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Data di iscrizione : 29.09.21

Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa: Special Episode 1 Empty Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa: Special Episode 1

Dom Set 22, 2024 11:17 pm
Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa Special Episode 1: A Concert of Misunderstandings

In Severpoli two famous singers, the sisters Stella and Luna Cosmo, respectively 27 and 25 years old, held a concert attended by a large number of people. Stella Cosmo has long hair that flows like the night sky, with colors in which pink and blue predominate, which blend in a symphony of delicate and bright tones. Purple appears in small portions, especially in the darker areas, as well as blue, present in the visible cosmos in them and in the locks near the neck, helping to create a celestial contrast with her bright colors. In her hair appear figures of small stars that seem to shine among the locks. Her large and deep purple eyes give the impression of containing an entire universe, while her face is delicate, with soft and harmonious features, almost perfect. Her skin appears bright, smooth and with a slight blush on the cheeks, accentuating her youthful and sweet air. Her white clothing, with a touch of elegance and simplicity, further enhances her brightness. Luna Cosmo She has dark hair, a deep blue with purple highlights, that recall the depths of the night, studded with bright sparkles of stars. Her purple eyes, similar to Stella's, are mysterious and magnetic, giving the sensation of looking at a night sky full of secrets. Her face is delicate and serene, with more refined and subtle features than Stella's. Her skin seems to emanate a soft and suffused glow, like a moonlight that gently illuminates her figure, giving her an aura of tranquility and mystery.

The audience, mostly young fans, was going wild for the Cosmo sisters. Every note, every word of the songs seemed to resonate in the hearts of those present. As soon as Stella and Luna started singing, a wave of enthusiasm passed through the crowd. Arms were raised to the sky, following the rhythm, and faces illuminated by the play of light seemed to shine as bright as the stars in Stella's hair. Some jumped, clapping their hands in time with the music, while others swayed slowly, almost enchanted by Luna's hypnotic voice. Each song was a new experience. It was not just music, but an emotional journey that the Cosmo sisters shared with the audience. The Cosmo sisters, in perfect synchronicity, exchanged glances and smiles during the performance, creating a magical and intimate atmosphere that made each spectator feel part of something special. The bond between them and with the audience was palpable, and each note seemed to build a bridge between the earth and the cosmos. After the concert, the Cosmo sisters spent time with fans, signing autographs and exchanging a few words with them. For two hours, they carefully dedicate themselves to making the meeting unforgettable, but they then had to apologize to those they could not reach, leaving autographed postcards as a gesture of gratitude.

After the end of the concert and the moment dedicated to the fans, the two singers head to a restaurant, a place they had already frequented on other occasions during previous concerts in the city. The atmosphere is familiar, and they know the owner well, who welcomes them warmly, accompanying them to the tables himself and taking their orders. Stella, with her brightness and youthful air, opts for a light and fresh dish: a fruit salad with citrus fruits, mint and a drizzle of honey. For the second course, she chooses a fillet of fish with lemon, accompanied by grilled vegetables. The bright colors of the dishes recall the tones of her hair and her lively spirit. Luna, in contrast, is attracted by richer and deeper flavors. She orders a risotto with squid ink, which evokes the depth of her intense blue and purple reflections. For her second course, she chooses a chicken breast with blueberry sauce, a dish that reflects the mystery in her eyes and the refinement of her features. For dessert, they both indulge in a dark chocolate soufflé, a dessert that combines their sweetness and the richness of their characters. While they wait for their orders to arrive, Stella turns to her sister, reminding her that it has been five years since they last held a concert in Severpoli. She points out that the city hasn't changed much in the meantime. Luna, reflecting, confesses that what she appreciates most about Severpoli is the scarcity of people on the streets, unlike other cities, which makes the place particularly quiet. Stella adds that,Unlike other cities, there are no fans who show up at unexpected times, outside of their regular hours, to meet them in an attempt to take pictures, get autographs, or just hang out with them, more interested in or discussing their celebrity status than in forming a genuine friendship. Luna agrees, saying that this gives her a sense of peace whenever she holds a concert in Severpoli. Stella asks her if she remembers that day when they were out to eat, when groups of people kept arriving, asking for pictures and autographs nonstop. Their once-warm and inviting meal had been interrupted so many times that by the end, after three hours, it was cold. Luna replies that she would rather not think about it. Stella notes that Severpoli doesn't even have paparazzi, the kind that follow you everywhere, curious about every little detail of your life. Luna points out to her sister that it's not just the peace from the paparazzi that makes Severpoli special. She reminds her that here, journalists never show up in droves, even when something important happens about them that would catch the attention of a lot of people. Stella, reflecting, adds that it wasn't just journalists who crowded together in other cities, but ordinary people too. Sometimes they crowded together so many that it was impossible to get through, and they had to be asked to move aside. Luna nods and concludes, noting that it was often a combination of both that formed an insurmountable crowd. Stella tells Luna that she remembers when she felt sick, immersed in the crowd that surrounded them. Fans and journalists were crowded together, asking for autographs or shouting questions, while a band played loudly on stage. She says that they tried to ask people to move aside, since they had to perform right after, but it was so loud that no one seemed to pay attention to them. She concludes by reminding her sister that it was at that moment, as the chaos and confusion increased, that she felt sick. Luna admits that she felt bad because that day she feared being trapped forever, a prisoner of that suffocating chaos. Stella then reminds her how, for months, she had not wanted to set foot outside the house, terrified at the idea of ​​being immersed in a crowd that would not listen to her when they needed to pass. Luna says that, fortunately, it was a rare thing and has not happened again, then asks Stella what she would think if they sometimes stopped in Severpoli for a few months. Stella replies that it would be great. Shortly after, the ordinary dishes are brought and they begin to eat.

As soon as the meal is finished, they head to the register to pay the bill. Behind the counter, the owner of the restaurant greets them with a smile, handing them the bill and asking how long they will be staying in Severpoli.Luna replies that they will only be staying for a few days, since they have other concert stops scheduled. The owner, smiling, observes that compared to five years ago, they are now very famous. Luna comments that fame is something temporary, destined to vanish suddenly, just when you least expect it. The owner states that, in any case, it is an important work achievement. Luna confirms and asks him what's new in Severpoli. He replies that, apart from a village of only Energici created beyond the city's forest, there isn't much else new. She states that she hasn't read about it in the newspaper. He replies that it's normal since only in Severpoli do the newspapers talk about it since it was created by people from the city as well as some newspapers from nearby towns that heard the news around. She asks him if he didn't like the idea and he states that he has a restaurant here in the city and it didn't make sense to leave it to go to the village, emphasizing that his job is not like that of a singer that can be done anywhere you are but that it requires a space specifically organized to allow the activity to be carried out and that moving has a cost. Luna, nodding, expresses that she understands the situation, while Stella, driven by her innate curiosity, wonders how the idea of ​​creating a village exclusively for Energies was born and who the creator is. The owner of the restaurant, shaking his head, admits that he does not know the reason for such a decision, but reveals that a young man made it, inviting all the Energies of the city after obtaining the king's permission. Stella finds the idea really interesting and Luna, turning to her sister, suggests that they could visit that village. Excited at the idea of ​​discovering something new, Stella fervently accepts.

After paying the bill for their meals and exchanging a warm greeting with the owner, the sisters head towards Teen Ship, asking if he knows the route to the village of the Energies. Teen Ship responds that he has traveled to that village many times and the sisters ask her to accompany them. Teen Ship gets the girls on the flying lifeboat but before leaving a journalist in plain clothes who wanted to interview the singers arrives asking for a ride to a place that he didn't remember the name or the route but that he would recognize as soon as he saw it, promising to pay him for his trouble if the journey would be prolonged. Teen Ship accepts and gets the man on board, turning on the lifeboat and making it rise into the air to then set it off towards the Cosmo sisters' destination.

