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Rayman: The Worst Nightmare Ever Empty Rayman: The Worst Nightmare Ever

Lun Lug 15, 2024 12:47 am
Rayman: The Worst Nightmare Ever
In this game the protagonists will be Rayman and Fiamma with Fiamma having the same role as Globox in Rayman 3, that is, companion, but in addition Rayman can be exchanged with Fiamma and vice versa by taking the player's remaining life although each character will have different attack modes and receive different abilities throughout the story. In some levels you can use Soriana and her powers.
The story is the continuation of the story of Rayman: Mechanical War and begins with a dream summarizing the discussion between Rayman and Felipe.

Information on Rayman's companion:
Fiamma: a twenty-five year old woman with long, wild, fiery red hair. The central locks extend like two burning flames that extend laterally and meet behind her head, creating the illusion of a crown of fire. With a small nose and light orange eyes that shine with intensity, her gaze is magnetic and penetrating. Her physique is athletic and agile, reflecting a life of constant movement and training. This woman's name is Fiamma, and her personality traits include:

• Determined and Resolute

• Empathetic and Sensitive

• Independent and Autonomous

• Brave and Protective

• Curious and Intelligent

• Loyal and Trustworthy

• Impulsive and Passionate

• Resilient and Adaptable

• Proud and Fierce

Opening Flashback

The narrative opens with an animation: Rayman enters a large white room, where a man is sitting at a desk. As he writes, the man greets Rayman, with his daughter Fiamma behind him, dressed in a tuxedo, a white shirt and a tie. The man has long white hair that reaches his neck and a serious and resolute tone. Rayman returns the greeting and, approaching, asks the reason for the summons. The man introduces himself as Felipe Onor and offers Rayman a deal.

Rayman, intrigued, asks what kind of deal it is. Felipe explains that he has cookies that can prevent the Bubble Dreamer from having nightmares for 24 hours, with enough to extend the benefit for three years. Furthermore, these cookies could allow the Bubble Dreamer to adapt to the point of never having nightmares again. However, the deal comes at a very high price: Rayman's life, which will run out in a month. In the last days of this period, Rayman will begin to fade, but until his final disappearance he will be stronger.

Shocked by the proposal, Rayman asks why his life is necessary. Felipe explains that, like the contract, the cookies are also magical in nature. The magic needed to produce them is taken from whoever owns it, and therefore must be restored. Through the magical contract, Rayman's life will serve to restore that magic. With these words, Felipe hands Rayman a quill and an inkwell. Rayman carefully reads the contract and, noticing very small writing, asks for an explanation. He is told that it is only a code to recognize the document. He then takes the quill to sign, but at the last moment he stops, reflecting on the nightmares already present that would remain regardless. Felipe intervenes, explaining that they are in the Cave of Bad Dreams, where nightmares cannot harm anyone. He adds that, by preventing the Bubble Dreamer from having nightmares, the Glade could be saved forever.

Rayman takes the feather back, but once again thinks better of it, fearing that the nightmares might escape and that, in the event of his death, there would be one less hero to defend the Glade. Felipe, with a sigh, explains that the situation is dramatic and that the Glade must prepare for imminent danger. He says that the Puppeteer's life has had some changes in recent days, such as having found a new partner. But he informs that the changes in the Puppeteer's life do not stop at his love life. He says that the Puppeteer had developed a plan to weave his strings into all the nightmares in the Cave of Bad Dreams. But first, he wanted to get his hands on Jano. Although Jano was strong and difficult to control, the Puppeteer, as Rayman should know, a skilled manipulator, managed to maneuver him to weave his strings on him without him realizing it. Thus, he took control of all the nightmares in the Cave of Bad Dreams, turning it into a large web of which he is the weaver. Finally, it is revealed that the Puppet Master has assigned to each nightmare under his control or allied with him a symbol of belonging and that many nightmares have joined the Puppet Master to take revenge on Rayman, including one particular nightmare that has been waiting for centuries for the opportunity to be freed and destroy him.

Rayman decides to ask Jano for information. Felipe explains that anyone under the Puppet Master's control can speak freely or be forced to speak by the Puppet Master himself, depending on his wishes and the degree of freedom granted. He continues by saying that the Puppet Master will not stop at the Cave of Bad Dreams, but also desires the Land of the Livid Dead. The Cave of Bad Dreams is a place of punishment for dead nightmares, where they are imprisoned forever in their original form. However, in the Land of the Livid Dead, as Rayman knows thanks to his grandmother, dreams acquire immortality in skeletal form and can leave at will. Felipe continues by saying that controlling these two worlds will allow the Puppet Master to dominate all defeated nightmares, which he can free, and all defeated dreams, which he can control as soon as they arrive in the Land. After gaining control of these places, the Puppeteer intends to dominate the Bubble Dreamer as well, thus gaining power over all the creations of his dreams. Felipe concludes by saying that Rayman must sacrifice his life to gain greater strength and defeat the Puppeteer, warning that the Puppeteer is about to send rabbit nightmares from the Cave of Bad Dreams to recreate the nightmare realms, as a preview for the great invasion to come.

Rayman states that he will sign when the time is right and heads towards the exit, followed by Felipe and his daughter Fiamma. Once outside the building, the Bubble Dreamer greets Rayman and welcomes Felipe and Fiamma. Felipe introduces himself as a representative of the Social Kingdom, which he describes as an industrially and economically developed nation, based on hard work and competitiveness, bordering the Viking Kingdom and without borders with the Glade of Dreams. The Bubble Dreamer expresses his pleasure at meeting them, and Felipe informs Rayman that Fiamma will assist him in protecting the Glade. Rayman accepts, and Fiamma, shaking his hand, says she is honored to be part of the team of the greatest hero in the Glade. Rayman replies that it is not the role of a person that matters. Fiamma agrees and says that she heard that the Puppeteer modified the elixir of long life obtained from Jano to transform it into a potion capable of restoring his human nature, suggesting that this could be useful in identifying him. Noticing a medallion around Fiamma's neck, Rayman asks her what it means. Fiamma explains that the medallion depicts a puppet because she finds puppets cute. Felipe says goodbye to everyone and, before leaving, tells Rayman that a signature will be enough to obtain everything he needs. Rayman thanks and says goodbye to Felipe.

Rayman wakes up from the dreamed memory. Trying not to make any noise, he leaves the house and walks through the streets of the Clearing. Silent nightmares wander through them trying not to be noticed and seeing Rayman from behind begin to observe him. Rayman sits contemplating the moon, wondering what to do when the moment Felipe had told him would come. Feeling the weight of the responsibility of being a hero, he says he knows he must give his life but admits to himself that he is afraid. He had never faced the certainty of his own death, and he had dreams of marriage with Betilla, he wanted a family and children and the certainty of having to die without being able to realize these desires scares him. Even knowing that being a hero entailed the risk of dying, he had never imagined that that risk would turn into certainty, without even having to face a fight. Globox arrives and, seeing Rayman upset, asks him if everything is okay. Rayman says yes, but Globox insists that it doesn't seem that way at all. Rayman then asks him to imagine that he knows that there will be a great invasion by all the imprisoned nightmares. He is interrupted by Globox, who reassures him that there is no such danger, since the nightmares are all in the Cave of Bad Dreams. Rayman reveals that he heard from two people that the Puppet Master has taken control of Jano and all the nightmares in the cave, and that the invasion is imminent. He states that the only way to stop them would be to sign a contract that involves giving one's life. Globox asks if these people were seers, but Rayman says no. Globox asks how he can be sure that they are telling the truth, and Rayman explains that they had anticipated the creation of the nightmare kingdoms by the Rabbids, so the information seems reliable. Globox says that the choice is difficult and suggests that Rayman rest, thinking that it is better to think with a fresh mind. Rayman agrees and asks Globox why he is not sleeping. Globox explains that he was invited to a night party by teenage Globox, but lost the bag with the snacks and drinks for the party along the way and couldn't find them. Rayman suggests checking to see if he left them somewhere. Globox says that he had the bag in his hand the whole time, but at some point he couldn't find it. Rayman comments that it's quite a dilemma; after that, they say goodnight and Rayman goes home.

Ava and Narciso continue to attend the middle school where they were transferred after their family's defeat. In Narciso's class, the boys discuss sightings of nightmares at the Glade and strange things like missing objects and pranks whose perpetrators are unknown. Narciso, aware that these are nightmares led by his father, downplays everything by saying that they are just rumors spread by paranoid conspiracy theorists. He adds that, even if there were indeed nightmares, he, who ruled a Nightmare Kingdom by acting like a dream and who possesses powerful abilities, will not allow anyone to harm them, causing the applause of his classmates.

One of the boys, however, intervenes, explaining that the sightings involve many different nightmares, including some very powerful ones. Narciso replies that there will also be heroes ready to stop them, if that were not absurd and illogical, since all nightmares are controlled by Jano in the Cave of Bad Dreams. A girl supports Narciso and adds that you shouldn't be scared, since there are already enough of them in the institute, making a veiled reference to Adara, confirmed by the fact that he looks directly at her. Adara, while remaining silent, understands the reference and gets nervous inside herself.

Start of the invasion
At night, Valerio Angere heads to the center of the Cave of Bad Dreams, where his allies – Mr. Dark, Space Mama, Mr. Stone, Reflux, the fire monster, Begoniax, Razoff, Armored Toad, The Hand of Hades, Ales Mansay and their henchmen – await his speech. To enhance his sense of power and acclaim, Valerio also brings some of the nightmares under his control there, including the most notable ones such as Jano, Razorbeard, Mr. Sax, Boss Ciniglia, Mr. Skop and their henchmen.

Valerio invites Vanita and her children to come closer. When they do, he starts speaking:
"A new era begins for us nightmares. For too long we have been locked here by dreams because of our will to dominate, born from the awareness of our strength. We cannot be relegated to an ordinary life like ordinary dreams; our power requires an adequate role, that of leader!"

Valerio stops for a moment to enjoy the cries of acclamation from the henchmen of his allies, adding those of his nightmares, manipulated through the wires.
"We will rule the Glade, and each of us will have a portion of it. However, as I am the strongest among you, I will have direct control of most of it and indirect control of your portions, but only at times as I deem appropriate. This It is not out of disrespect for you; we are allies, as you well know. However, it is necessary to recognize that my strength surpasses yours, and that if I wanted it, I would have already placed you under my direct control. I have done so to respect you in your power, but if you do not act in the same way with me, I will be forced to do so. Today is the great day in which all of us, allies and even more friends, will pursue our goal of domination those who imprisoned us and we will get what is due to us by natural condition!"

Valerio stops again, due to the screams of acclamation that begin to be heard, artificially amplified by those of the nightmares controlled by him through his wires, which feed his ego and give him pleasure.

"This will be the last of the battles of the Glade, for after it, everything will be ours and we will not allow anyone to take from us what we have conquered. Allies! March to the Land of the Bruised Dead, while I will lead my puppets and nightmares submit to me towards the living part of the Glade of Dreams. Finally, together, we will look for the Bubble Dreamer, who will become my puppet, preventing him from hindering us in the realization of our destiny. Brothers, let us set out towards the battle, united, for a future that belongs to us For a world that will truly be ours!"

New cheers emerge from the nightmares, accompanied by the applause of their leaders, Valerio's allies. The latter order their nightmares to march, starting the ferocious advance towards the Land of the Livid Dead. Meanwhile, Valerio uses the wires to control his powerful nightmares and their henchmen, directing them towards the invasion of the Glade. He commands his puppets to join his marching nightmares. That evening, the Glade suffers a violent invasion: many dreams, especially the heroes, are imprisoned, and the remaining free population is reduced to slavery.

Post-invasion school
Ava and Valerio, after their father's invasion, find their middle school radically transformed. Everywhere inside there are icons of the father and on the outside large banners with his image having a meaning of strength. Puppets are scattered throughout the school, ensuring that there are no signs of rebellion or hostility towards Valerio. Narcissus, having arrived in class, receives a whispered request from his classmates to free the clearing using his powerful abilities. Narcissus replies that he cannot do it without the support of a few heroes, due to the large number of nightmares present. During recess, Narciso and his friends discuss the fact that the rumors about the nightmares, which circulated at night, turned out to be true, revealing that he and his classmate were wrong in denying them. Narcissus argues that the invasion does not prove the truth of those absurdities, pointing out that such powerful nightmares do not limit themselves to playing pranks or stealing objects. He goes on to say that the invasion only proves that Jano is a traitor who couldn't do his job. Perhaps, observes Narcissus, the dreams were wrong to trust the first nightmare of the Bubble Dreamer, thinking that he could redeem himself by protecting the Glade from other nightmares like him. His partner, who in the past had shared the belief that it was absurd to think that nightmares wandered around at night, agrees with him, reiterating that they were right not to consider those absurdities to be true. Feigning sadness, Narcissus adds that they must now pretend to praise the Puppeteer and his nightmares, since, having been invaded, they have no choice but to follow directives to avoid being killed.

Meanwhile, Ava remains silent during lessons, more shy than usual, fearing that one day her classmates will discover that her father is the Puppeteer and will hate her for the crimes he committed, isolating her and never speaking to her again. But this only brings her more attention during recess, due to her apprehension about his unusual behavior. This situation makes her uncomfortable and causes a panic attack, which leads to sudden anger. Immediately afterwards, she apologizes to her classmates and politely asks them to leave her alone for the rest of the day. She apologizes again, explaining that she feels stressed by her numerous questions, and she specifies that there is nothing strange about her and that she is behaving as usual. She apologizes again for her outburst and request for solitude. Her classmates understand the situation, apologize in turn, clarifying that it was not their intention to cause her stress and leave her alone.

Memories of Felipe
In a part of the game Rayman will find a magical memory in the shape of a sphere that must be inserted into the fountain of memories that only Rayman can look at in order to continue the story and the animation of the memory will start:

When Felipe learned that Valerio had conquered the Cave, he decided to act immediately. With his daughter Fiamma and an army in tow, he headed towards the Cave of Bad Dreams, hoping to surprise and kill Valerio before he could notice so as not to have to face him.

As soon as they arrived, Fiamma noticed a wounded dog on the side of the road. Without hesitation, she bent down and began to bandage the animal's wounds. Meanwhile, Felipe called Jano at the entrance of the Cave, but before he could get an answer, Valerio arrived from outside the Cave, greeting them with an enigmatic smile and asking who they were.

Felipe, visibly nervous, introduced himself with his name and the role he held in the industrial kingdom, adding that he was there to look for Jano. Valerio, noticing the beautiful Fiamma busy taking care of the puppy, approached her and, with an almost friendly tone, asked her name.

Fiamma, finishing bandaging the animal, stood up and, with a serious look, replied: "My name is Fiamma. And you must be Valerio."

Valerio, intrigued, asked if they already knew each other. Fiamma, without lowering her gaze, replied that he was famous for his puppet shows, even if he hadn't done one for a long time.

Valerio replied that he had been busy lately, but that he would soon return to his puppet shows. Then, looking at the swaddled puppy in Fiamma's arms, he added: "It doesn't make much sense to swaddle that dog. Here, the dogs are aggressive for food and he would end up dying anyway." Fiamma, determined to protect every life, replied firmly: "Then I'll take him home."

Valerio, looking at Fiamma's tuxedo, advised her with a smile: "You should wear something more appropriate for a beautiful girl like you." Fiamma, serious, replied: "I'm in a situation where a tuxedo is the most appropriate clothing, and I'm fine with respecting the context."

At that point, Valerio took a potion and tried to make the dog drink it. Fiamma shouted: "No!" and pushed the animal away, turning her back on Valerio. The latter, calmly, explained: "I was just trying to heal him with a potion to cure wounds." Fiamma, skeptical, asked Valerio to prove that it was not a dangerous potion. Without batting an eyelid, Valerio took a knife, cut his hand and drank some of the potion. In a few moments, the wound healed.

Fiamma, still watching him with a challenging look, agreed to let the dog drink the potion. When the animal healed, Fiamma put him on the ground happy to see him healed and he began to jump and lick both Fiamma and Valerio. Felipe, meanwhile, continued to call Jano, without getting an answer. Felipe, who until that moment had observed the interaction between Valerio and Fiamma, stopped and called Jano. He wanted to verify if he was really under Valerio's control through some targeted questions, but Jano did not answer and did not show up.

Valerio, noticing Fiamma's hostile look, asked her why she was looking at him that way, specifying that she had nothing against them. Fiamma, serious, replied that that was her usual look. Valerio, with a smile, suggested that she could say it in a more cheerful way. Fiamma replied that she didn't feel like being cheerful and, seeing her father calling Jano without getting an answer, took the opportunity to greet Valerio. She told him that she had to go look for Jano and that they would talk later. Valerio offered to help her, but Fiamma, firm, replied that she could find him alone or with her father, without needing his help.

Valerio, seeing Fiamma so difficult, begins to feel attraction, or rather the desire to control that difficult prey. Fiamma approached her father, suggesting that perhaps it would be better if she entered the cave to look for Jano. Felipe, worried at the idea that his daughter could run such a risk, turned to Valerio asking for help. Valerio, with a smile, willingly accepted. He entered the Cave of Bad Dreams and came out shortly after with Jano, emphasizing that they were great friends and that he often came there to talk to him. Felipe, visibly nervous, tried to keep a calm tone and told Jano that it was certainly like that. Then he asked Jano if he remembered who had defeated him, turning him into a nightmare in the service of good. Jano, with a slight perplexity, asked the reason for that strange question. Felipe explained that they usually talked about it often. Jano nodded, admitting that it was true, but confessed that he had been having memory problems lately and couldn't remember such a detail. Felipe continued, asking if everything was okay with the nightmares, and Jano said yes.

