Ideas Of Descartes
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Messaggi : 154
Data di iscrizione : 29.09.21

Ideas Beast Arena Empty Ideas Beast Arena

Sab Mag 18, 2024 8:03 pm
It would be nice if you put up to 2000 trophies that you can obtain without accessing subsequent arenas once you reach 6000 trophies so as to encourage competitiveness in the last league (I'm not there but I think it would be bad not to be able to use the final arena even after the 6000 trophies). Maybe every season the trophies could go back to 6000 (I don't know how the leagues work here but I suppose it works like clash royale [I played clash royale so let's say I have this prejudice]) and the extra ones could be turned into gold (which in this game is a very valuable resource).
It would also be nice if you put some skins. Skins can be very profitable as Fortnite shows.
You could put the skins in the common wishing well and in the premium wishing well. You could change the cost of the common wishing well to 100 gems to obtain 1 item among those already present and among skins (0.05% probability), 1 card found only in events (0.25%), 10 cards found only in events (0.20%), arena cards (65%), wallpapers (1%) and emojis (2%). While with 1000 you could get 11 spins ( 1 bonus).
The skins could have 5 levels. At level 1 the character's attack and life could increase by 1% while at level 5 by 5%. While the skin could be visible already from arena 1, the skin's ability could be activated only if the animal that owns it is at the maximum level and the player is in the 6000 trophies. If you find a skin that you already have in the wishing well it could automatically become a skin point (they are used to upgrade a skin)
Pipistrellacula could have Dracula's skin.

