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Data di iscrizione : 29.09.21

Rayman: Wheet's Trouble Empty Rayman: Wheet's Trouble

Dom Giu 16, 2024 4:26 am
Rayman: Wheet's Trouble

Rayman: Wheet's Trouble is a fifteen-level 3D game, featuring an opening animation for each level. In this game, the Glade is surrounded by a blanket of snow and will be the scene of clashes with a variety of enemies, including snowmen, icemen, the Frost Queen, the Cold King, the Shield Bearers, the Stalactite Shooters and the Lancers of the Ice. From time to time, it will be necessary to release cages. In this context, you will be able to collect lums, light fires, obtain special abilities and much more.
Level 1 begins with an animation:

Wheet, passing through a room in Rayman's house that he usually avoids due to the uncovered window on the balcony reflecting sunlight, is startled to find the door open. However, since the sky is cloudy, the light is indirect and does not hurt her. Noticing the indirect sunlight, Wheet remains in the room and, looking at the balcony, notices that it is snowing outside. With wonder and desire to play with the fresh snow, since during the period in which she was with her family she did not often go out either during the day or in the evening, except for evening school, and since the castle always had the windows closed, never seen outside, Wheet remains fascinated by the scene.

When Rayman calls her for lunch, she comes down to find him already eating. Wheet asks if she saw it snowing outside, and Rayman confirms she does, reminding her to be careful looking outside because the sun might suddenly appear and burn her. He also promises her that the next day she will buy a door for the balcony, so that she can use all the rooms in the house without danger. Wheet notes that the sunlight at the time is indirect and did not hurt her. Rayman replies that the clouds can discover him at any moment, making it dangerous for her.

Changing the subject, Wheet notices that the snow has already settled on some roofs and she asks Rayman how long it will take for it to settle on the ground as well. Rayman estimates a few hours. Wheet asks him if, as soon as the quail snows, he wants to play with her. Rayman replies that he will be happy to play in the snow with her on the evening of a snow day.

An hour after lunch ends, Rayman has to go to work. Wheet, who has remained at the window the whole time, promising to move away if the intensity of the snowfall decreases, asks Rayman if, when he returns from work, he will play in the snow with her. Rayman replies that he can't do it that night, but that tomorrow night, being Sunday, he will play with her. Wheet accepts and says goodbye to Rayman.

The next morning, Rayman is called by Globox to make a snowman with him and his family. Rayman accepts and, after preparing himself, prepares to go to Globox. Wheet asks him where he is going. Rayman tells her, and she asks if he can join in, pointing out that since it's still snowing, the light is indirect. Rayman explains to her that he understands her desire to play in the snow, but that it is dangerous during the day, also advising her not to look out the window. Wheet replies that the light is indirect and there is no danger, and that before looking outside he checked on his phone to see if it was snowing.

Rayman repeats to her that, as already said the previous day, the sun can appear at any moment, proposing that he come out like a bat if she wants to be in his company. He compliments Wheet for checking the weather conditions before looking outside. Wheet, however, insists that as a bat he can't do anything and wants to play with them. Rayman promises her that he will play with her that evening, regardless of everything about her, and he reiterates that, if she wanted, she can join him and his friends as a bat by finding them outside Globox's house. Wheet accepts, albeit disappointed, and she says goodbye to Rayman.

Wheet remains in front of the window for a long time, observing the children playing with the snow, considering them lucky to be able to do so with their friends, while she cannot have fun with hers due to her vampire nature, very sensitive to the sun's rays, which creates a preclusion on the part of his friends from moments of fun in the snow. After a while, she can't take it anymore and she decides to go out to play in the snow alone, rebelling against the prohibitions imposed by her friends. She puts on her winter clothes, leaves the house and goes looking for a place to play in the snow.

Rayman, back home, sees Wheet nowhere. Worried, he leaves the house again, this time to look for her.

So the game begins, and Rayman in this level will encounter various snowmen as enemies who attack by throwing snowballs.