Meanwhile, in the village of the Energici, after four consecutive days of constant threats to the lives of the inhabitants, peace has finally returned. Provolí, to celebrate the newfound balance, is dedicating himself to the preparation of a banquet, a generous gesture that he wants to offer to the entire village, asking only for some fruit to add to it to the citizens of the village who wish to participate. The banquet will be consumed in the evening with music played from the speakers already positioned, ready to make everyone dance together under the starry sky. But tranquility was not the only thing that had returned to the village. Servubtus, absent for six days to resolve issues in Severpoli, makes his return, meeting Provolí during the preparation of the banquet. Provolí, happy to have his apprentice at his side again, welcomes him with enthusiasm, ready to resume the normal routine with him, starting with inviting him to join him in preparing the party, hh. opening the bars surrounding the stall to let him enter. Eleftero, passing by, sees his uncle Provolí intent on arranging a large quantity of food on the large table positioned in the center of the village. Curious, he asks him the reason for so much preparation and the reason for the bars. Provolí tells him about the party he will be holding that night and the requirement to bring fruit in order to participate in the banquet. With a smile, he adds that now that the heroes have left, he has decided to use his energy threads during the party and that he will invite the others to do the same, to celebrate together not only the end of crimes in the village, but also the return to the freedom to exercise their powers. Eleftero says he is enthusiastic about the idea and says that he will let his friends know so that they have time to collect the necessary fruit, if they wish to participate.

After calling them on the phone and informing them, he goes away towards the hut to get a bag with which to collect the fruit intended for his uncle, with the intention of contributing to the banquet. There he meets his friends, who are also busy getting their own bags for collecting fruit. Together they get to work, carefully filling the bags, and once finished, they walk towards the village. Watching the arrival of Teen Ship along with the other members of the village. Some Energetics, annoyed, begin to grumble, convinced that they will have to give up the use of their powers again, thinking that heroes are arriving even if there is no emergency. However, some young people immediately recognize the famous singers on board and warn the others that they are the famous Cosmo sisters. As soon as the Teen Ship lifeboat lands, the girls pay the teen and get off, while the reporter informs him that that is his destination and pays him for the transport. The reporter, thinking, decides that before revealing himself to the singers for an interview, he could explore the village.

The young people who have recognized the singers, approach them with enthusiastic looks. With voices full of emotion, they express their joy at the singers' arrival in the village, informing them of the upcoming evening celebration. With great fervor, they beg them to perform during the celebrations, confessing how much it would be a dream for them to be able to attend one of their concerts. Stella, with a knowing smile, willingly accepts, and turns a questioning look to Luna, asking her what she thinks. Luna nods sweetly, adding that it could be a nice gift to celebrate the birth of the village, even if a little late. The boys, visibly excited, thank them warmly. At that moment, Eleftero comes forward, followed by his friends. With a kind manner, he welcomes the two artists, suggesting that they contact his uncle Provolí if they would like to have a hut in the village during their stay. The singers, grateful for the advice, thank him and, curious, ask who his uncle is. Elefthero points to the man who is preparing the banquet nearby and accompanies the singers.

The two ask Provolí if he can build them a hut. He, passing through the bars of the passage, tells Servubtus not to let anyone enter the banquet before the evening. Then he turns to the singers, offering to build the hut, and wonders if they are the famous artists who wrote that love song for a film set in space. The sisters confirm, and Provolí takes out his cell phone, starting to create a page to book the construction of other huts. He says that if their presence were known, he could do great business with construction. Stella, kindly, replies that they would prefer it if the tranquility of the place was maintained. Provolí observes that, even if they do not want publicity, it could happen anyway and emphasizes that it is better, therefore, to be prepared for any eventuality. Then, he introduces them to Eleftero, his nephew and creator of the village. The sisters respond by saying that it is a pleasure to meet him, and Stella, with an embarrassed smile, apologizes for not introducing herself before, then does so, followed by her sister. Misofova asks what the point is of introducing themselves for them who are famous. Stella says that it is necessary to remain respectful and asks Misofova and the boys with Eleftero their names. So Eleftero's friends introduce themselves, shaking hands with the singers. Stella, surprised, turns to Eleftero saying that she did not expect the founder of the village to be so young, then asks him and his friends how old they are. Eleftero and the others answer that they are eighteen, with the exception of Anney, who is twenty. Stella asks them if they are in the village with their parents, but Eleftero says no. She then asks if they have finished school and Eleftero, with a smile, says that as soon as they start again, they will travel with the Teen Ship. Stella notes that it could be tiring, but adds that, if they want to stay in the village, they will not feel tired. Thinking back to the concert, she asks Eleftero if it is possible to set up a stage in the village for the concert they proposed to do. Eleftero assures that it is not a problem. Provolí, enthusiastically, proposes to build the stage himself and offers to lend his speakers, informing that he also has a switch for the microphone. Stella and Luna express gratitude, and Stella decides to contact the manager to ask if he can bring some projectors for the concert that will be held in the evening in the village, beyond the Severpoli forest. The manager agrees, and Luna takes the opportunity to ask Stella if she can also ask him for some colored light paper balls. She explains that she saw them in a shop, but forgot to buy them. Finally, she asks her sister if she would like to drop those balls on herself at the end of the concert, to add a touch of style. Stella finds the creative idea and asks the manager for light paper balls of various colors. The manager offers to bring everything, promising to also deliver the receipts to prove the amount spent. Stella thanks him for his availability. Provolí, in the meantime, begins to build the stage, while the two sisters declare that they want to take a tour of the village and greet the boys. Eleftero offers to accompany them together with his friends, introducing them to every detail of the place. Stella thanks him and they all begin to walk together among the huts of the village.

Eleftero explains that, for now, there are only huts, but that over time each inhabitant will probably decorate them in a unique way, making them special. Stella says that it would be really nice if the village were more colorful. Misofova, annoyed by the arrival of the singers and the man with them, asks the sisters how long they plan to stay and whose boyfriend the man who arrived with them on the lifeboat is. Stella answers that they will leave in a few days, because they have concerts in other cities, and specifies that the man is not anyone's boyfriend, but only someone who was planning to go to the same destination as them. Misofova comments that the man must be an Energetic and adds that, although it can be nice to have tourists sometimes, the village was founded to be inhabited by Energetics. She points out that, even if they cannot stop anyone from coming or staying, it would be nice to spend time only among Energetics, otherwise they will end up looking for another village where they can be in peace. Eleftero invites Misofova not to be rude, while Stella calmly states that she and Luna are Sýrmata Pupa. Misofova, surprised, asks if he is serious. Eleftero, after carefully checking the energy structure of both girls, confirms the truth of Stella's words. Curious, Misofova asks him how he knows this, and Eleftero, in a patient tone, reminds her that already on the second day after the foundation of the village he had told her that he had learned to see the energy structure of the Energetics. Misofova, with an embarrassed smile, admits that she has forgotten and, thinking out loud, concludes that if the two singers are really Sýrmata Pupa, then they could use their powers in front of them, too, without any worries. Stella and Luna appear perplexed, and Stella points out that using Sýrmata Pupa powers is illegal. Misofova replies pragmatically that it is true, but adds that, in the absence of a hero to prevent it, they can still do it. Stella, troubled, then asks if they dominate people with their wires, while Luna, apparently worried, starts to take out her cell phone. Eleftero calmly intervenes, turning to Stella and explaining that she hasn't fully understood: they create the wires to play with, without intending to harm anyone, and in fact, they fill the wires with energy precisely to prevent them from penetrating anyone. At those words, Stella sighs with relief, while Luna, reassured, puts the phone away. Eleftero explains that the rules of the Glade are too rigid and don't take into account the contexts in which the use of Sýrmata Pupa powers does not represent any danger. He adds that he created the village precisely for this reason: to allow the use of powers in safe situations, without being called out. Stella, understanding her vision, nods, while Misofova suggests going to the river to finally use the wires,after four days of inactivity. She specifies that the man who came with the singers is not at the river, who may not be an Energetic and, not understanding what is happening, could report them. Continuing, she observes that in the village there are only a few huts, all similar, even if of different sizes, and that it would be better to show the guests the pristine meadow with those few trees, not yet covered by the presence of the huts. Eleftero agrees with the idea, and they all head towards the river. During the journey, Eleftero passionately describes the beauty of the flowery meadow, dwelling on the sense of harmony that nature itself seems to express. With delicacy, he describes the characteristics of the trees scattered here and there, highlighting their particular colors and the way in which they seem to blend perfectly with the surrounding environment.