Character Ideas:
Chameleon: a character that when it hits a character copies its appearance and its ability maintaining its life and its attack until the end of its next turn. level 10 could do 100 damage (it is not taken at random. 100 is the damage of the chicken's ability+6) so that it can be useful or useless depending on which character it copies.
Cannon Mouse: this mouse has swallowed a cannonball and every 3 times it hits the walls of the arena it vomits it out, damaging the opponents it hits. The cannonball could do as much damage as an arena cannon 4 and with the skin the damage of the alloy 1 cannon.
Sorcerer polar bear: damages the life possessed by enemies at that moment by 10% and makes the enemies hit cold, slowing down their speed by 50% for 2 turns. It would be useful to remove the monopoly of the witch frog in percentage damage to multiple enemies, allowing a choice.
Queen Orca (50 per turn): Orca that doubles in number each turn unused damage that will be used against a random enemy when an ally hits her. At level 10 she could start from 50 damage (it takes 5 hits to destroy a panda at level 11).The unused damage(skill) animation could be the orca queen devouring the enemy.
Medusa Viper: as soon as it stops, this viper transforms the enemy it is watching into a statue for one turn if it is within its range of action. If the next turn the petrified enemy has to attack the player will lose the turn. Furthermore, the animal while It is a statue and cannot be moved by others or even harm enemies.
Vandal baboon: This baboon enjoys dirtying the arena by throwing a banana peel in a random part of it every turn. If the enemies hit one of its peels they will be stunned as well as taking damage. While they are stunned the animals will not be able to damage the enemies and will have to pass their turn to an animal of the same player that is not stunned. However, they can be moved if hit.
Golemizzly: This grizzly golem hits enemies within its range at the end of its turn, petrifying them. Its range may be shorter than that of the elephant.
White Otter Magician: At the end of the turn the first animal hit by the london will have canceled its next attack having to hand it over to the next animal for the first sequence.
Miraculous Koala: The koala could have little damage like the cow and the crab to make the ability balanced. His ability is that if you defeat an enemy with him, your animal will come back to life with full life.
Calculating bat: The calculating bat, through a mathematical calculation, is able to transform multiple damage into single damage, canceling out to all but one the multiple damage suffered by a cannon, frog or anything else that can hit more than a single target with a single shot .
Lightning Rattlesnake: This rattlesnake shocks enemies hit for 2 turns, making the non-zapped animal (if any) switch its turn. Shocked animals can be moved by other animals and can damage enemies if hit by other animals .
Robot Dinosaur: This robotic dinosaur launches a lightning ray that strikes at the end of its turn for 2 turns the affected animals. The range of the ability may be a little less than that of the panda and the damage may be less.
Cowardly Rabbit: This rabbit is scared to death. He thought he was going to a medieval themed fair but instead he found himself inside the beast arena. The rabbit holds a shield in front of him that protects him from frontal damage. This it means that he can only be hit from behind and therefore could have a lower lifespan than other animals.
Transcendent Doe: On every other turn, it reflects enemy blows with a magical shield in front of it.
Lady Skunk: Lady Skunk when she defeats an enemy she gets a push and leaves a green cloud in her path that damages enemies who pass over it.
Protective cheetah: Through white magic it creates a barrier for 5 turns in the allies it hits, preventing them from suffering negative effects (apart from loss of life).
Lengthening octopus: each turn it lengthens its tentacles which it uses to attack. So each turn it increases its attack area.
Sharko the boss: Does single damage and at level 9 deals 15% damage to opponents and leaves the shark bite (similar to the croc bite).
Sharp-billed Crane: it deals single damage and at level 9 with its beak it deals 25% damage to the life possessed at that moment by the enemy hit.
Happy Hen: Each level has 1 more damage and at level 10 it has 800-900 life. At the end of its turn two of the many abandoned eggs it has looked after hatch from which two chicks are born which at level 12 have 44 life and damage. When the hen loses 50% of her health in her next 2 turns not a single egg will hatch.
Poisonous Viper: Poisons every opponent hit, causing them to lose 1% life per turn to the life currently possessed by the enemies hit for 3-4 turns.
Camouflage Indonesian Octopus: While it's not its turn, this octopus takes on the appearance of the nearest animal, maintaining its life and damage and only copying the ability.
Pygmy seahorse: This seahorse, when it is not its turn, clings to its coral which it plants in the ground. When the enemy is about to hit it from the front it gets scared by clinging tightly to the coral so that the enemy, after damaging it, slams into the coral and it stops immediately afterwards. For the allies, however, even if they hit us it will be like hitting a wall.
Dragon: It has a huge weight and low speed. These two characteristics allow it to reach the distance of a quarter of an arena. It takes away 50% of the remaining health and does multiple damage. Since its slowness makes it useful but not so much when it dies leaves a puddle of lava that spews out at the end of the turn, taking away 50% of the total health of all enemies in the area.
Chinese Dragon: when this dragon has less than 50% health, it can donate its life to bring a random ally back to life. To make it sacrifice itself, its turn time must expire.
Gunslinger Raven: this raven deals single damage and fires a bullet that takes away 30% of the life possessed at that moment if the enemy is close and 10% if he is far away.
Bulldog Boolzuka: This bulldog has a bazooka with which he takes away 30% of the life possessed by nearby enemies and 10% from distant ones. The damage is multiple.
Sniper Fox: This fox does 0 damage to very close enemies, 5% to slightly close enemies, 10% to medium range enemies and 40% to long range enemies.
Snail: When defeated, this snail closes itself in its shell and can be revived by destroying its shell but will return with less life. When defeated, it leaves slime on the ground for 1 turn which immobilizes the enemy who ends up on it for 2 turns.
Faithful Raccoon: This raccoon has the ability to hypnotize an opponent of your choice at the start of the turn which can only be freed by taking the 5 bottles of sacred elixir that it will drop on the ground. Each of its turns allows you to create a statue in a part of your choice of the arena which lasts permanently. The statue does not cause damage and remains immobile. It serves only as a protection tool for the elixir or for some of your characters. The statue will be hit at least 4 times (even in different turns but which are consecutive ) from the same animal will be destroyed so as to avoid blocking an animal inside 4 of them (you never know what goes through the players' heads).Description"This hypnotist raccoon is very faithful to his king and therefore places a his statue at every turn as a good luck charm"
Thieving magpie: Every turn this magpie steals two golden statues from the various temples and places them in the arena to be taken by his brother who, as soon as he arrives, takes them to their secret hiding place. You can create the statues in a part of the arena chosen by you, they are immobile and do no damage but disappear after 2 allied turns. They serve as a tool of protection towards allies on at least two sides.
Attractive Unicorn:Every turn she gives each animal she hits a decrease in damage towards herself of 8% (only towards her because she makes them fall in love). The percentage remains indefinitely on the hit target and with more hits the percentages add up.
Flying squirrel: This squirrel, instead of launching itself, flies towards the enemy to hit him with a shock wave left upon landing that pushes him away. When he flies, he leaves an explosive acorn where it was before which does 80 damage at level 10.
Billionaire Oyster: Each destroyed enemy leaves a pearl worth a thousand coins. Its usefulness is simply to make your coins grow.
Northern Penguin: every time this penguin falls into the water in the frozen league it loses only 20% of its health and returns to the arena. In addition to this, at the end of the turn it also leaves a fish on a random enemy. The fish can only be removed if the enemy manages to hit 4 enemies with it in a single turn. If the fish is not removed after 8 turns it will devour the enemy making him pass the turn to another ally. As soon as the fish devours the enemy he will have a certain life which can be damaged by both enemies and allies. By destroying the fish the devoured animal will be freed.
Vulture: Every time an enemy dies, it permanently increases its damage by a certain percentage.
Remore: this fish permanently increases the damage of a random ally by a certain percentage every time an enemy is defeated.
Tasmanian Devil: Whenever an enemy has less than 2% health left, this animal attacks it and defeats it by devouring it, recovering 10% health.
Lazy sloth: This sloth, if after being left with 8% health or less and survives until its next turn, will fall asleep and every turn until the next turn it will recover 20% life (at level 20) and give its turn to another animal ally.
Lazy sloth: This sloth, if after being left with 8% health or less and survives until its next turn, will fall asleep and every turn until the next turn it will recover 20% life (at level 20) and give its turn to another animal ally.
Spotted Hyena: This hyena begins to laugh after defeating an ally or an enemy, decreasing its current health by 7% and increasing its attack by 5%.
Shapeshifting Octopus: This octopus can only once leave within its range skill circle (two animals long) a cloning spell that creates animal clones  with the damage and ability possessed by cloned animals but with one life. Or to make it more realistic, leave 8 small shape-shifting octopuses that go to the animals within the ability's range of action and become clones of them, making the small shape-shifting octopuses that don't find an animal that no one has transformed into disappear. To activate the skill must not make him move during his turn so that as soon as the 5 seconds expire the skill will be activated. The level of the clones will depend on the level of the octopus.
Running Warthog: This warthog deals low damage but is very fast and if it hits the same character at least 4 times it will give extra strong damage to a random enemy.

