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Data di iscrizione : 29.09.21

Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa: A Free Life Ep.4 Empty Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa: A Free Life Ep.4

Dom Ago 25, 2024 2:41 pm
Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa: A Free Life

Part 4: The Lake of Fear of Videtimores

In the middle of the night, Mariana is tormented by a nightmare. She remembers with anguish Virimperio in the bedroom during her friend's party, the last punch that forced him to land before she could escape the room, and the discovery of his death through the heroes and her going to jail, the photos of her in the newspaper with the incident. Then, she relives the moment in which she was sentenced and imprisoned, the photos of her published in the newspapers that reported the incident, and finally, the incessant voices of people talking about her crime, after she had served her sentence and was released from prison. Mariana wakes up with a start, scared and drenched in sweat. She thinks back to how, only the day before, she had tried to help a little girl find her mother and save the poor from the experiments. Although in the end she was unable to accomplish either the first or the second attempt - in which the little girl who escaped from the laboratory succeeded - she realizes that nothing will ever be able to erase what she has done. She then decides to leave the hut. So she creates some threads to cover her friends' ears, so as not to wake them if she makes any noise. Slowly, she slips out and sits on the grass of the meadow, watching the moon.

Meanwhile, in Severpoli, Saevalacerta, a Gatacaputlacertae - creatures with the head of a cat and the body of a lizard that move upright - with the powers of Videtimores returns to her home. Informing her servant, Stultulacerti, also a gatacaputlacertae, that the day is particularly pleasant, the latter asks her why. Saevalacerta replies that she has discovered a village inhabited exclusively by Energici and, finding them all gathered together, she will finally be able to take her revenge, exterminating them without leaving any survivors. The servant warns her that such an act is illegal, but she replies coldly, pointing out that in that village there is no hero to maintain the law. She then begins to sing:
"It's like in the wild west, someone will shoot, there are those who win and those who will perish. Destroying the creatures of energy, will ease my pain." Then she grabs a photo of herself smiling while hugging an Energetic. Her eyes transform, as if she were under hypnosis, and disturbing images appear before her, all with her henchman as the victim, while her own evil laughter resonates in her mind. The song continues:
"Terror will appear, and no one will survive. My power sees and cages," observing a cage with a bird, "until death has someone." She takes the bird from the cage and devours it.
"A path of vengeance, without anyone having, my blessing, blessed be vengeance, during the pleas for mercy that it will never hear." Stultulacerti asks Saevalacerta when they will go to the village, and the latter replies that they will leave immediately. Accompanied by her faithful follower, they head towards the garage, where they board the flying lifeboat. Opening the doors, they lift off towards the village of the Energies. Arriving at their destination, they land on a hut, destroying its top. Stultulacerti observes that, thanks to Saevalacerta's powers, they will be able to quickly eliminate all the Energies, so that, if the heroes were to discover something, so much time would have passed that any investigation would be useless. Saevalacerta, however, replies that killing everyone quickly would be too boring; she prefers to have a little fun with the victims before finishing them off. He decides to start with the owner of the hut they are in and, getting on all fours, he climbs down from the roof towards the walls, entering through a window followed by his servant.

Inside, in one of the rooms on the upper floor, he finds a sleeping Sýrmata Pupa. Looking closely at it, he perceives all its fears. He searches for something to make noise with and, having found what he needs, he positions himself outside the Sýrmata's room, starting to make a racket. The Sýrmata, disturbed by the racket, wakes up and turns on a battery-powered lamp. Suddenly, he notices the shadow of a tiger advancing along the corridor towards his room. The beast stops for a moment, emitting a threatening roar. The Sýrmata, frightened by the sudden guest, flees to the lower floor. Running towards the door, he tries to push it to get out, but finds that it is blocked. Hearing a roar behind him, he turns and sees the beast. He raises his hands towards it, and threads emerge from his palms that head towards the animal, but, once they get close, they collapse and fall helplessly. The Sýrmata, growing increasingly terrified, begins to run toward the stairs, screaming, pursued by the tiger blocking his path. In desperation, he quickly retreats, but trips over a wooden stick on the ground, while the tiger, slowing, continues to approach. With terror gripping his heart, the Sýrmata covers his head with his hands and closes his eyes, while the tiger's roars grow louder and louder. Saevalacerta and his servant watch the scene with detachment. Saevalacerta expresses annoyance at the Sýrmata's deafening screams, fearing that they will attract unwanted attention, forcing her to devote herself solely to him for the evening. Stultulacerti observes that it is natural to scream at such terrifying sights, but Saevalacerta counters that there are creatures that react silently even in the face of terror. Suddenly, the Sýrmata collapses, struck down by a heart attack. Without hesitation, Saevalacerta orders the servant to leave before anyone arrives. The two climb up the wall to the upper floor, then out the window of the Sýrmata's room and onto the roof.

Meanwhile, Mariana, alarmed by the screams, had begun to look for the source, but after wandering around the village in vain and, no longer hearing the screams, she returns to the hut to go to bed. The next morning, Mariana wakes up later than the others. Her friends, already ready and washed, decide to keep her company while she gathers what she needs to clean herself. They wait patiently until she finishes washing, and then they all go out together. Once outside, they witness the arrival of the translenergic teen, accompanied by two teen doctors. The teen gathers the members of the tribe and, having identified who had made the call, sends the doctors to inspect the body for the autopsy. Then, walking in front of the line of Energici, he stops in front of Mariana, calling her by name. Eleftero, at that point, insinuates that the teen suspects Mariana, as usual. Surprised and caught in the act, the teen firmly denies it, explaining that he only wanted to emphasize that he already knew of their innocence, having collaborated with him in many investigations. However, he promises to be impartial and to keep an eye on them too, so as not to leave out any possibility. He then states that, this time too, since there are no physical injuries on the body, he believes that the crime was committed by a Sýrmata Pupa or a Panenergico. The two doctors return to the teen and inform him that the man died of a heart attack. The teen claims that there is no criminal, but declares that he will stay for the funeral anyway, as a sign of solidarity with the members of the village. Eleftero offers Mariana to keep her company if she does not wish to attend, and she, smiling, thanks him. The other members of the group express their disinterest in attending the funeral ceremony, and Misofova observes that, in less than a week, two people have already died, and that witnessing two funerals in such a short time is shocking. Igneusapillo adds that, being less than a hundred, continuing at this rate, soon there will be no one left in the village. Filofilia suggests going to the river, both to get away from the village during the funeral celebrations, and because that isolated place offers greater tranquility.

So, they head towards the river, where each finds their own way to have fun; Mariana, for example, starts collecting stones from the river, observing their veins. Elefthero, approaching her, asks her if she is particularly interested in stones today. She answers that she is simply curious to admire their lines, stating that they are truly beautiful, and recalls that the boy who died in the early days of the village's foundation collected them, stating that he was right, because the stones, thanks to the purple lines that cross them, are truly enchanting. Finally, she wonders why the stones in the river and the trees in the village have these mysterious lines. Elefthero asks her if she, like that boy, wants to start collecting stones, but she answers no, explaining that she simply prefers to observe the lines that cross them. However, finding a blue stone with a purple line that moves upwards in a V, she decides to keep it. Elefthero notices that the color of the stone reminds Mariana of her eyes, but she points out that her eyes are blue. Elefthero, with a smile, replies that their beauty is the same. Mariana, slightly embarrassed, lowers her gaze and thanks him. As she contemplates the blue stone, Mariana says that the stone reminds her of the sea, and her mind goes back to a childhood memory: when, during a boat trip with her father, she fell into the water. Her father saved her and, once they got back on the boat, he explained to her that the sea, although immense and potentially dangerous, reveals its beauty to those who know how to face its dangers. Elefthero notices the sadness that suddenly clouds Mariana's face and asks her if something is wrong. She replies that she is fine, she was just thinking about her father. Elefthero then suggests that, if she misses him, she could ask the Queen of the Land of the Livid Dead to see him again, since the Bubble Dreamer has never forbidden a meeting between the dead and the living. He specifies that even if she cannot enter the realm of the dead, her father can still leave it at will. Mariana thanks him for the information, promising to think about it.