In level 2 the initial animation is as follows:
Wheet meets a group of children intent on creating and shaping snowdrifts and asks them what they are doing. One of the children replies that they are building defensive walls in anticipation of a snowball fight. Wheet offers to help them and the child gladly accepts, explaining how the walls must be built to allow both defense and throwing snowballs, also specifying the distance to be maintained between the various walls.
Once he receives the instructions, Wheet begins building the walls. The boy from earlier working on a wall to her left asks who she is, noting that he has never seen her in the Glade. Wheet introduces herself and explains that she doesn't go out often, sometimes preferring to go out in the evenings. The boy says his name is Antonio and suggests she join them some afternoon if he doesn't have anyone to go out with. Wheet politely declines the invitation, explaining that she doesn't like sunlight and that she already has friends she spends time with. She thanks him anyway for the offer and apologizes for not being able to accept. Antonio then suggests meeting in the evening, uniting groups of friends. Wheet accepts, saying that if her friends agree, they can join together some evening.
Antonio asks Wheet where he lives, and Wheet responds by providing directions to Rayman's house, adding that he might move elsewhere in the future. Once the walls are finished, the boy invites Wheet to participate in the snowball fight. Wheet accepts, to the excitement of a little girl that she is happy as the groups will now be balanced. The battle begins and Wheet has a lot of fun with the other children.
Meanwhile, Rayman searches for Wheet by shouting her name, hoping she will hear him, but getting no response. Worried, he wonders where the little vampire could have ended up and hopes that she is okay.

Thus begins level 2: Rayman will come across strange stone totems buried in the snow. He can clear them by digging, and they will open if Rayman builds a snowman in front of them. Totems can contain essential items for progressing through the level, lums, orange lums, and red lums for life.

The animation at the beginning of level 3 is as follows:
Wheet and the other children finish yet another snowball fight, and one of them suggests changing the game, tired of throwing snowballs. Antonio suggests building snowmen and the others agree. With great enthusiasm, Wheet observes the other children and then imitates them, building her own snowman too.
Meanwhile, Rayman frees a reindeer he encountered at the end of the previous level, surrounded by snowmen. Rayman asks the reindeer if the snowmen hurt her, but the reindeer says no, but adds that the snowmen imprisoned Ray Mas and the other reindeer. Rayman asks why and the reindeer admits that he doesn't know, but states that Santa Ray must deliver the presents the next day so as not to disappoint the children of the world who are waiting for him. Rayman promises that if he finds Santa Ray, he will not hesitate to free him. Furthermore, he states that, as soon as he finds Wheet, in danger because he risks being burned by the sun if he were to appear, if he has not yet found Santa Ray, he will dedicate himself to finding him and will also look for the other reindeer to free them .

The level begins and Rayman will encounter a new type of snowmen, equipped with wooden planks instead of hands, which attack by spinning like tops.

The animation at the beginning of level 4 is as follows:
Wheet and her friends finish building the snowmen. Wheet's new friends have to go home and, saying goodbye, they say goodbye while she Wheet expresses how much fun she had with them.
Suddenly, a flyer carried by the wind comes to Wheet. Reading it, she discovers a winter fair with a musical event during which ice creams are given away. Wheet asks her friends to wait and shows them the flyer, suggesting that it would be nice to listen to some good music and eat ice cream. Wheet's friends ask her to wait and, after returning from their nearby homes and getting permission from their parents to attend the event, they return to Wheet saying they can go with her.
Meanwhile, a teen on top of a yellowish dog-like creature with large ears and human-like hands throws some flyers, one of which hits Rayman in the face. Rayman reads the flyer and discovers that a group of saxophonists will be playing nearby and that a kiosk will offer free ice cream to all the children present. Thinking that Wheet might want to join in for the ice cream, he decides to head over to the location.

The level begins with Rayman encountering some frogs emerging from the snow. If Rayman does not perform certain movements or actions while the frogs are singing, they damage him. The frogs will leave at the end of the melody.

The opening animation of level 5 shows Wheet and his friends arriving at the event, greeted by the melodies of saxophonists and an ice cream man handing out ice cream, offering children their first cone for free. After grabbing the free cone they begin to explore the various attractions of the fair. However, the festive atmosphere is interrupted by the arrival of living snowmen who start attacking people. Rayman, who also arrived at the event, notices the general panic while the saxophonists, unaware, continue to play with their eyes closed. Rayman prepares for action and at that moment he hears Wheet's cries, frightened by the snowmen.

The level begins with Rayman trying to defeat all the snowmen before they can reach the stage and make the musicians escape. Damaging the snowmen reveals that beneath the snow, the snowmen are made of ice, revealing that they require multiple hits to destroy.