At the river, Misofova asks Introvertefila to create the threads. Introvertefila obeys, filling them with energy and Misofova makes them visible. She begins to take control of them but Introvertefila stops her, asking to do something first. Misofova gives up control and Introvertefila joins the threads, forming a heart. The Cosmo sisters are surprised, and Stella asks her how she did it. Introvertefila teaches them how to do it and they create their threads and charge them with energy. Each one joins their threads, forming one large thread, which they then intertwine with the other's. They work together with precision until they stop. At that point, Stella makes her thread go straight up and expands it, creating a large half of a heart. Luna does the same on the other side, completing the heart. Eleftero intervenes, explaining to the singers that this is one of the many non-dangerous things that can be done with threads, but in other places they would not be allowed. She tells how, for example, if someone fell into the river, the law would prohibit using threads to save them, even though it would be the quickest way to do so. She concludes by saying that the law is not always right. Misofova regains control of Introvertefila's threads and, using the system that the latter explained to the Cosmo sisters, gives the heart a threadlike shape. She touches Stella's hand with it and asks her if she sees that there is no danger. Stella nods, answering that she knows, because she and Luna, in private, have also learned to use the threads and understand some of their dynamics. Then she asks Luna if she would like to join their halves of the heart. Luna, without hesitation, accepts the proposal but Misofova intervenes, pointing out that it is not possible. Stella, with determination, states that she and her sister can try to use the same method with which the two halves were generated, doing it simultaneously, to see if it can also work in this dynamic.

So, together with her sister, they merge their halves of their hearts, creating a single complete heart that leaves everyone amazed. Misofova, fascinated by what she has just seen, exclaims that she also wants to create something. So with Introvertefila's threads, she creates a small dragon, while Igneusapillo, finding it adorable, caresses it. Sibilla sits on the ground and, immersed in the tranquility, begins to read her book. Filofilia sits down next to her, sharing that moment of quiet. Anney, having also listened to Introvertefila's explanation given to the singers, decides to create her threads. She makes them visible, merges them together and gives them the shape of a delicate rose. Icey, observing the scene, asks her sister if she can control her threads, and Anney, with a smile, suggests that she divide the energy in the threads equally. Icey accepts, brings her energy to 50% in her sister's threads and by touching them, freezes them. Anney, surprised, asks why, pointing out that no one would take control of her threads without her consent. Icey replies that she just wanted to make the rose prettier. Anney then wraps the threads, still frozen, in white flames, with a bright glow in the center and softer at the edges. And so, amid laughter and magic, the boys and singers have fun along the river.

After a while, Angelica arrives with wooden bottles to fill. She greets everyone warmly and introduces herself to the singers, who return her with smiles and courtesy. Once the bottles are filled, Angelica looks at her phone and comes across an exciting news story about a potion to rejuvenate the skin. Although she doesn't need it yet, the news intrigues her. She enthusiastically tells the other girls present about it, inviting them to pay attention while she approaches to read the article aloud. However, as she continues reading, she discovers that the title was misleading: it was not a potion at all, but a face cream that, after two months of use, promised to reduce 65% of wrinkles. The journalist, with a suggestive metaphor, had compared the results achieved by scientists to the magical effect of a potion. Angelica is visibly disappointed, and Eleftero expresses his regret, knowing that the news she had read had deceived her. Angelica sighs and admits that she should have paid attention to the journalist's name, knowing that he is one of those reporters known for misleading headlines, written only to attract clicks. Shortly after, Stella receives a call from the manager, who informs her that he has arrived. She notifies her sister and, together, they decide to return to the village. Eleftero suggests that they all return together, a proposal that immediately finds everyone's approval, so they set off towards the village, united.

Having reached the center of the village, Angelica greets everyone and heads toward her hut, while the Cosmo sisters, accompanied by Eleftero and his friends, go to their manager, who is talking to Provolí near the stage. Jane Tenebrae, in the company of her family, sees the Cosmo sisters and, enthusiastically, expresses her desire to get an autograph. However, her mother hits her with her wand, inviting her to keep a little composure and reminding her that she is no longer a three-year-old child. The singers, having reached the manager, greet him warmly; he responds with the same warmth, giving them the receipt of their purchases and showing them the preparations for the event, including an assortment of wallpapers of various colors, informing them that it is a gift from him. Stella pays the manager, and together with Luna they thank him. Then Stella suggests using the purple wallpaper and asks Luna if she agrees. Luna replies that she has no particular preference and that her sister's choice is fine. The manager then places the purple wallpaper on the stage wall that will be the backdrop for the singers during the concert, taping it to the corners so that it can be removed at the end of the concert. As soon as the manager finishes putting up the wallpaper, Stella informs him of Luna's idea to throw luminous paper balls at them at the end of the concert. The manager accepts the proposal, but points out that a method must be found to implement it. Provolí says that he can cut the roof of the stage in half, adding trapdoors that can be opened using a lever, and place the balls inside them. He also suggests attaching ropes to a wooden stick, so that all the trapdoors can be opened at the same time at the end of the concert by pulling the stick. The manager approves the idea and Provolí immediately begins to work, taking the necessary tools and wood.

Meanwhile, the journalist, who arrived with the singers, approaches with the camera and observes that their popularity has grown rapidly. He asks them how they feel about it. Stella responds by saying that, despite their fame, they remain ordinary people and nothing has changed in their lives. Luna, on the other hand, responds that fame does not make a person special or better, and that therefore she does not feel different from before. When asked what advice they would give to those who want to start a music career, Stella admits that she does not have any suggestions on how to achieve success, but she can offer advice for life. She emphasizes that artistic works provide training in the history of art and the techniques to practice it, but she believes it is essential to first acquire a general knowledge of more important topics, and then focus on specific education for artistic works. She reminds that, even without an academic education in the desired art, it is possible to achieve great things, as demonstrated by several singers. Stella emphasizes that both she and her sister attended university, thus building a solid cultural base, before starting to study singing. The journalist, promising that it would be the last question, asks them why they chose to perform in concert in the village, Stella explains that it was the fans who requested it and, having never held a concert there, it seemed like a nice gesture. Luna adds that it is a perfect way to celebrate the birth of the new village and, since they are Sýrmata Pupa, it was a good idea to perform in a village inhabited exclusively by Energici. The journalist thanks and turns off the camera. Luna turns to Stella, proposing to make a new song at the end of the concert for the event. Stella thinks the idea is great and asks if she wants to start writing the lyrics right away. Luna agrees and, after greeting Eleftero and the others, they both ask Provolí if their hut is ready. Provolí confirms and leads them there. Stella asks the price and, after receiving an answer, she pays Provolí and, together with Luna, they greet him and thank him before entering the hut.