Felipe greeted Jano, telling him that he would come back to see him another day. Jano returned the greeting. As he walked away, Felipe reflected: talking to Jano, he had understood that it was indeed not him and that the information from the spies was true. Meanwhile, Valerio turned to Fiamma, declaring that he had never met a woman as strong and fascinating as her, and proposed that she become his girlfriend. Felipe, giving a sharp order, ordered the soldiers to shoot. He and Fiamma ducked while the soldiers opened fire on Valerio. The latter, through the use of visible magic threads, protected himself from the shots, counterattacking. When the soldiers' ammunition ran out, Valerio summoned puppets around him, forcing the soldiers to flee.

At the end of the memory Rayman asks Fiamma what happened next. Fiamma asks after what and Rayman tells him about the memory. Fiamma says that she and her father fought the puppets and that the Puppeteer then ran away saying that wanting to win her heart he had decided to leave without hurting her and her father.

Part Of Lost Memory
In a part of the story Rayman will find the lost memory of Felipe which is the continuation of the previous memory of the same:

Valerio, feigning surprise, asked the reason for that nightmare-like act. Fiamma, with a firm voice, asked with what courage he pretends after having shown himself to be the Puppeteer through the strings and said that she and her father knew everything about him, of the atrocities he had committed against his families and of the cruelties and manipulations he had performed. In tears, Valerio admitted that it was all true, but explained that he had not wanted it: his automaton form was the result of a curse that made him evil, forcing him to perform cruel actions against his family, the people around him and the Glade. He says that the only wish he really wanted to do and that he did, during his automaton form, was to dominate the Glade. However, he specifies that he did not want to do it in a cruel way, but to gain control of the Bubble Dreamer and prevent him from generating nightmares that would bring fear and death to the Glade.

Fiamma, initially doubtful even though Valerio seemed sincere, felt a surge of compassion for his story. But her doubts dissipated when her father, after Valerio approached him whispering that, if they became brothers-in-law, he would be his right-hand man in the domain of the Clearing, lied to her saying: "The sincerity of a good man is visible to the eyes of a good heart, and Valerio's sincerity is fully evident."

Reassured, Fiamma still had a doubt and asked Valerio if he would leave Soriana and Vanita. The Puppeteer, with a sad expression, replied that he had already left them, since he could not bear that they should see him again after all the suffering he had inflicted on them. Fiamma, noticing Valerio's good intentions for the Clearing and also finding him good-looking, accepted the engagement. Valerio then asked her to tell him any important information she learned, to make the Glade a better place, without new nightmares, without deaths, and to give dreams the chance to not live in terror. Fiamma, also wanting a world where everyone is happy, accepts and the Puppeteer gives her a medallion around her neck with the symbol of a puppet, telling her that it is the symbol of those who fight for a better world.

The next day, Valerio went to see Felipe and Fiamma. After giving Fiamma a bouquet of flowers, he announced that it was necessary to kill Rayman. Fiamma, perplexed, replied that every creature has the right to live. Valerio, in a firm tone, explained that it was for the good of the Glade: if they did not act, Rayman, not understanding the situation, would stop them. However, he promised that he would give Rayman back his life once he had brought peace to the Glade.

Felipe, troubled, asked how they could kill a hero like Rayman. Valerio suggested that they prepare a magical contract with Ales Mansay. In the plan, Felipe would offer cookies that in person would be presented to Rayman as magical cookies that would help the Bubble Dreamer not have nightmares, asking for Rayman's life in exchange for it being necessary to recover the magic used to create the cookies for the Bubble Dreamer. The contract would give Rayman one remaining month of life in which he would have his strength increased and would include a vexatious clause to prevent him from using his powers against Valerio.

Felipe agreed and Valerio directed him to an abandoned potions lab where he was supposed to meet Ales Mansay that night. When night came, Felipe went to Ales and wrote the contract. Ales took the contract and threw it into a pot, then put it outside and used his magic to complete the transformation of the document into a magical contract.

As soon as Rayman finishes seeing the memory, he is perplexed and tells Fiamma that she is a nightmare. Fiamma, surprised, asks him what he is talking about. Rayman replies that he saw everything and knows that she is a spy for the Puppet Master and that her father tricked him into killing him. Fiamma tries to defend herself, explaining that the Puppet Master does not want to harm the Glade, but to make it a better place, and that his wickedness was only due to a curse.

Rayman reminds her of their meeting with Vanita, but Fiamma replies that Vanita is simply a woman who cannot accept having been abandoned by the Puppet Master, and for this reason she denigrates him. She points out that her father's spies have not found any information that confirms what Vanita said. Rayman insists, stating that Vanita did not seem to be lying and that, if the Puppet Master had had good intentions, he would not have invaded the Glade, but would have spoken directly to the Bubble Dreamer.

Fiamma replies that Valerio was right to think that Rayman would not understand, and reveals that her father confirmed to her, on the same day of the meeting, that his spies had not reported anything of what Vanita had said. Rayman then asks her if she truly trusts her father, who quickly recognized the goodness of the Puppeteer as soon as he learned that he would have a role in the domain. Fiamma, enraged, accuses Rayman of lying and defends her father's integrity, declaring that their paths will now part.

Rayman concludes by saying that he does not feel sad about parting with a nightmare that spied on him to reveal his plans to the enemy. Fiamma says that she is not a nightmare, and that the same goes for Valerio and his father. She says that everything will be clear when the Glade becomes a better place. After these words, she bursts into tears and runs away, while Rayman yells at her that he will never see that change because he will already be dead when it happens. Dejected, Rayman sits on the ground, crying for having sacrificed his life in vain, limiting his powers only for fake cookies. He regrets having compromised his future with Betilla to help a nightmare invade the Glade and harm its inhabitants. Through tears, he calls himself an idiot and curses himself as the worst hero of all time, guilty of having led the Glade to destruction.

Fiamma and Valerio
During the game, there will be several animations involving Fiamma and Valerio. In one particular scene, Fiamma reveals crucial information to Valerio regarding one of Rayman's plans. Valerio thanks her, telling her that thanks to her, the Glade will become a better place, and emphasizes the importance of her revelations for the future of the Glade. Finally, he calls her a true hero and kisses her cheek.

Vanita And Valerio
In an animation, after a few levels, Vanita begins to feel offended by Valerio. The latter only shows up to eat at noon and a little in the afternoon, leaving her neglected and alone. One day, when Valerio arrives for lunch, he asks her to pass him the salt. Vanita, offended, refuses. Valerio insists, telling her that she is closer to the salt, but Vanita retorts that she doesn't care, just as he doesn't care about his family.

Valerio, irritated, states that he does care about his family and orders her to hurry up and get him the salt because he has to eat. Vanita, with a firm voice, orders him to get it himself. Furious, Valerio gets up and uses violence on her. At that moment, Vanita sees all her illusions vanish: the idea of ​​having a perfect family with children she loves and a caring husband shatters. She cries more for the destruction of the illusion than for the physical pain. Ava tries to stop Valerio, without success, while Narciso watches the scene in shock.

The violence ends with Valerio forcing Vanita to get the salt, bringing it to the table. Once they finish eating, Valerio, calmed down, tells her that he didn't want to hurt her, but that it was she who made him angry. He gets up to give her a kiss, even though Vanita, destroyed by the event, keeps her head down. He orders her to smile, and Vanita forces a smile. Valerio says goodbye. Ava's hatred for her father grows, seeing him now capable of using physical violence even on her mother. Ava hugs Vanita, who reciprocates and also kisses her head.

The next day, at noon, Vanita reflects on Soriana's words about Valerio's betrayals. As soon as he arrives, Vanita asks him where he spent the whole day. Valerio replies that he is busy with the invasion of the Clearing and must be out for a long time. Vanita, doubtful, replies that a whole day is not necessary to organize an invasion that is already underway and that is going well. Valerio, irritated, replies that she knows nothing and that it takes a long time.

Vanita, exasperated, declares that Soriana was right: he is a traitor and now he is betraying her too. Valerio, furious, reacts violently, stating that Soriana is just a frustrated and envious woman because she was unable to have him. He orders Vanita to trust him and never accuse him again, all this happens again under the terrified eyes of her children. Once the violence is over, Valerio tells her that she must not make him angry, emphasizing that he loves her and that it is not a suitable scene for their children, urging her to think about their well-being. Narciso, in agreement with his father, tells his mother not to make his father angry and that it would have been better if there had been more peace in the family. Vanita, with her head down, remains silent.

The next day, at noon, Valerio arrives and finds Vanita asleep with nothing to eat already prepared. Enraged, he brutally wakes her up, forcing her to cook and scolding her for being late. Vanita, apologizing, explains that she had not slept during the night and had just dozed off, unable to wake up in time. Throughout the preparation of breakfast, Valerio complains incessantly to Vanita, accusing her of making him miss important meetings. He claims that if one day the invasion of the Glade were to fail, it would be her fault. Narciso, supporting his father, tells Vanita that she must be responsible and recognizes the difficult task that Valerio must face, quickly completing his duties.

As soon as Valerio leaves, Ava approaches her mother with her head down, telling her that she had the right to rest and that she is not obliged to submit to Valerio. Vanita, reflecting on the way Narciso supports his father and worried that this dynamic could distort his vision of family life, approaches her son and tells him that violence is wrong and that his father's behavior is not correct. She explains to him that this is not the way to live in a family and begs him not to get the wrong ideas about life as a couple, giving him a kiss on the cheek and a hug. Narciso, however, responds to his mother that if she made his father angry, it is not his father's fault, and that Vanita should be more responsible.

The next day, after breakfast, Narciso speaks privately with his father and tells him what his mother told him. Valerio, furious, attacks Vanita, who accuses him of having serious anger management problems.

The following evening, Valerio arrives to pick up his family and take them to a meeting with his main incubi allies, who don't need strings to follow him. However, he doesn't approve of the way Vanita has dressed, stating that she will look bad. Vanita replies that she doesn't care, but Valerio insists that his colleagues might have a bad opinion of her if she shows up unkempt.

Vanita says that she's fine with it. Valerio, with a hint of anger, replies that it would be better if she changed, so that she would look nice in his eyes. Vanita, furious, replies that she can't stand his bullying anymore: she dresses however she wants and she is not his puppet. Valerio, unable to tolerate the lack of control, becomes enraged and declares that if she continues to be so arrogant, he will be forced to dominate her with his threads. Throwing the threads at her in an attempt to make her his slave, Vanita creates a protective shield that prevents the threads from catching her, further enraging Valerio, who orders her to remove the shield. Seeing that Vanita does not obey, he threatens to dominate Ava. The threads head towards Ava, and Vanita, worried, removes the shield and creates a large energy sphere that she throws at Valerio. She then picks up Ava and Narciso and runs away from him.

Valerio shouts that they will not escape the Cave, and controlling the nightmares, sends them after them. Ava, however, creates a luminous sphere with a greater intensity on the part facing the nightmares' eyes. The instinct to protect the eyes takes over Valerio's control, forcing the nightmares away. Valerio, furious, shouts at Vanita and her children that if they ever return, he will break their bones. His words, however, reach them only as a distant echo in the Cave.

Mr. Dark
Mr. Dark is the penultimate boss before the final levels that lead to the decisive battle against the Puppet Master. As soon as he arrives, an animation plays in which Mr. Dark addresses Rayman, reminding him that they will meet again, but this time without strings. Mr. Dark expresses his desire to meet him to avenge his past defeat and destroy him once and for all. Rayman responds that he thought he wanted to defeat him for himself, not to help the Puppet Master gain power. Mr. Dark retorts that he is not acting on behalf of the Puppet Master and that, after getting rid of Rayman, he will also get rid of the Puppet Master, taking the Great Proton and bringing chaos. Rayman, with determination, states that if he managed to defeat Mr. Dark both in his normal form and as the Puppet Master's puppet, he will have no difficulty in defeating him again.

After discovering Fiamma and Felipe's betrayal, Rayman faces Jano as a boss after several levels. Once Jano is defeated, before entering the Cave of Bad Dreams, an animation shows Jano telling Rayman that he can survive. Rayman, perplexed, asks how this is possible, since the magical contract required his life as a price. Jano reveals that a magical contract can cancel another and, dropping a potion, urges Rayman to be strong to defeat the Puppeteer. He emphasizes that no one is invincible and that everyone has a weak point, adding that it is enough to search to find someone who, once they realize their potential, can destroy the one who previously oppressed them and bring harmony back to the Glade. Rayman drinks the potion and transforms into a nightmare werewolf eager to do harm, similar to his previous transformation with the werelum, but without the ability to suck energy.

In the following levels, Soriana will be the only protagonist and will face Rayman as the final boss.
After defeating Rayman, an animation starts:
Rayman returns to normal and Soriana asks him how he became a wolf, saying that she thought it was a dream. Rayman reveals that Jano told him to do so, promising that he would break the magical contract. Soriana asks Rayman if he has seen Vanita and he says yes. Soriana asks if he knows where she is but Rayman says he doesn't know. Soriana says that Vanita is the obstacle to her happiness with Valerio. Rayman explains that he doesn't believe it, since he saw that the Puppeteer has a new companion. Soriana asks who she is, and Rayman tells her that she shouldn't hate the Puppeteer's companions, since they are victims of his games just like her.

Soriana says that she used to have an idyllic relationship with Valerio, but then everything suddenly changed, according to her because Valerio fell in love with Vanita. Rayman says that everything that happened is the Puppeteer's fault and not the other victims', explaining that it is not by fighting between victims that the abuse will end. He adds that, even if all of the Puppeteer's lovers died, he would find others and would continue to abuse her even before finding them. Soriana claims that Vanita kidnapped her daughter Ava and raised her as her own. Rayman says he does not know the reason for this, but that hatred will not solve anything.

When Rayman returns to normal, there will be levels with him again in addition to those with Soriana.
Soriana and Vanita At the end of a level, an animation starts in which Soriana finds Vanita and her family. Vanita, sad, holds Ava and Narciso in her arms and admits to Soriana that she was right about the Puppeteer. Soriana replies that she doesn't care about being right, but she is ready to defeat her to get her daughter back. Vanita replies that she would prefer not to go back to Valerio because she knows she would be turned into his puppet and could suffer further violence, but states that it will be up to Ava to decide whether she wants to leave or stay with her and specifies that she will do everything to protect Ava's decision. Soriana agrees and turns to Ava, reminding her that she is her real mother and telling her that she wants to make up for the time lost due to Vanita's kidnapping. Vanita clarifies that she did not kidnap Ava, but that she found her one day in the arms of Valerio, who had told her that Ava had been born a few hours earlier. She states that she believed it even though she did not remember the event.

Hearing this story, Soriana remembers when she gave birth and was told by Valerio that the newborn, in poor health, had not made it. Ava then declares that she loves Vanita and considers her her real mother. Soriana accepts the situation and asks Ava how old she is. Ava replies that she is 11 years old and Soriana observes that it was exactly 11 years ago that she gave birth and that Valerio had told her that the newborn had died. Soriana apologizes to Vanita for having falsely accused her of having kidnapped Ava and asks her how long she has been together with Valerio. Vanita says that she has been with Valerio since she was 18, while he was 20, exactly 12 years ago. The following day, Valerio had offered her a job in his office, where he had met her. Soriana, however, states that at that time she had already been married to Valerio for a few months and that she had been subjected to violence since the beginning of the marriage for not being what he wanted. Vanita says she understands her and that, as soon as she understood who Valerio really was, she couldn't take it anymore and decided to leave with her children. Soriana asks Ava if maybe she would like to spend some time together sometime. Ava, however, replies that she doesn't want to have anything to do with her, especially knowing that she was the one who killed Vanita during her battle against the dreams. Soriana understands and agrees with Ava for her hatred, adding tearfully that she also feels bad for what she did and that, if Valerio didn't have control of the Cave of Bad Dreams, he wouldn't have tried to kill Vanita again, leaving her imprisoned in there. Vanita says she doesn't hate Soriana, inviting her not to feel guilty for the past and suggesting that one day they could become friends. She also asks her if she knows who Valerio's new girlfriend is, so that she can warn her before she suffers what they did. Soriana replies that she doesn't know.

Penultimate Level
In the level before the boss battle, there is an opening scene where Narcissus visits the Cave of Bad Dreams to meet his father. The two greet each other warmly and Valerio expresses his happiness at his son's visit. Narciso confesses that he missed him and that, since they separated, he has been bored with a mother who acts depressed and a sister, Ava, who is always boring. Valerio is sorry and promises that, once his plans are realized, he will take him back with him and make him heir to his dominion. Narcissus thanks him. Valerio then asks Narcissus if he wants to prove himself worthy of being his successor by doing him a favor. Narciso says he will do it with pleasure. Valerio states that he is tired of Rayman, and explains that he wants to carry out his plan to gain complete control of the Glade and find the Bubble Dreamer without obstacles, and that he needs the help of a capable person to be able to attract Rayman. Valerio gives Narciso a letter, instructing him to read it to the students of his school to deceive and capture them, in order to lure Rayman to his new home where he can destroy him. Narcissus promises to carry out the mission.

The following morning, Narciso, at the end of the lessons and outside the school, invites all the students to listen to the letter before returning home and begins to read: "Dear students of the Scuola Dei Sogni Luminosi, I, the Bubble Dreamer, would really like to meet you to reward you as the best students in all the schools in the Glade. Follow the directions on the map to a large, deep red building, where I will come to reward you for your achievements. Kind regards, the creator of all that exists ."