Continuing to observe the stones, she notices some of them broken in half. Intrigued, she asks Eleftero to look at them, wondering how it is possible that someone can break such beautiful stones. She also wonders what the reason could be behind such a gesture, also noticing that some of these stones have a void right in the center. Eleftero claims not to know, but observing the broken stones, he emphasizes that it takes considerable strength to destroy a stone and great skill to cut it perfectly in half. He supposes that it could have been an animal that arrived at the river. Mariana replies that in the river there are only fish, but Eleftero speculates that it could be a fish never seen before or a creature that happened to pass by there. Mariana regrets the ruined stones, but Eleftero reassures her by saying that it was probably a rare event and will not happen again. Mariana hopes that is the case. At this point, Introvertefila points out that they have not eaten yet and suggests that they return to the village to refresh themselves. The others accept and return to the village.

Seeing the funeral still in progress, Eleftero approaches the translenergic teen and asks him why the ceremony is still being performed. The teen explains that five more people have died, all of them from heart attacks. Eleftero, noticing the mask on the teen's face, asks why he is wearing it. The two teen doctors next to the teen answer that they suspect the presence of a virus that causes heart attacks, and that for the moment no one can enter or leave the village. They also inform them that a group of doctors is arriving to help them examine the bodies for a common element before the burial and to check the villagers, trying to identify any infected people. Finally, they give the masks to the boys, recommending them to wear them outdoors. The young people, obediently, put them on and thank the doctors, then head towards a tree, ready to eat their meal.

Meanwhile, above the usual hut, Saevalacerta, tired of having to wait until night to carry out her murders, tells her servant that she intends to act during the day as well. Stultulacerti warns her of the danger, suggesting that they could be discovered. Saevalacerta, however, confidently replies that their speed and ability to move on walls will make it difficult to be noticed. Stultulacerti says he is not very convinced by the idea and Saevalacerta tells him to follow her. Despite his doubts, Stultulacerti follows her and together they rush towards another hut, entering through the window.

The Sýrmata, who is sleeping in the room, wakes up at the sound of the window shattering and, seeing a huge black monster near his bed, runs away in fear, chased by the creature. While running along the corridor, he suddenly stops to throw his threads at the monster, but it, being made of shadow, remains immune to the attack. The Sýrmata resumes its escape, heading towards the door which, however, turns out to be closed. In the meantime, the monster reaches him and throws itself at him, forcing him to run away until he stops tired near the wall. At this point, the Sýrmata, terrified, begs the monster not to hurt him and, taking out a small bottle containing a gray liquid, offers him an exchange: the potion in exchange for his life. He explains to him that the liquid gives immortality, and that only a sword, hidden inside a cave behind a waterfall, can kill anyone who drinks it. She adds that the cave is only accessible during a full moon night, summoned by the howl of a werewolf. Hearing these words, the monster vanishes, and Saevalacerta appears in its place. The Sýrmata asks her who she is, and she replies that she is his greatest fear. He, not finding her terrifying, says that he does not find her frightening, but Saevalacerta threatens to call the monster back. Desperate, the Sýrmata begs her not to do so. Saevalacerta then asks him why, if the potion makes one immortal, he has not drunk it already. The Sýrmata replies that he is still missing something, revealing that he has traveled a long time in search of it. He says that the potion lights up intermittently only when he approaches the forest, and that is precisely why he has come to the village. Grabbing a stone with three lines that rise sinuously, the potion lights up blue. The Sýrmata informs Saevalacerta that, when he reached the river, he found some stones that made the potion glow. He then says that he had tried everything to activate it: he had dipped the stone in the liquid and drank it, without success; he had even drunk the potion with small fragments of rock, but this too had proved futile. Finally, offering him the potion, he begs Saevalacerta to take it in exchange for the promise not to let the monster return. Saevalacerta accepts the potion and, tearing the stone from the Sýrmata's hands, makes sharp claws emerge from his lizard hands, with which he cuts the stone in half. He lets the right half fall, revealing a purple substance in the center of the left half. With one claw he collects some of that substance and, dipping it into the potion, makes it glow with a bright purple light. Saevalacerta drinks the potion and, after swallowing it, declares that it will no longer be necessary to hide. Then, with his claws, he inflicts a deep wound on the Sýrmata who falls to the ground bleeding.

After a while, the Sýrmata's wife finds her husband's body in that state and, screaming, runs towards the translenergic teen, asking him to follow her. The boys, having finished their meal, decide to join them. The translenergic teen looks at the corpse, notices the wound and comments that he is the first to die in that way, while the two teenage doctors examine the body. Mariana finds some claws on the ground; she picks one up and gives it to the teen, asking if it could be useful. The teen looks at the claw and comments that it seems to be the same size as the ones that injured the Sýrmata. Mariana points out four more claws scattered on the ground and the teen says that the number matches and adds that, in his opinion, heart attacks are not natural either. He claims that it is strange that people who are not old have died of heart attacks in such a short period of time, and hypothesizes that the monster is so terrifying and ferocious that, just by seeing it, people feel such intense terror that it causes them to have a heart attack. However, he admits that he doesn't understand why the Sýrmata was killed with claws. The Sýrmata's wife states that her husband was a man of great courage, fearless of anything, explaining that this could be the reason. Sibilla points out that, as a Sýrmata Pupa, he could have used his threads against the creature to defend himself, if it were simply a scary monster. The translenergic teen, however, suggests that the monster had powers capable of destroying threads, or even that it was a Translenergic hiding in the village. Sibilla, reflecting, notes that, while there are many creatures among the Translenergics present in the village, he has not noticed any particularly scary monsters. The determined translenergic teen states that by taking the claw to the headquarters they can identify the creature it belongs to and that by comparing the DNA with that of all the villagers they can find the culprit. He calls Teen Ship and asks him to come get him, then says goodbye to everyone and informs that he will notify the medical team not to come anymore. The boys remove their masks, and Sibilla, taking a claw, suggests showing it to her grandfather, who might be able to help them identify the creature. The others agree and head to the Grand Master's hut to ask for his help.

The Grand Master, looking at the claw, admits that he does not know what creature it belongs to, but assures that he will check his books to verify it, and asks if the object was found in the woods. Elefthero answers that it was at the site of the last corpse found that day. The Grand Master understands the situation and promises to get to work immediately. The boys say goodbye and leave, and he returns the greeting before returning to his books. Saevalacerta and her servant are stationed near the Grand Master's hut; having heard everything, the former decides to stay to listen to what the old man will discover. So, with her servant, they settle near the window to the left of the door, next to the desk where the Grand Master reads.

Meanwhile, Mariana asks the others if they can pass by their hut, so that she can put down the stone she found earlier, and Elefthero agrees. Once they arrive, Mariana takes out the blue stone and places it next to her bed. Introvertefila, struck by the beautiful color of the stone, enthusiastically asks Mariana where she found it. Mariana responds that she found it at the river, explaining that blue is her favorite color and that is why she decided to take it with her. Introvertefila, admiring the stone, expresses the desire to find a similar one and asks the others if they would accompany her to the river to look for one. Mariana, however, notices that that stone was the only colored one among those in the river. Introvertefila insists, convinced that she can find it, and kindly asks the others once again to accompany her. The others, filling her heart with joy, decide to accompany her, and all together they return to the river.

When they reach the river, Mariana, looking at the water, sees the usual rare fish, but sees it moving away with the current. Sad, she wonders if the fish is mad at her. Elefthero reassures her by saying that fish are friendless creatures and probably don't even remember the people they meet. Mariana says it's possible, but notes that the fish always approached her before. Elefthero says he doesn't believe the fish was actually approaching, but rather that it was simply following its own path. He adds that, even if that were true, maybe the fish is going somewhere in search of food. Mariana admits that it's a possibility, although she remains sad. Meanwhile, Introvertefila can't find another blue stone and suggests they go down the waterfall. She suggests using a dinghy made of strings and attached to a tree, instead of tying themselves up. Elefthero asks how they could do it, and she says she'll show him. So she creates strings, which Elefthero makes visible, and ties them to a tree. Then she extends some parts of these threads and, joining them above the river, creates a lifeboat. Elefthero asks how she learned to do it, and she reveals that it was Mariana who taught her. Everyone climbs into the lifeboat and Introvertefila, extending the lifeboat's threads, ties her and her friends' feet, ending the threads above the lifeboat itself. She then combines the energy with which she created the extensions to tie the feet, subsequently joining them to the lifeboat's threads. Finally, extending the threads tied to the mast, she moves the lifeboat to the waterfall and descends it. During the descent, Mariana notices the rare fish in front of a stone wall found in the center of the rocks from which the waterfall flows, on which are drawn a sword and a werewolf howling at the full moon. While she watches in amazement, the fish descends the waterfall and the drawings vanish. Arriving at the village of the Makriamites, they are greeted by the two children they had met two days before.