Stella suggests basing the song on the freedom of the Energetics to use their powers in the village, noting that since they are not dangerous and are actually useful in many circumstances, they deserve to be celebrated for their freedom to use them. Luna says that she had thought of the same topic as a theme, and notes that the powers of the Sýrmata Pupa, like a knife, can be used to both nourish and harm, just like any kind of magic, which can be used positively to protect or negatively to invade. However, she thinks it is best to keep the subject of the powers in general, to avoid the song being interpreted as an incitement to use the powers of the Sýrmata Pupa. Stella immediately agrees, stating that she is aware that they cannot make a song about the use of the powers of the Sýrmata, since it is illegal, but she makes it clear to her sister that she intended to address the topic exactly as she suggested. Thus, the two sisters begin to think about the song together.

After deep reflection, Stella came up with the idea to write:

"My freedom, I see it shine,
Like a ray of sunshine that I cannot stop,
My power awakens, and begins to vibrate,
Under the wings of my freedom, to fly in the sky."

After reading it, Stella explains the meaning out loud, explaining that in the village, one can be free to use one's powers. Freedom shines, now that it is no longer constrained by unjust limits that limit it even in situations where there are no dangers in using powers. Luna, appreciating Stella's verse, said that she found it very beautiful, and shared her own, which she had already written:

"In this space where everything shines,
My power opens, the light extends,
There is no obstacle, there is no punishment,
It is my freedom, that lives and shines."

Luna explains that, for her, the village shines metaphorically, with the beauty of the natural environment that gives a special charm to the place. In it, power can finally express itself freely, and the light, symbol of joy and happiness, spreads without borders. The last two lines represent the absence of obstacles to the use of the powers, once imprisoned in the Sýrmata Pupa, and now free to live and shine, after years of darkness and repression.

Stella reflects on the chorus:

"My power, I feel it inside,
Like a light breath, dancing with the wind.
I don't hide it, I let it bloom".

She explains that the Sýrmata Pupa feel their power within them, now free to move freely outward like a breath that dances, carried by the wind, an image reinforced by the last verse. Luna, in response, suggests adding: "It is my power, I see it blooming", to better represent the power that, finally, reveals itself to the world like a flower that blooms. Stella, enthusiastic, asks if they can sing the final part together. Luna agrees, and Stella suggests: "Our freedom rises, our power shines in the starry night. Under this sky, we live serenely". Stella explains that the freedom to use their powers expands, passing from the private to the public, allowing the Sýrmata to use their powers within the village. She continues the explanation by stating that the second verse emphasizes how, even at night, the powers of the Sýrmata Pupa can manifest themselves, even though the darkness accentuates the visibility of the threads of energy. Finally, she states that the last verse, instead, highlights the serenity they feel living under the village sky, finally free.

Luna compliments them and suggests:

"Our power manifests itself, beyond any chain.
Every moment is a flower that blooms,
It is our freedom, that grows and touches us"

Stating that the power of Sýrmata Pupa can manifest itself in the village without any chain. She then explains that the last two verses represent how every moment is an opportunity to express one's magical power, and that this freedom to use one's abilities has grown to the point of touching them deeply, allowing them to exercise them freely, even in public, in the village. Stella suggests that each one sings their own verses, leaving the final part to be performed together, while the chorus would be sung by both, but at separate moments. Luna welcomes the idea with enthusiasm, and suggests the structure: start with the chorus, followed by Stella's verse, then repeat the chorus and continue with her verse, to conclude with the final part sung by both. With sincere enthusiasm, Stella approves the sequence and suggests performing the unreleased song as the last one, to close the concert in style. Considering the limited time available, she also suggests re-proposing the songs already performed in Severpoli. Luna nods with conviction, and together they immediately begin to rehearse the song, performing it several times until they perform it successfully. Finally, the two sisters leave the hut, eager to breathe the fresh air that awaits them outside.

As they step outside, they find the village teeming with people. Fans begin to eagerly approach to ask for an autograph, and the girls kindly oblige the first ones. However, as the crowd grows and the requests increase, Stella is forced to explain that, since there are too many, they will not be able to sign autographs for everyone at that moment. With a reassuring smile, she promises that, at the end of the concert, they will dedicate an hour just for them. Suddenly, a fan passing by tells them how great they are, urging them to continue fighting for the rights of the Sýrmata Pupa. Confused, Stella and Luna ask him what he means. Just then, Eleftero approaches with some friends, having overheard the conversation, and explains that the boy probably read an article about them. He shows the headline: "The Cosmo sisters break the taboo by publicly declaring themselves Sýrmata Pupa to support the rights of their species." Luna, slightly annoyed, timidly explains that she never said anything like that with that intent, but simply answered a question. Eleftero, trying to reassure her, says that it is nothing negative. Stella, however, firmly states that neither she nor her sister support these battles, because they go against their principles. In a low voice, Luna adds that she will never support the victim mentality associated with the Sýrmata Pupa. Eleftero, trying to find a solution, suggests clearing up the misunderstanding, but Stella and Luna, reflecting for a moment, decide that the best thing is to ignore the issue altogether, convinced that, with the passage of time, everyone would forget about the incident, thus avoiding unnecessary controversy. Provolí approaches his nephew with a satisfied smile, announcing that 10,000 huts have been purchased to be built in the village through his website, and that he plans to complete them within the next month. He adds that he has already paid several members of the village who had built their huts at the beginning, and emphasizes that he will work hard throughout the month, together with Servubtus and the other collaborators, to reach the goal. Misofova, worried, complains that the village will soon be invaded by non-Energetics, compromising the freedom of the Energetics to use their powers. Provolí laughs and explains that the process of obtaining a hut has been complex, with many open and personal questions. However, he emphasizes that the only real requirement is to declare yourself an Energetic in a specific question. Eleftero intervenes, arguing that this is discrimination. Provolí smiles and replies that no one will notice: those who have not obtained a hut will simply think that they have been excluded because of the answers given to the other questions. Eleftero insists, saying that it is still discrimination. Provolí, more seriously, admits that it is true,but defends his choice by saying that he could not allow the village to fill up with non-Energetics. He concludes by reassuring that the purchase of the huts is now closed and that he will soon deactivate the site, promising not to repeat the initiative. Mariana, worried, asks Provolí if building 10,000 huts will not ruin the natural balance of the environment in which the village stands. Provolí reassures Mariana, explaining that the expansion of the village will be minimal. He states that among the various huts planned, one hundred will be built, each composed of ten floors, with ten rooms per floor. Each room will already be equipped with a portable double bed and three bunk beds, a solution designed to minimize the clutter and preserve the large green space that surrounds the village. He emphasizes that this expansion has the sole purpose of repopulating the village after the recent losses. Finally, he states that he is going to start building the first huts, adding that they will see each other again during the festival.