All the kids from the school go to the designated place, but instead of finding the Bubble Dreamer, they encounter Valerio and some nightmares who capture them, imprisoning them inside the building. Narcissus feigns surprise and frustration at having fallen into the trap. A student expresses fear that they will be eaten like Hansel and Gretel. Another suggests that they will be transformed into nightmares, sparking panic among the companions. Narcissus tries to reassure them, stating that he is already thinking of a plan to free them all. His companions praise him for his courage and altruism, recognizing him for always working for their safety. Narcissus replies that it is in his nature. Hearing these words, Ava becomes nervous, aware of the hypocrisy of Narciso, who has repeatedly supported his father even when he was wrong and revealed to Valerio what his mother Vanita had confided to him for his own good, trying to make him understand that The family dynamics carried out by Valerio were incorrect and dysfunctional. This led Valerio to inflict further violence on Vanita, cruelly venting her anger at Vanita's words.

In this level, Rayman must eliminate all enemies inside the building and free the students locked in the steel cells using the Plum Fist power-ups found in the building. This particular fist, composed of a red prickly plum, attaches itself to objects or enemies upon impact, growing enormously and then deflating and releasing the internal acidic liquid in the direction of the throw. Rayman must use the Plum Punch directly on the cells without attacking enemies while he has it. Each cell has a wooden trap door in front of it that can be destroyed by the acidic liquid, revealing various items inside, including keys needed to access other areas of the building.

At the end of the level, an animation shows the students from Ava and Narciso's school thanking Rayman for saving them. Some ask for autographs, while Narciso takes a selfie with him. Rayman then uses the last remaining key to open a door that leads to a hallway with a staircase leading to the bottom floor. Here, Valerio waits impatiently for him, expressing his surprise at how long it took Rayman to save all the students, given his reputation as a great hero. Rayman reminds Valerio that he has already defeated him when he was an automaton with eyes, nose and mouth, and underlines that now, thanks to Jano who broke the contract, he no longer has anything to fear. Valerio laughs and replies that Jano didn't break the contract, but only the clause regarding his death. He explains that Jano, thanks to a contract made with a nightmare, received a potion of ubiquity lasting 24 hours, provided he delivered a magical contract transformed into a potion to a dream. This potion would eliminate any obstacle to the recipient's life through powerful internalized anti-death magic, provided that he agreed to become a nightmare werewolf, returning to normal only after suffering so many attacks that he was exhausted. Rayman replies to Valerio that it doesn't matters if he is still under magical contract, as he will still find a way to defeat him. Meanwhile, all the kids saved by Rayman move into the upper corridor, ready to observe the battle between Rayman and the Puppeteer from above. Valerio concludes by saying that Rayman is deluded and that only if he dies can he be defeated, since only then will the effect of the magical contract end.

Final Level
The final level features the ground floor, where Rayman and Valerio Angere fight, and the corridor above, with Narciso, Ava and their schoolmates.
During the battle against Valerio, Rayman faces various bosses from previous games and the clown, all summoned by the Puppeteer. When Rayman has only one hit left to defeat the Puppeteer, an animation plays:
Rayman tries to hit the Puppet Master, but his powers fail, causing the Puppet Master to laugh. From the upper corridor of the building, Rayman sees Felipe and Fiamma arriving. He accuses Felipe of having deceived him and betrayed the dreams by joining the nightmares. Felipe responds that he had no choice: no one can defeat the Puppet Master as long as he controls the Cave of Bad Dreams, which allows him to bring defeated nightmares back to life. He states that as a head of state, he had to do what was best for his people, avoiding a war of attrition. Rayman replies that he is already defeating the Puppet Master and that, if he could use his powers, he would have already won. Felipe replies that it is not as simple as it seems.

Once the animation is over, the player must use the bouncing fist, which bounces when it hits reflective objects found on the walls of the room, to attack Valerio indirectly, as he cannot face him directly. As soon as he defeats him, another animation starts:

Felipe declares that he and his daughter surrender. Rayman replies that he tried to kill him and that it is not only for having collaborated in the invasion that he should be sent to the Cave of Bad Dreams. Felipe tells Rayman to send him to the Cave of Bad Dreams then, specifying that this will not change anything. Narcissus hugs Rayman, thanking him for saving the Glade, and proposes a party.

During the party, Valerio suddenly arrives, asking Narcissus to return what he had lent him. Narcissus gives him back the threads, making them visible for a moment. Globox asks Rayman what he has on him, and Rayman asks him what he means. Ava's eyes light up a deep blue and the threads that bind Rayman become visible. Rayman asks how it is possible that she has threads and how Valerio could have given his threads to Narcissus. Narcissus explains that he tied him up while he was distracted and adds that, being the son of the Puppet Master, he inherited his powers and can therefore hold the strings if they are given to him. Narcissus' classmates ask him why he went with the nightmares, reminding him that he said it was a dream among nightmares. Narcissus confirms that this is the case, explaining that his father's invasion has a higher purpose. When his classmates ask what this purpose is, Narcissus replies that it is difficult to explain. Valerio, remembering his lie, says that it is to make the Glade a better place without nightmares. The Puppet Master begins to move the various nightmare bosses and Rayman to attack the Glade. Soriana arrives and uses her powers to untie the string on his wrist, and then frees Rayman's strings as well.

Rayman will have to face all the bosses, including Jano and the normal nightmares, charging Soriana's ability that, when a boss's life is almost exhausted, can untie him from the strings, automatically defeating him. After defeating the various bosses and Jano, Rayman will face Narcissus and finally the Puppeteer. When the Puppeteer's life is almost finished, if Rayman uses Soriana's ability instead of directly defeating him, a secret animation will start. In it, the Puppeteer throws the strings at Rayman, but they are stopped under the control of Soriana, who wants to direct them against the Puppeteer. Ava joins Soriana and, eventually, the strings head towards the Puppeteer, tying him up. The Puppeteer, relinquishing control of the strings, states that it is impossible for puppets to rebel against their master. Soriana responds that it is possible and tightens the strings around Valerio, making him explode into confetti.

Final Animation
After secret animation or defeting Valerio will start the final animation:
Valerio, having returned to the Cavern of Bad Dreams without having given up his threads to anyone, sees them break, thus losing control over all his nightmares. Jano slowly approaches him and asks him if he really believed he could dominate a powerful nightmare like him and get away with it. Valerio replies that he is not afraid, since he cannot die twice. Jano counters that while he can't erase him from existence, he can still make his existence worse than death through his powers. With his scepter, he launches a ray that transforms Valerio into a mouse. Narciso, witnessing the scene, runs to his father calling him while Jano grabs the rodent by the tail, and turns to Jano ordering him to bring his father back to normal. Jano replies that he won't and warns Narciso that he could turn him like his father into a rat if he continues to insist. Narcissus replies that he is just a child and that he should not be in the Cave, but in an adoptive family to help him change, underlining the absence of other children in the place. Jano points out some distant vampire children, who observe their discussion and then devours Valerio. Narciso screams in despair, asking Jano what he did, while the latter walks away.

School(Ava's Point Of Vew)
On the fifth day of school, during recess in Ava's class, Anchise brings up the recent appearances of nightmares, starting a heated debate. Ava feels uneasy, knowing that the nightmares are being controlled by her father, and fears that if this were to be discovered, no one would ever speak to her again. She intuits that her father's sending the nightmares out of the Cave of Bad Dreams is a harbinger of the impending invasion. Although she knew of her father's preparations, she had hoped to have a few more weeks of peace within the school, without worrying about being ostracized, before he made something unpleasant happen. She believes that after the invasion, the truth will come out and everyone will find out who her father is and the role she and her family played in the previous invasion. She also fears that if she is once again bound by her father's strings, she may be forced to defend this invasion against her will again.

Anchise asks Ava what she thinks about the nightmares appearing. Ava answers in a low voice that she has no opinion on the matter. Aurelia asks her if she or any of her family has been the victim of nightmares stealing or playing pranks on her. Ava denies that she and her family have had similar experiences. Aurelia persists, asking if she hasn't noticed anything strange around. Ava says she hasn't seen any nightmares. Aurelia objects that it's impossible, since almost everyone in the class has noticed strange shadows or missing objects. Ava replies that she doesn't go out often. A boy asks her what she thinks is the reason for the nightmares' pranks and thefts. Ava replies that she doesn't know. Callista intervenes, suggesting that they might be preparing something with the stolen objects, perhaps a weapon, intended for a new invasion. A boy speculates that it could be an unprecedented invasion, since among the nightmares sighted there are also powerful and well-known figures, including Jano, who is supposed to be in charge of protecting the Glade from the nightmares by keeping them imprisoned in the Cave of Bad Dreams.

Ava, looking at her hands as she fiddles with them agitatedly, reflects that her companions could share their suspicions with the heroes regarding Jano's presence. She imagines that the heroes would go to the Cave of Bad Dreams and that, if her father tried to capture them, one of them could manage to escape and reveal everything to the journalists. The latter, in turn, would divulge the information, and if the rescued hero also discovered his father's real name, it would be included in the news spread. This would lead the dreams to learn of the fact and share it until it reaches Ava's companions, who would isolate her forever.

Aurelia asks Ava if she thinks that these oddities are really the harbingers of an invasion. Ava says she isn't sure enough to say so, and to divert the conversation, she asks her classmates if they've heard of the new movie that's out in theaters. A boy says he's heard of the movie because of its strange and surreal way of representing the world, with the characters' body parts coming off for no reason and starting to float, and concludes by saying he doesn't plan on going to see it. Another boy says he finds the new movie interesting, and bringing the conversation back to nightmares, asks his classmates if they think these strange apparitions have occurred throughout the Glade or just in their area.

Ava tries to stop the conversation, telling her classmates that there is no need to worry about the nightmares, as they are not sure what is happening and, even if they were, there is nothing they could do. Aurelia agrees with Ava, but points out that they cannot ignore the signs, as an invasion could start at any moment, right there with them, at any time. Ava admits that it would be terrible, but remembers that they are only kids and that discussing it will not solve anything. A boy intervenes, saying that talking about it can help them understand what is happening. Ava, feeling increasingly uncomfortable, asks her classmates if they could change the subject. Anchise notices that Ava has shown agitation with nervous movements of her hands, has started to sweat and has spoken in a low voice since the conversation began. Thinking that Ava is afraid of the voices about the nightmares, he tells her that it is normal to be scared of such terrible creatures and apologizes for starting a conversation that upset her, promising to end it there. The other companions join Anchise, apologizing in turn and declaring that they will not continue the discussion either. Ava thanks her companions for their understanding and clarifies that it is not their fault that she does not feel well when talking about the apparitions. Ava's companions then begin to talk about their favorite heroes.

Meanwhile, Ava reflects with relief on the fact that her companions have attributed her discomfort to fear, thus avoiding revealing the truth or giving rise to worse suspicions that are not in line with reality, such as the idea that she may have been the one to have released the nightmares to invade the Glade. She reflects on how difficult it is to live with dreams, having a father who aspires to dominate the Glade to rule the dreams with tyranny. She thinks of the excuses her father gave her for the violence inflicted on her when she refused to give him her powers, excuses in which she did not see sincerity then and in which she still does not see it now. She thinks about her mother, who justified Valerio by telling her that he had claimed that that day he had been made that way by dreams, which had made him drink something. She finds that explanation used by her father to manipulate her mother absurd, seeing how even in the following days her father continued to keep her tied to his strings. the motivation that her father had used to manipulate her mother, since even in the following days her father continued to keep her tied to his strings as if it were something normal. She reflects on what her mother would do if she understood that she had always been manipulated by her father: would she ask him for respect? Would she rebel against him like she did? Would she leave him? And if that happened, how would her father react? Would he take revenge? Would he enslave her like he did with her when she did not want to continue the transfer of power? Or would he treat her like he does with dreams,oppressing her but without tying her to his strings?

She reflects on the complexity of the situation and wonders if it would be right to warn her mother of Valerio's past and present manipulations, informing her that they could continue, or if it would be better to avoid the problems that could arise that she reflected on in the previous reflection. Then, returning to reflect on Vanita, she wonders if, seeing how Valerio treated dreams during his dominion, she ever suspected that this behavior was revealing of his character, his personality, a trait that could also manifest itself towards her. Ava conjectures that this could be likely as evidenced by the violence suffered by her father when he refused to continue the transfer of powers. She wonders if love can blind people, leading them to accept every single abuse, and if it is necessary to never tolerate even a single abusive act in order to protect oneself and distance oneself from individuals like her father Valerio.

During a discussion about their favorite heroes, Aurelia asks Ava, the only one who has not yet spoken, who hers are. Ava, distracted by her thoughts, asks Aurelia to clarify the question. Aurelia repeats that she wants to know who her favorite heroes are. Ava answers that they are Rayman Clone and Raydoom. When Aurelia asks for an explanation, Ava answers that these are nightmares who have managed to redeem themselves from their sins, becoming protectors of the Glade. Finally, recess ends and everyone goes back to their seats.
Domenico idea
Messaggi : 154
Data di iscrizione : 29.09.21

Rayman: The Worst Nightmare Ever Empty Re: Rayman: The Worst Nightmare Ever

Lun Lug 22, 2024 9:10 pm
Rayman And The Bubble Dreamer
A dejected Rayman is visited by Murfy, who asks him what happened. Rayman explains that Flame and her father turned out to be traitors and Flame's father made him sign a deadly contract, which he thought would benefit the Glade, but which turned out to be a restriction designed to benefit the Puppet Master. Murfy tries to lighten the situation, saying that everyone will die one day and that it's not so bad to live as a skeleton in the Land of the Livid Dead, where at least you don't have to worry about weight. He goes on to tell Rayman that the Glade needs him and that he can't leave people in danger because of a betrayal.

Rayman says that he can't save the Glade because he can't kill the Puppet Master. Rayman responds that he can't save the Glade because he can't kill the Puppet Master. Murfy recognizes the seriousness of the problem and suggests looking for a solution in the instruction manual. He quickly browses through it, but finds nothing that can help eliminate the Puppet Master. Frustrated, he throws the manual away and declares the Glade to be doomed. However, before dying, he heard that the Bubble Dreamer is meditating in a wonderful place, in the center of huge magical rocks crossed by a blue light that creates strange figures, and he wishes to go and see those wonders.

Rayman asks him to wait and asks if he can join him. Surprisingly, Murfy replies that he did not think Rayman also wanted to see magical rocks before dying; rather, he thought he wanted to look for looser clothes to hide his lack of limbs.

Rayman follows Murfy through various levels, defeating various nightmares until he reaches the heart of the Purple Leaf Forest. Here is one of the borders between the part of the Glade that is not yet invaded and the part dominated by nightmares, with the Bubble Dreamer meditating in the center of the magical rocks, protected by the teen guards who defend the border. At this point, an animation starts:

Ava Marullo, along with Narciso and Vanita, is busy buying fruit at some stalls. While there, she hears some nightmares talking about the Bubble Dreamer, who is said to be nearby, meditating in the forest. They point out how foolish it was, as Valerio is sending the Hand of Hades and the Armored Toad to capture him. After returning home and consuming some of the fruit, Ava and her family sit on the floor and prepare for sleep. However, Ava's thoughts are on the Bubble Dreamer, knowing that he could get all her questions answered. Finally, she decides to act: she carefully leaves her mother's arms and heads out of the house, running towards the Bubble Dreamer.

The animation returns to the present, focusing on Rayman, who sees Ava running towards the Bubble Dreamer. The teen guards recognize her and the patrol leader orders them to stop her to protect the Bubble Dreamer and the dreams still free from nightmares. The guards run towards Ava, who stops and declares that she has no bad intentions, only wanting to talk to the Bubble Dreamer. The guard leader replies that all nightmares say the same, before committing the worst cruelties. The Bubble Dreamer, having finished his meditation, throws himself between Ava and the guards, declaring that the fight is unnecessary. Turning to Ava, he asks her what she wants to ask him, but sees her on the ground in tears and asks her why she is crying. Ava replies that she will never be a dream and that she will never be able to change her nature as a nightmare. The Bubble Dreamer, surprised, tells her that he does not understand why being a nightmare should be a problem. He explains that even nightmares can be pleasant, mentioning Rayman clone, who despite being a nightmare has many friends who appreciate him. He adds that there is no reason to cry about it, since being a dream or a nightmare is irrelevant, and asks her why her nature as a nightmare should make her suffer.

Ava confesses to feeling bad, saying that despite being adopted, she and her brother abandoned their adoptive parents to return home. Also, despite knowing about the invasion their father was planning, they did not warn anyone or try to stop him. The Bubble Dreamer replies that being a nightmare does not automatically make you bad. He explains that there are no nightmare or dream natures and that goodness or evil does not depend on what role they had during his nightly representations but depends on individual choices and will. Some nightmares have chosen to become good and now wander among dreams, while some dreams, like Ales Mansay, have become evil. He concludes by stating that it is the free will of every creature that determines their essence. He admits that some nightmares are such because of him, since he has unconsciously transformed them into nightmares through his nightly representations. He asks Ava if this makes him a nightmare, considering that he is the one who created them. He claims that he cannot control his nightmares, and while he is the creator of some, he never intended to create them, nor has he ever consciously created them. He explains to Ava that the fact that she did not reveal her father's intention to plan a new invasion and did not try to stop him does not make her a nightmare. He points out that, as far as he knows, Ava did not have a direct role in the previous invasion either. Ava nods, and the Bubble Dreamer continues by saying that if she had informed the heroes of her father's intentions or fought against him, she would have done something admirable. However, he understands that these are difficult choices and that few creatures have the strength to make them, noting that it is not a fault for not being able to do so and that this does not make her a nightmare.