Once on the bank of the new river, Introvertefila unties the strings that bind his and his companions' feet and, once they are all off the lifeboat, destroys the strings that made it up. Mariana says she glimpsed a large rock behind the waterfall, on which were engraved a sword and a werewolf howling at the full moon. The little girl says that it is a legend and narrates that, a long time ago, a nightmare became immortal thanks to a strange potion; however, this potion did not guarantee true immortality and the only object capable of destroying the beings that became immortal thanks to it was the sword of the nightmare. She continues saying that the nightmare was defeated, but before dying he created other potions, whose fate remains unknown. She concludes by saying that the dream that had defeated the nightmare, growing old without meeting other immortals, came to think that the potions were just a lie of the nightmare, and decided to hide the sword of the nightmare in a cave behind the waterfall, accessible only with the howl of a werewolf on a full moon night. She emphasizes that it is only a legend, without any real basis. Mariana thanks her and asks her if she still lives with the Makriàmite she went to last time; and she says that she will only live there until the end of the month and that in the meantime she is looking for another family, saying that she has found several, nice and kind. She adds that, if they do not want her, she has already decided with her friend Fidelamico that she will go to live with his family, pointing out that they have already obtained permission from the latter's parents. Mariana expresses her happiness in seeing that she has found a way to have a family that is congenial to her.

Meanwhile, the Grand Master discovers that the claw belongs to a gatacaputlacertae and decides to notify his granddaughter as soon as she returns; after which he immerses himself in a deep meditation. The Saevalacerta, determined to maintain the atmosphere of terror that hovers in the village, enters the Grand Master's hut and attempts to insinuate herself into his mind to evoke visions of his fears. However, since the old man is in a state of meditation, he is not overwhelmed by the visions; recognizing the Saevalacerta's powers, he states that he has not met a Videtimores in a long time. Saevalacerta asks him how he managed not to give in to fear, and he replies that meditation brings inner peace, making fears less relevant. Taking advantage of the dialogue, Saevalacerta asks him why the Translenergics and the Sýrmata Pupa are considered a single species, even though they belong to different species. The Grand Master explains that the various categories of energetics constitute a structural, not biological, species. He states that, although they are not a biological species, the different categories of Energetics share a largely similar energetic structure, which defines them as a structural species. He also adds that structural and biological species usually coincide, since each species has a predominantly homogeneous energetic structure; however, creatures belonging to even one of the categories into which the Energetics are divided have the same energetic structure as the type of Energetics to which they belong, differentiating themselves energetically from their biological species and manifesting specific powers deriving from their particular energetic configuration. Saevalacerta argues that, if this is the case, the Videtimores should also be considered a species, since they possess the same powers. The Grand Master replies that the Videtimores do not constitute a species in themselves, since their powers, like any type of power, derive from DNA, and DNA is mostly different between different species in the part concerning the structure of the creatures, unlike the energetic structure, which, although originating from DNA, can manifest itself, in the case of the Energetics, in different species with the same majority structural composition. He adds that for this very reason the energetic structure is defined as adaptive: it is able to adapt to different species. The Grand Master continues by explaining that scientists, observing the prevalent coincidence between energetic and biological structure, have formulated a theory according to which a being that possessed an energetic structure different from that of its own species would die, unless the energetic structure was of an energetic of any type. He also specifies that this information can be found in the complete and scientifically accurate book on the history and characteristics of energetics,although it may be difficult to read due to the many technical terms. Saevalacerta counters that the Videtimores have a distinctive name, just like the various types of Energetics, and that this means that they too are considered a species. The Grand Master responds that the Videtimores are so called because they descend from a tribe that possessed such powers; the name therefore refers to the tribe of origin and does not imply the existence of a species in itself. Saevalacerta concludes that he does not care about scientific definitions, arguing that they only serve to subjugate people and that scientific language has diverged from common language to prevent people from understanding it. The Grand Master argues that the term "species" is in common use and questions the idea that scientific language is distancing itself from common language. He then asks Saevalacerta where he has ever seen anything like this. Saevalacerta responds that in the village beyond the waterfall, scientists use a scientific language completely different from common language. This makes it easier to study that science for those whose parents are already part of it, for enthusiasts and for the rich who, even without particular interest, thanks to the resources available in their schools and maximum family support, end up appreciating the subject. On the contrary, the poor have to face greater difficulties to reach the same level of competence. The Grand Master observes that, fortunately, not everywhere works like in that village and that, in fact, in the Glade, or at least in the majority of it, recently an attempt has been made to bring scientific language closer to the popular one.even without particular interest, thanks to the resources available in their schools and maximum family support, they end up appreciating the subject. On the contrary, the poor have to face greater difficulties to reach the same level of competence. The Grand Master observes that, fortunately, not everywhere does it work as in that village and that, indeed, in the Glade, or at least in the majority of it, recently an attempt has been made to bring scientific language closer to the popular one.even without particular interest, thanks to the resources available in their schools and maximum family support, they end up appreciating the subject. On the contrary, the poor have to face greater difficulties to reach the same level of competence. The Grand Master observes that, fortunately, not everywhere does it work as in that village and that, indeed, in the Glade, or at least in the majority of it, recently an attempt has been made to bring scientific language closer to the popular one.

Saevalacerta replies that she enjoyed the conversation with him, but adds that, being amused by the terror of the villagers, she must kill him before he reveals the species responsible for the murders. The Grand Master replies that he will also reveal his powers and asks Saevalacerta to explain the reason for the murder committed before killing him. Saevalacerta states that there are seven murders and accuses the old man of being poorly informed, then states that she intends to kill the energetic ones, because she considers them traitors who, as soon as they find another woman, abandon the previous one. The Grand Master claims that his negative experience does not represent the totality of reality. However, Saevalacerta replies that she believes otherwise and, showing her claws, lunges at him. The Master, interrupting his meditation, dodges the attack and hits Saevalacerta with his staff. Meanwhile, Stultulacerti arrives to observe the fight. Saevalacerta tries in every way to hit the elder, but he proves very skilled in avoiding her attacks. Continuing to try, she tells him that, if he avoids the blows without trying to inflict a serious attack, it means that he is not strong enough to land a decisive blow, limiting himself to the weak initial blow. The Grand Master replies that he did not initiate the fight and that he has no interest in confronting her; therefore, he will not attempt any direct attack, limiting himself to defending himself. Then, avoiding Saevalacerta's new attack, he strikes her once more with the staff. Saevalacerta, then, gets down on all fours and, moving quickly, tries to reach him. Despite his agility, the Grand Master manages to elude her, sometimes jumping, until, with a swing of her tail, she knocks him to the ground and launches herself at him, attempting to scratch him with her claws. The Master defends himself with the staff, but Saevalacerta's claws manage to cut it off. The Grand Master, taking Saevalacerta off his shoulders, stands up and walks away.