Meanwhile, a young woman of eighteen, with a robust physique, dark skin and Asian features, comes running towards the singers. She hugs them enthusiastically, declaring herself their number one fan and praising their commitment as fighters for the rights of the Sýrmata Pupa. She emphasizes how important it is that such a discriminated category can finally count on influential figures capable of supporting them from above. Luna, however, rolls her eyes, finding those statements absurd, while Stella shows off a forced smile. Suddenly, the fan's phone rings. He apologizes and answers, revealing that his girlfriend is on the other end. As he speaks, he tells her that he is at the Cosmo sisters' house, and, responding to one of her remarks, he adds firmly that she is not in love with the singers, specifying that they are too old for her, and that her love belongs only to her. He ends the conversation with affection, blowing her kisses and saying goodbye sweetly. The fan, addressing the singers again, introduces herself as Moamedda Shin Shon Fatima and proudly states that she is a Sýrmata Pupa. She expresses her happiness at having the opportunity to meet her idols. Moamedda says that Sýrmata Pupa have historically been victims of discrimination, and laments how no one seems to care about the injustices they suffer. She emphasizes to the singers that, now that they have reached a position of influence in society, they have the power to break this cycle of marginalization. She confides in them that she has always dreamed that someone from Sýrmata Pupa could reach a prominent role and show the world that they are dreams like any other. She adds that the crimes committed by their ancestors should not be an excuse to oppress them or deny them freedom. Stella, trying to change the subject, responds by saying that she is right, but asks if they could talk about something more interesting. Moamedda, agreeing with a smile, replies that it's fine and says that she admires not only their music, but also their enthusiasm in composing it, emphasizing that she is also a very enthusiastic girl. She also states that she has always found their songs meaningful and especially their latest song that talks about the importance of being fair while also showing the pain that injustice causes, emphasizing that all Sýrmata Pupa, being discriminated against, could identify with it and concluding by saying that she has always known the song was a denunciation against dreams, which unfairly discriminate against Sýrmata Pupa and that she only needed to know that they are Sýrmata Pupa to have confirmation of this. Stella thanks Maomedda with a warm smile for the appreciation of their songs, but politely explains to her that their song deals with the importance of being fair and the pain caused by injustice in general, without wanting to talk about any in particular. Maomedda,with eyes shining with passion, she replies that this is precisely why the song is so powerful: it speaks of the struggle that all of them, Sýrmata Pupa, face every day and of the pain caused by social discrimination that forces them to hide their true essence. Luna, hearing those words, puts a hand on her face, disconcerted. In her thoughts, frustration stirs for Maomedda's obsession, out of reality, for a nonexistent struggle. She silently laments the idea that Maomedda might think he knows everything about them just because he read a newspaper article with a misleading title. Uncomfortable with the surreal turn the conversation is taking, Luna looks for Stella's help, hoping for a way out of that situation full of misunderstandings and absurdities. Stella, noticing Luna's gaze, turns to Maomedda in a polite tone, explaining that she and her sister would like to take a walk in the village and that, for this reason, they must interrupt the conversation. Apologizing, she adds that it's time to go. Together with Luna, they start to walk away, but Maomedda stops them immediately, saying that there is no problem and that he will come with them. Not only to continue the interesting conversation, but also because, as their number one fan, he cannot have not granted the right to come with them. Stella, even if she doesn't want to, accepts with a forced smile. Mariana, sensing that the two singers do not share the same ideas as Maomedda and understanding their desire to free themselves from an uncomfortable conversation, asks if she and her friends can join, hoping to divert the topic to something different. This time, Stella agrees with a more sincere their number one fan, he can't help but have granted the right to come with them. Stella, despite not wanting to, accepts with a forced smile. Mariana, sensing that the two singers do not share the same ideas as Maomedda and understanding their desire to free themselves from an uncomfortable conversation, asks if she and her friends can join, hoping to divert the topic to something different. This time, Stella agrees with a more sincere their number one fan, he can't help but have granted the right to come with them. Stella, despite not wanting to, accepts with a forced smile. Mariana, sensing that the two singers do not share the same ideas as Maomedda and understanding their desire to free themselves from an uncomfortable conversation, asks if she and her friends can join, hoping to divert the topic to something different. This time, Stella agrees with a more sincere smile.

Starting to walk, Stella says that it is strange to walk in the village among so many people, considering that only a few hours before it was almost empty. Maomedda explains to her that, as soon as she learned through an article that they would be holding a concert in the village, out of a spirit of brotherhood with the other Sýrmata Pupa who live there, suffering for a shared fate, she immediately published the link on the fanpage she had been managing for years. She explains that in this way, she was able to inform all their fans and make known the hidden battle for the rights of the Sýrmata Pupa, finally exposed to the world through the interview. She adds that the fanpage has millions of followers and that she keeps it active every day. Mariana, seeing the opportunity to help the singers, asks Maomedda what her favorite food is. Maomedda, surprised by the sudden question, scrutinizes her and asks her who she is and if she is a Sýrmata Pupa. Mariana says her name and confirms that she is a Sýrmata Pupa. Maomedda expresses her pleasure at meeting another sister suffering from social injustice, but Mariana immediately contradicts her, explaining that she has never suffered discrimination and that she has never hidden her being a Sýrmata Pupa. Maomedda retorts, emphasizing how Mariana has been very lucky, since in other parts of the Glade of Dreams discrimination is rampant. She explains that many Sýrmata Pupa live in fear of revealing their true nature, to avoid social isolation. However, she adds that the simple fact that Mariana is a fan of the Cosmo sisters is already a contribution to the cause for the well-being of the Sýrmata Pupa, a cause that the sisters carry forward with courage. Maomedda also emphasizes that, although Mariana has not experienced the suffering of her brothers and therefore cannot understand, her commitment to supporting them is worthy of respect. At this point, Eleftero intervenes, asking Maomedda how society can discriminate against Sýrmata Pupa if no one knows who they are. Mohammed answers bitterly, saying that they would definitely discriminate against them if they knew them. Elefthero thinks for a moment and then says that even in Severpoli, in the past, the previous generations of Sýrmata Pupa did not reveal their nature outside of the family circle, but that the new generations have started to do so, and now many of them have friends who are aware of their essence. Mohammed replies that Severpoli is a special case, while in other cities this openness does not occur. Elefthero, curious, asks her if anyone has been discriminated against after revealing their true identity. Mohammed confesses that he does not know if anyone has actually been discriminated against after revealing their nature, but he firmly states that, if someone did, they would surely be marginalized. Elefthero, doubtful, asks her how she can be so sure of this. Mohammed replies that it is something that can be understood by observing the behavior of the citizens:It is something subtle and difficult to explain, but it is as if the Sýrmata Pupa of other cities can intuitively sense when it is safe to reveal themselves and when it is dangerous to do so. She concludes by saying that, in the Glade of Dreams, it is never safe to reveal one's Sýrmata Pupa essence. Suddenly, from the stage, Provolí announces that the party can finally begin. She adds that the Cosmo sisters will perform during the celebrations, eliciting cheers and applause from the crowd. Stella Cosmo, smiling and full of energy, announces that it is time to go. Together with her sister, she greets everyone with friendly gestures. Maomedda, with an admiring smile, wishes them to be able to surprise the fans, calling them her heroines. As they make their way to the stage, they find themselves having to walk through an increasingly large crowd, with people crowding together in a vibrant atmosphere of expectation. The crowd becomes more and more massive as they get closer to the stage. Politely asking for permission to pass, Stella and Luna make their way through the crowd, managing to reach the stage. With their hearts pounding with excitement, they finally reach their positions, starting the concert.

The concert begins, breaking the wait of thousands of people who have come from other cities exclusively for the event, and of the few young fans of the village, while surprising the citizens of the village unaware of the concert. The concert opens with a song that everyone knows. The first notes sound like a call, and immediately part of the crowd responds.

Many voices join in the melody, as if they had been waiting for that moment all their lives, while others listen in silence, involved but not participating. There are those who have never heard Stella and Luna's songs, yet remain fascinated by their magnetic presence. Some smile and sing, repeating the choruses like a mantra, while others simply observe the scene, but still appreciating the energy in the air. Each song ends with an explosion of applause, louder than the previous ones.