Ava asks if she can have control over her life or if one day she might fall into one of her nightmares, thus becoming a nightmare and being sent to the Cave of Bad Dreams this time. The Bubble Dreamer responds that what he dreams cannot change the nature of a creature. He states that his nocturnal representations create situations, but the behavior of those involved depends on the personality they have developed through their free will. He points out that there are dreams that have become bad without him having dreamed nightmares about them, and that some dreams were already bad before he dreamed them as nightmares, because it is the individual's choice that determines what one is. He says that if she wants to be good or bad, she can freely decide without worries, since he cannot do anything to change her choice. And even if he could, he would not do it, thus allowing his creatures to enjoy their freedom, whether it is used to be good or evil. Specifying that if the second category is chosen, they would be stopped, even by himself, if he had the necessary strength. The Bubble Dreamer offers his hand to Ava to help her up, and she stands up, hugging him and thanking him for not hating her and for answering her questions. The Bubble Dreamer tells her that there is no need to thank him, since she is not a hungry monster who wants to devour him. Then, taking off his head, he adds that perhaps he could be scarier, even though he is not a nightmare, before putting his head back on. Ava says that she has to go and, after saying goodbye to the Bubble Dreamer, runs home.

Rayman approaches the Bubble Dreamer, but Hades' hand and the armored toad arrive. The armored toad greets the Bubble Dreamer, then calls him a clown. Hades' hand declares that the Glade deserves to be led by someone better.

The game begins again, and Rayman, aided by the teen guards, will have to face both bosses. Once the bosses are defeated, another animation activates: the Bubble Dreamer applauds the heroes, and Rayman tells him that he cannot defeat the Puppeteer because of a contract with Felipe, asking him to intervene by destroying Valerio, so he can take care of the remaining nightmares. The Bubble Dreamer responds that he does not have enough energy to do so. Rayman asks the Bubble Dreamer why he was always without energy. The Bubble Dreamer explains that sometimes he had to use his powers for extremely important tasks and recalled the last time he had used them:
and Teen Butler were playing hide and seek. They had decided on a great challenge: Bubble Dreamer would count to 100,000, while Teen Butler could hide anywhere, with six hours to be found. Bubble Dreamer searched for Teen Butler for five hours and fifty minutes without success, until he used his magic to locate him so he could go to him and win the stuffed cat.
Returning to the present, Bubble Dreamer tells Rayman that every contract has loopholes and that by continuing his mission, he could find one. He concludes by saying that there was no other choice: otherwise, all dreams would die and nightmares would take over, this time forever. Rayman takes courage and says that he will do everything he can. He says goodbye to Bubble Dreamer, who encourages him to be strong because the safety of the Glade depends on him, and continues on his way.

Meeting with Vanita
At the conclusion of a level, an animation shows Rayman and Fiamma meeting Vanita Triste. Rayman immediately recognizes her, and Fiamma proposes to defeat her by preparing together with Rayman. Vanita informs her that if she is killed, she will return to the Cave of Bad Dreams. Rayman, confused, asks Vanita if her boyfriend Valerio is in command of her in the Cave of Bad Dreams, who could bring her back to freedom after her defeat. However, Vanita reveals that Valerio is no longer her boyfriend, eliciting a smile from Fiamma aware of this, who lowers her guard together with Rayman.

Vanita says that Valerio had started missing from home and that she felt alone and neglected. She goes on to explain that, feeling offended, she stopped being kind to him, unleashing Valerio's violent anger. She states that Valerio only loved her when she was an "obedient little dog" that she believed her every word, and she wonders how many lies he told her on other occasions. This confession makes Fiamma nervous, who looks at her with hatred

Vanita describes how she initially tried to adapt to Valerio's requests, but every day a new demand emerged, making the situation unsustainable. She explains that in the end, she decided to take her children and run away. She states that she believed she had a perfect family, she imagined that Valerio would do anything to make her happy and she thought she was loved, with Ava and Narciso as proof of this love. She recognizes that Soriana was right to say that Valerio was a traitor and she thinks that if Soriana was right about Valerio, she was probably right about Ava too. Vanita confesses that Soriana was right to say that Valerio was a traitor, and she reflects that, if Soriana was right about Valerio, she was probably right about Ava too. Vanita expresses her regret for having raised a daughter who was not hers and declares that if Ava wants to return to her real mother, she will not force her to stay, even though she loves her very much. She then kindly asks to be let go, promising that she will return to her children and move with them to a new house, without creating problems for either them or her dreams. Rayman agrees, while Fiamma, visibly nervous, silently observes Vanita. Rayman asks her if everything is okay and she says yes, adding that she has to make a phone call and she will be right back. Rayman tells her that he will wait for her, and Vanita walks away from her.

Paid Update
In this paid update, the last part of the story will be revealed, introducing new adversaries. Among them, Agapiata Torubrum stands out, a 13-year-old girl, born by chance in the Cave of Bad Dreams, without any guilt or evil. Agapiata has long wavy hair, a small crown braid, and uses clips to hold back the locks that would otherwise fall on her face.

Opening Animation:
Narcissus, while walking through the Cave, complains about his imprisonment: he can't eat, there's nothing fun to do, and the minijans constantly keep the nightmares under control. Agapiata Torubrum, a 13-year-old girl with long, wavy red hair, with a small crown braid and who uses clips to hold back the locks that would otherwise fall on her face, observes Narcissus. She recognizes him and, snapping her fingers, creates red sparks that form a light bulb. Agapiata thinks that she could use Narcissus to invade the Glade and smiles. She then approaches Narcissus, asking him if he is the famous son of the Puppeteer.

Narciso confirms and laments that, due to his father's weakness, he ended up in the Cave of Bad Dreams and now his father is in Jano's stomach, unable to fix his mistake. Agapiata expresses sympathy for Narciso, telling him that it must be difficult to be locked up there without his parents to support him. Narciso says that it has been a boring year and that for his thirteenth birthday he asked to go out for a day, but Jano denied him, pointing out that no one even made him a cake to celebrate his birthday.

Agapiata says that she can help him, as long as he agrees to let her rule the Glade with him. Narciso mocks her, doubting that she can help him. Agapiata insists that she can help him, explaining that in the Cave of Bad Dreams there is a magic that prevents having children, but that one day it malfunctioned, allowing her parents to conceive her inside the Cave. She goes on to say that she has never done any evil and can leave the Cave at any time. Narcissus asks, if this is true, why she hasn't left already and how this can help him escape. Agapiata replies that she has never seen the outside world and wanted to wait for a particular time to leave, staying with her parents a little longer, but emphasizes that she is willing to leave now. She suggests that if he creates threads, she, with her power to control them, could guide them to Jano to take control of him and therefore the Cave.

Narcissus finds the idea fascinating, but says that he doesn't know how to create the threads. Agapiata assures him that she will help him. When he asks how she can do it, Agapiata explains that she knows all about the magic of the sýrmata pupa. When Narcissus asks what the sýrmata pupa are, she replies that they are a kind of puppeteers in the magical sense. Narcissus asks her how she knows this information and if she herself is a sýrmata pupa. Agapiata denies being one, stating that she has simply read something about them, and finally asks Narcissus if he agrees to share the government of the Glade with her in exchange for her help. Narcissus agrees and asks Agapiata to teach him how to create threads, and she says she will do so the following day.

Narcissus points out that she has nothing to do until tomorrow and that it will be boring to stay in the Cave without anything to do. Agapiata replies that she will sleep, while Narcissus complains that he will continue to be bored. After a few hours, Agapiata wakes up and Narcissus asks if they can start now that she has rested. Agapiata, however, expresses a desire to go to her parents and promises to return the next day to teach them. When Agapiata starts to go, Narcissus tells her that she will die of boredom and accuses her of being heartless. Agapiata replies that, having already waited a year, one more day should not be a problem. Narcissus sits down, and as soon as Agapiata is gone, he complains about her and her boredom.

The next day, Agapiata returns and tells Narcissus that they can start. Narcissus, visibly pleased, gets up. Agapiata invites him to sit in a comfortable position, but Narcissus replies that he has been sitting and lying down all day before. Agapiata insists on the importance of position in creating the threads, and Narcissus comments that his father could create them from any position. Agapiata explains that Narcissus will be able to do the same once he understands how it works, and he reluctantly sits down. Agapiata asks him to empty his mind and concentrate on his solar plexus to perceive its energy. Narcissus asks about the solar plexus, and Agapiata tells him that it is located above the navel and just below the diaphragm. After a few seconds, Narcissus says he is concentrated but does not perceive anything. Agapiata urges him to wait longer and to close his eyes to better focus on his interior dimension. Narcissus closes his eyes, and after an hour, Agapiata sees him fall because he has fallen asleep. Falling, Narcissus wakes up and declares that he has found nothing, but adds that he had a beautiful dream. Agapiata takes a skull and offers it to Narcissus, suggesting that it might be useful to try walking with the skull on his head. Narcissus protests, saying that he does not want to get his hair dirty, but Agapiata insists that if he wants to learn to use her powers, he must.

Finally, Narcissus takes the skull, places it on his head, and asks how long he should hold it while walking. However, he drops it because he is going too fast. Agapiata tells him that he must hold it as long as she deems fit and asks him to try again, going slower. Narcissus spends the entire day trying without success. Agapiata, tired, lies down on the ground and tells him to focus on speed to avoid going too fast and dropping the skull.

Narcissus continues to try all night, until, exhausted, he falls asleep. The next day he resumes training and, after several attempts, manages not to drop the skull. Seeing that he has kept the skull balanced for an acceptable amount of time, after a few dozen minutes, Agapiata tells him that he can remove it and tells him to sit down and meditate, concentrating on his solar plexus rather than on speed.

Narcissus sits down, closes his eyes and, concentrating, manages to perceive his internal luminous energy. Out of joy, he loses concentration and informs Agapiata of his success. Agapiata tells Narcissus to concentrate on the solar plexus again, so that he can detect the energy again. He explains to him to take a deep breath and, during the inhalation, to move the energy without moving it from the solar plexus, so as to test his ability to control it. During the exhalation, instead, he must flow the energy along the arms to the hands, transforming it into thin and luminous threads that emerge from the fingers. Narcissus returns to meditate following Agapiata's instructions, but as soon as he creates the threads, they fall from his fingers to the floor and break. Narcissus informs Agapiata, who explains that this is happening because he has made the threads come out by detaching them from the genesis points, and that this problem can be solved. Narcissus asks what to do and Agapiata goes towards some crystals, throwing a spark that makes them explode. Having collected some fragments, she asks Narcissus to offer her his hands. Narcissus obeys and Agapiata, with one hand, turns his hands and places pieces of crystal on the tips of his fingers. She explains to him that, when he returns to meditate, he must imagine that what he feels in his fingers are the threads. Narcissus accepts and tries again, this time managing to create the threads. Narcissus warns Agapiata, who lights up her eyes red, showing the threads so he can see them, and congratulates him, telling him that he is now ready and that that evening she will reveal the plan to him. Narcissus rejoices happily.

In the evening, Agapiata explains to Narcissus that she will go to Jano and that he must follow her at a great distance, leaving the threads above her hands. Agapiata moves away and asks Narcissus to create the threads. Narcissus obeys, but confesses that he does not know how to make them move. Agapiata replies that it is not necessary and makes the threads move towards her hands. Then she approaches some minijano, explaining to them that she must speak to Jano because she was born in the Cave of Bad Dreams without having done anything wrong. One of the minijano replies that they are not so naive as to believe her. Agapiata states that, as soon as she asks, Jano himself will reveal everything. One of the minijano observes that she is too big to have just been born. She replies that she was born years ago. Another minijano asks her why she did not leave earlier and she replies that she did not want to leave before.

Agapiata, followed by Narciso hidden by the guards and in the distance, reaches Jano outside the entrance of the Cave. Hidden behind a wall at the exit of the Cave, Narciso observes Jano and Agapiata. Jano asks the girl what she wants. She says she was born in the Cave of Bad Dreams on a day when the magic in it that prevented conception had weakened, and Jano replies that he knows about it. Agapiata asks permission to leave, and Jano agrees. Agapiata begins to move the strings towards Jano, happily thinking that as soon as the strings reach him she will have him under her control. Jano, being able to read minds, becomes nervous and intimidates the girl, telling her not to think about it. Agapiata breaks the strings and a waterfall sound is heard. After a while, Agapiata thanks Jano for the permission granted and moves away from the puddle, starting to walk away while Jano watches her suspiciously. Meanwhile, Narcissus takes advantage of Jano's occupation with Agapiata to escape. Once outside the Cave, Agapiata and Narcissus meet. Narcissus asks Agapiata what happened with the threads, emphasizing that they broke by themselves. Agapiata replies that Jano had understood everything and she preferred to stop. Then she expresses the desire to buy some clothes. Narcissus accompanies her and, while she chooses and puts on the new clothes, he talks to the saleswoman. Having no money, Agapiata runs away from the shop. Narcissus follows her, seeing her run away, while the angry saleswoman shouts that the clothes must be paid for, losing sight of both of them.

Narcissus asks Agapiata how they would invade the Glade now that they have not managed to take control of Jano and the Cave of Bad Dreams, specifying that, if they had succeeded, he would not have repeated his father's mistakes and his dominion would have lasted forever. Agapiata replies that they would have found a solution. Narcissus asks him to teach him new things about his powers and Agapiata tells him that she would do it the following afternoon, so that he can enjoy the evening.

While they are visiting the city, Narcissus sees a beautiful girl enter the library and warns Agapiata that he might find a girlfriend. Agapiata says that she would go too, but Narcissus asks her to wait for him outside, otherwise he would risk failing in his attempt. Agapiata agrees and Narcissus runs to the girl. Agapiata waits reading a book about the Sýrmata Pupa.

A few hours later, Narcissus comes out, happy, and informs Agapiata that he is going to the cinema with the girl. Agapiata says that she does not want to wait outside in the cold and suggests that they join them, pretending to be her sister. Narcissus replies that it is a horror film and that he thinks it would be too much for her, adding that it would be better if she stayed outside and walked around the area, not going too far and returning after two hours. Agapiata says that she has no problem with horror films, but Narcissus insists that it is better not to risk it and heads off to the cinema. Agapiata, offended by Narcissus' words, continues reading her book.

When Narcissus leaves the cinema he says goodbye to the girl and, going to Agapiata, by mistake, when he says goodbye he calls her "Adara". Agapiata replies that her name is not Adara and asks if that is the name of the girl from the cinema. Narcissus says he got confused and that the name is not the girl from the movie, specifying that she is called Vulneratacrima Frigidristi. He then asks where they will sleep. Agapiata answers that they will spend the night on a bench. Narcissus suggests going to a hotel, but Agapiata reminds him that they have no money. Narcissus suggests using his powers to get a key. Agapiata expresses fear of ending up in the Cave of Bad Dreams forever for an avoidable trifle. Narcissus insists that it is a necessity and they have no evil intentions. Eventually, Agapiata gives in.

The two go to a hotel, where Agapiata begins to talk to the porter. Meanwhile, Narcissus creates the threads and whispers to Agapiata so that she will use her powers to make them penetrate the porter. With the threads, Narcissus manipulates the porter into taking the keys to a room and giving them to him, while the porter, confused, mentions the cost of the room. Narcissus replies that he and Agapiata have no money. The porter replies that without payment they cannot have the room. Narcissus makes the porter put the keys in his hands anyway and says he understands everything: the porter is giving him the keys because he was joking earlier and the hotel gives rooms to needy children for free. The porter comments that he cannot control his body, and Narcissus, laughing, says that it is a good joke. Narcissus and Agapiata head toward the room with the porter still under the control of the wires.

Once they reach the room, Agapiata breaks the wires and the bellhop, regaining control, says that he made a mistake and that they must pay for the room, asking Narciso to return the keys. While the bellhop talks to Narciso, Agapiata grabs a frying pan and hits him, causing him to faint. Narciso asks Agapiata why she broke the wires. She explains that it was not their job to control the bellhop, but only to take the room out of necessity. Then, she asks Narciso to help her return the bellhop to his station. Once the bellhop is back at the counter, the boys go to bed.

The next day, Agapiata wakes up early to continue reading her book, and an hour later Narciso wakes up, announcing that he is going to a party with his new friend. Agapiata asks if he can join, but Narciso says that they are classy people and that she would embarrass him. Agapiata retorts that he isn't classy either, but Narciso insists that that's not the point. Agapiata promises she won't do anything embarrassing, but Narciso, despite telling her he knows better, says it's better if she doesn't come. Agapiata remains silent. Narciso tells Agapiata that they have to leave the hotel before they end up in the Cave of Bad Dreams and has her accompany him to the villa where the party is being held, so he can say goodbye. Agapiata, furious, loses her desire to read and, snapping her fingers, creates red sparks that form the shape of a flame.

When Narcissus returns, Agapiata asks him to follow her to a secluded place and make him some threads. Narcissus, delighted, asks if it is to teach him new powers, and she replies that she has understood everything. Narcissus happily weaves the threads, but as soon as he stops, Agapiata makes them penetrate him. Narcissus begins to scream, accusing her of manipulation and quoting a book he read in the library about narcissists who manipulate, before concluding by calling her a traitor. Agapiata replies that he was only meant to serve her to dominate the Glade, and that, once she gained control, she would tie him up anyway. She continues that she had begun to change her mind, but his insensitive behavior made her feel shameful and insignificant. Narcissus replies that, once he learned to use his powers, he would also gain control over her. Agapiata replies that she was right to anticipate him. Narcissus screams for help against a girl who wants to abuse him. Agapiata looks at him, stunned by his lies, and asks if he still feels superior to her now that he is tied to the strings. Narcissus asks her to free him, claiming that he is just a poor dream that has never hurt anyone, and informs her that he could end up in the Cave of Bad Dreams for what he is doing. Agapiata reminds him that he is so good that he ended up in the Cave of Bad Dreams for trying to invade the Glade twice. Narcissus defends himself by saying that the first time he did it to create a kingdom of nightmares that he could manage righteously, removing it from his father's influence, and that the second time he was manipulated by his father into believing that it was for the good of the Glade. Agapiata replies that he is only jealous because now she will be the one to take control of the Glade. Narcissus replies that without him she cannot fully control the creatures turned into puppets. Agapiata replies that she can do so by using her power, which allows her to penetrate people's souls.