The boys arrive, and the Sýrmata Pupa of the group, seeing the Grand Master in trouble, create threads and throw them at Saevalacerta. She manages to avoid the threads and tells the boys that, although she cannot see them clearly except as an invisible fluid, she can perceive them with her eyes. Stultulacerti points out the lack of a fair fight and asks Saevalacerta if he can join the fight as well. However, Saevalacerta orders him to stay where he is, while he agility avoids the threads, silently approaches Icey and captures her, placing his claws at her throat. He then threatens the others, declaring that he will kill Icey if they do not stop immediately and destroy the threads, as well as having to place his fingers on his hips, so as to control himself if they create new ones. Anney begs Saevalacerta to let go of Icey, but Icey scornfully asks if she fears for her life, inflicting a small wound on Icey with a claw. Anney warns Saevalacerta that if she does the same thing again, she will attack her with her threads. Saevalacerta, unperturbed, replies that she will not hesitate to kill Icey if Anney dares, reiterating that she is in control of the situation. She then states that she may take Icey's jacket, noting how unusual it is to wear it in normal temperatures, threatening to tear it off as punishment. Icey, in her usual cold tone, replies that she would rather be killed than lose her jacket. Anney urges her not to say such things, while Saevalacerta, with a smirk, asks Icey if she fears what could happen without that jacket, asking him what humiliation could happen to him, insinuating that perhaps he has already experienced a similar situation in the past and knows the consequences well. The translenergic teen silently enters from the door left open by the boys and, using his powers, hits Saevalacerta, destroying half of his chest and making him leave Icey, who takes refuge in Anney, who hugs her and kisses her head.

Saevalacerta's chest regenerates, Saevalacerta straightens in the chest, while the Grand Master asks her how she became immortal. She, advancing towards the center of the room, tells of a potion she received from the last Energetic she killed, explaining that it was enough to add a little of the liquid contained in a pebble, easily found in the river, to activate it. To demonstrate, she takes a stone from her pouch and, cutting it in half with her claws - which, breaking, fall to the ground to be immediately replaced by new ones - she licks the liquid with gusto, declaring that it also tastes delicious. Mariana then asks her if it was her who cut the stones in the river in half, and she confirms, adding that she would never give up the delicacy of the liquid they contain. She concludes by saying that she could kill them all right then, but prefers to save them for that day. Then, after ordering her servant to come closer – which he does by climbing the wall and then the ceiling and throwing himself next to her – she breaks the wall of the hut with her claws and flees, followed by her follower.

The translenergic teen observes that, fortunately, no one was hurt, but confesses that he expected a much more terrifying criminal. However, he admits that the fact that she is immortal still inspires a certain fear. He then wonders how she managed to kill the people who died of heart attacks and whether it would be better to reconsider the hypothesis of the virus and the mask. The Grand Master intervenes, explaining that the woman is a Videtimores. The surprised teen states that everything is clear to him now and adds that he has never seen a gatacaputlacertae before. Finally, he promises to think about how to defeat or capture the criminal and says goodbye to everyone before leaving. Eleftero says that perhaps this time they are truly in danger. Eleftero expresses his fear that this time the danger is real. Mariana, reflecting, observes that if the woman became immortal thanks to a potion, then it might be possible to defeat her by recovering the sword that is said to be in the cave behind the waterfall. Elefthero, though hesitant, suggests they try, but remembers that the little girl had spoken of the sword as a simple legend. Mariana, however, insists that they have no other choice, and Elefthero assures her of his full support, while emphasizing the difficulty of finding a werewolf that howls during a full moon. The Grand Master intervenes and, urging them to wait, takes a werewolf lum from a bag. After showing it, he closes it and gives it to Elefthero, recommending him to use it that evening in the place where they need it, and sending him out after completing the mission, warning him of the dangers linked to excessive abuse of the lum's power. Elefthero thanks the Grand Master, while Anney, in a low voice, addresses Icey, trying to explain that she understands her fears, but urges her not to consider her life expendable to avoid embarrassment. She reminds her that her life, like that of every living being, is precious and should not be wasted, adding that, if she had been humiliated by the criminal, everyone would have understood the situation. Icey, with her usual detached tone, replies that she does not want to be embarrassed or continue living, and that for this reason she has proposed what she considers the best solution. Anney, then, hugs her, telling her that she will be ready to listen to her if she wants to talk about the reasons behind her intolerance for life.

Ultima modifica di Domenico idea il Lun Ott 14, 2024 10:29 pm - modificato 2 volte.
Domenico idea
Messaggi : 154
Data di iscrizione : 29.09.21

Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa: A Free Life Ep.4 Empty Re: Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa: A Free Life Ep.4

Ven Ago 30, 2024 7:51 am
Filofilia asks her grandfather if, given the danger posed by the immortal criminal who is lurking around, it would not be more prudent for him to move into their hut, so that they can protect him in case of need. The Grand Master replies that he is old enough to defend himself, but if this can reassure her, she will agree to live with them. Filofilia, relieved, affectionately thanks her grandfather.

As night falls, the children go to the village of the Makriamites. The moon is full and Eleftero takes the werewolf Lum out of his bag. Igneusapillo, curious, asks if he can try it to experience its effects. Eleftero agrees and gives him the Lum. As soon as Igneusapillo asks how to use it, the Lum is removed from his hand and, flying through the air, enters his chest. Immediately his face transforms into a wolf face, armed with fangs as sharp as blades; the shoes disintegrate, making room for wolf-like paws equipped with sharp claws; his hands sprout sharp and lethal claws, his eyes turn yellow and his entire body is covered in thick purple fur. Igneusapillo is thrilled with the transformation, although, noticing the destroyed shoes, he briefly regrets it, consoling himself with the fact that he has more in the hut. Finally, he lets out a howl that awakens the drawings already seen by Mariana behind the waterfall: now luminous, they make the stone wall open, revealing the entrance to the cave. All the boys, except Icey, are happy that the legend has proven true, finally glimpsing a chance to defeat the criminal. Eleftero asks if they can enter the cave, but Igneusapillo, worried, asks to wait, stating that he does not know how to return to normal. The others admit that they do not know either and, with a growing sense of urgency, Igneusapillo turns to the lum begging him to come out. Seeing that nothing is happening, he begins to beg him, confessing his desire not to remain a werewolf forever. Sibilla, trying to reassure him, says that, once they return to the cabin, her grandfather could find a solution to his problem. Misofova, stroking his fur, tells him that he is charming even in his wolf form; when he, a little incredulous, asks her if he really thinks so, she replies that it is obvious, and kisses him on the muzzle, making Igneusapillo blush.

Meanwhile, Introvertefila creates some strings, ties them to a tree, builds a lifeboat; when everyone is on board, he leads them to the cave, destroying the lifeboat as soon as they get off, while someone hidden in the Makriàmiti village watches them. The boys proceed inside the cave, lighting their way with the light of their cell phones. Igneusapillo confides that the darkness of the cave makes him anxious, remembering how the secret base of the Double Z responsible for an ancient crime in the early days of the village's foundation, was much brighter. Misofova tries to reassure him, telling him that the creatures they will encounter will be scared of him and his wolf-like appearance, fearing him too much to hurt him. Igneusapillo recognizes the truth of her words and feels more reassured. But as they advance, suddenly stone walls rise up to the ceiling, separating the boys from each other. The boys, with the exception of Icey, who hopes that by continuing she can find the sword and then, by going back, she can get out normally, trusting that the same thing will happen to the others, worriedly call their companions. However, they cannot hear each other because of the thick walls, and, trying to contact each other by cell phone, they discover that there is no signal. Resigned, they understand that they must continue on their way, find the sword and hope to meet along the way, or to be able to contact each other once they leave the cave.

Mariana, overcome by the fear of being trapped forever, continues observing the walls around her. She notices that in some places they are covered with vines, and that the rock that forms them is compact, admitting, despite her fear, that they have a surprisingly pleasant appearance. Continuing along the path, she comes across branches, but every time she chooses a random path, she inevitably ends up in a dead end. Forced to go back and try new directions, she always finds herself blocked, as if she were trapped in a vast labyrinth with no exit. Mariana's anguish grows as each direction seems to be the wrong one. Fearing that she is lost forever, she decides to go back in the hope of finding the exit and calling for help, but she comes across an imposing wall covered in vines, from which enormous rock spikes protrude. Convinced that the cave has closed, Mariana leans against the wall, crying desperately, now certain that she will remain trapped forever, destined to die of hunger without having been able to stop the criminal lizard. Deep down, she believes she deserves her fate because of the crimes she committed, even though she finds it unfair that others should suffer the same fate, since they did nothing wrong; they only wanted to protect the village from being exterminated by the criminal. After drying her tears, she decides to explore the cave again, hoping to find something she overlooked that could be of help to her, although she does not have great expectations.