In the level 6 animation, Rayman goes to Wheet and asks him to go home before the sun appears. Wheet's friends, surprised to discover that she lives with the famous Rayman, are amazed as Wheet tells Rayman that she had fun playing in the snow. Rayman promises her that she will be able to have more fun in the snow that evening, safe from the sunlight. Wheet accepts and one of the girls, the only one among his new friends, asks him what could happen to her due to sunlight and whether the danger of sunlight is the real reason why she doesn't go out during the day, rather than just a preference. Wheet says sunlight can burn her and even kill her. Antonio replies that sunlight has never killed anyone. Wheet reveals that she is a vampire and cannot be touched by direct sunlight, otherwise she would die. Wheet's friend claims that it is impossible for her to be a vampire, as vampires were confined to the Cave of Bad Dreams years ago. Wheet she explains that she has changed and was not sent to the Cave. Antonio replies that, in that case, vampires are not bloodthirsty creatures who bite anyone who comes within their reach. Wheet confirms that some are. Rayman asks Wheet if they can go home, and she agrees. Wheet says goodbye to her friends and then returns home with Rayman, but as Rayman is about to leave again, Wheet asks him where he is going. Rayman replies that he must save creatures, and Wheet expresses a desire to accompany him. Rayman reminds her that he agreed to stay home, but Wheet suggests turning into a bat so he can stay safe inside one of the pockets of her jacket. Rayman agrees and Wheet transforms into a bat, doing what she promised.

Thus begins level 6, in which Rayman acquires the ability to collect objects in points that can be reached by flight thanks to the help of Wheet transformed into a bat.

The animation of level 7 shows Rayman destroying the first cage found in the previous level, freeing the teen elves. They tell Rayman that, while they were on a test ride with Santa Ray on the newly repaired sleigh, an icy wind froze them, along with Santa Ray and the reindeer who were pulling the sleigh. Due to the reindeer freezing, the sleigh crashed and they fainted, only to find themselves in a cage and carried by snowmen. Rayman asks the elves why they were kidnapped, but they say they don't know. He then asks if they remember where the sleigh fell, but the elves explain that they were unconscious at the time of the kidnapping. Then, they inform Rayman that Santa Ray is nearby and ask for his help in saving him. Rayman agrees and asks how they know for sure. The elves explain that they can sense Santa Ray's magical energy and thus pinpoint his location. Rayman decides to follow them.

Thus begins the level in which Rayman follows the elves, facing various enemies, collecting lums along the way and encountering the ice spearmen as new adversaries.

In level 8, after Rayman saved Santa Ray in the previous level, the initial animation shows the elves greeting Santa Ray, who thanks Rayman and explains that the Frost Queen captured him to steal the gifts intended for the children. He says that every Christmas the Frosty Queen tries to steal presents with her army of nightmares, but this time she succeeded in her attempt. Wheet, transformed into a bat, appears from Rayman's pocket and asks if the Frost Queen steals her dreams. Santa Ray replies that he doesn't kidnap dreams, but his nightmares enjoy scaring them. Rayman says that his job is done now that Santa Ray is safe, but the latter explains that the children's gifts are still in the hands of the Frost Queen and there is no time to produce new ones. Rayman promises to help him save Christmas and Santa Ray sincerely thanks him.

Thus begins the level, in which you will find frozen totems that can only be used after having thawed them by lighting a fire. To do so, the player will have to quickly beat flint stones and answer a question about the Rayman series. This will make the orange lums happy, which will give the fire the ability to resist snow and wind.

In level 9 the opening animation shows Murfy arriving and greeting Rayman, Santa Ray and the teen elves, asking them if they are going towards the Frost Queen. Rayman replies in the affirmative and Murfy says he heard that the Queen created four winds to thwart thieves who try to steal the gifts she stole from her. Murfy explains that the north wind, when it blows, strengthens melee damage and weakens ranged damage; the south wind pushes anyone who jumps and anyone who is in the air; the east wind slows anyone it hits, while the west wind weakens charged shots. At a certain point, a wind begins to blow and Murfy, noticing the blue leaves, declares that it is the north wind. Wheet, coming out of Rayman's pocket, thanks Murfy for the information, promising to be careful.

From level 9 to 13, each level will be characterized by a specific wind.

In level 10 the opening animation shows a teen elf observing that the cold is increasing. Santa Ray rubs his arms, commenting that the cold is similar to an arctic climate. Wheet, with a frozen wing in Rayman's breast pocket, expresses her distress and, crying, asks for help, fearing she will remain stuck there for the entire journey. Rayman reassures her, telling her to stay calm and promising that as soon as they find something to warm up, her wing will come off. A teen elf, remembering the past incident, shouts that the cold is the same as that day, fearing that everyone will freeze. Santa Ray urges the group to run to avoid freezing, starting the race.