The songs follow one another without stopping. Stella and Luna dominate the scene, their voices blend perfectly, and it seems that no one can stop them. The audience sings along, applauding and shouting in approval between songs, while those who are there by chance or who didn't know about the concert watch from the outside, some fascinated, others indifferent.

Sometimes just one gesture from the two singers is enough to trigger a new wave of euphoria. And yet, there is an expectation suspended in the air. It's not just for the hits that the audience knows and loves; something new, something special hides behind the last song. When it finally arrives, silence falls. The first notes of the unreleased song fill the air, delicate and powerful at the same time. No one knows the words, yet the melody is capable of speaking to everyone. The lyrics, which explore freedom, touch deep chords in the hearts of the audience.

The crowd is enchanted. Each note seems to hang in the air longer than usual, each word spoken by Stella and Luna is greeted with reverential silence. And when the song ends, for a moment, time seems to stop.

Then, an ovation. The audience erupts in applause so thunderous that it seems to shake the foundations of the village itself. Shouts of joy rise from every corner, and even those who have never heard a song by the Cosmo sisters before find themselves captivated by the magic of that performance.

At the end of the concert, the rope man tries to pull the strings with his stick, but they come untied. Having no other choice, he takes a ladder and begins to re-tie the strings one by one. In the meantime, some photographers take pictures of Stella. After that, the rope men turn off the projectors and the manager takes care of removing the wallpaper. Some children, noticing the wallpapers set aside, take the gray one and approach the manager, asking if they can use it to draw. The manager invites them to ask the singers. The children then turn to Luna, who agrees. However, the children also ask her for some tape to attach the paper to the stage, in order to make their work easier. Luna says she doesn't have any and warns that it could be dangerous, but the children insist, saying that they will ask the man who is tying the trap doors for help. Luna then directs them to the manager. So the children, going to the singers' manager, manage to get the tape. With this, they then ask for the help of the attendant, still busy arranging the wires of the trapdoors, to fix the paper on the stage. Once the paper is secured, the children begin to draw. The attendant, after helping them, completes the work on the last trapdoors. Finally, by pulling the stick, he makes a cascade of luminous paper balls fall that delicately rain down on the singers. After this, the photographers immortalize Luna in a series of shots. Then, the two singers dedicate an hour to their fans, signing autographs with a warm smile. At the end, they affectionately say goodbye to the audience, announcing that it is time for them to rest. The enthusiastic fans, after having attacked the banquet prepared by Provolí, call their flying ships to return to the hotels in the nearby cities.

The Cosmo sisters, on their way to their hut, meet Eleftero and his group of friends. They, enthusiastic about the performance, compliment them warmly and ask if they can accompany them to their hut. The two singers agree with a smile, and together they set off. Just as they are about to set off, Moamedda arrives. With a proud expression, she tells her sisters that, as always, they have not disappointed her. Their new song, with lyrics that expressed the Sýrmata Pupa's desire for freedom to be themselves, was, in her opinion, a real class act. She then asks if they can sign her notebook, taking advantage of the fact that she is there with them. The Cosmo sisters accept Moamedda's request, signing her notebook. After greeting her, they explain that it is now time to go and rest, but Moamedda insists, declaring that she wants to accompany them. So they all head together towards the Cosmo sisters' hut.

Once they reach the sisters' hut, as soon as they cross the threshold, Stella and Luna's hair lights up, arousing wonder in everyone present. With an astonished look, Introvertefila comments that, thanks to that glow, they don't even need the light of their cell phones to orient themselves at night. Misofova, intrigued, asks them if they belong to some different form of Sýrmata Pupa. Naturally, Stella explains that their hair is fluorescent due to some particles that compose it inherited from their father, who belonged to a different race within the human race. However, she immediately specifies that both she and Luna are normal Sýrmata Pupa, with the same energetic structure as the others. In a more reflective tone, Stella continues by saying that her father gave great importance to this peculiar characteristic possessed by him and them, convincing himself that it made them superior to the others. She states that this presumed superiority, according to him, had to be demonstrated by excelling in everything: from appearance to morality, from study to profession. With some bitterness, Stella recalls that when they were little, he tolerated their imperfections, considering them normal for their age. However, starting in middle school, their father began to become more and more demanding, expecting perfection from them in every area and harshly scolding them for every shortcoming. Contrary to this rigid view, the sisters' mother had always firmly opposed such demands. She explained to them that a family relationship should not be based on impossible expectations. However, after years of tension, there came a time when she could no longer tolerate this unsustainable situation. She decided to leave her father, eager to protect their perception of family relationships. In an attempt to set a healthier example for her daughters, the mother ventured into the search for a new partner. Unfortunately, she never managed to find someone who could fill that void, but she fervently hoped to offer her daughters a more balanced and loving vision of life, far from the pressures and expectations that had always surrounded them. Eleftero expresses his regret for the treatment that the Cosmo sisters suffered as children and for the fact that their parents are separated. Stella, with a calm tone, replies that everything is now in the past and that it was nothing too serious or insurmountable. She then emphasizes that neither she nor Luna feel sad about the separation from their father, adding that they both detest him for the time spent with him and prefer to maintain with him only the strictly necessary contact, whether for him or for them. After that Stella kindly says goodbye to the group, wishing everyone a good night. Moamedda, announces to the singers that she will sleep with them, but Stella, maintaining her polite tone, explains that they prefer to sleep alone. She asks Luna for confirmation,who nods. Stella adds that, at least for her, she wouldn't be able to rest with a stranger in the same hut. Moamedda accepts the decision, saying goodbye before walking away. The Cosmo sisters say a final goodbye to Eleftero and the others, closing the door behind them. Meanwhile, Eleftero and his friends head towards their hut.

During the journey, Mariana, visibly embarrassed, approaches Eleftero and asks him if he has feelings for either of the two singers. He, surprised by the question, replies that he finds them beautiful, but that he has no feelings for them, and asks her what prompted her to ask that question. Mariana, with a hint of hesitation, explains that she got that idea because Eleftero accompanied the Cosmo sisters during their tour of the village, while he had not done so with Rayman, Globox and the Tenebrae family. Eleftero, without flinching, replies that when the heroes and the Tenebrae family arrived he was not there, and when he met them, they had probably already explored the village on their own. Then, looking her in the eyes, he delicately adds that he is in love with another girl. Mariana, intrigued, asks him who it is, but Eleftero smiles and, maintaining the mystery, replies that it is a secret. Mariana replies that secrets can be shared between friends, but Eleftero tells her that they will find out when the time is right. Mariana accepts the answer, although she remains curious.

Ultima modifica di Domenico idea il Ven Set 27, 2024 11:16 pm - modificato 9 volte.
Domenico idea
Messaggi : 154
Data di iscrizione : 29.09.21

Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa: Special Episode 1 Empty Re: Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa: Special Episode 1

Dom Set 22, 2024 11:19 pm
The next morning, while Mariana and her friends are walking through the village, a sudden scream stops them. Curious and worried, they follow the direction of the sound, which leads them to the Cosmo sisters' hut. Without hesitation, they enter, driven by concern. Eleftero, observing only the sisters and Maomedda inside, asks with concern where the monster is. Luna, visibly irritated, replies that there is no monster, just a fan who does not respect people's privacy. She accompanies Maomedda to the exit, explaining to her that she can accept the fact that she and her sister are followed everywhere, but not that their privacy is broken by even entering the hut, especially after having clearly told her that they wanted to sleep alone. She also reminds her that she had agreed to respect their will and, in a firm tone, asks her to leave. Maomedda smiles and says goodbye, assuring her that they will see each other soon. Luna, returning, sits on the ground. As her anger fades, she begins to feel guilty, realizing that she was too hard on Maomedda. She decides that the next time she sees her, she will apologize and calmly explain the reason for her discontent and why her behavior was wrong. Stella, next to her, tells her not to worry, that making mistakes is normal and that emotions cannot be controlled and are part of what makes us human. She reminds her that without emotions, we would lose empathy, the ability to understand others, and reassures her that Maomedda will surely forgive her. Luna thanks her sister and hugs her, then heads to the bathroom. Once out, however, she notices that there is no water and observes that, apart from the bathroom, the mirror and a tub, there is no sink and no water comes out. Eleftero explains to them how it works in the village: to wash, you have to collect water from the river.