Idea Football and pinball mode
In soccer mode there could be an arena with a goal for each player.
In each door there is an iron dummy that you can move within the limits of the door during your turn. Any damage you deal to the enemy remains inactive until the enemy falls inside their door. damage enemies and let them enter the opponent's goal.
In pinball mode the arena could have houses with a certain life. Each player will have the characters inside a container outside the arena until a character goes into the arena on his turn. The character to have a speed increase he will have to hit the pinball launchers who will automatically launch him and accelerate him. To win the player will have to conquer (taking away all his life) more available houses or the enemy will have to lose all the characters. Each house conquered by a player cannot be conquered by other players and it will do damage to the enemy player if hit. As soon as the turn ends, the character, after using the ability (if he has an end-of-turn skill), will be returned with his remaining life to the container outside the arena at the end of the row of player characters. If you wanted to increase the connection between victory and the characters used, you could make it so that each house conquered does damage to the enemy of the character who conquered it. But I think it would be too exaggerated given that the characters and their abilities would already be quite useful for conquering houses.
In football mode you could also do a 2vs2 by having 2 characters each in the arena at the start who give way to the other two if they died. Obviously the reserves of the leagues will always remain the same number.
A mode where you can win chests without losing or winning trophies like in clash royale would be great.

New Arena
Frozen arena
In this league made entirely of ice, every turn a block of ice breaks and causes the characters above them to fall into the water, taking away all their life. Once broken, the ice will mend again two turns later.
Arena of Mirrors
This arena has 4 mirrors. One for each side of the arena. All the mirrors are surrounded by walls. When an animal present in the arena numerically less than 2 enters a mirror the mirror is activated and as soon as another enemy animal oh friend, enters it takes the appearance, ability, life and damage of the previous animal that crossed it having a percentage of remaining life equal to the percentage of remaining life had during the crossing of the mirror. Mirrors are also gods you teleport and when you enter one mirror you exit another. If you and your opponent have the same animal, that animal will not be able to activate the mirror and therefore no animal will be able to transform into it. Every 3 turns the mirrors are deactivated and a mirror becomes a detransforming mirror that brings a transformed animal back to its original form. To change the shape of a transformed animal you can use either the detransformed mirror or you can transform it into another animal using normal mirrors

You could put heroes who have a prototype life of half the life of the 4 chosen characters which varies based on the ability an ability has and if it dies all the characters die. A hero could have the ability that at a certain distance from himself gives a 50% increase in attack to those who start from that distance and his life rather than 50% of the sum of the lives of the chosen characters could be 40% . Another one at the same distance increases the life of characters positioned there by 50%. The first time they land in that position they gain 50% extra life which is activated only at the hero's distance and who only suffers 60% of the total damage suffered. The hero also has 40% of the life of the chosen characters. Another might have the ability to double the damage done when hitting a character successive times. This character could have 50% prototype life of the chosen characters. Another gives the ability of a dead character to a random living character but if a character dies with a second ability received it will only give the character's own ability and if a character comes back to life every time he dies he will give up the ability of he. A character cannot have more than 2 abilities received. The hero has 65% life of the chosen characters. Another hero throws a disc that deals damage to the enemy during the attack but with a low speed. Another hero throws a tennis ball defensively that bounces at an average speed. Another hero gives double damage next turn to a character who has hit at least one enemy at least 2 times. Another character restores life to each resurrected character and deals counterattack damage to each destroyed enemy character, increasing it if he is present. Another hero creates a life shield 35% of the character's life at the same distance as the life-increasing hero and with the same method of application. The most powerful hero is slow and when hit at the end of the turn he explodes doing 100% damage to enemies in a small area. He has 52% life.

However, to better know which ideas players like most and avoid reading them all, you could have them written on Reddit and perhaps read the ones with the most likes (like Supercell did with clash royale).
And you could also have the problems of the game written in unofficial forums of all the existing languages by making an agreement with the administrators to have them give you every week the problems encountered by players of that language in a message on your Facebook.
And maybe for ideas tell the players to write them either in the English forum (since it is the international language) or in the Chinese one (since you are Chinese) [where you could send one of your collaborators who could look at the ones with the most likes] through a automatic message in support.
Furthermore, always with an automatic message in the support section, you could advise players to write problems relating to the game directly in the forum chosen by you for their language.
So instead of reading maybe 1000 messages with the same problem you could read 1 that exposes the problems of 6000 players.
It would be more efficient and there would be a gain for both you who save time and the forum administrators who gain publicity.
And maybe you leave the assistance for those who lose accounts or for problems that must be resolved immediately (such as if the battle does not work correctly or to report hackers.
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