During the walk, without the urgency of before, she stops to observe some vines with leaves climbing up a wall to her right. She touches them with her fingers, feeling their consistency, and realizes that something is hidden behind them. She moves them aside and discovers a passage, blocked only by some rocks. She reflects on the fact that the intricate network of vines covering the exit had prevented her from noticing that passage before, and observes that the tips of the rocks visible between the vines suggested that there was nothing behind the wall. He begins to think that perhaps the exit of the cave is not really blocked and that there may be a hidden passage. Regaining his courage, he enters the new path; this time he proceeds carefully, always choosing the right path and scrutinizing every single tangle of vines he encounters. Even when he finds solid walls behind some vines, he does not let himself be discouraged and continues his exploration.

Continuing with determination, she finally comes to a room where the sword she seeks is present, embedded in a rock. The handle of it, completely white, is adorned with three embedded gems, while the blade is a deep gray. Mariana approaches cautiously, but as soon as she tries to grab the sword, a deep and dark voice begins to resonate in her mind. At first she cannot understand the words, and a strong headache forces her to put her hands on her head. Her eyes close involuntarily, and darkness falls in her mind, interrupted only by random lines of colors that intertwine in the darkness. Beginning to understand the voice, she hears it telling her that she is an assassin, while visions of the criminal crowd her mind. The image of Saevalacerta, present in her mind, speaks to her, duplicating itself, appearing and disappearing, telling her that now she will take the sword to kill her, thus revealing her true nature. Mariana cries as the image of Saevalacerta, inside her mind, appearing ever closer, keeps repeating that she wants to take the sword because her criminal soul needs to kill. Mariana, through tears, says no. Meanwhile, the real Saevalacerta, in front of her, grabs the sword, leaves Mariana's mind and thanks her for not taking the weapon. Mariana opens her eyes and sees Saevalacerta put the sword in his mouth, then get on all fours and run away, passing through the walls and the ceiling.

Shortly after, her friends arrive and ask her where the sword is. Mariana, still shaken, replies that she was about to take it, but she felt sick, and so the criminal took advantage of the situation. Eleftero, seeing her in tears, hugs her and tells her not to worry, that it can happen to anyone to fail in an undertaking, reassuring her that they will find a solution. The group leaves the cave, finding that the walls have disappeared, and during the journey, Mariana is tormented by guilt for having been close to taking the sword, but having missed the opportunity, allowing the criminal to take possession of the weapon and making her now unstoppable. When Introvertefila rebuilds the lifeboat, tying the strings to the same tree as before, Eleftero, noticing Mariana's distress, asks her if everything is okay, and she says yes, even if inside she is still deeply shaken. Climbing up the waterfall, the group heads towards the river bank.

As everyone disembarks, Mariana notices the rare fish swimming near the surface; she bends down and starts to pet it. When her friends get off the lifeboat, it tips towards the fish, and Mariana falls into the water. Anney quickly intervenes, creating strings to grab Mariana, who, now unconscious, after having the rare fish before her eyes, sees her blue stone, then the Videtimores and finally the sword. The images change: a plate appears with some cakes with a cap filled with a blue liquid with two halves of her stone on either side of it; the Videtimores, with a cake in her left hand and her sword outstretched in her right and finally a kick that hits the right hand of the Videtimores, who is no longer holding the cake in her left hand, making her drop the sword with lines indicating the impact on the ground. Mariana is brought back to shore and Anney destroys the strings. Introvertefila apologizes for not tying their feet to the lifeboat, but Eleftero reassures her that it is not her fault and that, in any case, it would have been necessary to free them as soon as they reached the shore. When Mariana regains consciousness, Eleftero asks her if she is feeling well. Mariana nods, and Eleftero kindly explains to her that, to avoid the lifeboat from capsizing, it is necessary to balance the weight: if the others get off and she stays on board, there is a risk of capsizing. He then asks her why she leaned out. Mariana responds that she wanted to pet the rare fish in the river. Eleftero smiles at her and invites her to be more careful in the future; Mariana promises that she will be.

Back in the hut, Igneusapillo is assisted by the Grand Master in freeing himself from the werewolf, returning to his normal form and thanking him for his help. The Grand Master asks how the mission went, and Eleftero reports that the criminal managed to get hold of the sword. Mariana lowers her gaze, overwhelmed by guilt, while Eleftero points out that they must find a way to recover the object. Mariana, reflecting on the images she had during her fainting spell, comes up with a plan: she suggests the others prepare some cakes by mixing the liquid from her stone inside and on top. The idea is to offer them to the criminal, telling her after having fed her a few that, being soaked in the liquid from the blue rock, they will make her mortal. Taking advantage of her distress, they could then steal her sword. Eleftero agrees that it could work, but wonders how they could shatter the stone. The Grand Master intervenes, informing them that he knows a Sýrmata from the village, a former miner, who still has his pickaxe, unless he was killed. Elefthero suggests that they ask him to borrow the pickaxe, prepare pancakes and go around the village looking for the criminal, who always commits one of her crimes at night, even though there are deaths during the day. Mariana observes that the criminal's first crime was committed very late, when they were already asleep. Elefthero then suggests that they act the following morning, adding that they will also have to get the Teen Ship number from the translenergic teen to buy the ingredients and baking paper.

The following morning, once the cleaning routine is finished, they go with the Grand Master to their friend, a former miner, and borrow the pickaxe. Later, in the center of the village, they find the translenergic teen who gathers all the villagers, announcing that he has called for reinforcements: other more experienced heroes are arriving to help him defeat the gatacaputlacertae, who continues to kill the energetic ones. The villagers cheer, but he points out that since the destination is far away, it will take several days to reach it. The villagers, disappointed by the news, leave. Eleftero asks the translenergic teen for Teen Ship's number, and he gives it to him, pointing out that even if they escaped the village, Videtimores' plans would remain unknown. He explains that she could move to other cities or villages, making their escape futile. Eleftero clarifies that they are not trying to escape. He then contacts Teen Ship and asks if he can meet them in the village to take them to Severpoli. Teen Ship agrees, and once he arrives, the group heads to the city to buy the necessary supplies, before returning to the village.

Here, the boys begin their preparations. Sibilla greases a pan with butter and Filofilia adds the parchment paper. Mariana breaks some eggs into a bowl, mixes them well with the sugar, then Eleftero adds the oil and milk, mixing until the mixture is light and frothy. At this point, Introvertefila incorporates the dry ingredients, such as flour, cocoa and yeast, sifting them. Icey adds the chocolate chips and mixes briefly, just to combine everything. Mariana, hesitant, with the pickaxe, regretfully breaks her blue stone, which has a lot of liquid in the center. With a spoon, she adds some of that liquid to the bowl, mixes and transfers everything to the pan. Sibilla covers everything with a lid, then asks where they will cook the cakes. Anney suggests going outside. Once outside, Sibilla warns that, if they were to burn something on the grass, it could cause a fire. Anney prepares the threads and puts them on low heat under the pan, asking Sibilla if she can keep the pan on the threads for the necessary seventeen minutes; Sibilla confirms. When the time is up, Sibilla turns the cake over and removes the parchment paper. After baking for another two minutes, the cake is ready and Anney turns off the threads. Back home, Misofova cuts the cake into small pieces and arranges them on a tray. Mariana carves the cakes, creating a hat on which she pours the remaining liquid and covers the tray with pastry paper, tying it with a thread. Meanwhile, Igneusapillo asks Mariana if she can keep the two pieces of the stone since it is now broken and she has finished using them, and she agrees. Once everything is ready, Igneusapillo takes the tray and they all head out together through the village, trying to see if the criminal is committing crimes.