She then accompanies them to Provolí, where they buy wooden crates to transport water. The sisters, once the crates are filled, return home, take their sponges and finally wash themselves in the bathroom, getting ready for the day. Logging into the Dreamside social network, Luna notices an unusually much higher number of unread messages than usual. Going to her profile page, she focuses on the latest post, published a month earlier, which, despite having received few comments in recent days, now has more than triple the number of comments compared to two days before. Curious, she starts reading the comments, finding many recent ones that seem unrelated to the original content of the post, such as "keep fighting for our rights", "finally someone who fights against the discrimination we have suffered for centuries", or "your latest song perfectly describes the idyllic Glade of Dreams where we all want to live, a place free from discrimination, where we can be ourselves without fear of showing ourselves for who we are". Other comments openly praise their alleged fight for the rights of the Sýrmata Pupa. Luna decides to report everything to Stella, who, looking at her profile, notices the same type of comments, and begins to wonder if all this is connected to the article that appeared in an online newspaper the previous day.

However, Luna scrolling through the home page, discovers a post by Maomedda published the day before, which received many "likes" and was shared by the official fanpage, which, as they know, is managed by Maomedda herself. In the post, the interpretation of their latest song is presented as a hymn to the freedom of being Sýrmata Pupa, free to express themselves without fear of discrimination or having to hide their identity. Every single line of the song has been reread in this light. Luna says that this story is dragging on beyond measure and that the time has come to finally clarify the matter. Thus, she writes a post on her profile: "Our song was not intended to defend the rights of Sýrmata Pupa. We share the most widespread opinion about them. When I said I was Sýrmata Pupa, it was not to break a taboo or to fight for the freedom to be one; I simply said it because I was asked a question and I answered honestly. In fact, my sister and I hate saying that we are, because we recognize the mistakes of the past." Luna is about to publish the post, but suddenly overcome by anxiety, she asks her sister to read it and confirm whether it is okay. Stella, after reading it, assures her that it perfectly reflects the thoughts of both of them. However, Luna, still filled with anxiety about how the public might react, hesitates to press the button. Noticing her sister's uncertainty, Stella asks her what worries her about the post. Luna admits that she has no problem with the content, but is afraid of people's reaction. Stella says that regardless of people's reaction, she politely expressed her point of view, making things clear without offending anyone. She also points out that there is nothing offensive in her post that would justify a negative reaction from people. Luna, despite feeling anxious, decides to publish the post anyway, believing that doing so will put an end to the ramblings about the alleged battle against "the violation of the rights of the Sýrmata Pupa".

Shortly after, scrolling through the social network, Luna comes across a post by Maomedda, shared by their fanpage, with tags that refer to them and containing the image of Luna's post. In the post, Maomedda accuses them of being Sýrmataphobic, claiming that they belong to that group of discriminated people who end up justifying and supporting the discrimination they suffer. In a short time, Maomedda's post begins to collect numerous "likes", as well as comments on Luna's post and messages addressed to her and her sister. As she reads the comments under her post, Luna finds a variety of insults directed at her and her sister, accusations of being Sýrmataphobic and even death threats. Luna, worried, informs her sister of what happened. Stella, immersed in reading her posts, notices that the same phenomenon is also being reflected in her content. Eleftero, in a serious tone, observes that the incident could compromise their careers. But Stella, shaking her head, replies that the real problem is not that, but the continuous succession of misunderstandings. However, she says she is convinced that it will be enough to respond to Maomedda's post to clarify the situation. So she decides to publish a new post, attaching the image of Maomedda's post and explaining clearly: the fact that they recognize the crimes of the past committed by the Sýrmata Pupa and are ashamed of being such does not imply hatred towards the Sýrmata Pupa or the desire for them to disappear from the face of the Earth, especially considering that they themselves are part of them. She also emphasizes that their opinion, however different it may be, is neither aggressive nor violent and, for this reason, cannot be considered unacceptable. She concludes her message by expressing the hope that the situation will not drag on any longer and that social media will not turn into a wild ground of attacks against them because they have a different opinion.

Finally, she greets the readers, publishes the post, closes the platform and suggests to her sister and Eleftero and his friends to take a walk in the open air. The idea is welcomed, and they all decide to go out and breathe a little serenity. Leaving the hut, the singers perceive the enveloping calm of the village, returned to its primordial quiet after the tumult generated the previous day by the arrival of thousands of people. The atmosphere is enveloped in an unchanged tranquility, with few voices that can be heard. Among these, those of some inhabitants stand out, who, introducing themselves to others, say that they have moved a few days ago. The uncontaminated air of the village, together with the rays of the sun that gently caress the landscape, gives the singers a feeling of peace. In the meantime, they join Eleftero and the others,starting a conversation that seems to reflect the same harmony that permeates the surrounding environment.

Yet, what they don’t know is that a storm is brewing on social media. Maomedda responded harshly to their post, accusing them of displaying intolerable effrontery, perpetuating their Sýrmataphobia. In sharp words, he denounced as shameful that the two singers define being Sýrmata Pupa as a disgrace because of past crimes, thus fueling a wave of hatred and resentment that contributes to the growing discrimination against Sýrmata Pupa. This rhetoric, he said, reinforces the need for Sýrmata Pupa to hide, in a vain attempt to escape prejudice. He then launched an appeal to all readers, Sýrmata Pupa and non-Sýrmata Pupa, urging them to return to the Energici village to organize a protest against the singers and their Sýrmataphobia. Explaining that the request is to boycott any source of income related to them and to have their social media profiles permanently blocked, to prevent them from spreading harmful ideas that further undermine the rights and dignity of the Sýrmata Pupa.

After a while, the sky above the village begins to fill with flying boats that arrive in large numbers. From these, people and journalists descend and surround the singers and their friends. People protest against the alleged Sýrmataphobia of the singers while journalists press them with incessant questions and take pictures without respite. They ask how they can hate their own species, why they have accepted discrimination against the Sýrmata Pupa, and if their discriminatory statements can destroy their career, just now that they had begun the ascent that was bringing them closer to success. Luna, in a low tone, asks to be allowed to pass, while the feeling of being trapped by the crowd rekindles in her fear of feeling blocked by people, making her feel sick. Noticing her sister's growing discomfort, Stella raises her voice and orders the crowd to let them go, declaring that, even though many of them hate them, it would be cruel to prevent them from passing even though Luna feels bad in these situations. For a moment, silence falls, and the people move aside, allowing the singers and Eleftero and his friends to pass. But the protests resume immediately after, and the journalists continue to press them, insisting on the accusations of discrimination. Stella firmly denies it, explaining that it was a misunderstanding and that she has already clarified everything on Dreamside.