Agapiata snaps her fingers, creating sparks that form a heart. Her eyes light up red, revealing the threads she grabs, turning their light from yellow to red with her powers. After releasing the threads, she takes complete control of Narcissus, making him raise his head and declare that he can do anything. Narcissus, having come to his senses, screams in fear, asking for help against a crazy girl who has kidnapped him and who threatens to invade the Glade.

Agapiata removes two hair clips from her hair, letting some strands fall onto her face. Narcissus asks her why she did this, and she says she felt too prissy and obedient to the rules. She then muses aloud about the need to find an army to bind with threads. Narcissus suggests that they search for free-roaming nightmares, but Agapiata says she prefers an army made of dreams, believing them to be more powerful. Narcissus argues that no one, except Razorbeard who had taken control of Clark, had ever used dreams in their army, considering it a contradiction.

Agapiata counters that she will control her subjects through the threads and that it doesn't matter if they are dreams or nightmares, as in the end she will be the one to rule. Narcissus reminds her of her contribution, asking for an honorable role in return. Agapiata refuses, and Narcissus tells her that if not even her father, who controlled all the nightmares, could make a lasting invasion, neither will she. Agapiata replies that they will see it and begins to make Narcissus dance by walking through the streets, despite his complaints of embarrassment. Agapiata warns Narcissus that if he does not stop talking, she will take total control of his body forever by making him silence. At the end of the dance, Agapiata takes control of Narcissus and forces him to ask for money. Narcissus protests, remembering that she had promised not to take control of his body if he remained silent, but Agapiata replies that she had said she would not take control of him forever. Continuing to dance through the streets, they collect various lumdollars, which Agapiata uses to buy many envelopes with a red flap and top of the back and a white front and bottom of the back, along with a box to hold them.

After seeing a teen with a helicopter, Agapiata forces Narcissus to take control of it. Taking full control of Narcissus, he uses the teen to take him to the area of ​​the Clearing where the Bubble Dreamer is located. Once there, Agapiata brings the teen back to his area, breaks the strings and abandons control of Narcissus, who complains about the length of the episode. Agapiata, taking Narcissus with him, through the strings, searches for a suitable place to carry out his plan and finds an abandoned warehouse containing a radio, various prank items and scary items. So Agapiata writes in the letters with a white and red sheet of paper an invitation to the abandoned warehouse. In the invitation he announces a meeting for heroes and aspiring heroes, with a final party scheduled for 11:00, the following hour. On the envelopes he puts the sender "anonymous" and the recipients puts a general "heroes and aspiring heroes", finally he puts a stamp on each letter. Then, she goes with Narcissus to the Yawning Tree, climbs up secretly and throws the letters into the air.

Flame inside the yawning tree talks to the Bubble Dreamer, asking him to free Valerio from the Cave of Bad Dreams and pointing out that Valerio had good intentions, namely to end his nightmares to improve the Glade. The Bubble Dreamer responds ironically, doubting Valerio's good intentions. Flame, not understanding the irony, asks the Bubble Dreamer why he doesn't want to let Valerio out if he knows he's a good person. The Bubble Dreamer replies that he doesn't believe Jano would agree to free him. Flame then insists, reminding the Bubble Dreamer of his status that allows him to force Jano to do so. The Bubble Dreamer says that he heard that Jano ate Valerio and is not willing to fight for a nightmare. Fiamma retorts, reminding the Bubble Dreamer that she had previously recognized Valerio's goodness. The Bubble Dreamer admits that she was joking and accuses Valerio of having deceived and manipulated her, to make her accept the invasion of the Glade, reminding her that she herself knows Valerio's true nature. Fiamma, troubled, comes out of the tree yawning, worried about Valerio, believing his confinement unjust.

Felipe, speaking to his daughter, reveals that after a year he has to confess something to her. Fiamma agrees and Felipe explains that he lied a year ago during the meeting with Valerio, about believing in his good heart, and that he also lied when he told her that he had no information that confirmed the words that Vanita had told her, apologizing and justifying himself with the need to protect his kingdom. Fiamma confused tells her father that she does not understand why he is lying and asks him if he had decided to accept lies to feel accepted. Felipe says that he is telling the truth: Valerio was and is an evil criminal and traitor, who while he was with her, continued to frequent Soriana and Vanita. Fiamma noticing various letters scattered in the street picks one up and discovers that it is intended for heroes and aspiring heroes, calling them to a meeting. After reading the invitation with her father, she tells him of her intention to attend.

Betilla and Rayman are in Rayman's room. Betilla asks Rayman why, now that they have the financial means, they don't get married. Rayman replies that, although he would like to, for now it is better not to. Betilla insinuates that it could be for fear that Wheet will become jealous. Rayman responds by asking why Wheet would be jealous. Betilla explains that, being adopted, Wheet could be afraid of losing Rayman's attention and feeling neglected. Rayman clarifies that he has not adopted Wheet and that, as soon as she finds a family willing to take her in, she can leave. Betilla suggests that, after so much time spent together, Rayman could change his mind and decide to keep her. Rayman, thinking back to the discomfort of the first meeting with Wheet, says that it is better not, because he does not like her character.

Wheet, who was eavesdropping behind the door, feels hurt and, transforming into a bat, flies away from the kitchen balcony in tears. After flying for a while, she lands and finds one of Agapiata's letters. Reading it, she decides to go to the meeting.

Meanwhile, the salesman and his daughter Belfeuille, while selling souvenirs on the street, find a letter. After reading the letter, Belfeuille expresses her desire to become a heroine and fight alongside Rayman so they decide to accept the invitation.

Meanwhile, Red Globox and his tribe of red mages are drinking prune juice at a bar. When some creatures enter the bar leaving the door open, a letter from Agapiata flies in and falls on Red Globox's face. Reading it, he comments that it is strange to have a meeting of heroes and hopes that nothing serious has happened. The leader of the tribe, Red Globox's father, states that since it is a party, there does not seem to be anything dangerous and that they probably just want to gather the heroes to inform them of a training to keep them in shape, pointing out that without fighting, one risks becoming soft. Red Globox agrees with his father and sips a glass of prune juice.

Two teenage heroes are at home when, through the window, one of Agapiata's letters arrives. Reading the invitation, they wonder if the aspiring heroes present will be those from the hero academy or random people, deciding to attend the meeting at 11:00 to listen to the discussion.

Ray says goodbye to his wife Edith Up and leaves the house with his three children of the same species, a pink girl with long hair, a yellow boy with hair similar to his and a green boy with short hair, to go shopping. While shopping, the children begin to ask to buy various products, but Ray reminds them to take only what they need and one thing each for their whim. At the checkout, Ray's children, having held in their arms every single product they like, put everything on the belt, and Ray has them choose one product each, warning them that if it happens again, he will not buy them anything else. After putting away the products not chosen, he goes back to pay for the purchases. As he leaves the supermarket, Ray finds Agapiata's invitation on the street, reads it and then puts it in his pocket.

At 10:50, Rayman Clone walks down the street, picks up and reads one of the letters found on the ground and, after noticing the anonymous sender, immediately suspects a hoax. Mr. Dark, from a rooftop, confirms that this is indeed the case and approves of the decision not to go, warning that a very powerful nightmare is preparing a trap. Rayman Clone asks him if he was the one who wrote the letters. Mr. Dark denies it, adding that there would be no point in warning him if he was the author of the letters. Rayman Clone comments that it could have been him who wrote the letters and hypothesizes that he gave him the warning from his trap out of paternal feelings. Mr. Dark replies that he did not warn him out of paternal spirit, but because he cannot allow powerful nightmares to invade the Glade, preferring to be the one to invade it himself. Rayman Clone asks him how he got out of the Cave of Bad Dreams, and Mr. Dark replies that, after he and the other "nightmare allies of the Puppet Master" were defeated, they left the cave because it was under the Puppet Master's control. He states that, preferring not to continue the war against the heroes, they hid to see how it would end, managing to not be sent back to the Cave of Bad Dreams after the Puppet Master's defeat. Rayman Clone asks Mr. Dark why he doesn't become good, suggesting that they could start a family again and ask for Globox Clone's release. Mr. Dark replies that his name is Mr. Dark, not Mr. Light, and that darkness is his path; then he wraps himself in his cloak and disappears. Rayman Clone warns everyone he meets that the letters are a trap, but it's too late.

At 11:00, the two Teen Avi, Ray, Wheet, The Salesman, Belfeuille, Red Globox and Flame arrive in the warehouse. Agapiata enters from the door in front of a stage in the center of the warehouse and, taking total control of Narcissus, uses her strings against everyone present to make them her puppets and then takes total control of them too. A music starts and Agapiata dances together with all the creatures subjugated to her. After the dance, Agapiata goes away with everyone to another isolated place and asks Red Globox if it wouldn't be fun to organize a party with all the tribes of red wizards. Through her total control she makes him answer that she is right, making him cheer for the idea. Then, Agapiata makes Narcissus say that the real party is seeing her every single day. She thanks him and makes one of the Teen Avi jump making him ask if he can invite the other teen avi wizards. She says that she could never deny him, making Teen Avi cheer with joy. Agapiata announces that she will form an army of red wizards and Teen Avi, finding other creatures during the invasion and makes Narciso bow, having him hold her leg, and having him say with his head bowed that his ideas are really smart and that he is happy that she is the leader of the mission. Agapiata laughs, saying that it is nice to have everyone's support.

Meanwhile, Rayman Clone arrives at the warehouse with Rayman and Globox, ready to fight, but they find no one. Rayman remarks that the warehouse is empty and that maybe no one came. Globox laughs, saying that it was just a bad joke. Rayman Clone, however, is not convinced and states that what was supposed to happen has already happened. The next day, the Teen Avi and the red wizards invade the Glade, capturing several heroes. The only heroes left are Rayman and Globox, who take refuge in the yawning tree. They ask the Bubble Dreamer what is going on, and the Bubble Dreamer says that he had a nightmare but forgot to warn them. Rayman asks about the nightmare, and the Bubble Dreamer says that it was about a little girl born in the Cave of Bad Dreams arriving in the Glade who would control Narcissus with his own strings to take control of various heroes, the Teen Ancestor and the red wizards to invade the Glade. Rayman comments that the situation is very complicated, but promises that everything will be resolved, pointing out that, this time, the nightmares do not have control over the Cave of Bad Dreams. Globox says that he is ready for action, but as soon as he thinks better, he crouches down in fear.

In this paid update, Rayman and Globox take the lead role, with Globox taking over from Fiamma, and the two must free the Glade.

Sýrmata Pupa Training Book
In one of the various levels of the update you can find the training book of a Sýrmata Pupa containing:

### Stage 1:Creating Energy Threads
**Objective:** Unlock the ability to create energy threads.

**Method: Meditation and Energy Channeling**
1. **Energetic Connection Meditation:**
  - The student sits in a comfortable position and practices deep breathing to calm the mind.
  - Focuses attention on the center of their body (for example, the solar plexus or the heart), perceiving a source of luminous energy
  - During inhalation, they perceive the energy flowing in the center of the body. During exhalation, focusing on this energy, they make it flow along the arms to the hands, transforming into thin, luminous threads that emerge from the fingers.

2. Energetic Sensation Exercises:
• Use light objects such as feathers or crystals to stimulate the hands while visualizing the energy threads. This helps to create a physical and sensorial connection with the energy.

### Phase 2: Movement of the Energy Threads
**Objective:** Unlock the ability to make the energy threads move.

**Method: Mental Connection and Dynamic Visualization**
1. Connection with the Threads:
• After creating the threads, the student should concentrate intensely on the mental connection with them. This can be done by imagining that the threads are "felt" as an extension of their body.
• Feeling the Threads: The student should imagine that the threads are "felt" as if they were a part of their skin, especially at the fingertips. This sensation can be amplified by focusing on the merging of the internal energy with the skin, creating a stronger bond with the threads that separated from the internal energy when they came out of the fingers.
• Enduring Sensations: During this phase, the student may experience physical sensations such as tingling, heat or slight pain. They should learn to endure and control these sensations, using concentration to establish and maintain the bond with the threads.

2. Visualization of Movement:
• Direction and Intention: The student should visualize the threads moving in response to their thoughts and intentions. He must imagine directing them with his own will, seeing them swing, wrap and stretch according to his desires.
• Practical Exercises: The student can practice swinging the threads back and forth, trying to touch or move small light objects (such as a feather or a piece of paper) with the energy threads.

2. **Dynamic Visualization Exercises:**
  - The student practices visualizations in which the threads move freely in space, following complex paths. He can start with simple movements (up and down, right and left) and progress to more complex movements (circles, spirals).

### Phase 3: Thread Penetration into the Victim
**Objective:** To unlock the ability to thread into another body.

**Method: Energetic Approach and Attachment**
1. Movement of Threads towards the Victim:
• The student should visualize the threads of energy extending towards the victim, maintaining intense concentration.
• Imagine the threads approaching the victim and preparing to penetrate his or her body.

2. Creation of Energy Hooks:
• When the threads reach the victim, the student visualizes the ends of the threads transforming into small energetic hooks.
• These hooks attach themselves to the victim, gently but firmly penetrating his or her aura or energy body.

3. Compaction and Transmission of Energy:
• The student transmits a large amount of energy through the threads, making them more compact and solid.
• He or she should visualize the energy flowing along the threads, strengthening the hooks and establishing a stable connection with the victim.

### Phase 4: Complete Control of the Victim
**Objective:** Unlock the ability to take complete control of the victim's body.

**Method: Energy Transfer and Consciousness Overlay**
• 1. Energy Passage into the Threads:
• The student must transfer his energy into the threads, maintaining a strong and stable connection with the victim.
• Visualize the energy flowing from his energy centers along the threads until it invades the victim's body.

2. Depersonalization and Consciousness Transfer:
• The student practices depersonalization techniques, imagining temporarily detaching himself from his body and copying his consciousness by transferring the copy into the threads.
• This cloned consciousness transfers through the threads and overwhelms the victim's consciousness.

3. Overlay and Control:
• The student must feel as if he were living in the victim's body, controlling his movements and actions as if he were himself.
• Practices control through mental commands and detailed visualizations, exercising the will to dominate the victim's actions for as long as he wishes.
• During the overlap, the student maintains a strong and stable mental connection, commanding the victim's body as if it were his own. He must visualize every movement and action as if they were natural and fluid.

Logical Connection between Phases

Each phase is designed to progressively build the necessary skills, starting from the creation and movement of the energy threads up to the penetration and total control of the victim:

• Creation: Establishes the energetic base and initial connection.

• Movement: Develops the ability to direct and manipulate energy threads.

• Penetration: Introduces advanced techniques to establish an energetic connection with the victim.

• Complete Control: Culminates with the transfer of consciousness and the ability to completely dominate the victim.

This learning path is structured to be neutral and can be adapted to individual needs and abilities, ensuring an effective method to develop these complex powers.

Translenergics Book and Types
In a certain level of the update you will find the book of Translenergics with the different types containing:

Translenergics are humans with the powers of energetic resonance. Creatures with energetic resonance have the ability to transform their energy into hadronic energy, an energy formed by quarks, which is so small that it allows penetration into the energy of the threads of the Sýrmata Pupa. Once this energy penetrates the threads it allows the transfer of other energy reaching a quantity such that the energy of the threads can be used to control them. If the threads are detached from the internal energy of the Sýrmata Pupa (so they do not move) the Translenergics can use part of the energy of the threads to merge it with the skin of the fingers in order to unite the energy of the threads with the internal one and be able to use the internal one, through the external one, to lengthen the threads and make them move. If the threads have already been joined by the Sýrmata Pupa itself the Translenergics will already have everything ready.

Romantic Translenergics: Romantic Translenergics have, in addition to the power of the Translenergics, powers related to love, including that of making people fall in love with themselves. These Translenergics can penetrate the threads as they penetrate people's hearts by putting their energy inside the energy of the threads, but unlike normal Translenergics, their energy merges completely with that of the threads making it a single energy and allowing them to fully use the potential of the Sýrmata Pupa's powers. Romantic Translenergics, although they can merge their energy with the energy of the Sýrmata Pupa threads, this does not apply to the internal energy of the Sýrmata Pupa since the internal environment of the Sýrmata Pupa's body does not allow the fusion between the two energies. Therefore, Romantic Translenergics, like normal Translenergics, in relation to the internal energy of the Sýrmata Pupa, will limit themselves to using it to create threads, stretch them and move them. A well-known representative of this group is Agapiata Torubrum.

Translenergici Adluci: Translenergici Adluci are Translenergici who, in addition to their Translenergetic powers, have powers related to light. Two known exponents of this group are Soriana Kalinda Sole and Ava Marullo.

Training Logic
In the training book, the logic of the training is also written in the final pages with some advice. The pages I am talking about contain:

### Phase 1: Creation of Energy Threads
**Objective:** Unlock the ability to create energy threads.

- **Energetic Connection Meditation:** Meditation serves to calm the mind and focus on internal energy. To create energy threads, the student must first be aware of their own energy and learn to channel it. The solar plexus represents the energy center of the fundamental sýmata pupa in the human body, so focusing on this point helps to perceive the energy within it.
- **Energy Sensing Exercises:** Using physical objects to stimulate the hands while visualizing the energy threads helps create a connection between the mind and body. This step facilitates the transition from internal perception of energy to its external manifestation.