With wooden coffins in tow, the translenergic teen calls out to the villagers, warning them that he has visited the village huts and found ten dead people. The energetic ones are terrified and ask who the deceased are. The two teen doctors open the coffins, showing the corpses. Some of the villagers recognize their relatives and urge the translenergic teen to do something, since he is a hero. The teen explains that the only time he has managed to find the criminal, he has managed to save people, but he has never managed to catch her in the act. Suddenly, from the roof of a hut, Saevalacerta launches herself at the villagers, challenging the translenergic teen and killing some people with her sword before jumping away and quickly fleeing on all fours. The boys, finding themselves at the end of the line, follow her and ask her to stop because they have a gift for her. She gets down on two legs, slowing her pace, and heads towards a hut belonging to a person she had killed before. Igneusapillo opens the cakes and offers them to her, saying that they are a tribute to obtain her grace. Saevalacerta orders him to come closer, specifying that he must do it alone, and he obeys. She takes one of the cakes, moves away and tastes it, declaring that it is good and that she could keep the boys as personal chefs. Igneusapillo then reveals that she is no longer immortal, as the cakes were made with the liquid of a blue stone that cancels the effects of the immortality potion. She contradicts him, but he comes closer, taking the stone fragments from his pockets. Saevalacerta is shocked and, as soon as he is close enough, he kicks her hand, making her drop the sword. Igneusapillo picks it up and states that, even if she is right, now with that sword he can kill her. Saevalacerta, furious at having been tricked, flees the hut. The boys cheer, and after Igneusapillo suggests cleaning the sword, Icey takes it and cleans it. They then decide to do a reconnaissance tour of the village, while Elefthero points out that, if the criminal were to commit another crime, they can send her to the Cave of Bad Dreams.

During the reconnaissance, Saevalacerta and her servant observe them from the roofs of the huts; Saevalacerta says that they think they have tricked her, but that she is more cunning and will make them pay. Stultulacerti asks Saevalacerta what she will do to the boys, reminding her that now that they have the sword they can kill her. Saevalacerta replies that she is aware of it, but adds that the sword will remain in their hands for a little longer. With these words, she uses her powers on Icey, making her experience the same symptoms that Mariana had. Icey's friends, seeing her with her eyes closed and her hands on her head, showing obvious signs of pain, stop and ask her what is happening to her. Meanwhile, Icey is immersed in a vision induced by Saevalacerta: in her mind she is on the streets of Severpolis, where she meets her schoolmates of various grades. They, seeing her, mock her by calling her "pisciasotto" and pointing to her wet pants. Icey looks at her pants and feels deeply embarrassed, blushing both in the vision and in reality. Icey, in the real world, begins to cry, and Anney comes over, hugging her to comfort her and calling her name, trying to bring her back to her senses. Icey's vision continues: her friends, coming to her, tell her that she is shameful and that they didn't know she used to be unable to control her urges. Icey, approaches Anney seeking comfort, but Anney pushes her away, calling her disgusting. Icey reminds her that she once understood her problems, but Anney, coldly, replies that she wishes she could stay away from her, explaining that she moved in with her aunt and uncle precisely so she wouldn't see her anymore, because she finds her disgusting. Icey, still in the vision, goes home crying, and her parents, selling her the pants, pitifully scold her from the kitchen, ordering her to go wash. Icey washes herself and goes back to the kitchen to eat, but her parents scold her again because she wet herself again. Looking at her pants, Icey sees that they are wet and stammers that she didn't do it on purpose. Icey washes herself again, but as she goes down to the kitchen her parents scold her for the same reasons as before and she looks at herself and finds herself wet again. Saevalacerta leaves Icey's mind and, when she stops crying, Igneusapillo asks her what happened and why she was crying and delirious. Icey, with her usual cold tone, replies that nothing happened. Igneusapillo tells her that they were worried when they saw her cry, but Icey replies that they shouldn't worry. Misofova intervenes telling Igneusapillo to let it go because Icey is always the same. Icey replies to Misofova that he shouldn't care what she is or isn't. Misofova tries to explain to Icey that she didn't mean to offend her, but simply that she knows that she doesn't like to talk about her problems. Icey replies that it wasn't necessary for her to say that. Misofova points out that,Even though she always speaks with a cold tone, you can tell by her words when she is angry, and she reiterates that no one had the intention of offending or attacking her. Anney, tries to calm the situation, asking Icey not to be verbally aggressive and reminding her that her friends love her. Icey, determined, declares that she will continue the reconnaissance of the village alone and moves away from the others. Saevalacerta laughs, commenting on how immature Icey's behavior is, the fruit of her wounded inner child, and begins to follow her from the rooftops. When Icey is far enough away from the others, Saevalacerta goes down to the street and, approaching her from behind, tells her that her friends don't understand her and that she knows it too, which is why she is afraid that they will see her in embarrassing situations. She assures her that, on the contrary, she understands her and suggests that she join her. Icey turns and steps back, telling Saevalacerta that she doesn't believe that she understands her, since she had previously intended to take off her jacket. Saevalacerta replies that she would never do that, as she understands her pain and fear of being abandoned by the one she loves the most. She adds that she has had a similar experience: she once had a boyfriend whom she loved deeply, their story was like a fairy tale. However, he met a more beautiful girl and left her, breaking her heart. Saevalacerta then asks Icey to return her sword, accepting the agreement of being on the same side. Icey, however, replies that if he returns her sword, Saevalacerta will kill without fear of ending up in the Cave of Bad Dreams. Saevalacerta reassures her by saying that he will not kill her, however, and that she could consider her as a daughter. Approaching her, she holds out her hand as a sign of peace. In response, Icey strikes her with the sword, almost cutting her stomach in half. Saevalacerta is initially terrified, but then, seeing the wound regenerate, she laughs hysterically and shouts that she is completely immortal, adding that not even the sword can kill her. Icey runs away, while Saevalacerta enjoys watching her fear, thinking to herself that he is only sparing her for this reason. After about ten minutes, Icey is reunited with her sister and her friends. Seeing her run, she is stopped by She is stopped by Elefthero, who tells her that there is no one chasing her. With her usual coldness, Icey states that the sword is useless and that nothing can kill the criminal. Elefthero asks her how she can be sure of this and Icey explains that she tried it herself, but without success.commenting on how immature Icey's behavior is, the result of her wounded inner child, and begins to follow her from the rooftops. When Icey is far enough away from the others, Saevalacerta goes down to the street and, approaching her from behind, tells her that her friends don't understand her and that she knows it too, which is why she is afraid of them seeing her in embarrassing situations. She assures her that, on the contrary, she does understand her and suggests that she join her. Icey turns and backs away, telling Saevalacerta that she doesn't believe that she understands her, as she had previously intended to take her jacket off. Saevalacerta replies that she would never do that, as she understands her pain and her fear of being abandoned by the one she loves the most. She adds that she has had a similar experience: she once had a boyfriend whom she loved intensely, their story was like a fairy tale. However, he met a more beautiful girl and left her, breaking her heart. Saevalacerta then asks Icey to give her back the sword, accepting the agreement of being on the same side. Icey, however, replies that if he gives her back the sword, Saevalacerta will kill without fear of ending up in the Cave of Bad Dreams. Saevalacerta reassures her by saying that he will not kill her, and that she could consider her as a daughter. Approaching her, he offers her hand as a sign of peace. In response, Icey strikes her with the sword, almost cutting her stomach in half. Saevalacerta is initially terrified, but then, seeing the wound regenerate, she laughs hysterically and shouts that she is completely immortal, adding that not even the sword can kill her. Icey runs away, while Saevalacerta enjoys watching her fear, thinking to herself that he is only sparing her for this reason. After about ten minutes, Icey is reunited with her sister and her friends. Seeing her run, she is stopped by She is stopped by Elefthero, who tells her that there is no one chasing her. With her usual coolness, Icey states that the sword is useless and that nothing can kill the criminal. Elefthero asks her how she can be sure of this and Icey explains that she tried it herself, but without success.commenting on how immature Icey's behavior is, the result of her wounded inner child, and begins to follow her from the rooftops. When Icey is far enough away from the others, Saevalacerta goes down to the street and, approaching her from behind, tells her that her friends don't understand her and that she knows it too, which is why she is afraid of them seeing her in embarrassing situations. She assures her that, on the contrary, she does understand her and suggests that she join her. Icey turns and backs away, telling Saevalacerta that she doesn't believe that she understands her, as she had previously intended to take her jacket off. Saevalacerta replies that she would never do that, as she understands her pain and her fear of being abandoned by the one she loves the most. She adds that she has had a similar experience: she once had a boyfriend whom she loved intensely, their story was like a fairy tale. However, he met a more beautiful girl and left her, breaking her heart. Saevalacerta then asks Icey to give her back the sword, accepting the agreement of being on the same side. Icey, however, replies that if he gives her back the sword, Saevalacerta will kill without fear of ending up in the Cave of Bad Dreams. Saevalacerta reassures her by saying that he will not kill her, and that she could consider her as a daughter. Approaching her, he offers her hand as a sign of peace. In response, Icey strikes her with the sword, almost cutting her stomach in half. Saevalacerta is initially terrified, but then, seeing the wound regenerate, she laughs hysterically and shouts that she is completely immortal, adding that not even the sword can kill her. Icey runs away, while Saevalacerta enjoys watching her fear, thinking to herself that he is only sparing her for this reason. After about ten minutes, Icey is reunited with her sister and her friends. Seeing her run, she is stopped by She is stopped by Elefthero, who tells her that there is no one chasing her. With her usual coolness, Icey states that the sword is useless and that nothing can kill the criminal. Elefthero asks her how she can be sure of this and Icey explains that she tried it herself, but without success.Their story was like a fairy tale. However, he met a more beautiful girl and left her, breaking her heart. Saevalacerta then asks Icey to return her sword, accepting the agreement of being on the same side. Icey, however, retorts that if he returns her sword, Saevalacerta will kill without fear of ending up in the Cave of Bad Dreams. Saevalacerta reassures her by saying that he will not kill her, and that she could consider her as a daughter. Approaching her, he offers her his hand as a sign of peace. In response, Icey strikes her with the sword, almost cutting her stomach in half. Saevalacerta is initially terrified, but then, seeing the wound regenerate, she laughs hysterically and shouts that she is completely immortal, adding that not even the sword can kill her. Icey runs away, while Saevalacerta enjoys watching her fear, thinking to herself that he spares her only for this reason. After about ten minutes, Icey is reunited with her sister and her friends. seeing her running she is stopped by She is stopped by Elefthero, who tells her that there is no one chasing her. With her usual coldness, Icey states that the sword is useless and that nothing can kill the criminal. Elefthero asks her how she can be sure of this and Icey explains that she tried it herself, but without success.Their story was like a fairy tale. However, he met a more beautiful girl and left her, breaking her heart. Saevalacerta then asks Icey to return her sword, accepting the agreement of being on the same side. Icey, however, retorts that if he returns her sword, Saevalacerta will kill without fear of ending up in the Cave of Bad Dreams. Saevalacerta reassures her by saying that he will not kill her, and that she could consider her as a daughter. Approaching her, he offers her his hand as a sign of peace. In response, Icey strikes her with the sword, almost cutting her stomach in half. Saevalacerta is initially terrified, but then, seeing the wound regenerate, she laughs hysterically and shouts that she is completely immortal, adding that not even the sword can kill her. Icey runs away, while Saevalacerta enjoys watching her fear, thinking to herself that he spares her only for this reason. After about ten minutes, Icey is reunited with her sister and her friends. seeing her running she is stopped by She is stopped by Elefthero, who tells her that there is no one chasing her. With her usual coldness, Icey states that the sword is useless and that nothing can kill the criminal. Elefthero asks her how she can be sure of this and Icey explains that she tried it herself, but without success.

