot, because if it did, the river current would drag it to the waterfall and beyond. The fish, undaunted, continues to splash her and she, reflecting, decides to tie its threads to a tree so she can dive in without risk. So she creates the threads, ties a tree and dives into the water, emerging her head. However, the fish continues its game, splashing her and diving deeper after each splash. Mariana, determined, lengthens the lines a little and, holding her breath, dives completely. Suddenly, a sense of confusion pervades her, her head begins to spin until she passes out. As she loses consciousness, she sees a succession of images: a stone, similar to those in the river, with a line that winds upwards; a twig of wood; and Eleftero's old hut. The visions transform and she sees a member of the Double Z with his stone, the twig of wood engulfed in flames and Eleftero's hut in the distance that catches fire, quickly touched by something fiery. Mariana wakes up and re-emerges from the water, returning to dry land. She wonders about the meaning of those images and, reflecting, concludes that they indicate that the rocks in the river have the power to protect from fires.

The member of Double Z arrives at the river, bringing his rock with him, and explains to Mariana that he found the rock right there, but that he didn't tell her right away because he wanted to keep it a secret. When Mariana hears his voice, she is shocked: it is the same voice as the boy who kidnapped the Grand Master. Reflecting, she realizes that perhaps the images she had seen indicated that he was the author of the fire, and begins to feel scared. The member of Double Z, noticing her disturbance, asks her if everything is okay. Mariana, feigning naturalness, assures him that nothing is wrong. The boy says he finds her nice and suggests that they go to his house to have a chat, also offering her the chance to dry herself with the hairdryer, since she is all wet. Mariana, after a brief moment of reflection, decides to accept so as not to arouse suspicion, also thinking that she can make him confess by recording the conversation and then escape.

So, Mariana accepts and goes to the Double Z cabin with the member of the group. After drying her clothes and hair with a hairdryer in the bathroom, she sits on a sofa in front of the one where the boy is sitting. The latter tells her that she is a nice girl. Mariana thanks him, and he adds that, ever since their fight during their first meeting, he thought they were made for each other. Mariana, however, replies that she cannot get engaged to him. When he asks why, Mariana, activating the phone recorder, asks him instead why he killed the boy and set fire to Eleftero's cabin. The Double Z member, initially surprised, denies knowing what she is talking about. But when she insists, revealing that she heard him in the underground shelter and recognized him by his voice, the boy finally confesses that he is the culprit. Mariana turns off the recorder and, in a tense tone, asks him the reason for his actions. He says that he had an argument with the boy, during which he lost control. He claims that it was a moment of low lucidity and that his actions were not intentional. Regarding the fire, he says that he was using a burning twig to light his way, but accidentally hit the cabin. He emphasizes that this other incident was not his intention and asks her to cover it, letting him know that he saw that she recorded the conversation and adding that he knows her past. He takes out some documents, which he says he found near the cabin of the transleukic teen, and shows them to Mariana from afar, explaining that they concern his past, his murder. He tells her that they are similar and that, for this reason, she should protect him, warning her that, if she reveals her present, he will reveal her past. Mariana responds that she does not care and that she will not let Anney pay because of her. The "Double Z" member says that he is fine with it and, using the wires, tries to attack her, but she dodges them and counterattacks with her wires, surprising him and completely dominating him. She makes him tear up the documents and throw the pieces of them into her chest full of water used for washing. Then making him stand still, Mariana runs away and destroys the wires.

She then goes to the translenergic teen and shows him the recording, denouncing the member of "Double Z", who reaches her immediately after. He claims that Mariana has totally controlled him with wires by making him make a false recording. Mariana denies the accusation, stating that it was he who tried to control her. Then she asks him why, if she had dominated him, he is following her. He replies that she knows well that she had threatened to have him arrested with a false recording. Mariana asks him if the recording is false, because he has the stone that the boy, before dying, had picked up. He replies that it was she who gave it to him. Several energetic people claim to have seen him several times around while he was throwing the stone in the air. The translenergic teen then asks the member of Double Z to provide evidence, explaining that Mariana has already shown it to him, and invites him to follow him. The Double Z member tries to use his strings against the teen, but the latter pours his energy into the strings, managing to overwhelm the Double Z's. Eventually, he takes complete control of his opponent and makes him go to the prison, where he frees Anney and locks up the Double Z, freeing him from his control. The furious Double Z threatens that one day he will be free again and that all of them will become his slaves. The Translenergic Teen responds that for now he will stay there and that, after the trial, he will take him to the city prison. Meanwhile, Eleftero and his friends notice Mariana in the company of Anney and approach, asking Anney how she managed to free herself. The Translenergic Teen explains that Mariana has discovered the real culprit and has brought the necessary evidence, and everyone, except Sibilla, congratulates her. In the evening, Provolí informs his nephew and friends that their cabin is ready, adding that he has also placed some boxes with sponges in it. She also warns them that the next day some teens will fill the huge hole created by the explosion from which they escaped with earth. Filofilia, however, points out that they no longer have beds. Provolí says that tomorrow they can buy them and, in case they don't have enough money, offers to give them the necessary lumdollars. In a joking tone, she concludes by saying that, sleeping on the floor for once, will not be worse than the insects that could be on them. Filofilia smiles, Eleftero thanks his uncle, and the others, one after the other, also express their gratitude. In the evening, everyone is sleeping, except Icey, who, unable to sleep, remains outside to think. Anney, noticing her absence and seeing her outside, approaches her and asks her why she is not in bed. Icey replies that she was thinking. Anney asks her what she was thinking, and Icey asks her if, at the end of the summer, she will leave. Anney replies that she has university. Icey tells her that she and the others will be going to school on Teen Ship's flying boat,and that since there are eight of them, the cost will be reduced. Anney promises to think about it, then asks her if she plans to stay during the winter. Icey says no, explaining that she doesn't want to risk embarrassing herself because of her physiological problems at the time. Anney hugs her and Icey closes her eyes in her sister's arms.

Meanwhile, the Double Zs, in their hideout, listen to their leader on stage. He announces that, now that they have placed an empty piece of furniture above the entrance hatch of their secret hideout, no one will be able to track them. He speaks of their imprisoned companion as a martyr, who will be freed as soon as they invade the Glade. He concludes by stating that the collaboration of Eleftero and his friends with the heroes is the definitive proof of their betrayal towards the Energetics, and considers them dangerous hypocrites who must be eliminated to ensure the success of the invasion plans. The Double Zs cheer with loud shouts and applause, so thunderous that it resounds outside the hut.

Character Image
This is Anney:
Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa A Free Life Ep. 2 Oig212

Information #2
The Double Zs' leader descends from one of the Sýrmata Pupa who participated in the great war of the Sýrmata Pupa against the Energetics and who, despite having surrendered to save himself from the Cave of Bad Dreams, has never abandoned the ideology of the group, passing it down to subsequent generations.
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