Thus begins level 10. Rayman must run and light fires every time he finds wooden sticks, staying still to melt the ice and hoping to get to them in time. The fire also damages surrounding enemies, being made of ice and snow. In one part of the level, a teen claims that a dark being similar to Rayman, with a green mask and an elf outfit, has kidnapped their son and taken him to a cave full of embedded diamonds. Halfway through the level, after overcoming the freezing wind, Rayman will find himself near a cave, where a cage with Holly can be seen above. Murfy arrives and warns that Holly is imprisoned in the cave, also informing her that, continuing in the diamond cave, they will still be able to reach her and save her, after freeing the kidnapped teen. If the player does not save Holly, during the battle with Raymischievous the cage will break, Holly will fall, and the player will automatically lose the level. However, if Holly is saved, during the battle with Raymischievous, when he launches so many blows that Rayman cannot hit him, Holly will attack him from behind, allowing Rayman to defeat him.

The opening animation of level 11 features our heroes encountering Swifterella during their journey. They greet her and she asks them what they are doing. Santa Ray explains that they are going to the Frost Queen to retrieve Christmas presents for the children. Rayman asks Swifterella what he is doing there. Swifterella replies that she was about to go skiing on the highest mountain in the Glade, but she was stopped by snowmen who attempted to attack her. She then proposes to join them.

In level 11, Rayman will be supported by Swifterella as a helper, and will encounter new enemies: the Stalactite Shooters.

In level 12 the opening animation is as follows:
An army of Shield Bearers heads towards the heroes with their spiked shields. Murfy arrives and reassures everyone that the Shield Bearers are very slow due to their heavy shields and will never be able to reach them. Swifterella comments that she is lucky, adding that she does not want to face such mighty creatures. The south wind begins to blow and Murfy is carried away, but before ending up on the Shield Bearers' shields he is saved by Rayman. Murfy warns that in the south wind, if you jump or fly, you could be carried into the nails of the nightmares' shields. Wheet, poking his head out of Rayman's pocket, says that he will never come out of Rayman's jacket again.

In level 12, the Shield Bearers and the South Wind will appear for the first time. However, in one part of the level, the south wind cloud will be found, which can be defeated. We will have to go back to recover what was left before the Shield Bearers reach or exceed those points.

The animation of level 13 introduces a shriveled and toothless king, completely made of ice, who introduces himself as the Cold King. He greets Rayman by saying that he won't reach his queen without first passing over his corpse, and the Shield Bearers begin to arrive. Rayman replies that it is not right to fight many against one. The king replies that a king is too important to be left alone in battle.

In this level, the winds will blow in an iridescent manner, but will be recognizable by the color of the transported leaves. After launching his attacks, Cold King will remove the crown, smiling and bowing, revealing a purple octopus on his head. The octopus can also be hit by jumping on it. Each close range blow, inflicted during the north wind, is worth double, while jumping during the south wind will end up among the Shield Bearers. The hits needed to defeat the Cold King are 6 with ranged hits and 3 with close range hits.

Level 14 opening animation:
Our heroes arrive at the Frost Queen's castle. Santa Ray reveals that to defeat the queen it is necessary to use the diamond sword, hidden in her icy cloak. However, only those wearing the ice gauntlets, also hidden in the castle, can wield the sword. Swifterella tells Rayman that she will find her gloves while he faces the queen and takes away her sword. So that she can then intervene by taking the sword and dealing the final blow to the queen.

In this level, Rayman finds himself in the castle and must face enemies to reach the Frost Queen.

Level 15 opening animation:
Rayman enters the Frost Queen's room, and she bursts out laughing. Rayman orders her to return her gifts to Santa Ray, threatening to send her to the Cave of Bad Dreams. Santa Ray points out that the children will be sad without their presents. The unconcerned Frost Queen explains that she doesn't care about children and that this is punishment for being put on the naughty list when she was a child, suggesting that they console the children with brioches. Then, she informs them that they will not send her to the Cave of Bad Dreams, pointing to a corridor above, where the heroes look to see Swifterella imprisoned.

In this last level by climbing the stairs, it is possible to save Swifterella, but even without her, the first two blows can be dealt to the queen. If the player does not save Swifterella, after the second blow the queen will still lose her sword. But instead of Swifterella taking the sword, the Frost Queen takes it back, using it to destroy Rayman with a single blow.

After defeating Frost Queen, an animation starts: Santa Ray retrieves the presents and celebrates with the teen elves and reindeer. Santa Ray thanks the heroes for their help and asks each one what wish they have. Rayman says he wants to be an adult again, Swifterella wants new skis, Wheet wants to not be hurt by sunlight. Santa Ray says he can't exactly do everything but will try to accommodate them. So he gives some skis to Swifterella, a potion that allows Rayman to grow back for 24 hours by drinking a glass of it and some biscuits that make Wheet immune to sunlight, one of which is effective for 24 hours. Santa Ray and the teen elves ride the sleigh and the reindeer tie themselves to it. They salute the heroes and fly away, breaking the castle roof.
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