The Sýrmata Pupa, the one who gave the potion to Saevalacerta, passing by, notices the boys with the sword. Approaching, he introduces himself as Aurugratis, expressing amazement at their discovery. The boys, recognizing him, are surprised to see him, and Mariana, among them, states that it is the Sýrmata they believed dead from the wounds inflicted by the criminal. He clarifies that he is not dead, but only wounded, and says that he woke up in a tomb in his home. He says that hearing people enter his hut, believing it was the lizard again, he fled into the woods with the intention of returning later. He explains that now, he was in fact returning home, but, seeing them with the sword, he decided to approach them, specifying that that sword is the only weapon capable of killing the lizard. Icey, however, states that the sword does not work. Aurugratis, although surprised, accepts the situation and, noticing the cupcakes on the tray that Igneusapillo is holding, asks who they are for. Igneusapillo replies that they are left over from their plan to recover the sword and offers to take them to anyone who wants them. Aurugratis takes the cupcakes and starts to spin them in his hands, but one accidentally falls towards Icey, who protects herself with the sword. The moment the sword touches the cupcake, it lights up blue, leaving everyone amazed. Aurugratis, after stopping to start eating the cupcakes, suggests that maybe now the sword could work, since he remembers that the potion also started to take effect only when it lit up. The boys, except Icey, rejoice happily at finally having the weapon to defeat the criminal. Igneusapillo turns to Mariana, telling her that now, having completed his plan, he no longer needs the pieces of the stone. He then asks her if he wants them back or if he can get rid of them. Mariana agrees to take them back, noting that, at least, those two pieces will remind her of the beautiful stone they once were, when they were still whole.

Meanwhile, Saevalacerta, from the roof of the hut where her flying boat is located, which she has transformed into her base, confides in Stultulacerti that, now that she has become immortal, taking revenge only on the Energetics would be too limiting. She therefore thinks she can aspire to invade the entire Glade, starting from that village, since she is already a wanted person. Stultulacerti warns her, underlining that, with only two people, it would be impossible: with all the heroes present in the Glade, they would risk being imprisoned or physically taken to the Cave of Bad Dreams. Saevalacerta, however, reassures him, explaining that they will not be alone; she takes the phone and accesses the site "", stating that she has heard of some nightmares that, despite appearing to have redeemed themselves, secretly continue to plot to invade the Glade. After finding Vermisucapilla's number, she calls her and suggests that she join her in invading the Glade. Vermisucapilla, not knowing her, asks who she is, and Saevalacerta introduces herself. When Vermisucapilla asks why she should join her, Saevalacerta reveals that she is immortal thanks to a potion and can invade the Glade even without her and her army's help. Specifying, however, that if she were to join her, she could gain a share of the conquest. Vermisucapilla accepts the offer and asks Saevalacerta where they should meet. Saevalacerta tells her the village beyond the Severpolis Woods as the meeting point, saying that she and her army of long-headed zombies must go there. After the call ends, Saevalacerta orders her servant to follow her. Together, they move nimbly between the roofs of the huts until they reach a hut that can look out over the woods.

Later, Vermisucapilla arrives with her army. She is a teenage-looking nightmare, extremely thin, with red hair as thick as worms. The zombies that accompany her, called long-headed zombies, are creatures with disproportionately long foreheads. Saevalacerta comes down from the hut to greet her and, after a brief exchange of words, orders the zombies to attack anyone outside their home. Vermisucapilla reminds her that her army obeys only her. Saevalacerta, in a firm tone, explains to her that, if she wants a share of her conquests, her army will have to obey her as well. Vermisucapilla, accepting, orders her zombies to follow Saevalacerta's instructions, and the attack begins.

The Energetics, taken by surprise, find themselves under attack by the zombies. The Translenergics quickly flee, while the Sýrmata try in vain to control the creatures with their threads, only to discover that these have no effect on the zombies. They too, in the end, are forced to retreat. The Translenergic teen, claims that he will stop the invasion and joins up with two teen medics. Together, they fight against the zombies using their powers and even attacking them with their noses during horizontal spins. They manage to defeat some enemies, but are eventually overwhelmed and trapped in cages by other zombies. Saevalacerta congratulates Vermisucapilla for bringing the cages. Vermisucapilla, with a sardonic smile, states that no invasion is complete without a few cages to take prisoners. Saevalacerta orders the zombies to carry the cage containing the teens and follow her. Accompanied by Vermisucapilla, she directs the zombies to the hut where her flying machine is stuck in the roof, placing the cage upstairs, in the old owner's room. This has been transformed with the addition of screens that allow her to monitor the entire hut. Here, Saevalacerta announces that this place will become her office, where anyone who needs to talk to her can find her.