### Phase 2: Energy Thread Movement
**Objective:** To unlock the ability to move the energy threads.

- **Connection to the Threads:** Feeling the threads as an extension of one's body is essential to being able to control them. This phase emphasizes the mental and physical connection to the threads, similar to learning to control new body parts.
- **Enduring Sensations:** Energy flowing through the threads can cause physical sensations. The student must learn to tolerate and manage these sensations to maintain control.
- **Visualization of Movement:** Visualization is a powerful tool for learning and practicing magical skills. Imagining the threads moving in response to intentions helps develop the control and precision needed to manipulate them in the real world.

### Phase 3: Thread Penetration into Victim
**Objective:** To unlock the ability to thread another body.

- **Thread Movement to Victim:** Before being able to penetrate another body, the student must be able to direct the threads to the victim with precision. This phase builds on the ability developed in the previous phase to control the threads.
- **Energy Hook Creation:** Energy hooks are a way to establish a physical and energetic connection with the victim.Visualizing the hooks helps the student understand how the threads can interact with other energy bodies.
- **Energy Compaction and Transmission:** Making the threads more compact and solid through increased energy transmission strengthens the connection with the victim. This step is crucial to ensure that the threads can penetrate and remain attached.

### Stage 4: Complete Control of the Victim
**Objective:** To unlock the ability to completely take control of the victim's body.

- **Energy Passage into the Threads:** Transferring energy into the threads establishes a stronger connection with the victim, setting the stage for more direct control.
- **Depersonalization and Transfer of Consciousness:** Depersonalization allows the student to temporarily separate from their consciousness, facilitating the transfer of a copy of their consciousness into the threads. This step is essential to overlap with the victim's consciousness without completely erasing it.
- **Overlap and Control:** Once the connection is established and the cloned consciousness is transferred, the student can control the victim's body as if it were their own. Visualizing every movement and action as natural helps maintain control and make actions fluid and precise.

### Logical Connection Between Phases
- **Phase 1:** Establishes awareness and manipulation of internal energy, essential for all subsequent phases.
- **Phase 2:** Develops the ability to direct and control energy threads, preparing the student for more complex interactions.
- **Phase 3:** Introduces advanced techniques for interacting with other energy bodies, building on the control skills developed in Phase 2.
- **Phase 4:** Culminates with the transference of consciousness and complete control, uniting all the skills developed in the previous phases to dominate another body.

This progressive and logical method ensures that each phase builds a solid foundation for the next, leading the student to develop complex skills in a systematic and structured way.

Translenergic Powers Derivation

1. Energy Resonance
What is Translenergic energy resonance?

Definition: Creatures with energy resonance have the ability to attune to the energy of the Sýrmata Pupa threads. This resonance means that their energies are compatible or similar to those of the threads, allowing them to influence and manipulate them as if they were an extension of their own energy.

How it works:

• Energy Attunement: Attunement occurs through a deep connection to the threads' energy frequencies. Creatures with this ability can "read" and respond to the threads' energy oscillations, interacting with them in a natural and fluid way.

• Control and Manipulation: Creatures can manipulate the Sýrmata Pupa threads without directly creating the threads themselves, using their energy resonance. This ability allows them to bend, guide, or block the threads based on their own will.

Energy Conflict:

• Energy Strength: When both parties (Sýrmata Pupa and creatures with resonance) are involved in controlling the threads, the strength and stability of each party's energy determines who prevails. If the creature's energy is stronger or better attuned, it may prevail over the Sýrmata Pupa's threads, while conversely, the Sýrmata Pupa may maintain control if their energy is dominant.

2. Transfer of Power

Definition: Transfer of power allows certain creatures to receive, absorb, or direct energy, allowing them to influence or control the energies created by others, including the threads of the Sýrmata Pupa.
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Data di iscrizione : 29.09.21

Rayman: The Worst Nightmare Ever Empty Re: Rayman: The Worst Nightmare Ever

Ven Lug 26, 2024 4:16 pm
Book of Translenergics and their Training:

In a certain level of the paid upgrade, the book of Translenergic training is found. It has some broken pages relating to all the types of Translenergics that exist, allowing you to see only the general and romantic ones in the initial explanation of Translenergics. The pages of the book are:

Translenergics: Abilities and Functioning

1. Abilities of Translenergics

Energetic Resonance:
Translenergics are equipped with an energetic resonance that allows them to transform their energy into hadronic energy, a type of energy made up of quarks, which can penetrate the energy threads of the Sýrmata Pupa. This ability to penetrate and transfer energy allows Translenergics to control the threads of the Sýrmata Pupa, using them to move, stretch and create threads, as well as to create hooks in the victims of the threads.

Thread Manipulation:
- Movement, Stretching and Creation of Threads: They use the external energy of the threads to manipulate, stretch and create new threads. This energy is the one already present in the threads, not their internal energy directly.
- Creation of Hooks: They can create hooks in the threads using the internal energy of the Sýrmata Pupa through the external energy of the threads. This operation implies an indirect control over the internal energy of the Sýrmata.

- Lack of Complete Fusion: Without a complete fusion of their energy with that of the threads, they cannot transfer their consciousness through the threads or directly control the "puppets" of the Sýrmata. Their manipulation remains limited to the structure and dynamics of the threads themselves.

2. Extra Abilities of Romantic Translenergics

Complete Fusion:
Romantic Translenergics have an advanced ability compared to normal Translenergics. They can completely merge their energy with that of the threads of the Sýrmata Pupa. This fusion eliminates the energy barrier and allows them to transfer their consciousness into the threads, allowing total control of the potential of the threads.

Complete Control:
- Energy Fusion: Allows them to access the full potential of the threads, including the transfer of consciousness and direct control of the victim.
- Creation and Control: Thanks to energy fusion, they can use the threads in more advanced ways, including the creation and control of hooks, the transfer of consciousness and taking control of "puppets".

Limitations on Fusion:
While Romantic Translenergics can merge their energy with that of the threads, this fusion does not extend to the internal energy of the Sýrmata Pupa, which means that they still only use the internal energy of the Sýrmata to create, stretch and move the threads.

3. Abilities of Adlucid Translenergics

Additional Powers:
Adlucid Translenergics, in addition to their Translenergetic powers, possess light-related powers. Two known members of this group are Soriana Kalinda Sole and Ava Marullo.

Connection Between Energy and Consciousness

Internal and External Energy:

• Internal Energy of the Sýrmata: Used by Translenergics to create, stretch and form hooks in the threads. This access is partial and mediated through the external energy of the threads.

• External Energy (of the Threads): Used by Translenergics for movement and blocking of the threads. Normal Translenergics have direct control only over this energy.

Energy Barriers:

• Normal Translenergics: They manipulate the strings without complete fusion, so they cannot overcome the barrier that prevents the transfer of consciousness.

• Romantic Translenergics: They overcome this barrier thanks to the complete fusion of energies, allowing for deeper control and the transfer of consciousness.

Control of the Sýrmata's "Puppets"

Normal Translenergics:
They cannot control the Sýrmata's puppets directly.

Romantic Translenergics:
They can control the Sýrmata's puppets by transferring their consciousness to the Sýrmata itself. Once their consciousness is in the Sýrmata, they can extend control to the puppets via the energy strings.

Translenergic Training

Translenergic training is divided into several phases, aimed at developing the skills necessary to manipulate hadronic energy and use energetic resonance. Here are the main phases:

Phase 1: Creation of Hadronic Energy
Objective: Transform a portion of the internal energy into hadronic energy.

Method: Energy Concentration and Quark Transformation

1. Energy Transformation Meditation:
- The student sits in a comfortable position and practices deep breathing to calm the mind.
- Focuses attention on a central energy point, such as the solar plexus, visualizing the internal energy.
- During inhalation, imagine that the energy is compressed and concentrated to the subatomic level, transforming into quarks.
- During exhalation, perceive the hadronic energy flowing through the body, adapting to the new energy frequencies.

2. Practical Transformation Exercises:
- The student uses crystal objects to help focus the energy and observe the transformation.
- Practices visualizing beams of hadronic energy penetrating the crystals, learning to maintain the stability of the new energy form.

Phase 2: Energetic Resonance
Objective: Attune one's energy to that of the Sýrmata Pupa threads.

Method: Attunement and Sending Hadronic Energy

1. Energetic Attunement:
- The student focuses on their internal energy, feeling its vibrations and frequencies.
- The student meditates on the flow of energy of the Sýrmata Pupa threads, trying to feel their frequency and oscillation.
- Once the energy of the threads is felt, visualize their hadronic energy aligning with this frequency, creating a resonance.

2. Sending Hadronic Energy into the Threads:
- Visualize the hadronic energy extending from their energy center, out of the body and into the threads, imagining the energy penetrating the threads and becoming part of them.

Phase 3: Internal Energy Attraction

Objective: To unlock the ability to attract one's internal energy from one's hadronic energy sent into the threads of a Sýrmata Pupa.

Method: Deep Connection and Energetic Attraction

1. Intensification of Connection:
- The student focuses on the energy threads and on their hadronic energy already present in the threads.
- Through visualization, imagine the internal energy being attracted and flowing into the threads, following the path of the hadronic energy.

2. Energetic Attraction Exercises:
- The student practices with breathing exercises and visualization to attract their internal energy to a specific point of the body.
- Uses guided meditation to perceive the energy flow and control the intensity of the attraction, maintaining stability.

Phase 4: Energetic Fusion (For Romantic Translenergics Only)
Objective: To merge one's energy with that of the threads of the Sýrmata Pupa.

Method: Energetic Fusion and Deep Attunement

1. Preparation for Fusion:
  - The student practices the deep connection with the threads, meditating intensely on their energy.
  - Visualizes his own energy approaching and preparing to merge with that of the threads.

2. Energetic Fusion:
  - The student imagines his own energy completely merging with the energy of the threads, becoming a single energetic entity.
  - He feels the fusion as a perfect resonance, where there is no distinction between his own energy and that of the threads.

3. Usefulness of Fusion:
  - The student practices using energy fusion to enhance their abilities. This includes complete control of the threads and using their potential to the fullest extent.

Energy Touch

Translenergics and Sýrmata Pupa possess innate abilities that allow them to interact with energy in ways that are beyond ordinary human capabilities. These innate abilities are the result of unique characteristics in their energetic and biological makeup. Let's look at how they work:


Innate Energy Touch:
- Innate Energy Sensitivity: Translenergics are born with a superior energetic sensitivity that allows them to sense and interact with various types of energy. This ability is due to an intrinsic connection to subatomic energies, such as hadronic energy.
- Unique Energy Anatomy: Translenergics have unique internal energetic structures that function as "receptors" for hadronic energy and other forms of energy. These receptors allow them to sense, absorb, and manipulate energy intuitively.
- Concentration Practices: While the ability to sense and touch energy is innate, training through meditation and visualization helps to refine and control these abilities. This allows Translenergics to manipulate energy precisely and intentionally.

Sýrmata Pupa

Innate Manipulation of Energy Threads:
- Native Energy Connection: Sýrmata Pupa have an innate connection to their energy threads. These threads are direct extensions of their life energy, and manipulating them is as natural as moving a limb.
- Sensory Interaction: Sensing and manipulating the energy threads occurs through an intrinsic energy sense that allows Sýrmata Pupa to sense and direct the threads without the need for training. This ability is an integral part of their energetic biology.
- Intuitive Control: Sýrmata Pupa threads respond to the will and intentions of their bearer. This intuitive control is possible because of a deep connection between the consciousness of the Sýrmata Pupa and the energetic structure of the threads.

Why are these abilities innate?

1. Energetic Evolution: Both groups have evolved these abilities as part of their nature, being necessary for their survival and functioning. This energetic evolution has integrated the perception and manipulation of energy into their being.
2. Distinct Energetic Structure: Translenergics and Sýrmata Pupa possess distinct energetic structures that are not found in normal humans. These structures serve as an interface between their consciousness and the energy they manipulate.
3. Experience and Energetic Memory: Energetic memory and experiences accumulated genetically or spiritually can contribute to these innate abilities. This means that, through generations, energetic abilities have been consolidated and strengthened.

Translenergic Training Rationale

Translenergic training is designed to develop their energetic manipulation abilities in a progressive and systematic way. Each phase and activity has a specific rationale that aligns with what the Translenergic must learn to master hadronic energy and the threads of the Sýrmata Pupa. The rationale behind each phase and activity is explained below.

Phase 1: Creation of Hadronic Energy

Objective: Transform a portion of the internal energy into hadronic energy.

- Energetic Transformation Meditation: Meditation helps the student develop the ability to concentrate and control their internal energy. Transforming energy at the subatomic level into quarks is essential because the hadronic energy must be small enough to penetrate the threads of the Sýrmata Pupa.
- Practical Transformation Exercises: Using crystals to focus energy helps the student visualize and maintain the stability of hadronic energy. This practice is essential to understanding how to manipulate energy on a practical level.

Phase 2: Energetic Resonance

Objective: Attune one's energy to that of the Sýrmata Pupa strings.

- Energetic Attunement: To manipulate the strings, the student must be able to attune to their energetic frequency. This exercise develops the sensitivity needed to perceive and respond to the oscillations of the strings.
- Sending Hadronic Energy into the Strings: Learning to send hadronic energy into the strings is crucial to begin influencing and controlling the strings themselves. This step prepares the student to use the energy of the strings as an extension of their own. Phase

3: Attracting Internal Energy

Objective: Unlock the ability to attract one's internal energy to one's hadronic energy sent into the strings of a Sýrmata Pupa.

- Intensification of Connection: Focusing on the wires and one's hadronic energy present in the wires helps to strengthen the energetic connection. This connection is necessary to attract internal energy into the wires.
- Energetic Attraction Exercises: These exercises develop the student's ability to control the flow of their internal energy, improving stability and precision in manipulating the wires.

Phase 4: Energetic Fusion (Romantic Translenergics Only)

Objective: To merge one's energy with that of the Sýrmata Pupa threads.

- Preparation for Fusion: Meditating intensely on the connection with the threads prepares the student for a deep energetic fusion. This preparation is essential to achieve perfect resonance.
- Energetic Fusion: Merging completely with the energy of the threads allows the Romantic Translenergic to make the most of the threads' potential, including total control.
- Usefulness of Fusion: Practicing the use of energetic fusion helps the student to enhance their abilities and maintain stable fusion, even under stress.


Translenergic training is structured in such a way that each phase and activity develops specific skills necessary to master hadronic energy and the Sýrmata Pupa threads. The rationale behind each activity is to progressively build the required skills, starting from the transformation of internal energy, through attunement and sending of energy, up to complete fusion for Romantic Translenergics. This approach ensures that students gain precise and stable control of their energetic abilities.

The Rayman Manual The Worst Nightmare Ever about Translenergics and Sýrmata Pupa: History


In the magical and surreal world of Rayman, there are two particular entities that are the offspring of a being that possessed the primordial powers of them all: the Translenergics and the Sýrmata Pupa. These creatures possess extraordinary abilities. This manual explores the origins of these entities and their connection to the Bubble Dreamer.

Origins of the Sýrmata Pupa and Translenergics

The Panenergic: The Original Essence

The Translenergics and the Sýrmata Pupa descend from a single and friendly dream that possessed the powers of them all: the Panenergic. This being, a human with extraordinary powers, despite his immense abilities, was a fun and benevolent being, a good friend of the Bubble Dreamer, and used his abilities to temporarily create, during the invasions of nightmares, nightmare puppets that infiltrated the nightmares to listen to what was said through the energy threads. The nightmare puppets used as spies were not controlled so that they brought the threads into important speeches without problems. Instead, during the clashes the Panenergico used the nightmare puppets to help him against the other nightmares and then free them and defeat them at the end of the fight. He helped the Bubble Dreamer to defeat various nightmares that began to be born a few years after Jano through the bad dreams of the Bubble Dreamer and that became frequent.

The Division of Powers

Over time, subsequent generations of the Panenergico gave birth to two distinct entities: the Translenergici and the Sýrmata Pupa. These creatures inherited different parts of his powers, but their abilities evolved significantly from the original Panenergico.

Sýrmata Pupa: The Personified Nightmares

The Sýrmata Pupa, descendants of the nightmares, were born during the Panenergico's fifth marriage to a nightmare woman named Omorfancha. She was shy and reserved, born into a family that had high demands on her and required impossible tasks, causing her stress and anxiety. When she would have panic attacks, these would transform into a nightmare that wanted to invade the Glade. While transformed into a nightmare, she called herself Rozerma, a pink creature with an inverted triangle face and fashionable fuchsia clothes full of glitter. After being defeated by the Panenergico she asked for forgiveness from the Bubble Dreamer explaining the situation, the exclusivity of the panic attack she had and going as far as to beg him on her knees, which he himself considered exaggerated. The Bubble Dreamer saved her from being imprisoned in the Cave of Bad Dreams by understanding that she did not want to do harm voluntarily. The Panenergico fell in love with her as soon as she returned from a dream and began to befriend her. Over time he declared his feelings and his desire to marry her and she accepted the marriage. She accepted and they had several children, the first Sýrmata Pupa. Initially they possessed energy threads that could not penetrate minds with strong mental resistance. There was no total control of a creature, and energy hooks were not created. As the generations passed, the Sýrmata Pupa perfected their abilities, developing thinner and more resistant threads, capable of penetrating even the strongest mental barriers. They specialized in creating energy hooks that could cling tenaciously to the auras of their victims, making it more difficult to break free from their control. Some Sýrmata Pupa became sinister and manipulative creatures that used threads of energy to control and subdue their victims. Sýrmata Pupa who lost their consciousness by performing evil deeds for many years, like the Sýrmata Pupa of today who follow the same path, have a bodily transformation that makes them similar to skeletal automatons with eyes and mouths.