Finally, she heads to the cabin with Luna and the others, seeking refuge from the tumult. Stella, checking Dreamside to see if her post had been noticed, notices Maomedda's response and decides to publish a new post in response. In it, she states that, if she and her sister are ashamed to say they are Sýrmata Pupa, it doesn't mean it's shameful to be one in general. She also wonders how their personal feelings can justify discrimination against Sýrmata Pupa. Shortly after, Maomedda responds by tagging them and attaching a screenshot of the post, calling it evidence of their Sýrmataphobia so internalized that they aren't even aware of it. Stella closes the social network, warning the others that Maomedda is the organizer of the protest, having also misunderstood her response and continuing to misrepresent every intervention.

In the meantime, the singers' manager arrives at the cabin, informing them of the ongoing protest. The two confirm that they already know, while the manager hears a noise coming from outside, near the hut, and asks what's going on. Leaving the hut, Stella notices a group of boys busy spraying paint on the walls with spray cans. She confronts them, ordering them to stop or she will report them. The boys, walking away, mock her saying that a "Sýrmataphobic" like her does not deserve respect. When Stella reads the writing they left, "Hut of convinced Sýrmataphobic", she calls them again, ordering them to erase it. But they reply that both she and her sister have to leave. Discouraged, Stella decides not to insist further and goes back into the hut. Here, feeling her stomach growl, she realizes that she hasn't eaten anything that morning with her sister. She then asks Eleftero if there is a supermarket nearby, but he says no, adding however that she can pick some fruit in the woods. Stella ventures into the woods and, after filling her arms with fruit, is disturbed by some girls who, intentionally, make her fall. They tell her with contempt that Sýrmataphobics must eat fruit as dirty as their soul. Despite the humiliation, Stella returns to the woods, quickly picks up two fruits and runs towards the hut, being careful of anyone who approaches her.

Once inside, she warns Luna that she only managed to take those two fruits and gives one to her. Together they begin to eat. Mariana tells Stella that she can share her fruit with them, and her friends, agreeing, go to get some of their fruit from their hut to share it with the singers, who thank them. Mariana offers to try to explain the situation to the people, suggesting that, being extraneous to the facts, she could make them think. Stella, however, warns her not to do so, fearing that she could get involved, but Mariana reassures her and decides to leave the hut to talk to the protesters, followed by Eleftero and the other friends. Once she reaches Maomedda and the protesters around her, Mariana catches Maomedda's attention and asks if she can talk to her. Maomedda asks her if she and her friends want to join the protest, but Mariana says no, explaining that the singers do not hate Sýrmata Pupa, and that everything was born from a misunderstanding. She adds that, just as those who are protesting have always been ashamed to say that they are Sýrmata Pupa for fear of being discriminated against, the singers have always been ashamed to say it, although for different reasons. Maomedda addresses the crowd, warning them that the singers are trying to confuse them, corrupting some of their peers, and pushes Mariana away, urging the protesters to intensify their protests. Mariana, along with her friends, returns to the singers. She confesses that she has not succeeded in her attempt, but promises to find another way. Eleftero supports her, saying that he too is looking for a solution, but Stella urges them to stop, stating that it is not necessary. The manager suggests that the singers retract their opinion and apologize. Luna, however, firmly opposes this, declaring that she will not deny her ideas or apologize for her opinions. Stella adds that they have not said anything offensive and have no reason to apologize. The manager insists that just pretending will calm things down, allowing them to keep their opinions private. Stella, however, flatly refuses and asks Luna if she would be willing to do a concert for the few remaining fans. Luna agrees. Stella announces on Dreamside that within five hours of the post being published, she will be holding a concert at the Energici village for her fans, offering a refund for tickets to those who must travel to attend, and anticipates that she would like to make a statement before the concert. Luna and Stella take their time choosing which songs to sing and spend four and a half hours rehearsing before leaving the hut.

Once outside, Stella notices the stage still set up and suggests that Luna perform there. They both go up on stage together. Looking at the gray background, decorated at the edges by children's drawings, Stella suggests writing a meaningful phrase in the center to give greater depth to the concert. Luna, reflecting, suggests the phrase: "Never omit wisdom or kindness ends" explaining that the meaning is "Never omit wisdom or kindness ends". Stella, struck by the phrase, welcomes the idea with enthusiasm and dedicates herself to writing it in the center, organizing the letters in an artistic way:
"N O W O K E
E M  I  R  I  N
V  I  S     N D
E  T D     D S
R     O     N
       M     E
As soon as some fans gather near the stage, Stella takes the floor, declaring that this concert is dedicated to those who have chosen to stay by their side, despite the situation that has arisen. On the other hand, Maomedda addresses those protesting with her, inviting them to leave the village, so that the singers do not think that they are on their side, adding that they must not even hear them while they sing. So, Maomedda and her group call several teenagers to be taken back to their hotels. In the meantime, Stella reassures the fans, stating that she does not feel hatred towards Sýrmata Pupa, and that she could never do so, since she is one of them too. She explains that Sýrmata Pupa are not victims of discrimination, and even if in the past they were looked at with suspicion, that time is now long gone. She recalls that in the past there was an understandable victim mentality, linked not so much to discrimination as to social isolation, but that feeling now seems out of place and anachronistic. She states that today, no one looks askance at Sýrmata Pupa and dreams do not discriminate if they know that someone belongs to this species. She continues by stating that those who fight against alleged discrimination are, paradoxically, discriminating against her and her sister for their opinion. She emphasizes that she does not care if the audience at the next stops of the tour is small or even non-existent: neither she nor her sister intend to apologize, despite the advice they received to do so, because they will not sacrifice the freedom to express their thoughts for success or fame. Then, she gives a special thank you to the hundreds of fans present, expressing gratitude for their tolerance and ability to accept them, even knowing that they may not share the same opinions. The two sisters then begin the performance, singing the scheduled songs. At the end of the songs, Stella approaches Luna and whispers something to her; Luna, after a brief exchange, agrees. Stella, addressing the fans again, announces that, together with her sister, they have decided to dedicate a very dear song to them, to thank them for being there. Thus, the Cosmo sisters perform a French version of the famous song "Grande Amore" by Il Volo. After the song, they dedicate themselves to autographs and, as a sign of gratitude, reimburse the travel expenses of those who had to travel long distances to participate in the event.

Information Special Episodes
Every five episodes a special episode is presented. These episodes were initially conceived to be shorter Mad:, with more detailed descriptions ✅and to deal with less obscure themes ✅.

Hector Cosmo is a Human Sýrmata Pupa, characterized by his cosmic and fluorescent blue hair. During his school life, he was always considered the most beautiful, which led him to develop a belief in his superiority over other humans and even over other dreams. He believed it was necessary to demonstrate this superiority by excelling in every area. Like many of his energetic species, he married a Sýrmata Pupa, and the birth of his two daughters, both carriers of the same genetic error, brought him great joy, as he thought he could achieve his ideals through them. However, his high expectations were not shared by his wife, who eventually left him.
Despite the divorce, Hector continued to pay regular maintenance and did not seek other relationships, convinced that he had already had everything he wanted from his ex-wife. When he visited his daughters, he tried to guide them towards the perfection he desired for them, justifying and presenting his requests as indispensable. Starting to correct them for their mistakes in a more calm tone than when they lived under the same roof. However, the daughters, tired of the pressure, asked their mother not to see their father anymore. Despite their mother's attempts to reason with them, the girls refused to go down every time he showed up, forcing their mother to explain the situation to her ex-husband. Hector, understanding, stopped going to visit them.

Character Image
These are the sisters Cosmo
Stella Cosmo
Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa: Special Episode 1 Oig1_d11
Luna Cosmo
Translenergics And Sýrmata Pupa: Special Episode 1 20240921
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