Meanwhile, the boys, while having a snack in their hut, notice from the window some Energies on the run, chased by a large number of zombies passing by. Worried, Eleftero wonders what is happening and grabs the sword that was lying on the floor. The boys decide to leave the hut, followed by Aurugratis. A Energie on the run warns them to run away, saying that some sort of lizard has gathered some aggressive zombies. The zombies attack the group, and Introvertefila tries to control one with the wires, but without success. Elefthero, holding his sword, strikes the zombies who turn into bubbles and explode, while the Sýrmata among the boys use the threads to repel the attackers. Elefthero says that they must find the criminal to put an end to all this. Aurugratis then says that when he returned to the village, he saw his attacker in a hut with a flying lifeboat stuck on the roof, and asks the boys to follow him. During the journey, they continue to defend themselves from the zombies until they reach the hut.

Inside, they are faced with a sea of ​​zombies. The Sýrmata of the group try to push them back with the wires, but they come back at them. Elefther attacks them with his sword, but the huge number of zombies seems to make them infinite. Mariana, noticing the cameras, fears that the criminal might escape upon seeing the glowing sword. To prevent this, she creates wires that she thickens and, to make them more resistant, charges with energy. Mariana joins the wires into one, places it high up and invites Elefther to reach the criminal directly by holding on to her wires and moving on them to get past the zombies. She expresses her concerns about the need for this and explains that, since the wires are high up, the zombies will not notice him. Elefther makes the wires visible and holds on to them, following the path. After getting past the horde of zombies, he heads towards the stairs.

Meanwhile, Vermisucapilla, watching the camera, warns Saevalacerta, telling her that a boy armed with a sword that can kill her is coming. Saevalacerta responds that she has already been hit by the sword in the past without taking any damage. Vermisucapilla asks her if the sword glowed blue at that time, specifying that only then would it be active. This shakes Saevalacerta's confidence just as Elefthero enters the room. Saevalacerta draws her claws and ferociously lunges at Elefthero, who defends himself with his sword. Her claws hit the blade with such force that they cause sparks and a long scratch on the weapon, which eventually loses its glow. Saevalacerta threatens Elefthero, saying that she will now kill him for trying to eliminate her. Elefthero walks away, but she lunges at him again, who manages to avoid her. Just then, Elefthero's friends and Aurugratis arrive. The Sýrmata of the group, using the threads, try to capture Saevalacerta, who however manages to escape through the window. Vermisucapilla disappears in sparks. Igneusapillo asks Eleftero why the sword went out again, and Eleftero replies that the criminal scratched it, making it lose its brightness. Igneusapillo wonders why the only weapon capable of defeating the criminal must be so fragile. Meanwhile, Eleftero asks the others how they managed to free themselves from the zombies, and Igneusapillo explains that, repeatedly hit by the threads, the zombies were unable to get up again. The caged teens cry for help, and Eleftero, brandishing the sword, destroys the cage, freeing them. The translenergic teen thanks Eleftero and suggests that it is necessary to cleanse the village from the zombies, leaving with the medical teens for this mission. Sibilla suggests trying to reactivate the sword using the liquid from a river rock, so the group returns to the hut to get the pickaxe and a teaspoon. Here they meet the Grand Master, who tells that he was in his hut to get some books and, on his way back, he came across an army of zombies. Eleftero explains that it was the criminal who sent the zombies and emphasizes the need to reach the river to reactivate the sword and defeat her. The Grand Master, curious to understand what "reactivating the sword" means, decides to join them.

Meanwhile, Saevalacerta is warned by a zombie that the boys are headed to the river. With a mischievous smile, she declares that, now that she has formed a patrol of zombies for the mission, she will be able to kill the boys by distracting them with the undead and protecting herself behind them from the young people's threads. Stultulacerti asks her if she fears the threads of the Sýrmata Pupa, but she coldly replies that she is not afraid of anything,adding that he prefers to have zombies immune to wires with him for extra safety.

In the river, Eleftero picks a stone he has collected from the water, partially shatters it until he finds the liquid hidden inside, which he collects with a teaspoon and pours into his sword, but to no avail. Suddenly, Saevalacerta comes forward, followed by her patrol of zombies, and with a shrill laugh attracts the group's attention. Saevalacerta, says she is tired of them and announces that she will kill them, declaring that she will start with their blond-haired friend. Pointing to Mariana, she uses her power on her, while ordering the zombies to attack the others. In Mariana's mind, a distressing vision opens: she sees Virimperio's funeral, his hands stained with blood, signs that read "Mariana murderess", and people looking at her with contempt, accusing her. Mariana cries, both in the vision and in reality, remorsefully stating that she is sorry. Elefthero passes the sword to Icey, suggesting that she can defend herself better with it, and abandons the fight against the zombies to join Mariana, who continues to relive in her mind the memories of her crime that Saevalacerta is making her see again. Crying, Mariana incessantly repeats "no". In her mind, another vision induced by Saevalacerta opens: Mariana sees herself dead, inside a court with other souls where those present are asked who killed Virimperio, who is the bad person responsible for this act, destined for the Cave of Bad Dreams, and who is worthy of going to the Land of the Livid Dead. Crying, both in the vision and in reality, Mariana confesses that she is the bad person who committed the crime, specifying that she did not want to do it. Elefthero tries to console her, assuring her that she is a good person. Mariana, while overwhelmed by the memories, hears Elefthero, and answers him that he does not know her past actions. Eleftero replies that, while he is unaware of her past actions, he is aware of her actions in the present. He explains that the past is immutable and that what really matters is who she is now and what she wants to become. Mariana is convinced by Eleftero's words, managing to free herself from Videtimores's mental manipulation. When she opens her eyes, she sees Eleftero and hugs him while continuing to cry. Meanwhile, Icey, while fighting against the zombies, is attacked by Stultulacerti, who disarms her, causing her to drop her sword. The sword falls not far from Mariana and Eleftero, and a zombie begins to approach it to retrieve it. Mariana, seeing the situation, leaves Eleftero and rushes towards the sword, but trips and falls to the ground. The zombie is stopped by Anney's threads, which hit him, and Mariana, picking up the pieces of the blue stone that had fallen to her, continues running. Saevalacerta, irritated, declares that if she couldn't kill Mariana with her powers, she will do it in other ways, and takes out her claws.Vermisucapilla, taking a pickaxe from a zombie, gives it to Saevalacerta telling him to use it. The latter throws the pickaxe at Mariana who is warned by Anney to move out of the way. Not immediately understanding, Mariana looks up and sees the pickaxe coming. Having no time to escape, she protects herself with her hands in front of her face. The pickaxe hits one of the two halves of the blue stone, piercing it and passing between two of Mariana's fingers, almost touching her eye. Vermisucapilla smiles, while from the hit half a blue liquid flows and falls on the sword, making it shine again and erasing the scratches. Mariana grabs the sword and faces Saevalacerta, who counterattacks with his claws, while Elefthero approaches. Saevalacerta manipulates Mariana, insinuating that she is a murderer and that her desire to kill her comes from her criminal nature. Mariana feels hurt, and seeing Elefthero nearby, warns him that he cannot defeat the criminal and throws him the sword. He, grabbing his sword, replies that if she can't do it, he will. With a sharp blow, he cuts Saevalacerta, who turns into a bubble and shortly after explodes. Vermisucapilla, with a snap of his fingers, disappears leaving sparks.

Back in the village, they find no trace of zombies. They ask the translenergic teen if he and the doctors defeated them, and he replies that some were eliminated, but others suddenly left on their own. That night, as she prepares for bed, Mariana thinks back to Eleftero's words and realizes that they are not entirely accurate. She reflects on the fact that, even if the damage caused by a crime can cease, the crime remains imprinted, forever marking the soul of the person who committed it, with no possibility of redemption. She understands that, although a person can choose to do good deeds and not repeat the mistakes of the past, what has been done cannot be erased and will never disappear.

Information #4
The translenergic teen, during his youth, took part in a small war against a little-known attempt to invade the Glade by some Sýrmata Pupa. During that time, through the exercise of his Translenergic powers, he was able to learn to perceive the energetic structure of the Energetics.
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