Translenergics: Dreams in Action
The marriage between the Panenergico and Omorfancha lasted one hundred and fifty years and then Panenergico could not take it anymore and left her. She was toxic and too controlling and even though she apologized after the offenses said to control the situations, the Panenergico decided to leave her and she sent her children to the orphanage and went to Jano telling him about when she had been a nightmare to be sent to the Cave of Bad Dreams. After several years he married a kind-hearted dream woman who loved to help others, who knew how to be assertive and who knew how to manipulate people when it was necessary to do good to others. From the marriage with her were born the Translenergics. These humans possess the ability to transform their energy into a special form called hadronic energy, allowing them to interact and manipulate the threads of the Sýrmata Pupa. They initially could not attract their internal energy to the threads. There were no variants such as the Romantic, adlucid, or other types of Translenergics. However, over time, these entities developed the ability to attract their inner energy into the threads of the Sýrmata Pupa through the hadronic energy sent into them, being able to manipulate the threads of the Sýrmata Pupa even when they controlled them, simply by increasing the amount of their energy present in the threads. Other evolutions led to the birth of different types of Translenergics, with specific abilities, such as those related to light, love, and others. These new types of Translenergics were born from mating with other magical creatures and from genetic errors that rather than selecting among their powers which would prevail, created a mixture.

The Sýrmata's Sense of Power

After a thousand years, in a high school class ten students were Sýrmata Pupa and formed a friendship group showing an attitude of superiority over the others, due to the awareness of the power of their powers. Three months after the birth of this group, during a night of intense agitation, the Bubble Dreamer had a nightmare in which he saw the youths bullying a teen and that indicated the group as the architect of a future invasion. At the same time of the nightmare, the leader of the youths, Sýrmata, in a moment of goliardic fun, bullied a teen forcing him to do embarrassing actions through the use of threads. Following the suggestions of the pack on what humiliations to make him suffer, they all mocked him together. As soon as they freed the teen, he ran away in tears and, the leader of the Sýrmata, feeling good after the act, came up with the idea of ​​invading the Glade the following day so that they could each have losers to control. The pack agreed with the idea reminding each member that they had been given a gift from nature that allowed them to be powerful and that it was right to exploit it and elevate themselves to their rightful place.

The Bubble Dreamer, as soon as he woke up, warned the school of the nightmare, but the parents defended the youngsters, considering them good kids. During the after-school meeting at the house of their leader, Sirabasko, the group began to practice with their powers, taking control of various animals and making them fight each other in the courtyard. Sirabasko had forgotten that that day, during a vacation of his cousin Valeria's parents, the latter would come to visit him, a girl with black hair that reached her shoulders, often dressed in a black jacket with spikes on the sleeves and matching bracelets. When Valeria arrived, he and his group were scared, but she did not notice anything, as she was crying and upset. Sirabasko asked her what had happened, and she said that, while she was at the supermarket, she had met a classmate who usually bullied her for her dark style.

The boy, nervous and eager to humiliate her along with his henchmen as usual, was having fun with his friends by throwing mud at her that they kept in a bag that they carried around with. They had taken her jacket and put it in the bag, then they had stuck the bag full of mud on her head, mocking her. Valeria said that she had taken off the bag, and that, by mistake, some mud had ended up on the bullies' heads. She explained that she had not intended to do it. She could not see anything because of the mud and had told the bully clearly, but he was angry and, with his group, wanted to attack her. She could not tolerate being subjected to it any longer without defending herself: she had already been humiliated and thought that was enough for that day. So she used the wires to take control of some henchmen and make them fight each other, then sending them against the leader, who defeated them all. Later, she took control of the leader of the bullies, forcing him to beat himself up. She admits that her anger had overcome her and she had gone too far, taking her soul to the Land of the Livid Dead. Through tears, she said that she was very sorry.

Sirabasko approached her, took his hands from her eyes and told her that everything was fine. He added that the bully was nothing but an insignificant worm and that only they truly mattered. He said that they had the power to rise and should not settle for an ordinary life, nor allow themselves to be trampled by the petty. He stated that the possessed nature was the Bubble Dreamer's unconscious will, that they should lead the world. She, not recognizing her cousin, replied that her thoughts were wrong.

He insisted that she did not understand: culture, he said, was a tool of the dreams to prevent them from fulfilling their appointed destiny. He asked her if she was with them or against them. She hesitated over which choice to make, but he reminded her that if she were against them, the dreams would send her to the Cave of Bad Dreams for her murder. He convinced her to accept, even though she did so with her eyes closed, knowing that she was making a wrong choice and against her values.

The group welcomed her warmly and together they resumed their trials, during which she felt a deep sense of guilt for what they were doing to those poor animals. In the evening, the Sýrmata, feeling ready, skillfully took control of various dreams, but were discovered by the old Panenergic, who ordered them to stop, threatening otherwise to intervene personally. The Sýrmata laughed at him and threw their "puppets" at him, which Panenergico managed to free during the fight, taking the threads and removing them from the enslaved dreams. Then, the Sýrmata joined forces, created new threads and threw them at Panenergico, but he, by lighting up his eyes, made them visible and managed to avoid them. Panenergico continued to dodge the threads, but in the end he was surrounded and captured. Each Sýrmata wanted him to do different things and, under the pressure of so many conflicting energies, Panenergico's internal energy exploded. The Sýrmata Pupa were stunned, and the leader of the group declared that Panenergico deserved that end for having abandoned their ancestor by making him have less consideration than the Translenergici. The Sýrmata found more victims and turned them into "puppets", planning to invade the Glade and enforce their future will as masters both through dreams "puppeted" through strings, and through the slaves they will enslave.

The Struggle Between Light and Darkness

The Bubbledreamer, in order to stop the advance of the Sýrmata, asked the Translenergics to save the Glade through Ly. The nymph did so, and the Translenergics joined the fight against their "cousins". The Glade became a battlefield. The Sýrmata Pupa sought to spread their negative influence, weaving strings of control and enslaving every creature within their domain. The Translenergics, on the other hand, fought to free the dreams from the darkness, using their hadronic energy to break the strings and return the dreamers to freedom.

This constant opposition created an unprecedented war in the Glade of Dreams that caused many subjugated dreams to end up in the Cave of Bad Dreams and that led to many deaths for almost a century. The war lasted a long time because of the ability of the Sýrmata to always find new creatures to make puppets. After the defeat of the majority of the Sýrmata, the remaining four surrendered, abandoning their evil in exchange for redemption, among them was Valeria. During the war, the Sýrmata Pupa continuously perfected their techniques of manipulation and control, while the Translenergics refined their ability to interfere with and destroy the energy threads.

Valeria dies at 17 (one year after the events) by suicide with many mental disorders (without ever having gone to a teen psychologist), a colder family due to her participation in the invasion and the hatred that it brought towards their species of Sýrmata Pupa, the voluntary isolation due to her awareness of having done something horrible with the murder, not discovered because the invasion distracted the heroes who were dealing with it, and forced because of the social hatred towards the Sýrmata Pupa. She ends up in the Cave of Bad Dreams like every nightmare, where you stay forever if not with the special amnesty or escape and remaining in her age until inside.

Considering that Valeria was saved from the Cave of Bad Dreams due to the distraction of the heroes due to the invasion, we can deduce that her psychological situation would have been even more complex. Although she avoided immediate punishment for the murder, the knowledge that she escaped justice only by a stroke of luck may have further fueled her guilt and paranoia.

Valeria's Disorders:

### Valeria's Probable Mental Disorders

1. **Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):**
- **Symptoms:** Flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance of reminders of the trauma, hypervigilance.
- **Contributing Factors:** Prolonged bullying, killing the bully, participating in the invasion, constant fear of being discovered.

2. **Major Depression:**
- **Symptoms:** Depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, intense guilt, insomnia, suicidal thoughts.
- **Contributing Factors:** Guilt about the murder, coldness from the family, social isolation, awareness of having betrayed one's moral values.

3. **Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD):**
- **Symptoms:** Excessive worry, restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability.
- **Contributing Factors:** Constant anxiety due to fear of being discovered for murder, social anxiety resulting from hatred of his/her own species, worry about his/her safety and future.

4. **Social Anxiety:**
- **Symptoms:** Intense fear of social interactions, avoidance of social situations, excessive worry about being judged negatively.
- **Contributing Factors:** Persistent school bullying, stigmatization of his/her own species, voluntary and forced isolation.

5. **Adjustment Disorder:**
- **Symptoms:** Significant emotional and behavioral symptoms in response to one or more identifiable stressors, such as anxiety, depression, conduct disturbances.
- **Contributing Factors:** Difficulty adapting to the new social and family situation after the invasion and stigmatization of her species.

6. **Pathological Guilt:**
- **Symptoms:** Persistent thoughts of guilt, feeling of not being worthy of forgiveness, self-punishment.
- **Contributing Factors:** Feeling of guilt for the murder of the bully, awareness of having participated in the invasion against his morals, feeling of having disappointed the family.

7. **Social Isolation:**
- **Symptoms:** Avoidance of social interactions, loneliness, lack of social support.
- **Contributing Factors:** Hatred towards her species, voluntary and forced isolation, family coldness.

About the Cave of Bad Dreams and the Land of the Livid Dead

In the Glade of Dreams, the words "dream" and "nightmare" retain the same meanings as ours, but take on additional connotations. "Dream" also refers to a creature born from a Bubbledreamer's dream, as well as being synonymous with goodness. In contrast, "nightmare" refers to a creature born from a Bubbledreamer's nightmare in which it played an evil role, or to a dream that invaded or attempted to invade the Glade, participated in an invasion, committed grave and irreparable crimes (such as killing or destroying a body part), or damaged body parts that were not repaired. The term is also synonymous with "bad."

Dreams, upon their death, end up in the Land of the Livid Dead, while nightmares are destined for the Cave of Bad Dreams. Dreams can be relegated to the Cave of Bad Dreams if they invade or attempt to invade the Glade, participate in an invasion, commit serious and irreparable crimes against dreams, or damage parts of a dream's body without them being repaired. In practice, dreams end up in the Cave of Bad Dreams if they become nightmares. In fact, nightmares, regardless of their goodness or evil, will always end up in the Cave of Bad Dreams.

The rules that determine the post-mortem destination are established by a dream of the Bubble Dreamer, and every change in them Jano becomes aware of it, adapting accordingly. Furthermore, Jano has imposed a rule by which every ten years he can grant a special amnesty, at the request of the Bubble Dreamer, the rulers of the Glade or the head of the Glade's secret services, to allow a nightmare, a family of nightmares (from the grandfather to the grandchildren), or all nightmares of a certain species to leave the Cave of Bad Dreams.

Some rumors say that Jano helped Rayacula escape the Glade and that he sometimes allows a few Nightmares to escape in exchange for something.

Paid Update Information and Part Two

In the paid update, after Narcissus is defeated, an animation plays in which Agapiata removes the threads that bound him while he, now close to defeat, begs Rayman and Globox not to let him return to the Cave. Narcissus explains that it is just an innocent dream and says that he escaped from the Cave to find a family that would teach him what is right and what is wrong. However, his traveling companion had crazy ideas of invasion and, when he opposed, she tied him with strings to use him in her plans. Globox is shocked and accepts this explanation.

In the final level of the update, when there is only one hit left to defeat Agapiata, a giant black monster appears from underground, with a slimy body and four 5-dot eyes, one of which is located in the center between the two upper and lower eyes. Agapiata touches it using her romantic power, which creates tenderness in older creatures towards those who hit them. She asks the monster to help her escape, and he, taking her in his hand, retreats underground carrying her away.

The second part of the paid update is obtained through an additional paid update. The enemies of this update will be small monsters created by the large monster through its body.

In the initial part of the update, Rayman will fight against the great monster, which will launch multiple rockets with different positions despite the unique distance between the rockets fired except for a distance in certain situations. Once defeated, Rayman will be saved by Murfy before suffering the final blow, followed by Globox. In the second level of the update, it is discovered that a creature called The Paper Drawer knows the way to defeat the monster. It is also recommended to bring the Bubble Dreamer with you, in case something is required in exchange. So, Rayman and Globox set off to find the Bubble Dreamer and then go find the Paper Drawer.

In the central part of the story of the latest update, they find The Papermaker and an animation starts. Rayman, Globox, Bubble Dreamer and a teenager who guided them to the place, climb the last stairs and arrive in the presence of The Papermaker, a creature as big as Bubble Dreamer, green in color, with a round face, goblin ears and short green hair. The Papermaker welcomes the guests, and Bubble Dreamer, recognizing her, exclaims that she is his mother. The Papermaker replies that it has been a long time since they last saw each other. Bubble Dreamer asks her if she came there to visit him, and she replies that she wanted to have fun around the Glade. Rayman informs The Papermaker that a very powerful, seemingly invincible monster is invading the Glade under the control of a young girl. The Papermaker states that she is aware of the situation, since she was the one who created the monster, and throws a paper with the drawing of the monster on the ground, leaving everyone stunned. Globox asks her the reason for her actions and she replies that she has the power to create events or creatures by drawing them on her cards, which then become reality by making the latter take on color. However, she specifies that her cards are only those with a blue back, showing them to demonstrate their color. She adds that there are cards with a yellow back, which she found already drawn, and that they represent the beginning and the end of existence, showing them to make clear the difference with the others. Showing the card of the explosion of light in the darkness, she explains that it is derived from the continuous rubbing of sleeping nullum, which, after having arrived through the movement to rub in many in the same point, an explosion of energy is created generating her and the energetic space called the universe. Showing the card of the end, in which several inhabited worlds and the darkness that spreads are depicted, she says that a time will come in which all the energy will return to a state of quiet, which will happen when the universe is full of their creatures. He claims to have discovered that energy decreases in intensity in the absence of tension, and that in order for the universe to last until then it is necessary to occasionally create that tension, which is generated every time a turbulent event occurs such as the invasion of nightmares. Finally, he emphasizes that for this reason his son's nightmares are also necessary, even though he does not want to cause them.

Globox asks if the Big Bang was born from the nullums, and she specifies that the Big Bang was created by the Bubble Dreamer to give life to various planets in the universe, which have not yet been used except for their own. She also explains that she alone, sometimes, created beings on these planets, but that then became extinct due to poor care of the planet, mutual extermination or the decision to no longer reproduce. She adds that she did this despite also having fun creating small negative events in the Glade, such as unexpected or embarrassing situations, genetic mutations and the shape of the children of some dreams of different species that mate. Globox states that in those cases the children are born randomly. She confirms, but emphasizes that her drawings can control chance when she wants.

Rayman asks the Paper Drawer why, if she created alien dreams, there are no dreams of other planets in the Land of the Livid Dead. She answers that on other planets, when creatures die, they become energy. She explains that the Cave of Bad Dreams and the Land of the Livid Dead are creations of the Bubble Dreamer's dreams, which only work for creatures born on their planet. She adds that there are unconscious rules of her son in them that not even he knows about. She also says that in the Cave of Bad Dreams, most of the nightmares are explorers, but laughs as she explains that they make up the majority of the nightmares in the Land of the Livid Dead as well, since there are nightmares there too. She says that after Mr. Dark's invasion, the remaining hunters, darktoons, and explorers asked the Bubble Dreamer for forgiveness. Once they were absolved, they fled to the Land of the Livid Dead to escape the social stigma. She explains that, having spent at least three years there, they are automatically dead, but since they have become dreams, they will always be sent to the Land of the Livid Dead when they die outside. During the battle between the Land of the Livid Dead and the Glade, some nightmares were born integrated into the Land and, dying, they also ended up there. She says that the nightmares of the Land, like those of the Cave, have a blocked age and, like the dead dreams in the Land of the Livid Dead, if they are outside the Land for more than four hours a day, they die becoming energy.

Rayman asks her how she knows this, since there have never been reports of dead dreams becoming energy and during the war against them, they were all out of the Land for a long time. She answers that she once saw a dream disappear and, studying the circumstances, she understood the rule. She continues by explaining that in that context, everyone could stay out longer thanks to the Bubble Dreamer's nightmare, but it is usually necessary for Mother Voodoo to use part of her power, which she will recover over the years, to allow this, even if only for a month. She concludes by saying that Mother Voodoo used this opportunity the month in which she did so because the dead dreams wanted to stay with the living for a long time, and she was aware of the possible consequences, even if she did not know exactly what they would be.

Rayman, returning to the previous topic, claims that it was not necessary to create the monster, since there had already been an invasion. The Paper Drawer replies that the invasion had not been intense enough. Rayman explains that the invasion a year ago was the worst in the history of the Glade and she explains that an invasion in a longer time is still preferable. Rayman turns to the Card Drawer and says that he has heard that she knows the secret to defeating the monster and asks her what it is. She replies that it is enough to make a jump always going backwards, land and jump again three times. This will take them to a safe area, three times as long and wide as him that will allow him to survive any attack from the monster. Showing a card with a colorless drawing of Rayman defeating the monster, he explains that he drew the monster's defeat. This made Jano want something from the monster, using his having to deal with the monster to add a vexing clause in the contract that would weaken the monster, in exchange for strengthening its missiles. However, the monster, not being stupid, noticed the clause and did not accept it since it weakened him too much. Jano, having previously defined the clause necessary for the agreement, continued to propose different versions until it was weakened only for those who knew about it. The Paper Drawer claims to have discovered the method by chance so that they, finding her, could know it. Then she asks the Bubble Dreamer to come in her arms.

He refuses, saying he is not a child, but she, after drawing another card, predicts that a dragon will eat him soon. Frightened, he throws himself into her arms, holding her, and a dragon devours the part of the building where he was, making the teen, Rayman and Globox advance away from the hole. The Card Drawer caresses the Bubble Dreamer, telling him that he is a good boy. Shortly after, a sweet girl with a crown braid and long, wavy, light white hair arrives. She brings tea to her mother, who thanks her by calling her sweetheart and kindly asks if she can take the deck of cards placed on the kitchen table. The girl willingly agrees.

The Teen says the famous phrase "Slave woman, shut up and wash", declaring that he appreciates the girl for this. The girl, offended, asks him how dare he speak like that. The Teen introduces himself as Teen All-Hearing. The girl asks him to leave, but the Teen replies that he only made a remark and did not mean to offend her. The girl asks her mother to let the Teen out, but the mother replies that, since he is a guest, she does not want to send him away for an unfortunate remark. Then the girl says that she will leave the room and will not return until the Teen leaves. As she is about to leave, the mother asks her to wait. When she stops, the mother explains that her daughter is ready to do anything for others, but only if treated with respect, and adds that moral perfection is what her daughter is looking for in a boyfriend. However, in her opinion, her daughter will never find a boyfriend because a morally perfect person does not exist. The daughter comments that it is better to be alone than not to be treated well. The mother, meanwhile, begins to draw a card. Meanwhile, the Teen tells the girl that, however, he has no problem being with his mother, who has just created a gigantic, dangerous and completely unnecessary nightmare. The Paper Drawer, continuing to draw, explains that, being part of her family, the young girl has learned to accept some mistakes. Then an iron ball breaks through the roof and hits the All-Hearing Teen, pushing him towards the hole created by the dragon's bite. The Paper Drawer says that she wanted the Teen to stay, but that with the arrival of that ball, he was forced to go out. The daughter, worried about the Teen, goes to check if he is okay and says that he was crushed by the ball. The Paper Drawer tells her daughter that it was she who wanted to get the Teen out, but the daughter scolds her, saying that this was not the way to get a person out. The girl shouts to the fallen Teen if he is okay, and he replies yes, but that he would prefer not to find himself under an iron ball. The Paper Drawer comments that, since there were no serious consequences, there is no problem. The girl says she's going to free the Teen, and the others offer to help her. Convincing the Paper Drawer to join them, taking the papers from the kitchen along the way. After moving the iron ball, the Teen thanks everyone. The girl replies that she only helped him because not even a being like him deserves to be stuck with an iron ball, but stresses that she will never do anything for him in the future, should he need it. The Teen apologizes to the girl for his words, explaining that they were a sign of appreciation, but she sulks at him. Globox asks the Paper Drawer how they can be related to the Bubble Dreamer and the girl, since they are all uncreated and so different. The Paper Drawer replies that even the teens don't look much like her son,and explains that it was she who designed the events that gave birth to her children. She says that her son was born from nullums who, while awake, moved towards a common place and, falling asleep, arrived there through the last push given to themselves, then waking up in that point. She continues by saying that her daughter, instead, was born from nullums that she made converge in a single point, causing an explosion that created her daughter. The Paper Drawer asks the guests if they know the difference between the Glade of Dreams and the Viking Kingdom, but they shake their heads in denial. The Paper Drawer explains that her daughter created the gods of the Viking Kingdom and, together with them, in secret, gave life to the creatures within it. She also says that Zeus had two secret daughters, Olympia and Sibylla, with the queen, creating half-gods. The latter ascended to Olympus with him, but returned to the sovereigns due to the invasion of nightmares, settling there permanently. Teen All-Hearing asks the Gods how old they are, and the Paper Drawer says that her son was born 8 billion years ago, her daughter 2 billion years ago, and she herself 8 and a half billion years ago. The teen tells Bubble Dreamer's sister that he wears his age well, and she tells him to stay away from him. Rayman says that it's time to find Agapiata and the monster to restore harmony to the Glade. Rayman, Globox, and the teen say goodbye to the Gods and continue on their way.Globox and the teen greet the Gods and continue on their way.Globox and the teen greet the Gods and continue on their way.

Completing the second part of the paid update unlocks a card game mode with 120 cards from the Rayman series. Cards can be placed in one of 5 slots on the field. Slots give ÷2; ÷4; 0; ×2; ×4. Some cards when placed or when they defeat an enemy card change the sequence of enemy slots some reverse the × and the ÷ others do once an × and once a ÷ and others change the order randomly. The cards can be environment or character. Character cards have resistance, damage and life. Resistance allows you to cancel part of the damage; damage allows you to damage life and life allows you to remain on the field. This Mode has multiplayer.

Rayman Card Game
By completing the second part of the paid update you unlock a card game mode with 120 cards from the Rayman series. Cards can be placed in one of the 5 slots on the field. Slots give ÷2; ÷4; 0; ×2; ×4. Some cards when placed or when they defeat an enemy card change the sequence of the enemy slots some invert the × and the ÷ others do once an × and once a ÷ and others change the order randomly. Cards can be environment or character. Character cards have resistance, damage and life. Resistance allows you to cancel a part of the damage; damage allows you to damage life and life allows you to stay on the field. This mode has multiplayer. The cards will be found in the card parks (the first one with 1 card, the second 3 and the third 5) in which the third every 5 packs there is guaranteed the possibility of finding a new card. Each duplicate card already found will become 1 electon and having 5 electons or more you can buy a pack at the shop. For each battle won, players earn trophies, electons and you can also have a tournament with 10 participants where in the last battle the winner can steal a card that he does not have from the loser who will lose it in addition to winning a pack with 5 cards, one of which is guaranteed new and various electons.
During the battles the cards owned by the players join together in a single deck from which both will receive 10 initial cards and from which they can draw a card after the attacks. After 10 turns each draw will be 2 cards, after 20 turns 5 cards and after 40 turns 10 cards.
The cards have a blue back.
The environment cards work on all the cards on the field and the personal environments only on yours.

Game Cards (R is the resistance that decreases the damage taken (Damage - Resistance); D is the damage; DC is the counterattack damage (can defend up to 2 allies and when one of the two is hit the value of the counterattack damage is added to his resistance); V is life and AB is the ability)
1. Card Drawer: good, divinity, R18, D27, V165. AB. During the attack turn you can choose to attack your opponents or destroy the environmental cards in the center.
2. Dulcidea: good, deity, R13, D22, V145. AB. The environment cards used overlap.
3. Bubble Dreamer: good, deity, R17, D25, V160. AB. If the environment cards overlap, you can remove the top environment card, returning the previous one.
4. Jano: good, deity, bad, R16, D30, V155. AB. For each defeated enemy card, the enemy slot buffs and debuffs are randomly swapped.
5. Balaynaica: good, deity, bad, R15, D23, V150. For each defeated enemy, the enemy slot buffs and debuffs are reversed.
6. Zeus: good, deity, R14, D20, V150. AB. Each enemy card defeated the enemy slots' power-ups and debuffs become a debuff followed by a power-up, then the neutral slot and another debuff followed by a power-up
7. Olympia: good, deity, human, R13, D24, V140. AB. By defeating 2 enemies with her you can swap places of one of your cards with an enemy one.
8. Sibylla: good, deity, human, R13, D26, V145. AB. By defeating 2 enemies with her you can swap an enemy personal environment with one of yours or take it if you don't have one
9. Rayman: good, Rayman species, R11, D28, V135.
10. Ray: good, Rayman species, R11, D24, V130.
11. Funky Ray: good, Rayman species, R11, D22, V132.
12. Sir. Rayelot: good, Rayman species, R15, D21, V145.
13. Rayman Clone: ​​good, Rayman species, bad, R10, D27, V135.
14. Splinter Ray: good, Rayman species, R13, D24, V134.
15. Shadow Ray: good, Rayman species, R12, D20, V140.
16. Tarayzan: good, Rayman species, R12, D20, V125.
17. Shayman: good, Rayman species, R10, D21, V130.
18. Raybeard: good, Rayman species, R10, D22, V128.
19. Clark: good, giant, R20, D18, V136
20. Globox: good, red mage, R9, D19, V120
21. Red Globox: good, red mage, R10, D18, V125
22. Chieftain: good, red mage, R10, D19, V120
23. Clone Globox: good, red mage, R11, D22, V126
24. Cell Globe: good, red mage, R14, D23, V120
25. Glombie: good, red mage, R9, D21, V118
26. Sadbox: good, red mage, R9, D18, V122
27. Valerio Angere: bad, human, R8, D25, V133, AB. When he is placed if he is automatically defeated he draws and places his automaton form
28. Valerio Angere(form automaton):bad, automaton, R7, D25, V128
29. Narcissus Angere: bad, human, R1, D10, V58
30. Sirabasko Thavasilias: bad, human, R8, D23, V132
31. Valeria Zoitenebrarum: bad, human, good, R8, D22, V126
32. Ava Marullo: good, human, R1, D12, V60
33. Soriana Kalinda Sole: good, human, bad R7, D20, V122
34. Agapiata Torubrum: good, human, bad R1, D19, V92
35. Flame: good, human, bad, R7, D19, V120
36. First Grand Minimum: good, teen, R7, D25, V115
37. Grand Minimo: good, teen, R7, D26, V116
38. Teen Avi: good, teen, R8, D24, V110
39. Teen Mage: good, teen, R8, D24, V105
40. Ales Mansay: good, teen, bad, R8, D29, V110
41. Teen Tuttosente: good, teen, R8, D22, V100
42. Betilla: good, nymph, DC 40, V230, AB. Each attack turn can attack an enemy but will attack a random ally instead
43. Ly: good, nymph, DC 46, V250, AB. Each attack turn can attack an enemy but instead will attack one of its protégés
44. Voodoo Mother: good, nymph, DC 52 (can only be used on dead), V235, AB. Each attack turn can attack an enemy but instead will attack one of its protégés
45. Mama Voodoo (monster form): bad, monster, R8, D23, V125
46. Murfy: good, green bottle,
47. Rayacula: bad, vampire, Rayman species, R9, D26, V124
48. Globacula: bad, vampire, red wizard, R10, D25, V118
49. Wifacula: bad, vampire, human, R8, D21, V110
50. Firsthoot: bad, vampire, human, R6, D22, V117
51. Wheet: bad, vampire, human, good, R1, D12, V70
52. Bloodeeth: bad, vampire, human, good, R1, D14, V76
53. Melodeeth: bad, vampire, human good, R1, D9, V50
54. Goodanine: bad, vampire, human good, R1, D10, V30
55. Gentlanine: bad, vampire, human, good, R1, D8, V40
56. Peacanine: bad, vampire, human, good, R1, D7, V60
57. Mr. Dark: bad, R10, D30, V124.
58. André (Hoodlum form): bad, lum, R9, D29, V129.
59. Begoniax:
60. Razoff:
61. Frog: good, frog, R2, D15, V35
62. Frog Trio: good, frog, R6, D45, V35
63. Gumsi: good, knareen, R13, D19, V120
64. Reflux: bad, knareen, R10, D29, V133.
65. Knareen:bad, knareen, R9, D16, V90
66. Knareen Trio:bad, knareen, trio R27, D48, V90
67. Hoodlum:bad, lum, R7, D19, V115
68. Hoodlum Trio:bad, lum, trio, R21, D57, V115
69. Armaguiddon:bad, lum, R14, D19, V120
70. Armaguiddon Trio:bad, lum, R42, D57, V120
71. Fire Monster:bad, monster, R8, D17, V125
72. Razorbeard:bad, robot, R14, D26, V119.
73. Hechman 800: bad, robot, R13, D18, V100
74. Henchman 800 Trio: bad, robot, trio, R39, D36, V100
75. Scout: bad, scout, R6, D17, V50
76. Scout Trio: bad, scout, trio, R18, D51, V50
77. Hunter: bad, human, R7, D15, V75
78. Hunter Trio: bad, human, trio, R21, D45, V75
79. Darktoon: bad, darktoon, R6, D15, V55
80. Darktoon Trio: bad, darktoon, R18, D45, V55
81. Golem: bad, monster, R18, D18, V122
82. Frog:bad, frog, R8, D13, V85
83. Frog Trio:bad, frog, R24, V85
84. Armored Toad:bad, frog, R12, D20, V145
85. GranGranny(the old skeleton from the Origins animation):good, dead, bad, R6, D20, V80
86. Husbeleton(male skeleton from the Origins animation):good, dead, bad, R5, D18, V78
87. Granny:good, dead, bad, R5, D13, V70
88. Granny Trio:good, dead, bad, trio, R15, D39, V70
89. Hand of Hades:bad, R8, D27, V130
90. Rabbid:bad, rabbit, R5, D14, V60
91. Rabbid Trio: villain, rabbit, R15, D32, V60
92. Pink: villain, rabbit, robot, R15, D23, V126
93. Big Antitoon: villain, darktoon, R10, D18, V127
94. Giant Rabbid: villain, rabbit, R9, D29, V132
95. Rabbid Ship: villain, rabbit, robot, R16, D21, V130
96. Murfy's Tip: Murfy has told you the secret to drawing 2 cards
97. Plum Wrapper: You've hit the target! Now you can draw 3 cards!
98. Winning Scratch Card: You've won the chance to draw 5 cards!
99. Golden Incrediball: This incrediball is here to help you draw 7 cards!
100. Dream of the Bubble Dreamer: The Bubble Dreamer has a lucky dream and you draw 9 cards!
101. Chaos of Mr. Dark: To generate chaos, Mr. Dark sent back a number of your opponent's cards equal to the amount of cards drawn in the previous turn!
102. Glade of Dreams: This environment placed in the slot in the center of the two player slots increases the damage of good players by 10%
103. Cave of Bad Dreams: This environment placed in the slot in the center of the two player slots increases the damage of bad players by 10%
104. Olympus: This environment placed in the slot in the center of the two player slots increases the damage of deities by 10%
105. Primeval Forest: This environment placed in the slot in the center of the two player slots increases the damage of cards that attack instead of nymph cards by 10%.
106. Yellow Lum: Increases the attack value of the selected card by 5% for 2 turns.
107. Red Lum: Increases the attack value of the selected card by 10% for 2 turns.
108. Orange Lum: Increases the attack value of the selected card by 25% for 1 turn.
109. Silver Lum: Grants the selected card the ability to change the position of enemy slot buffs and debuffs randomly every enemy defeated
110. Black Lum: Increases the attack of a selected villain by 30% 111.
Shrieking Clouds: This environment placed in the slot behind one of the 5 slots behind your 5 slots increases the damage of robots placed in your slots by 15%
112. Rayacula Castle: This environment placed in the slot behind one of the 5 slots behind your 5 slots increases the damage of vampires placed in your slots by 15%
113. Heart of the World: This environment placed in the slot behind one of the 5 slots behind your 5 slots increases the damage of lums placed in one of your slots by 15% and the damage increased by a lum card used by you by 5%
114. Viking Kingdom: This environment placed in the slot behind one of the 5 slots behind your 5 slots increases the damage of humans placed in your slots by 15%
115. Mystic Peak: This environment placed in the slot behind one of the 5 slots behind your 5 slots increases the damage of teens placed in your slots by 8% with an equal increase for red mages placed in the same slots
116. Valerio's Manipulation: Valerio has manipulated the enemy player to make him change environment, now you can destroy one of his personal environment cards
117. Bubble Dreamer's Nightmare: The Bubble Dreamer has made a nightmare that allows you to destroy an enemy's personal environment card
118. Rayman's House: This environment placed in the slot behind one of the 5 slots behind your 5 slots increases the damage of members of Rayman's species placed in your slots by 15%
119. Theft of the Great Proton: The Great Proton has been stolen! You can now destroy all personal environments on the field.
120. Panenergico's Gift: Panenergico from the Land of the Livid Dead has sent a gift for his descendants! Now all Panenergico's descendants on the field, both allies and enemies, will all gain +30% damage for 3 turns

How do you win? To win, the cards in the deck must run out and one of the players must defeat all the enemy cards. Each player cannot have more than 16 cards in their hand and any extra cards received will be eliminated. After the deck runs out, if a player does not use any cards for 3 consecutive turns, he automatically loses. To be able to do online battles you need to have at least 10 cards and to do a tournament at least 60 cards. Or you have to defeat all the cards placed by the enemy at a time when he has no cards.

Champion Cup
Obtaining all 120 cards will earn you the Champion Cup and the following text:

Over the generations, some Translenergics have abused their powers by carrying out invasions, ending up being relegated to the Cave of Bad Dreams. Today, in the Glade of Dreams, only a few dozen remain. The new generations of Sýrmata Pupa, following the invasion that has caused them a social stigma, have begun to hide their true nature and powers. Currently, neither the number of Sýrmata Pupa present in the Glade nor their identity are known.

Most Sýrmata Pupa learn from their parents how to use their powers at the age of seven, using wild animals as test subjects, despite it being illegal. Narciso Angere did not receive training because his father feared that if they were discovered as Sýrmata Pupa, their reputation would be ruined. Even during the invasions of the Glade, Valerio, too focused on the invasion and Rayman causing trouble, did not think to teach his son how to use his powers. Anyone discovered controlling other creatures with their powers risks a week of imprisonment if they stop after a warning, or being sent to the Cave of Bad Dreams if they persist. Translenergics, at the age of seven, begin to study their own powers and those of the Sýrmata Pupa, practicing in the creation of hadronic energy. If they discover that they have Sýrmata Pupa friends, they also practice their other powers with them.

Important Information To Understand
When Valerio took total control of various nightmares of the Cave he did it by putting a copy of his own soul in them. But the copy of his own soul that the Sýrmata Pupa use for total control is not a cloning because the soul is linked to the original consciousness making it like something that connects the dominated body with the consciousness of the dominant that thanks to evolution has adapted to be able to coordinate many bodies at the same time even making them do different things between them.
Instead regarding the threads of the Sýrmata Pupa, the threads that a Sýrmata Pupa can create are infinite. If a Sýrmata Pupa has 5 fingers full of created threads or with a thread full of energy it can create extensions from the external part of the dominated bodies of the threads created and used to dominate and use them to dominate others to infinity, like roots.
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